249 research outputs found

    Methodological Issues in Biased Policing Research with Applications to the Washington State Patrol

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    Racial profiling violates the United States Constitution’s premise that all people are equal under the law, as well as the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee that people should be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Racial profiling has been found to result from individual officer racism or stereotyping, from institutionalized biases, and from the organizational culture of law enforcement agencies. We begin this Article by discussing the history of racial profiling before proceeding to consider various studies from a select number of American jurisdictions. We then examine important methodological and theoretical issues in conducting research on racial profiling and racially biased policing, including a detailed discussion of our research with the Washington State Patrol (WSP). These issues are important to consider because if studies of racial profiling are not based on sound scientific principles, then those who deny the existence of the problem can attribute revelations of bias to faulty research methodology. The Article concludes with a response to the critiques of our methodology and conclusions presented by Professors Mario Barnes and Robert Chang

    Methodological Issues in Biased Policing Research with Applications to the Washington State Patrol

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    Racial profiling violates the United States Constitution’s premise that all people are equal under the law, as well as the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee that people should be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Racial profiling has been found to result from individual officer racism or stereotyping, from institutionalized biases, and from the organizational culture of law enforcement agencies. We begin this Article by discussing the history of racial profiling before proceeding to consider various studies from a select number of American jurisdictions. We then examine important methodological and theoretical issues in conducting research on racial profiling and racially biased policing, including a detailed discussion of our research with the Washington State Patrol (WSP). These issues are important to consider because if studies of racial profiling are not based on sound scientific principles, then those who deny the existence of the problem can attribute revelations of bias to faulty research methodology. The Article concludes with a response to the critiques of our methodology and conclusions presented by Professors Mario Barnes and Robert Chang

    Observations on the Ichnology of the Meguma Group (? Cambro-Ordovician) of Nova Scotia

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    The trace fossils Arenicolites variabalis Cirauliahnis montanus and Paleodictyon (Glenodictyum) cf. imperfection from the ?Cambro-Ordovician Meguma Group of Nova Scotia are described in detail. The significance of the occurrence of each of these ichnospecies is also noted. The environmental and stratigraphic ranges of A. variabalis are extended respectively to 'deep water' and the Ordovician; the stratigraphic range of C. montanus is extended to the Ordovician and its presence in the Meguma Group to date represents the first and only recording of the species in the western hemisphere; P. cf, irnperfectum provides additional evidence that at least part of the Goldenville Formation is Ordovician. RÉSUMÉ On décrit en détail les traces fossiles Arenicolites variabalis, Circulichnis montanus et Paleodiotyon (Glenodictyum) cf, imperfection provenant du groupe Meguma (?Cambro-Ordovicien) de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. De plus, l'on met en évidence la signification de la presence de chacune de ces ichnoespèces. On étend l'environnement d'A. variabilis jusqu'en 'eau profonde' et sa portée stratigraphique jusqu'à l'Ordovicien; la portée stratigraphique de C. montanus est étendue à l'Ordovicien et jusqu'à ce jour, le groupe Meguma repréaente le seul endroit dans l'hemisphère ouest oû sa présence est notée; P. cf. imperfectum fournlt une preuve de plus qu'au moins une partie de la formation de Goldenville date de l'Ordovicien. [Traduit par le journal

    Lived environmentalisms: Everyday encounters and difference in Australia's north

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    This paper focuses on everyday encounters between environmentalists and Indigenous activists during a dispute around a proposed gas hub development in the Kimberley, NW Australia, to explore the possibilities of practising environmentalism differently. It makes visible the complexity, contestations and dilemmas of putting environmentalism into practice in particular places and calls for the specificness of how environmentalisms are negotiated and developed through encounters to be more carefully attended to. It draws on 32 face-to-face in-depth interviews conducted with activists from national Australian environmental organisations working in the Kimberley, Kimberley-based environmental groups, Kimberley Indigenous organisations, participant observations at protest camp site visits and analysis of campaign literature. Closely interrogating lived environmentalisms—how environmentalists put into practice their values in everyday encounters—reveals not only evidence of white environmentalists expanding their conceptions of the environment beyond dualisms and engaging with multispecies justice, but also a hesitancy and complexity in supporting Indigenous self-determination and a limited capacity to challenge colonial-capitalist frameworks

