43 research outputs found

    Changes in personality factors, locus of control and creativity after a Theater-therapy intervention. Preliminary data

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    OBJECTIVE: The study assessed whether Theater-therapy based on Grotowski's method can improve creativity, internal locus of control and personality by promoting personal wellbeing. This study investigates the effects of Theater-therapy on: 1) personality, according to the Big five Theory; 2) internal locus of control; 3) verbal and figural creativity. DESIGN: Eight adults took part in a 6-month intervention based on Theater-therapy and were administered the following tests at the beginning and at the end of the activity: Big five questionnaire, Locus of control scale, Torrance test of creative thinking. RESULTS: The results showed an increase in all personality factors of Big Five, a more internal Locus of control, and an increase in creativity in the dimensions of fluidity, elaboration, originality and flexibility. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that Theater-therapy can be regarded as a tool promoting well-bein

    Analysis of the knowledge and satisfaction with applied behavior analysis as treatment for autism spectrum disorder in parents with affected, with healthy children and childless adults

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    OBJECTIVE: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an evidence-based approach for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Erroneous beliefs deriving from a reductive conception of ABA partly explain the delay in the spread of ABA treatments in Italy. Nevertheless, an increasing number of parents have been choosing this treatment. The purpose of this survey is to investigate beliefs about ABA, the degree of satisfaction regarding ABA treatments, and the sources of information used to choose the treatment. DESIGN: The sample included 109 Italian participants: 67 parents of children with ASD, 19 parents of healthy children and 23 adults without children. Participants have been invited to complete an online questionnaire. Socio-demographic data was also collected, along with information on the sources consulted to choose a treatment and on the satisfaction for ABA treatments. RESULTS: Participants agree that ABA is an approach of choice that intervenes on socially significant skills, while they do not agree with several reductive and stereotypical statements related to it. Regarding the sources, most parents with children with ASD choose the consultation with other parents who live or have lived the same experience. Finally, although the majority of participants rate ABA treatments positively, findings proved that parents of children with ASD appreciate ABA treatments more than the other two groups. CONCLUSION: There is a broad agreement among participants in correctly identifying the distinctive features of ABA. This data indicates a certain diffusion of correct knowledge and a lower adherence to reductive concepts. The direct experience of applying ABA treatments emerges as an important variable for their positive evaluation. Even though treatment information is more accessible compared to the past, the tendency to seek advice from other parents of children with ASD remains. The results of the survey enable us to give concrete indications for training and dissemination activities

    Aripiprazole causing false positive urine amphetamine drug screen in an adult patient with bipolar disorder.

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    There has been only a few reports regarding aripiprazole causing false positive urine amphetamine drug screens, exclusively on children accidently ingesting aripiprazole.Herein, we present the first reported case of a 40 year old woman affected by Bipolar I Disorder, treated with aripirazole at therapeutic oral dose ranging from 15 mg/day to 30 mg/day, in the context of a depressive episode with mixed and psychotic features, showing a false positive urine amphetamine drug screen. We document the relationship between aripiprazole-dose, plasma concentration and amphetamines values in toxicologic urine examinations over time. Awareness of potential false positive urine amphetamine drug screens during aripiprazole treatment can condition therapeutic choices and prevent legal implications. Keywords: Aripiprazole, False positive, Urine drug scree


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    Background: During the lockdown due to COVID-19, Internet use may become more frequent in students, with possible negative consequences on mental health. In this emergency situation, variables such as depression, anxiety and external locus of control could be related to a Problematic Internet Use; on the other hand, self-esteem, internal locus of control, self-efficacy, and social support can play the role of protective factors for Problematic Internet Use. The present survey aims to verify the impact of these intrapersonal and social factors on Problematic Internet Use in college and High School students during the COVID-19 pandemic through a web-based cross-sectional study. Subjects and methods: 191 students from Lombardy, one of the Italian Regions among the most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, were included in the study. An online questionnaire has been administered during the first Italian period of forced lockdown. A logistic regression analysis was performed to assess intrapersonal and social factors as predictors of Problematic Internet Use. Results: Analysis highlighted a higher risk of Problematic Internet Use (5.77 times more) in males compared to females. Individuals with high external locus of control and severe depression have respectively 6.56 and 2.84 times more the risk of presenting Problematic Internet Use. In contrast, social support, self-efficacy, and self-esteem were negatively related to Problematic Internet Use. In total sample, the percentage of Problematic Internet Use was high (55.5%). Conclusions: An increasing use of the Internet has been observed during lockdown, leading to a progressive increase in the diffusion of Problematic Internet Use. Gender, depression and external locus of control emerge as risk factors for Problematic Internet Use, while social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem represent protective factors. The current research identifies some intrapersonal and social factors in an epidemic context for which the development of effective behavioural, supportive and/or educational interventions would be appropriate


