537 research outputs found
Anti-Aliasing Add-On for Deep Prior Seismic Data Interpolation
Data interpolation is a fundamental step in any seismic processing workflow.
Among machine learning techniques recently proposed to solve data interpolation
as an inverse problem, Deep Prior paradigm aims at employing a convolutional
neural network to capture priors on the data in order to regularize the
inversion. However, this technique lacks of reconstruction precision when
interpolating highly decimated data due to the presence of aliasing. In this
work, we propose to improve Deep Prior inversion by adding a directional
Laplacian as regularization term to the problem. This regularizer drives the
optimization towards solutions that honor the slopes estimated from the
interpolated data low frequencies. We provide some numerical examples to
showcase the methodology devised in this manuscript, showing that our results
are less prone to aliasing also in presence of noisy and corrupted data
Experimental and Computational Study of Underexpanded Jet Impingement Heat Transfer
An experiment was performed to assess CFD modeling of a hypersonic-vehicle breach, boundary-layer flow ingestion and internal surface impingement. Tests were conducted in the NASA Langley Research Center 31-Inch Mach 10 Tunnel. Four simulated breaches were tested and impingement heat flux data was obtained for each case using both phosphor thermography and thin film gages on targets placed inside the model. A separate target was used to measure the surface pressure distribution. The measured jet impingement width and peak location are in good agreement with CFD analysis
Questões polêmicas do procedimento do júri : a seleção do corpo de jurados e a incomunicabilidade imposta aos membros do conselho de sentença
O Tribunal do Júri, por ser um dos grandes protagonistas do sistema jurídico, é foco de muitas paixões e oposições. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem por objeto analisar as controvérsias e consequências, suscitadas pela doutrina a respeito de duas questões polêmicas do procedimento do Júri: o processo de seleção dos jurados e a regra da incomunicabilidade dos membros do Conselho de Sentença. Essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida de acordo com o método dedutivo e dialético, tendo-se utilizado como técnica a revisão bibliográfica. A partir da análise crítica da doutrina, buscou-se aferir se a forma como vem sendo selecionado o corpo de jurados seria compatível com os postulados democráticos, como também se o perfil dos jurados alistados espelharia um Júri representativo. Os resultados obtidos, apesar de não representarem a composição geral de todos os Júris do país, em razão das pesquisas terem sido feitas em âmbitos locais, demonstraram que a forma de seleção dos jurados, pautada no vago critério de “cidadão de notória idoneidade”, estaria sendo excludente das camadas sociais mais baixas, em afronta ao art. 3º da Constituição e, por conseguinte, ao Estado Democrático de Direito. Ao ser o Júri composto, quase que de forma homogênea, por cidadãos com formação acadêmica e com profissões valorizadas no meio social, não há como falar em representatividade popular. Do mesmo modo, apoiando-se nos entendimentos da doutrina, pretendeu-se averiguar a possibilidade de recepção do diálogo entre os jurados pela Constituição Federal e, em um viés comparativo, determinar qual das regras – comunicabilidade e incomunicabilidade – traria mais vantagens e seria mais adequada à luz do Estado Democrático de Direito. Embora não seja um resultado definitivo, foi constatada que a regra da deliberação entre os jurados violaria o princípio constitucional do sigilo das votações. Além disso, em um somatório dos prós e contras, as circunstâncias teriam apontado que a regra da incomunicabilidade – conquanto não espelhe um ideal democrático em razão da sua origem ditatorial – teria menos desvantagens do que a da deliberação entre os jurados.Jury court, being one of the protagonists of the judicial system, is the focus of many passions and oppositions. Thus, the present senior thesis aims at analysing the controversies and consequences highlighted by the doctrine regarding two polemic matters in the jury proceedings: the selection of jurors and the non-communication rule that applies to the Sentencing Board. This research was developed through the literary review technique and by the deductive and dialectic methods. By critically analysing the doctrine, the goal was to measure how compatible with democracy is the current selection process of jurors, considering if they are representative of the population. The gathered results, even if they do not show the composition of all of the country’s juries, due to most research being carried out locally, show that the selection criteria – the vague ‘citizen of notorious reputability’ excludes the lower social stratum, going against article 3 of the Constitution and, therefore, against the Rule of Law itself. With the Jury being composed almost homogeneously by citizens with socially valued academic and professional background, it is not possible to speak of popular representation. The same way, using interpretations of the doctrine, this research aimed at verifying the possibility of dialogue among jurors in light of the Constitution as to, comparatively, determine which rules – communication or non-communication – would be more beneficial for the democratic state and the rule of law. Even though the results are not definitive, it was found that the deliberation rule among jurors would violate the constitutional principle of voting secrecy. Furthermore, in a pro/con analysis, circumstances would have pointed that the rule of non-communication, even though it does not mirror a democratic ideal when considered its dictatorial origins, it would be more beneficial than the deliberation among jurors
DIPPAS: A Deep Image Prior PRNU Anonymization Scheme
Source device identification is an important topic in image forensics since
it allows to trace back the origin of an image. Its forensics counter-part is
source device anonymization, that is, to mask any trace on the image that can
be useful for identifying the source device. A typical trace exploited for
source device identification is the Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU), a
noise pattern left by the device on the acquired images. In this paper, we
devise a methodology for suppressing such a trace from natural images without
significant impact on image quality. Specifically, we turn PRNU anonymization
into an optimization problem in a Deep Image Prior (DIP) framework. In a
nutshell, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) acts as generator and returns an
image that is anonymized with respect to the source PRNU, still maintaining
high visual quality. With respect to widely-adopted deep learning paradigms,
our proposed CNN is not trained on a set of input-target pairs of images.
