7 research outputs found

    Die Rezeption der Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorin Cornelia Funke im deutschen und englischen Sprachraum

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    Die Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit der Rezeption der BĂŒcher der deutschen Kinderbuchautorin Cornelia Funke im deutschen und englischen Sprachraum. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Rezeption in Tages- und Wochenzeitungen sowie literarischen und kinderliterarischen Fachzeitschriften. Nach einer Untersuchung der chronologischen Rezeptionsentwicklung beschĂ€ftigt sich die Arbeit mit zwei PhĂ€nomenen im Besonderen: der hĂ€ufigen Bezeichnung der Autorin als "deutsche J. K. Rowling" sowie der Nennung Funkes im Kontext der All-Age-Literatur. Weiters untersucht die Arbeit die Rezeption einzelner Werke; exemplarisch anhand von "Herr der Diebe" und der "Tintenwelt"-Trilogie

    Individualizing Follow-Up Strategies in High-Grade Soft Tissue Sarcoma with Flexible Parametric Competing Risk Regression Models

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    Currently, patients with extremity soft tissue sarcoma (eSTS) who have undergone curative resection are followed up by a heuristic approach, not covering individual patient risks. The aim of this study was to develop two flexible parametric competing risk regression models (FPCRRMs) for local recurrence (LR) and distant metastasis (DM), aiming at providing guidance on how to individually follow-up patients. Three thousand sixteen patients (1931 test, 1085 validation cohort) with high-grade eSTS were included in this retrospective, multicenter study. Histology (9 categories), grading (time-varying covariate), gender, age, tumor size, margins, (neo)adjuvant radiotherapy (RTX), and neoadjuvant chemotherapy (CTX) were used in the FPCRRMs and performance tested with Harrell-C-index. Median follow-up was 50 months (interquartile range: 23.3–95 months). Two hundred forty-two (12.5%) and 603 (31.2%) of test cohort patients developed LR and DM. Factors significantly associated with LR were gender, size, histology, neo- and adjuvant RTX, and margins. Parameters associated with DM were margins, grading, gender, size, histology, and neoadjuvant RTX. C-statistics was computed for internal (C-index for LR: 0.705, for DM: 0.723) and external cohort (C-index for LR: 0.683, for DM: 0.772). Depending on clinical, pathological, and patient-related parameters, LR- and DM-risks vary. With the present model, implemented in the updated Personalised Sarcoma Care (PERSARC)-app, more individualized prediction of LR/DM-risks is made possible