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    Background: During the lockdown due to COVID-19, Internet use may become more frequent in students, with possible negative consequences on mental health. In this emergency situation, variables such as depression, anxiety and external locus of control could be related to a Problematic Internet Use; on the other hand, self-esteem, internal locus of control, self-efficacy, and social support can play the role of protective factors for Problematic Internet Use. The present survey aims to verify the impact of these intrapersonal and social factors on Problematic Internet Use in college and High School students during the COVID-19 pandemic through a web-based cross-sectional study. Subjects and methods: 191 students from Lombardy, one of the Italian Regions among the most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, were included in the study. An online questionnaire has been administered during the first Italian period of forced lockdown. A logistic regression analysis was performed to assess intrapersonal and social factors as predictors of Problematic Internet Use. Results: Analysis highlighted a higher risk of Problematic Internet Use (5.77 times more) in males compared to females. Individuals with high external locus of control and severe depression have respectively 6.56 and 2.84 times more the risk of presenting Problematic Internet Use. In contrast, social support, self-efficacy, and self-esteem were negatively related to Problematic Internet Use. In total sample, the percentage of Problematic Internet Use was high (55.5%). Conclusions: An increasing use of the Internet has been observed during lockdown, leading to a progressive increase in the diffusion of Problematic Internet Use. Gender, depression and external locus of control emerge as risk factors for Problematic Internet Use, while social support, self-efficacy and self-esteem represent protective factors. The current research identifies some intrapersonal and social factors in an epidemic context for which the development of effective behavioural, supportive and/or educational interventions would be appropriate

    Mechanisms of endothelial cell dysfunction in cystic fibrosis

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    Although cystic fibrosis (CF) patients exhibit signs of endothelial perturbation, the functions of the cystic fibrosis conductance regulator (CFTR) in vascular endothelial cells (EC) are poorly defined. We sought to uncover biological activities of endothelial CFTR, relevant for vascular homeostasis and inflammation. We examined cells from human umbilical cords (HUVEC) and pulmonary artery isolated from non-cystic fibrosis (PAEC) and CF human lungs (CF-PAEC), under static conditions or physiological shear. CFTR activity, clearly detected in HUVEC and PAEC, was markedly reduced in CF-PAEC. CFTR blockade increased endothelial permeability to macromolecules and reduced trans‑endothelial electrical resistance (TEER). Consistent with this, CF-PAEC displayed lower TEER compared to PAEC. Under shear, CFTR blockade reduced VE-cadherin and p120 catenin membrane expression and triggered the formation of paxillin- and vinculin-enriched membrane blebs that evolved in shrinking of the cell body and disruption of cell-cell contacts. These changes were accompanied by enhanced release of microvesicles, which displayed reduced capability to stimulate proliferation in recipient EC. CFTR blockade also suppressed insulin-induced NO generation by EC, likely by inhibiting eNOS and AKT phosphorylation, whereas it enhanced IL-8 release. Remarkably, phosphodiesterase inhibitors in combination with a β2 adrenergic receptor agonist corrected functional and morphological changes triggered by CFTR dysfunction in EC. Our results uncover regulatory functions of CFTR in EC, suggesting a physiological role of CFTR in the maintenance EC homeostasis and its involvement in pathogenetic aspects of CF. Moreover, our findings open avenues for novel pharmacology to control endothelial dysfunction and its consequences in CF

