31 research outputs found

    Production of Long Chain Fatty Alcohols Found in Bumblebee Pheromones by Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Fatty alcohols (FA-OH) are aliphatic unbranched primary alcohols with a chain of four or more carbon atoms. Besides potential industrial applications, fatty alcohols have important biological functions as well. In nature, fatty alcohols are produced as a part of a mixture of pheromones in several insect species, such as moths, termites, bees, wasps, etc. In addition, FA-OHs have a potential for agricultural applications, for example, they may be used as a suitable substitute for commercial insecticides. The insecticides have several drawbacks associated with their preparation, and they exert a negative impact on the environment. Currently, pheromone components are prepared mainly through the catalytic hydrogenation of plant oils and petrochemicals, which is an unsustainable, ecologically unfriendly, and highly expensive process. The biotechnological production of the pheromone components using engineered microbial strains and through the expression of the enzymes participating in the biosynthesis of these components is a promising approach that ensures ecological sustenance as well. The present study was aimed at evaluating the production of FA-OHs in the oleaginous yeast, Yarrowia lipolytica, with different lengths of fatty-acyl chains by expressing the fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR) BlapFAR4 from B. lapidarius, producing C16:0-OH, C16:1Δ9-OH, and lower quantities of both C14:0-OH and C18:1Δ9-OH, and BlucFAR1 from B. lucorum, producing FA-OHs with a chain length of 18–26 carbon atoms, in this yeast. Among the different novel Y. lipolytica strains used in the present study, the best results were obtained with JMY7086, which carried several lipid metabolism modifications and expressed the BlucFAR1 gene under the control of a strong constitutive promoter 8UAS-pTEF. JMY7086 produced only saturated fatty alcohols with chain lengths from 18 to 24 carbon atoms. The highest titer and accumulation achieved were 166.6 mg/L and 15.6 mg/g DCW of fatty alcohols, respectively. Unlike JMY7086, the BlapFAR4-expressing strain JMY7090 produced only 16 carbon atom-long FA-OHs with a titer of 14.6 mg/L

    Fast prototyping of hydrophobic disposable polymer support arrays for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry of proteins by atmospheric molding

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    A fast protocol for prototyping hydrophobic disposable poly(alkyl methacrylate-comethyl methacrylate) copolymer sample support arrays for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) of proteins by atmospheric molding is int

    Comparison of a retroviral protease in monomeric and dimeric states

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    Retroviral proteases RPs are of high interest owing to their crucial role in the maturation process of retroviral particles. RPs are obligatory homodimers, with a pepsin like active site built around two aspartates in DTG triads that activate a water molecule, as the nucleophile, under two flap loops. Mason Pfizer monkey virus M PMV is unique among retroviruses as its protease is also stable in the monomeric form, as confirmed by an existing crystal structure of a 13 amp; 8197;kDa variant of the protein M PMV PR and its previous biochemical characterization. In the present work, two mutants of M PMV PR, D26N and C7A D26N C106A, were crystallized in complex with a peptidomimetic inhibitor and one mutant D26N was crystallized without the inhibitor. The crystal structures were solved at resolutions of 1.6, 1.9 and 2.0 amp; 8197; , respectively. At variance with the previous study, all of the new structures have the canonical dimeric form of retroviral proteases. The protomers within a dimer differ mainly in the flap loop region, with the most extreme case observed in the apo structure, in which one flap loop is well defined while the other flap loop is not defined by electron density. The presence of the inhibitor molecules in the complex structures was assessed using polder maps, but some details of their conformations remain ambiguous. In all of the presented structures the active site contains a water molecule buried deeply between the Asn26 Thr27 Gly28 triads of the protomers. Such a water molecule is completely unique not only in retropepsins but also in aspartic proteases in general. The C7A and C106A mutations do not influence the conformation of the protein. The Cys106 residue is properly placed at the homodimer interface area for a disulfide cross link, but the reducing conditions of the crystallization experiment prevented S S bond formation. An animated Interactive 3D Complement I3DC is available in Proteopedia .

