303 research outputs found

    Saprolegnia infections of salmonid fish

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    This paper deals firstly with the identification and characteristics of fungal pathogens that colonize salmonids and then considers the relative importance of the condition of the host fish and the environmental factors which may influence the interaction between pathogen and host

    The effects of environmental stress on the physiology of growth in rainbow trout, Salmo gairderi Richardson

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    There is little doubt that both mammalian and teleost growth hormones can accelerate growth and increase food conversion efficiency in all commonly-reared species of salmonid fish. In those vertebrates that have been closely studied (predominantly mammals), the pituitary hormone somatotropin (GH or growth hormone) is a prime determinant of somatic growth. The hormone stimulates protein biosynthesis and tissue growth, enhances lipid utilization and lipid release from the adipose tissues (a protein-sparing effect) and suppresses the peripheral utilization of glucose. The present study is a prerequisite for future work on growth hormone physiology in salmonids and should contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms of growth suppression in stressed fish. Plasma growth hormone (GH) levels were measured in rainbow trout using a radioimmunoassay developed against chinook salmon growth hormone

    Genetic differentiation between Atlantic salmon populations in the Windermere catchment

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    Genetic analysis, using single locus probes for genomic DNA, revealed that the juvenile Atlantic salmon populations in the Rivers Leven, Rothay and Troutbeck were related but genetically distinct. This genetic differentiation is greater than might be expected (by comparison with other salmon populations in the UK) and it is recommended that no action is taken which might promote genetic exchange between the three rivers. Thus, future fisheries management practices should treat the salmon from each site as separate genetic stocks. It is unlikely that any attempts to encourage fish currently spawning in the River Leven (downstream of Windermere) to utilize the upper catchment will be successful. The faster growth rate of juvenile salmon in the River Leven, compared with the River Rothay, probably results from a difference in temperature between the inflowing streams and the main outflow of Windermere. Precocious sexual maturation of some male parr was found in all three populations but the incidence (13-33%) is well within the range reported for other waters. Because of their enhanced growth rate, it is likely that some of the precocious males in the River Leven were 0+ fish. A very high incidence of hybridization (>18%) between Atlantic salmon and brown/sea trout was found in Troutbeck but not in the other rivers. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of these hybrids revealed them to be the product of several, independent cross-fertilizations involving both sexes of both species. The implications of this finding are discussed in relation to the availability of suitable spawning sites in Troutbeck

    Factors affecting the susceptibility of salmonid fish to disease

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    A review article discussing the degree of susceptibility of fish to outbreaks of disease and whether, besides from changes in the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment, this susceptibility is instrumental in determining whether or not pathogenic challenge results in disease. The article summarises a decade of work on this subject at the Windermere laboratory of the Freshwater Biological Association and suggests possible directions for future research. The article covers experimental design, effects of environmental stress (including discussion on the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis in salmonid fish), sexual maturation, research areas for future development and evolutionary considerations. There are a number of accompanying figures and images

    Physiological aspects of the life cycle of the river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis L

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    The life cycle of the river lamprey, L. fluviatilis, is reviewed. The larval lamprey, or ammocoete, is a blind, filter-feeding animal, which normally lies concealed in the silt deposits of streams and rivers. After a period of 3-5 years in fresh water the ammocoete undergoes a metamorphosis in the summer months into a sexually immature, non-feeding stage known as the macrophthalia, which is active. This stage migrates downstream in late winter. It adopts a parasitic existence, in intertidal areas. After 18 months it returns to spawn in fresh water, after a final freshwater stage lasting up to 9 months. The river lamprey dies within a few days after the spawning period of 3-4 weeks, and none survive to spawn the following year

    The second Painlevé equation, a related nonautonomous semidiscrete equation, and a limit to the first Painlevé equation: scalar and matrix cases

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    In this paper we consider the matrix nonautonomous semidiscrete (or lattice) equation D dtUn = (2n − 1)(Un+1 − Un−1)−1, as well as the scalar case thereof. This equation was recently derived in the context of auto-BĂ€cklund transformations for a matrix partial differential equation. We use asymptotic techniques to reveal a connection between this equation and the matrix (or, as appropriate, scalar) first PainlevĂ© equation. In the matrix case, we also discuss our asymptotic analysis more generally, as well as considering a component-wise approach. In addition, Hamiltonian formulations of the matrix first and second PainlevĂ© equations are given, as well as a discussion of classes of solutions of the matrix second PainlevĂ© equation

    Behaviour of the extended Toda lattice

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    We consider the first member of an extended Toda lattice hierarchy. This system of equations is differential with respect to one independent variable and differential-delay with respect to a second independent variable. We use asymptotic analysis to consider the long wavelength limits of the system. By considering various magnitudes for the parameters involved, we derive reduced equations related to the Korteweg-de Vries and potential Boussinesq equations

    Behaviour of the extended modified Volterra lattice -- reductions to generalised mKdV and NLS equations

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    We consider the first member of an extended modified Volterra lattice hierarchy. This system of equations is differential with respect to one independent variable and differential-delay with respect to a second independent variable. We use asymptotic analysis to consider the long wavelength limits of the system. By considering various magnitudes for the parameters involved, we derive reduced equations related to the modified Korteweg-de Vries and nonlinear Schrodinger equations

    Effects of water quality in Bassenthwaite Lake on anglers' catches of salmon and sea-trout in the River Derwent

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    This is the report on the Effects of Water Quality in the Bassenthwaite Lake on Anglers Catches of Salmon and Sea-trout in the River Derwent April 1993 by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology. An analysis of the catch statistics for salmon and sea-trout in the Rivers Derwent and Cocker was undertaken in relation to available information on the algal water quality in Bassenthwaite Lake to test the hypothesis that poor catch returns were associated with a deterioration of water quality within the lake. Analysis of the catch statistics failed to reveal any correlation between water quality and catch returns for either species of fish and it is concluded that any water deterioration in Bassenthwaite Lake has not caused any major damage to the salmon and sea trout fisheries of the Derwent/Cocker system. This conclusion is supported by the analysis of the Windermere/Leven and Crake system, where no correlation could be found between lake water quality and downstream catches of migratory salmonid fish. However, the possibility still exists and such an effect might be detected by further field work on the macroinvertebrates and on the composition of potential salmonid spawning in the area