Instead, it is optimized to reconstruct the PRNU-free image from the original
image under analysis itself. This makes the approach particularly suitable in
scenarios where large heterogeneous databases are analyzed and prevents any
problem due to lack of generalization. Through numerical examples on publicly
available datasets, we prove our methodology to be effective compared to
state-of-the-art techniques
Simulation of RCC Crack Growth Due to Carbon Oxidation in High-Temperature Gas Environments
The carbon wall oxidation technique coupled with a CFD technique was employed to study the flow in the expanding crack channel caused by the oxidation of the channel carbon walls. The recessing 3D surface morphing procedure was developed and tested in comparison with the arcjet experimental results. The multi-block structured adaptive meshing was used to model the computational domain changes due to the wall recession. Wall regression rates for a reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) samples, that were tested in a high enthalpy arcjet environment, were computationally obtained and used to assess the channel expansion. The test geometry and flow conditions render the flow regime as the transitional to continuum, therefore Navier-Stokes gas dynamic approach with the temperature jump and velocity slip correction to the boundary conditions was used. The modeled mechanism for wall material loss was atomic oxygen reaction with bare carbon. The predicted channel growth was found to agree with arcjet observations. Local gas flow field results were found to affect the oxidation rate in a manner that cannot be predicted by previous mass loss correlations. The method holds promise for future modeling of materials gas-dynamic interactions for hypersonic flight
Avaliação de desempenho como norteadora das práticas de educação nas equipes de atenção primária no Município de Porto Alegre – RS
A avaliação de desempenho pode se apresentar como importante instrumento para os gestores locais do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) no momento da formulação de estratégias que visem o desenvolvimento profissional dos trabalhadores. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal analisar as avaliações anuais de desempenho dos trabalhadores nas equipes de Atenção Primária da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Porto Alegre – RS no ano de 2016. A partir da análise efetuada, propõe-se a identificar as necessidades educacionais que emergem dos trabalhadores e que demandam novas práticas. Com base nas necessidades educacionais elencadas, buscou-se construir proposta educacional para as unidades de saúde do município de Porto Alegre. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma abordagem quantitativa e descritiva, buscando a interpretação dos dados sem interferência do pesquisado. O estudo foi realizado a partir do resultado proveniente das avaliações funcionais dos trabalhadores da Atenção Primária do município de Porto Alegre que a tenham realizado no ano de 2016, totalizando 1.288 avaliações de diferentes categorias profissionais. Os dados foram disponibilizados sem a identificação individual dos participantes. Na análise, , emergiram quatro necessidades educacionais principais que precisam de novas práticas: (i) identificação de parceiros e recursos na comunidade que possam potencializar ações intersetoriais; (ii) dificuldade dos trabalhadores em saúde de promover a mobilização e a participação da comunidade na efetivação do controle social, reforçando assim a importância da formação e/ou efetivação dos Conselhos de Saúde; (iii) baixa participação do trabalhador nas ações de educação na saúde para os trabalhadores da unidade de saúde e pouca contribuição nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem desenvolvidos na unidade de saúde e (iv) baixa frequência de realização de atividades de educação em saúde à população, conforme planejamento da equipe, tais como grupo, salas de espera e outros. Foi elaborada proposta educacional a fim de auxiliar no desenvolvimento de atividades com base nas necessidades apresentadas.The performance evaluation is an important tool for National Health System (SUS) local managers at the moment of formulation of strategies for professional development of workers. This essay’s main objective is to analyze the annual performance evaluation of workers of the Municipal Secretary of Health of Porto Alegre/RS Primary Health Care in 2016. From the analysis, the propose was to identify the educational needs that emerge from the workers and that demand new practices. Based on these educational needs, it was sought to construct an educational proposal for the health units of the city of Porto Alegre. Therefore, quantitative and descriptive approach was used, in search of data interpretation with no interference from the searcher. The study was