42 research outputs found

    Habitat rural antique de la moyenne montagne corrézienne

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    Ce programme collectif de recherche part du constat que, globalement, l’habitat rural antique de la moyenne montagne reste largement mĂ©connu. Ce milieu gĂ©ographique spĂ©cifique n’est pas complĂštement inexplorĂ© mais il n’a pu bĂ©nĂ©ficier de l’essor rĂ©cent de l’archĂ©ologie prĂ©ventive, particuliĂšrement en milieu rural. La CorrĂšze apparaĂźt comme un laboratoire d’étude particuliĂšrement propice car le corpus des occupations antiques s’étoffe rĂ©guliĂšrement ces derniĂšres annĂ©es du fait d’une forte acti..

    La fin des cultes et des sanctuaires paĂŻens urbains en Belgique et en Lyonnaise (iiie s. – dĂ©but du ve s. apr. J.-⁠C.)

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    L’étude de l’abandon des sanctuaires en Gaule Belgique et Lyonnaise durant l’AntiquitĂ© tardive est complexe. Rares sont les sanctuaires dont les mĂ©thodes de fouille ont permis d’observer des Ă©lĂ©ments matĂ©riels prĂ©cis relatifs Ă  leur abandon et/ou Ă  leur dĂ©mantĂšlement. Il est cependant possible de mettre en Ă©vidence un large phĂ©nomĂšne de dĂ©mantĂšlement organisĂ© des grands sanctuaires civiques pĂ©riurbains entre le milieu du iiie siĂšcle et le milieu du ive siĂšcle. Les sanctuaires de Mithra, quant Ă  eux, ainsi que certains autres sanctuaires, non civiques, connaissent des modalitĂ©s de fermeture diffĂ©rentes et souvent plus tardives.It is difficult to study the closing down of sanctuaries in Belgica and Lugdunensis during Late Antiquity. Methods of excavation have seldom allowed us to observe specific material elements related to their abandonment and/or dismantling. However, it is possible to highlight a large phenomenon of the organized dismantling of the great periurban civic sanctuaries between the middle of the third and the middle of the fourth century, while sanctuaries of Mithra and some other non civic sanctuaries show different and often later modalities of closing down

    Produire chez les LĂ©movices et dans le Limousin de l’ñge du Fer au Moyen Âge : introduction

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    AprĂšs trois journĂ©es d’études consacrĂ©es aux agglomĂ©rations secondaires (Limoges 2012), au rapport entre Ă©lites et territoires (Clermont 2013), aux limites des territoires (Limoges 2017), le quatriĂšme volet des « JournĂ©es lĂ©movices », portĂ©es par StĂ©phanie GuĂ©don (Université de Limoges), Anne Massoni (UniversitĂ© de Limoges) et Blaise Pichon (UCA) a Ă©tĂ© intitulĂ© « Produire chez les LĂ©movices et dans le Limousin de l’ñge du Fer au Moyen Âge ». La thĂ©matique choisie est large, tant par son ample..

    La question des agglomĂ©rations secondaires de l’ñge du fer au Moyen Âge : les LĂ©movices et leur territoire

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    PrĂ©sentation des n° 33-34 de SiĂšcles. Revue du Centre d’Histoire « Espaces et Cultures », qui rĂ©unit les travaux produits lors des journĂ©es d’études qui se sont tenues Ă  Limoges les 19 et 20 avril 2012 sur les agglomĂ©rations secondaires lĂ©movices

    Élites et territoires. LĂ©movices et Limousins de l’ñge du fer au Moyen Âge. Introduction

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    La journĂ©e d’études « Élites et territoire lĂ©movice et limousin de l’ñge du fer au Moyen Âge », tenue Ă  Clermont-Ferrand le 19 janvier 2013, poursuit le cycle initiĂ© en 2012 sous l’égide du CRIHAM, Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Limoges. Elle se place dans une double filiation. Elle est tout d’abord motivĂ©e par la volontĂ© de contribuer Ă  la dynamique de la recherche historique et archĂ©ologique sur l’espace limousin, sur le temps long, du IIe siĂšcle avant J.-C. Ă  la fin de la pĂ©riode mĂ©diĂ©vale. La rencontr..

    Actuarial Analysis of Retirement Income Replacement Ratios

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    A measure of level of post-retirement standard of living is the replacement ratio, i.e., percentage of final salary received as annual retirement income derived from savings. The replacement ratio depends on many factors including salary, salary increases, investment returns, and post-retirement mortality. Elementary life contingencies techniques are used to develop a replacement ratio formula and analyze its sensitivity to these factors

    Custom human endogenous retroviruses dedicated microarray identifies self-induced HERV-W family elements reactivated in testicular cancer upon methylation control

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    Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are an inherited part of the eukaryotic genomes, and represent ∌400 000 loci in the human genome. Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) can be divided into distinct families, composed of phylogenetically related but structurally heterogeneous elements. The majority of HERVs are silent in most physiological contexts, whereas a significant expression is observed in pathological contexts, such as cancers. Owing to their repetitive nature, few of the active HERV elements have been accurately identified. In addition, there are no criteria defining the active promoters among HERV long-terminal repeats (LTRs). Hence, it is difficult to understand the HERV (de)regulation mechanisms and their implication on the physiopathology of the host. We developed a microarray to specifically detect the LTR-containing transcripts from the HERV-H, HERV-E, HERV-W and HERV-K(HML-2) families. HERV transcriptome was analyzed in the placenta and seven normal/tumoral match-pair samples. We identified six HERV-W loci overexpressed in testicular cancer, including a usually placenta-restricted transcript of ERVWE1. For each locus, specific overexpression was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR, and comparison of the activity of U3 versus U5 regions suggested a U3-promoted transcription coupled with 5â€ČR initiation. The analysis of DNA from tumoral versus normal tissue revealed that hypomethylation of U3 promoters in tumors is a prerequisite for their activation

    Microarray-Based Sketches of the HERV Transcriptome Landscape

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    Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are spread throughout the genome and their long terminal repeats (LTRs) constitute a wide collection of putative regulatory sequences. Phylogenetic similarities and the profusion of integration sites, two inherent characteristics of transposable elements, make it difficult to study individual locus expression in a large-scale approach, and historically apart from some placental and testis-regulated elements, it was generally accepted that HERVs are silent due to epigenetic control. Herein, we have introduced a generic method aiming to optimally characterize individual loci associated with 25-mer probes by minimizing cross-hybridization risks. We therefore set up a microarray dedicated to a collection of 5,573 HERVs that can reasonably be assigned to a unique genomic position. We obtained a first view of the HERV transcriptome by using a composite panel of 40 normal and 39 tumor samples. The experiment showed that almost one third of the HERV repertoire is indeed transcribed. The HERV transcriptome follows tropism rules, is sensitive to the state of differentiation and, unexpectedly, seems not to correlate with the age of the HERV families. The probeset definition within the U3 and U5 regions was used to assign a function to some LTRs (i.e. promoter or polyA) and revealed that (i) autonomous active LTRs are broadly subjected to operational determinism (ii) the cellular gene density is substantially higher in the surrounding environment of active LTRs compared to silent LTRs and (iii) the configuration of neighboring cellular genes differs between active and silent LTRs, showing an approximately 8 kb zone upstream of promoter LTRs characterized by a drastic reduction in sense cellular genes. These gathered observations are discussed in terms of virus/host adaptive strategies, and together with the methods and tools developed for this purpose, this work paves the way for further HERV transcriptome projects