6 research outputs found

    Assessment of pharmaceutical services in HIV/AIDS health units in the city of Niterói, Brazil

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    This study aimed to conduct an assessment of pharmaceutical services in HIV/AIDS in the city of Niteroi, Brazil, with emphasis on management. It was done a descriptive cross-sectional study, and the approach used was a normative assessment focused on quality. The indicators used were analyzed individually or grouped according to the components of pharmaceutical services. The assessment identified some good points, especially regarding the good availability of ARVs, and good guide patients in the use of these drugs, and also some problems such as low levels of compliance in relation to good dispensing practices criteria and storage and a high time for the distribution of medicines. The result was a degree of 50.3% compliance with the quality criteria, considered only regular in accordance with trial made. Proposals were suggested for actions and interventions, especially in relation to the improvement of structural conditions of pharmacies of health facilities in the city, and increased training of professionals involved in the services

    Avaliação da assistência farmacêutica em HIV/AIDS em unidades de saúde do município de Niterói

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    O fortalecimento das políticas de assistência farmacêutica aos usuários com HIV/AIDS é de grande importância para garantir a sustentabilidade do programa, principalmente pelos altos custos envolvidos para sua implantação e execução. Neste trabalho foi realizada uma avaliação da assistência farmacêutica em HIV/AIDS no município de Niterói, com ênfase no seu gerenciamento. O trabalho teve como objetivo responder duas perguntas avaliativas: As condições de estrutura e os processos de trabalho existentes são adequados para que se exerça uma assistência farmacêutica de qualidade às pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS (PHVA) atendidas no município de Niterói? As condições de estrutura e os processos de trabalho existentes são adequados para que se garanta o acesso aos medicamentos ARV e para infecções oportunistas às PHVA atendidas no município de Niterói? O desenho da avaliação foi o de um estudo de caso, e a abordagem utilizada foi uma avaliação normativa com foco na qualidade, envolvendo análise da estrutura, do processo e dos resultados, através da construção de um modelo lógico teórico. Das oito UDM existentes no município, seis foram avaliadas neste trabalho. Foram construídas matrizes de relevância e de análise e julgamento, em que os indicadores foram divididos em quatro grupos, de acordo com os componentes da assistência farmacêutica sob a responsabilidade do município descritos no modelo lógico. Os indicadores foram inicialmente analisados individualmente, destacando-se como pontos positivos a disponibilidade dos ARV, a ausência de medicamentos vencidos e de prescrições em desacordo com o consenso de tratamento para pacientes com HIV/AIDS, bem como a boa orientação dos pacientes no uso dos medicamentos ARV. Como problemas destacaram-se os baixos índices de conformidade em relação a boas práticas de dispensação e armazenamento e um prazo elevado para a distribuição dos medicamentos. Foram também efetuadas análises por componente da assistência farmacêutica, em que apenas o componente distribuição obteve um grau de qualidade aceitável. Considerando-se as dimensões de avaliação disponibilidade de recursos, organização da assistência e qualidade técnica, os resultados mostraram deficiências na dimensão organização da assistência. O resultado individual de cada UDM mostrou que apenas duas possuem grau de qualidade bom, e o resultado geral para a FMS de Niterói foi de 50,3% de atendimento aos critérios de qualidade, considerado apenas regular. Foram sugeridas propostas de ações e intervenções, entre elas, a melhoria nas condições estruturais das farmácias das unidades de saúde do município, e aumento na capacitação dos profissionais envolvidos com a assistência para melhoria dos processos de trabalhoThe strengthening of the pharmaceutical services to patients having HIV/AIDS is of major importance to maintain the sustainability mainly for its high implementation and execution costs. On this paper it was performed an evaluation of the pharmaceutical HIV services in the city of Niterói, emphasizing its management. The study aimed to answer two evaluative questions: The structure and existing work processes are suitable for guarantee pharmaceutical services’ quality to people living with HIV (PHVA) in Niterói? The structure and existing work processes are adequate to ensure access to medicines for opportunistic infections and ARV patients to PHVA in Niterói? The evaluation design was a case study, and a normative approach focusing on quality was also used, involving analysis of the structure, process and results, by building a logical theoretical model. Out of the eight existing UDM in the city, six were evaluated in this study. Matrices of relevance and analysis and judgment were created, in which the indicators were divided into four groups according to the components of the pharmaceutical services under the responsibility of the city described in the logical model. The indicators were initially analyzed individually, where as positive points, the availability of ARVs, the absence of expired drugs and prescriptions in disagreement with the consensus of treatment for patients with HIV / AIDS as well as good guide of patients in the use of antiretroviral medications were highlighted. The main problems identified were the low levels of conformity against good practice criteria of dispensing and storage and a high period for the medicine distribution. Pharmaceutical services components were also analyzed and distribution was the only component that obtained an acceptable level of quality. The dimensions availability of resources, organization of services and technical quality were investigated and the organization of services aspect obtained the lowest grade. The individual result of each UDM showed that only two achieved good quality degrees, and the overall result to Niterói’s FMS was 50.3 %, which was considered only regular. Actions and interventions have been suggested, amongst them, the improvement of the structural conditions of pharmacies’ health facilities in the city, and an increase in the training of professionals involved with assistance to improve work processes141 f

    Assessment of pharmaceutical services in HIV/AIDS health units in the city of Niterói, Brazil

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to conduct an assessment of pharmaceutical services in HIV/AIDS in the city of Niteroi, Brazil, with emphasis on management. It was done a descriptive cross-sectional study, and the approach used was a normative assessment focused on quality. The indicators used were analyzed individually or grouped according to the components of pharmaceutical services. The assessment identified some good points, especially regarding the good availability of ARVs, and good guide patients in the use of these drugs, and also some problems such as low levels of compliance in relation to good dispensing practices criteria and storage and a high time for the distribution of medicines. The result was a degree of 50.3% compliance with the quality criteria, considered only regular in accordance with trial made. Proposals were suggested for actions and interventions, especially in relation to the improvement of structural conditions of pharmacies of health facilities in the city, and increased training of professionals involved in the services