81 research outputs found

    Erziehung zur Gemeinschaft. Eine Utopie?

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit stellt einen Versuch dar, die aktuelle "Strategie 2020" der EuropĂ€ischen Union vor dem Hintergrund des erziehungstheoretischen und bildungsphilosophischen Klassikers "SozialpĂ€dagogik. Willensbildung auf Grundlage der Gemeinschaft" zu lesen. Die besondere Komponente der Gemeinschaft die beiden innewohnt ist hierbei der Anhaltspunkt. Eine ErgĂ€nzung zu diesem Vorhaben stellt das Konzept der "Sozialen KohĂ€sion" dar, welche den Bezugsrahmen erweitert und an den momentanen sozialen und bildungspolitischen Diskurs anknĂŒpft.The available thesis with main emphasis on social education is an attempt to read the current "Strategy 2020" of the European Union in the setting of the classic about the theory of education "Social education. The development of will on the basis of the sense of community" Additionally, this work depicts the concept of "social cohesion", which expands the frame of reference of this thesis and also resumes to the present discourse about education and social research

    Long-Term Effects of the Individual Placement and Support Intervention on Employment Status: 6-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    People with mental illness often experience difficulties with reintegration into the workplace, although employment is known to assist these individuals in their recovery process. Traditional approaches of "first train, then place" have been recently replaced by supported employment (SE) methods that carry strategy of "first place, then train." Individual placement and support (IPS) is one of the best-studied methods of SE, which core principles are individualized assistance in rapid job search with consequent placement in a paid employment position. A considerable amount of high-quality evidence supported the superiority of IPS over conventional methods in providing improved employment rates, longer job tenure, as well as higher salaries in competitive job markets. Nonetheless, our knowledge about the IPS-mediated long-term effects is limited. This non-interventional follow-up study of a previously published randomized controlled trial (RCT) called ZhEPP aimed to understand the long-term impact of IPS after 6 years since the initial intervention. Participants from the ZhEPP trial, where 250 disability pensioners with mental illnesses were randomized into either IPS intervention group or treatment as usual group (TAU), were invited to face-to-face interviews, during which employment status, job tenure, workload, and salaries were assessed. One hundred and fourteen individuals agreed to participate in this follow-up study. Although during the first 2 years post-intervention, the IPS group had higher employment rates (40% (IPS) vs. 28% (TAU), p < 0.05 at 24 months), these differences disappeared by the time of follow-up assessments (72 months). The results indicated no substantial differences in primary outcome measures between IPS and TAU groups: employment rate (36 vs. 33%), workload (10.57 vs. 10.07 h per week), job tenure (29 vs. 28 months), and salary (20.21CHF vs. 25.02 CHF). These findings provide important insights regarding the long-term effects of IPS among individuals with mental health illnesses. Further research is required to advance the current knowledge about IPS intervention and its years-long impact

    Alive and kicking: suicide rates and major soccer events in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND Major sporting events are postulated to reduce suicide rates by increased social connectedness, by identifying with winning teams, or, conversely, to increase suicide rates by the 'broken promise effect'. METHODS In our observational epidemiological study, we investigated changes in suicide rates between 1970 and 2017 in Austria, Germany and Switzerland during the European and World Soccer Championships in general, and on days that the home team played, won or lost. RESULTS Combining all three studied nations no statistically significant change in the incidence of daily suicides during soccer championships compared to a control period was noted (38.29 ± 9.02 vs. 37.33 ± 10.58; incidence risk ratio = 1.03; 95% confidence interval: 1.01-1.05, P = 0.05). Essentially, no differences in the expected directions were found, and none remained statistically significant after correcting for multiple comparisons in subgroups for country, age and gender in all three studied countries. Compared to a control period, neither a significant difference in the respective national suicide rate was found after Germany's four championship victories nor after Austria's emotional only win over Germany. CONCLUSION Our results do not support the assumption of increased social connectedness and, thus, lowered suicide risk during major sporting events or changes in suicide risk depending on the outcome of important games as predicted by the broken promise effect or changes in self-efficacy by identification with winning teams

    Diagnosis and identification of key issues of usability for reducing medication errors

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    At a unit of a hospital in the Brazilian city of FlorianĂłpolis, from the diagnosis to the administration of medicines in the inpatient, usability problems like errors were detected in the flow of medication as well as problems of greater severity. This paper aims to perform a diagnosis of usability in the inpatient unit of a teaching hospital in FlorianĂłpolis in order to identify the main problems in the flow of medication. As a method, the authors used literature review, field visits, assessments of usability principles and determination of the severity of the problems found. The step of lowest usability was the preparation, followed by the steps of dispensation, administration and prescription. As for severity, the similarity of names, colors and shapes of packages of drugs was identified as the most problematic. Beside the problems that involves the health care professionals, the hospital has problems like the environment and the products, like the packaging of medications. The usability diagnosis can help find ways to make the flow of medication more efficient and safe.Keywords: design, usability, medication errors

    COVID-19 outbreaks in a transmission control scenario: challenges posed by social and leisure activities, and for workers in vulnerable conditions, Spain, early summer 2020

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 community-wide transmission declined in Spain by early May 2020, being replaced by outbreaks and sporadic cases. From mid-June to 2 August, excluding single household outbreaks, 673 outbreaks were notified nationally, 551 active (>6,200 cases) at the time. More than half of these outbreaks and cases coincided with: (i) social (family/friends’ gatherings or leisure venues) and (ii) occupational (mainly involving workers in vulnerable conditions) settings. Control measures were accordingly applied

    A principal component meta-analysis on multiple anthropometric traits identifies novel loci for body shape

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    Large consortia have revealed hundreds of genetic loci associated with anthropometric traits, one trait at a time. We examined whether genetic variants affect body shape as a composite phenotype that is represented by a combination of anthropometric traits. We developed an approach that calculates averaged PCs (AvPCs) representing body shape derived from six anthropometric traits (body mass index, height, weight, waist and hip circumference, waist-to-hip ratio). The first four AvPCs explain >99% of the variability, are heritable, and associate with cardiometabolic outcomes. We performed genome-wide association analyses for each body shape composite phenotype across 65 studies and meta-analysed summary statistics. We identify six novel loci: LEMD2 and CD47 for AvPC1, RPS6KA5/C14orf159 and GANAB for AvPC3, and ARL15 and ANP32 for AvPC4. Our findings highlight the value of using multiple traits to define complex phenotypes for discovery, which are not captured by single-trait analyses, and may shed light onto new pathways