conducted with the results coming from the performance evaluation of Primary Health Care workers of the city of Porto Alegre, performed in 2016, totalizing 1.288 evaluations of different professional categories. The data was provided without individual identification of the participants. In the analysis, four principal educational needs emerged, which demanded new practices: (i) identification of partners and resources in the community that may potentialize intersectoral actions; (ii) health workers difficulty in promoting the mobilization and participation of the community in the effectiveness of social control, reinforcing the importance of the formation and/or effectiveness of the Health Councils; (iii) low workers participation in health education actions for the health unit workers and little contribution in the learning/education processes developed in the health units; (iv) low frequency of execution of health education activities for the population, according to the team’s planning, as groups, waiting room and others. An educational proposal was elaborated in order to assist the development of the activities based on the presented needs
Non-invasive technology for brain monitoring: definition and meaning of the principal parameters for the International PRactice On TEChnology neuro-moniToring group (I-PROTECT)
Technologies for monitoring organ function are rapidly advancing, aiding physicians in the care of patients in both operating rooms (ORs) and intensive care units (ICUs). Some of these emerging, minimally or non-invasive technologies focus on monitoring brain function and ensuring the integrity of its physiology. Generally, the central nervous system is the least monitored system compared to others, such as the respiratory, cardiovascular, and renal systems, even though it is a primary target in most therapeutic strategies. Frequently, the effects of sedatives, hypnotics, and analgesics are entirely unpredictable, especially in critically ill patients with multiple organ failure. This unpredictability exposes them to the risks of inadequate or excessive sedation/hypnosis, potentially leading to complications and long-term negative outcomes. The International PRactice On TEChnology neuro-moniToring group (I-PROTECT), comprised of experts from various fields of clinical neuromonitoring, presents this document with the aim of reviewing and standardizing the primary non-invasive tools for brain monitoring in anesthesia and intensive care practices. The focus is particularly on standardizing the nomenclature of different parameters generated by these tools. The document addresses processed electroencephalography, continuous/quantitative electroencephalography, brain oxygenation through near-infrared spectroscopy, transcranial Doppler, and automated pupillometry. The clinical utility of the key parameters available in each of these tools is summarized and explained. This comprehensive review was conducted by a panel of experts who deliberated on the included topics until a consensus was reached. Images and tables are utilized to clarify and enhance the understanding of the clinical significance of non-invasive neuromonitoring devices within these medical settings
Delirium no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca : incidência, fatores de risco e ações do cuidado
Objetivos: Avaliar a incidência de delirium em pacientes em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca em uma unidade de terapia intensiva cardíaca (UTIC), seus fatores de risco e ações do cuidado. Métodos: Trata-se de uma coorte retrospectiva e prospectiva realizada entre janeiro e setembro de 2019 em uma UTIC de um hospital universitário brasileiro. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos e clínicos de pacientes em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca a partir dos prontuários eletrônicos. Foi realizada análise estatística multivariada para observação de associações ao delirium. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída de 253 pacientes, cuja média de idade foi de 63 anos, com predominância do sexo masculino (63,6%) e incidência de 26 12,3% de delirium. As variáveis estatisticamente significativas em associação ao delirium foram idade ≥65 anos (p=0,006) e transfusão de hemocomponentes no pós- operatório (p=0,037). Observou-se como ações do cuidado ao paciente em delirium a ampla utilização de medidas não farmacológicas pela equipe de enfermagem, e a utilização de haloperidol e quetiapina como tratamento farmacológico. Conclusão: O estudo do delirium traz benefícios tanto aos pacientes quanto aos serviços e sistemas de saúde. É necessário maiores estudos sobre os fatores associados ao delirium e medidas de prevenção e tratamento mais eficazes em relação ao paciente em pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca
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