    Hepatic safety and efficacy of immunomodulatory drugs used in patients with autoimmune hepatitis.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS There is little data on the hepatic efficacy and safety of immunomodulatory drugs used in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), despite their established use in dermatology, rheumatology and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Our aim was to collect real-life data on the experience of expert centres in treating AIH patients with these drugs, considered unconventional for AIH management. METHODS Online survey among hepatology centres being part of the European Reference Network on Hepatological Diseases (ERN RARE-LIVER). RESULTS 25 AIH patients have been reported. Ten were female, median age at diagnosis was 28 years; median follow-up was 17 months. All had initially received AIH-standard treatment. AIH-unconventional treatment was initiated for concomitant autoimmune diseases in 15 cases: nine for IBD (five vedolizumab and four ustekinumab), and one each for following diseases: autoinflammatory syndrome (tocilizumab), chronic urticaria (omalizumab), rheumatoid arthritis (abatacept), psoriasis (guselkumab), psoriatric arthritis (secukinumab, followed by ustekinumab) and alopecia (ruxolitinib). Three patients were treated with immunomodulatory drugs for side effects of previous treatments, including two patients with IBD treated with vedolizumab and ustekinumab, respectively, and one treated with belimumab. At the end of follow-up, 13 patients were in complete biochemical response, the patient on omalizumab had a relapse, and four patients with concomitant IBD had insufficient response. Seven patients were treated for lack of biochemical remission, of whom six with belimumab, all initially reaching complete biochemical response, but five relapsing during follow-up; and one with secukinumab, having concomitant rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, reaching complete biochemical response. Only the patient on abatacept received unconventional treatment as monotherapy. Side effects were reported in two patients on belimumab: one recurrent soft tissue infections, one fatigue and arthralgia. CONCLUSION Among 25 AIH patients who were treated with immunomodulatory drugs for different reasons, the majority had a fovorable course, relapse was frequent in difficult-to-treat patients who received belimumab, and four with concomitant IBD had insufficient response

    Nomenclature, diagnosis and management of drug-induced autoimmune-like hepatitis (DI-ALH): An expert opinion meeting report

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    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) can mimic almost all other liver disorders. A phenotype increasingly ascribed to drugs is autoimmune-like hepatitis (ALH). This article summarises the major topics discussed at a joint International Conference held between the Drug-Induced Liver Injury consortium and the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group. DI-ALH is a liver injury with laboratory and/or histological features that may be indistinguishable from those of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Previous studies have revealed that patients with DI-ALH and those with idiopathic AIH have very similar clinical, biochemical, immunological and histological features. Differentiating DI-ALH from AIH is important as patients with DI-ALH rarely require long-term immunosuppression and the condition often resolves spontaneously after withdrawal of the implicated drug, whereas patients with AIH mostly require long-term immunosuppression. Therefore, revision of the diagnosis on long-term follow-up may be necessary in some cases. More than 40 different drugs including nitrofurantoin, methyldopa, hydralazine, minocycline, infliximab, herbal and dietary supplements (such as Khat and Tinospora cordifolia) have been implicated in DI-ALH. Understanding of DI-ALH is limited by the lack of specific markers of the disease that could allow for a precise diagnosis, while there is similarly no single feature which is diagnostic of AIH. We propose a management algorithm for patients with liver injury and an autoimmune phenotype. There is an urgent need to prospectively evaluate patients with DI-ALH systematically to enable definitive characterisation of this condition

    Nomenclature, Diagnosis and Management of Drug-induced Autoimmune-like hepatitis (DI-ALH): An expert opinion meeting report.

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    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) can mimic almost all other liver disorders. A phenotype increasingly ascribed to drugs is autoimmune-like hepatitis (ALH). This article summarizes the major topics discussed at a joint International Conference held between Drug-Induced Liver Injury consortium and the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group. DI-ALH is a liver injury with laboratory and/or histological features that may be indistinguishable from those of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Previous studies have revealed that patients with DI-ALH and those with idiopathic AIH have very similar clinical, biochemical, immunological and histological features. Differentiating DI-ALH from AIH is important as patients with DI-ALH rarely require long-term immunosuppression and often resolve spontaneously after stopping the culprit drug whereas patients with AIH mostly need long-term immunosuppression. Therefore, revision of the diagnosis on long-term follow up may be necessary in some cases. More than 40 different drugs including nitrofurantoin, methyldopa, hydralazine, minocycline, infliximab, herbal and dietary supplements such as Khat and Tinospora cordifolia have been implicated in DI-ALH. Understanding of DI-ALH is limited by the lack of specific markers of the disease that could allow a precise diagnosis and similarly, there is no single feature which is diagnostic of AIH. A management algorithm is proposed. There is an urgent need to prospectively evaluate patients with DI-ALH systematically to enable definitive characterization of this condition