    Sustainable communities and green lifestyles: consumption and environmentalism

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    Living in an eco-community

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    What is it like to live in an eco-community? What are the highlights and the challenges? This short comic explores everyday eco-community life. Based on my experiences of working with eco-communities, in Britain and worldwide over the last 15 years, it captures some of the daily joys and dilemmas of living together ecologically

    Doings with the land and sea: Decolonising geographies, Indigeneity, and enacting place-agency

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    Indigenous and decolonising geographies should be unsettling and challenging to the ontological foundations of the geographical discipline. Yet despite many scholars recognising and arguing for the need for these perspectives, Indigeneity remains marginal and Indigenous knowledge has been denied academic legitimacy within geography. Using ‘doings’ as an active, emergent, and evolving praxis, this paper examines how we can do Indigenous and settler geographies better. It illustrates how knowledge, emotions, feelings and intuition only come into being through the doings of the body with other bodies, places, and objects, including non-humans. Action and thought are indistinguishable, feeling is knowing, and the world becomes known through doing and movement. In these doings, place – particularly the land and sea – is an active agent in the making of beings and knowledge. By focusing on active doings in place, and acknowledging the temporalities of Indigenous ontologies, geographers are better able to support political and everyday struggles, situate our work in relation to colonialism, recognise and value everyday practices of resurgence, and spend time building relationships. ‘Doing’ geography differently would decentre academics as the source of knowledge production, employ more diverse voices in our teaching and provide embodied and material resistance to colonialism and neoliberal capitalism

    Mafic intrusions on Campobello Island: implications for New Brunswick - Maine correlations

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    Late Ordovician through Early Devonian units of the Passamaquoddy Bay area are interpreted to represent sequences that evolved in arc and back-arc environments. The main elements of the arc are exposed on Campobello Island and include a predominantly felsic volcanic sequence to the northeast, a sequence of intercalated turbidite and mafic volcanic rocks to the southwest, and matic dyke swarms throughout. Petrographic. geochemical, and 40Ar/39Ar studies of these rocks record episodic deformation and varying degrees of metamorphism up to lower amphibolite facies, and a protracted history of mafic magma injection from a similar source beginning in the Early Silurian. These features, combined with stratigraphic relationships and overall structural patterns, indicate a rapid transition from felsic- to mafic-dominated magmatism accompanied by radical changes in the depositional regime in the arc with time, and exposure of progressively deeper crustal levels towards the northeast within the arc. Review of the assignment of other units in the Passamaquoddy Bay region to major tectonostratigraphic bells north of Campobello Island clarifies regional correlations and provides possible additional links to Neoproterozoic basement in the area. RÉSUMÉ Les unités de l'Ordovicien superieur au Dévonicn inférieur du secteur de la baie Passamaquoddy sont interprétées comme des unités représentatives de séquences ayant évolué dans des environnements d'arc et d'arriére-arc. Les principaux éléments de de l'arc affleurent sur l'ile Campobello et component une séquence principalcment volcanofelsique au nord-est. une sequence volcanomafique/turbiditique intercalée au sud-ouest et des groupes de filons mafiques un peu panout. Des études pétrographiques. géochimiques et 40Ar/39Ar de ces roches rélèvent une déformation épisodique et des degrés divers de métamorphisme jusqu'au faciès amphibolique infèrieur, ainsi que des antécédents prolongés d'injection de magma mafique d'une source similairc à partir du Silurien inferieur. Ces particulierités conjuguécs aux relations stratigraphiques et aux configurations slructurales générates, révèlent une transition rapide d'un magmatisme à prédominance mafique a un magmatisme à prédominance mafique accompagné de changements spectaculaires dans te régime de sédimentation à l'intérieur de l'are avec le temps, ainsi qu'un affleurement de niveaux crustaux progressivement plus profonds vers le nord-est a l'intcrieur de l'are. L'examen de l'affectation des autres unités dans la region de la baie Passamaquoddy aux principals structures teconostratigraphiques au nord de l'ile Campobello clarifie les correlations régionalcs et foumit des liens supplémentaires possibles avec le socle du Protéroique supérieur du secteur. Traduit par la rédactio
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