64 research outputs found

    AnĂĄlise das consequĂȘncias do Projeto de Lei do Senado Federal nÂș 1.542/2020, em relação aos reajustes de planos de saĂșde

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    O Projeto de Lei nÂș 1.542/2020, proposto pelo Senador Federal Eduardo Braga (MDB/AM), visa alterar a Lei nÂș 13.979, de 6 de fevereiro de 2020, que “dispĂ”e sobre as medidas para enfrentamento da emergĂȘncia de saĂșde pĂșblica de importĂąncia internacional decorrente do coronavĂ­rus responsĂĄvel pelo surto de 2019”, de modo a suspender os reajustes de preços de medicamentos e de contraprestaçÔes pecuniĂĄrias de planos privados de assistĂȘncia Ă  saĂșde previstos, respectivamente, nas Leis nÂș 10.742, de 6 de outubro de 2003, e nÂș 9.656, de 3 de junho de 1998; e estabelecer que, apĂłs vencido o prazo de suspensĂŁo dos reajustes nos planos de saĂșde, a AgĂȘncia Nacional de SaĂșde Suplementar (ANS) determinarĂĄ as medidas necessĂĄrias para a preservação do equilĂ­brio econĂŽmico-financeiro dos contratos firmados entre operadoras e usuĂĄrios de planos privados de assistĂȘncia Ă  saĂșde

    Resurrecting taboo policies? Explaining collective regularisations for unauthorised immigrants during the Covid-19 pandemic in Southern Europe

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    Collective regularisation programmes providing legal status to unauthorised immigrants were frequently used by European countries until the late 2000s, when they fell out of fashion. In 2020, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, some European governments made use of collective regularisations again, breaking this “taboo”, while others did not. Why this variation in response? We compare policy-making in three Southern European countries that have frequently resorted to collective regularisations in the past, but which took divergent paths during the Covid-19 pandemic despite facing similar health and economic-related pressures: a collective regularisation in Portugal, a targeted regularisation in Italy, and no regularisation in Greece. Informed by a theoretical model that builds on existing explanatory frameworks on migration policy, we use expert interviews, legal and policy documents, parliamentary debates, and press coverage to explain variation in policy outputs. Our findings point to the importance of three conditions: (1) the balance of liberalising versus restrictionist pressures, (2) government ideology, and (3) the scope and implementation of pre-existing regularisation mechanisms. We show that the Covid-19 pandemic worked as a catalyst for the return of policies that were previously considered “taboo” only when policy changes were considered to be cost-free. We argue that, despite functional pressures and discursive opportunities created by the pandemic, the regulation of the status of unauthorised migrants is characterised by continuity and incremental change rather than by sudden ruptures


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    O objetivo do presente estudo Ă© avaliar o regime de interesse pĂșblico brasileiro em defesa comercial, sob o prisma procedimental e material, verificando se, com base em critĂ©rios e parĂąmetros estabelecidos, as deficiĂȘncias identificadas foram sanadas pelas alteraçÔes regulatĂłrias promovidas a partir de 2019 (quando houve mudança relevante no marco regulatĂłrio com a publicação do Decreto nÂș 9.679). A partir de pesquisa empĂ­rica, na qual foram adotados critĂ©rios objetivos para identificação das avaliaçÔes de interesse pĂșblico concluĂ­das no Brasil entre janeiro de 2019 e outubro de 2021, conduziu-se a anĂĄlise descritiva das referidas avaliaçÔes, com base em parĂąmetros padronizados que evitam abordagem subjetiva dos aspectos formais e materiais adotados. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as alteraçÔes regulatĂłrias promovidas trouxeram benefĂ­cios considerĂĄveis ao instituto brasileiro de interesse pĂșblico em defesa comercial, mas ainda perduram, pelo menos em parte, crĂ­ticas relacionadas a aspectos procedimentais e materiais

    Product life cycle: comparison between two footwear brands by environmental bias

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    O descarte dos resĂ­duos no setor calçadista tradicional nĂŁo apresenta uma polĂ­tica especĂ­fica, fazendo com que terminem em aterros. Em contrapartida dessa situação, pequenas empresas estĂŁo trabalhando para mudar essa realidade. Este artigo aborda uma anĂĄlise comparativa do ciclo de vida de calçados, mais precisamente o estilo Oxfords, de duas empresas, sendo uma lĂ­der de mercado e outra com um viĂ©s mais ecolĂłgico. Ambas empresas se situam no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, e com isso foi possĂ­vel abordar questĂ”es como sustentabilidade, valores, pĂșblico alvo, polĂ­tica de descarte e engajamento de marca relacionados ao meio ambiente. Este artigo analisou como cada empresa lida com as questĂ”es citadas anteriormente, onde foi realizada uma comparação sobre a produção tradicional e a produção sustentĂĄvel. Tal estudo se fez importante para o conhecimento dos processos e com isso a possibilidade de questionamentos sobre as empresas para melhorias de seus produtos.Disposal of waste in the traditional footwear sector does not present a specific policy, causing the footwear to end in landfills. In return for this situation, small companies are working to change this reality. This article discusses a comparative analysis of the life cycle of footwear, more precisely the Oxford style, of two companies, being a market leader and one with a greener bias. Both companies are located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, and with this it was possible to address issues such as sustainability, values, target public, disposal policy and brand engagement related to the environment. This article aimed to analyze how each company deals with the issues cited above, where it made a comparison on traditional production and sustainable production. This study became important for the knowledge of the processes and with that the possibility of questions about the companies for improvements of their products