    The role of the S-S bridge in retroviral protease function and virion maturation

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    Retroviral proteases are translated as a part of Gag-related polyproteins, and are released and activated during particle release. Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV) Gag polyproteins assemble into immature capsids within the cytoplasm of the host cells

    Crystal structures of inhibitor complexes of M PMV protease with visible flap loops

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    Mason Pfizer monkey virus protease PR was crystallized in complex with two pepstatin based inhibitors in P1 space group. In both crystal structures, the extended flap loops that lock the inhibitor substrate over the active site, are visible in the electron density either completely or with only small gaps, providing the first observation of the conformation of the flap loops in dimeric complex form of this retropepsin. The H bond network in the active site with D26N mutation differs from that reported for the P21 crystal structures and is similar to a rarely occurring system in HIV 1 P

    Crystal structures of inhibitor complexes of M‐PMV

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    Mason Pfizer monkey virus protease PR was crystallized in complex with two pepstatin based inhibitors in P1 space group. In both crystal structures, the extended flap loops that lock the inhibitor substrate over the active site, are visible in the electron density either completely or with only small gaps, providing the first observation of the conformation of the flap loops in dimeric complex form of this retropepsin. The H bond network in the active site with D26N mutation differs from that reported for the P21 crystal structures and is similar to a rarely occurring system in HIV 1 P

    Structural and Functional Studies of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis, the second leading infectious disease killer after HIV, remains a top public health priority. The causative agent of tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), which can cause both acute and clinically latent infections, reprograms metabolism in response to the host niche. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Pck) is the enzyme at the center of the phosphoenolpyruvate-pyruvate-oxaloacetate node, which is involved in regulating the carbon flow distribution to catabolism, anabolism, or respiration in different states of Mtb infection. Under standard growth conditions, Mtb Pck is associated with gluconeogenesis and catalyzes the metal-dependent formation of phosphoenolpyruvate. In non-replicating Mtb, Pck can catalyze anaplerotic biosynthesis of oxaloacetate. Here, we present insights into the regulation of Mtb Pck activity by divalent cations. Through analysis of the X-ray structure of Pck-GDP and Pck-GDP-Mn2+ complexes, mutational analysis of the GDP binding site, and quantum mechanical (QM)-based analysis, we explored the structural determinants of efficient Mtb Pck catalysis. We demonstrate that Mtb Pck requires presence of Mn2+ and Mg2+ cations for efficient catalysis of gluconeogenic and anaplerotic reactions. The anaplerotic reaction, which preferably functions in reducing conditions that are characteristic for slowed or stopped Mtb replication, is also effectively activated by Fe2+ in the presence of Mn2+ or Mg2+ cations. In contrast, simultaneous presence of Fe2+ and Mn2+ or Mg2+ inhibits the gluconeogenic reaction. These results suggest that inorganic ions can contribute to regulation of central carbon metabolism by influencing the activity of Pck. Furthermore, the X-ray structure determination, biochemical characterization, and QM analysis of Pck mutants confirmed the important role of the Phe triad for proper binding of the GDP-Mn2+ complex in the nucleotide binding site and efficient catalysis of the anaplerotic reaction

    Biosynthesis of fatty acid derivatives by recombinant Yarrowia lipolytica containing MsexD2 and MsexD3 desaturase genes from Manduca sexta

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    One of the most interesting groups of fatty acid derivates is the group of conjugated fatty acids from which the most researched include: conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and conjugated linolenic acid (CLNA), which are associated with countless health benefits. Sex pheromone mixtures of some insect species, including tobacco horn-worm (Manduca sexta), are typical for the production of uncommon C16 long conjugated fatty acids with two and three conjugated double bonds, as opposed to C18 long CLA and CLNA. In this study, M. sexta desaturases MsexD2 and MsexD3 were expressed in multiple strains of Y. lipolytica with different genotypes. Experiments with the supplementation of fatty acid methyl esters into the medium resulted in the production of novel fatty acids. Using GCxGC-MS, 20 new fatty acids with two or three double bonds were identified. Fatty acids with conjugated or isolated double bonds, or a combination of both, were produced in trace amounts. The results of this study prove that Y. lipolytica is capable of synthesizing C16-conjugated fatty acids. Further genetic optimization of the Y. lipolytica genome and optimization of the fermentation process could lead to increased production of novel fatty acid derivatives with biotechnologically interesting properties