    Comparative analysis between eco product and conventional of brands of steel wool

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    Atualmente, existe uma ampla variedade de produtos “eco” ou “verdes” disponĂ­veis no mercado. Entretanto, nĂŁo hĂĄ informaçÔes suficientes para verificar se eles sĂŁo de fato ambientalmente amigĂĄveis. Dessa forma, Ă© importante que as informaçÔes disponibilizadas ao consumidor sejam suficientes para diferenciar um produto convencional de um apresentado como “eco”, pois estas sĂŁo fundamentais para a tomada de decisĂŁo do consumidor. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma anĂĄlise comparativa, realizada sob a Ăłtica da sustentabilidade, entre duas marcas de esponja de lĂŁ de aço: um produto convencional e um dito “ecolĂłgico”. Para tanto, a anĂĄlise consistiu em avaliar as informaçÔes contidas na embalagem e nos meios de comunicação das marcas; os produtos, de forma empĂ­rica; e uma breve anĂĄlise da cadeia produtiva do objeto de estudo. Por meio das anĂĄlises verificou-se que o produto “eco” nĂŁo apresenta diferenciais significativos perante o produto convencional.Currently, there is a wide variety of "eco" or "green" products available in the market. However, there is not enough information to verify that they are in fact environmentally friendly. In this way, it is important that the information made available to the consumer is sufficient to differentiate a conventional product from one presented as an "eco", since these are fundamental for the consumer's decision making. Therefore, the objective of this work was to present a comparative analysis, carried out from a sustainability point of view, between two brands of steel wool sponge: a conventional product and an "ecological”. To do so, the analysis consisted of evaluating the information contained in the packaging and the means of communication of the marks; the products, empirically; and a brief analysis of the productive chain of the object of study. By means of the analyzes it was verified that the product "eco" does not present significant differences with the conventional product

    Migration communication campaigns : the state of the practice and an open database

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    Published online: 23 February 2024-- Every year governments, international organisations, and civil society associations produce communications campaigns designed to affect numerous facets of migration. -- Despite their increasing ubiquity, resources, and—possibly—impact, as well as their profound scientific relevance, such campaigns remain understudied, and existing practice and research is disjointed across various sectors and disciplines. -- As such, policymakers wishing to design migration communication campaigns (MCCs) have no central pool of experience or expertise to draw upon. -- This report takes three steps to overcoming this shortcoming by proposing and starting a unified, interdisciplinary practitioner and research agenda on migration communication campaigns (MCCs). -- We, first, overview the increased substantive importance and scientific interest of MCCs and outline six themes of research and a typology of MCCs. -- We then present our open-access, collaborative database of 301 migration communication campaigns conducted in Europe between 2012 and 2022. -- The Migration Campaigns Database (MCD) codes each campaign according to the following—theoreticallyjustified—variables: -- I. Demographics (“when, where, by and for whom?”): time, location, platform, subject actor (institution or person) and impact assessment -- II. Objective (“why?”): type, object of change, specific objective, and target audience of the campaign -- III. Substantive content (“what?”): topic and subject of interest -- IV. Message (“how?”): strategies, values, and emotions -- We provide initial analyses of how the above factors vary amongst the MCCs, as well as example observations. Findings include that the values-basis of the appeals are most commonly “universalism” and then “stimulation” while the most common emotional appeal is “sadness” (in both cases, contra the recommendations of Dennison, 2020 and 2023b, respectively). -- Finally, we argue that the MCD provides practical understanding of MCCs to practitioners and an opportunity to begin more systematic research in this field. -- We invite ongoing submission of all types of MCCs globally to create a bridge between communities of academics, policymakers, and communicators by filling a dedicated form online (https://tinyurl.com/4t78hn23). -- The live MCD can be found at: https://migrationpolicycentre.eu/the-migration-campaigns-dataset-4

    Migration Communication Campaigns Database

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    1 data file, 1 documentation filesThe Migration Communication Campaigns Database is an interactive and open source database with 301 migration communication campaigns conducted across Europe between 2012 and 2022. The database allows users to analyse and explore migration campaigns by demographics, objectives, content, and strategy. The database is a useful too to explore, inform, and improve migration communication.Data sources: Migration Communication Campaigns that are available and accessible online in 32 countries in the European Union, the European Free Trade Association, and the United Kingdom between 2012 and 2022

    Design in emergency scenario: project of a hand sanitizer dispenser in public transport using Design Sprint method

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    In the emergency scenario generated by COVID-19 pandemic, the development of fast solutions to reduce the contagious curve can mean saving lives. Democratic access to prevention methods is essential, especially in places with high exposure to contamination and whose activities have not been interrupted, such as public transportation. This work presents the development of a hand sanitizer dispenser for public transportation and other possible locations in the urban environment, designed during an online marathon. The focus is on the development of the Design Sprint method and its adaptations to fit the remote work and other constraints due social distance. The final product was designed to be produced by 3D printing and open design, to fast distribution and replication. It fits in the bus's handrails, with some positioning possibilities and the use of PET bottles as alcohol containers. As a result, the paper highlights the particularities of agile methods for the design process at a distance and demonstrates that the process used allows for quickly responding to solutions for emerging needs
