650 research outputs found

    CODEWEAVE: exploring fine-grained mobility of code

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    This paper is concerned with an abstract exploration of code mobility constructs designed for use in settings where the level of granularity associated with the mobile units exhibits significant variability. Units of mobility that are both finer and coarser grained than the unit of execution are examined. To accomplish this, we take the extreme view that every line of code and every variable declaration are potentially mobile, i.e., it may be duplicated or moved from one program context to another on the same host or across the network. We also assume that complex code assemblies may move with equal ease. The result is CODEWEAVE, a model that shows how to develop new forms of code mobility, assign them precise meaning, and facilitate formal verification of programs employing them. The design of CODEWEAVE relies greatly on Mobile UNITY, a notation and proof logic for mobile computing. Mobile UNITY offers a computational milieu for examining a wide range of constructs and semantic alternatives in a clean abstract setting, i.e., unconstrained by compilation and performance considerations traditionally associated with programming language design. Ultimately, the notation offered by CODEWEAVE is given exact semantic definition by means of a direct mapping to the underlying Mobile UNITY model. The abstract and formal treatment of code mobility offered by CODEWEAVE establishes a technical foundation for examining competing proposals and for subsequent integration of some of the mobility constructs both at the language level and within middleware for mobility

    Modulation by internal protons of native cyclic nucleotide-gated channels from retinal rods

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    Ion channels directly activated by cyclic nucleotides are present in the plasma membrane of retinal rod outer segments. These channels can be modulated by several factors including internal pH (pH(i)). Native cyclic nucleotide-gated channels were studied in excised membrane patches from the outer segment of retinal rods of the salamander. Channels were activated by cGMP or cAMP and currents as a function of voltage and cyclic nucleotide concentrations were measured as pH(i) was varied between 7.6 and 5.0. Increasing internal proton concentrations reduced the current activated by cGMP without modifying the concentration (K(1/2)) of cGMP necessary for half-activation of the maximal current. This effect could be well described as a reduction of single-channel current by protonation of a single acidic residue with a pK(1) of 5.1. When channels were activated by cAMP a more complex phenomenon was observed. K(1/2) for cAMP decreased by increasing internal proton concentration whereas maximal currents activated by cAMP increased by lowering pH(i) from 7.6 to 5.7-5.5 and then decreased from pH(i) 5.5 to 5.0. This behavior was attributed both to a reduction in single-channel current as measured with cGMP and to an increase in channel open probability induced by the binding of three protons to sites with a pK(2) of 6

    3_D modeling using TLS and GPR techniques to characterize above and below-ground wood distribution in pyroclastic deposits along the Blanco River (Chilean Patagonia)

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    To date, the study of in-stream wood in rivers has been focused mainly on quantifying wood pieces deposited above the ground. However, in some particular river systems, the presence of buried dead wood can also represent an important component of wood recruitment and budgeting dynamics. This is the case of the Blanco River (Southern Chile) severely affected by the eruption of Chait\ue9n Volcano occurred between 2008 and 2009. The high pyroclastic sediment deposition and transport affected the channel and the adjacent forest, burying wood logs and standing trees. The aim of this contribution is to assess the presence and distribution of wood in two study areas (483 m2 and 1989 m2, respectively) located along the lower streambank of the Blanco River, and covered by thick pyroclastic deposition up to 5 m. The study areas were surveyed using two different devices, a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). The first was used to scan the above surface achieving a high point cloud density ( 48 2000 points m-2) which allowed us to identify and measure the wood volume. The second, was used to characterize the internal morphology of the volcanic deposits and to detect the presence and spatial distribution of buried wood up to a depth of 4 m. Preliminary results have demonstrated differences in the numerousness and volume of above wood between the two study areas. In the first one, there were 43 wood elements, 33 standing trees and 10 logs, with a total volume of 2.96 m3 (109.47 m3 km-1), whereas the second one was characterized by the presence of just 7 standing trees and 11 wood pieces, for a total amount of 0.77 m3 (7.73 m3 km-1). The dimensions of the wood elements vary greatly according to the typology, standing trees show the higher median values in diameter and length (0.15 m and 2.91 m, respectively), whereas the wood logs were smaller (0.06 m and 1.12 m, respectively). The low dimensions of deposited wood can be probably connected to their origin, suggesting that these elements were generated by toppling and breaking of surrounding dead trees. Results obtained with the GPR confirm the ability of this instrument to localize the presence and distribution of buried wood. From the 3- D analysis it was possible to assess the spatial distribution and to estimate, as first approach, the volume of the buried wood which represents approximately 0.04% of the entire volcanic deposit. Further analysis will focus on additional GPR calibration with different wood sizes for a more accurate estimation of the volume. The knowledge of the overall wood amount stored in a fluvial system that can be remobilized over time, represent an essential factor to ensure better forest and river management actions

    Cluster derivation of Parisi's RSB solution for disordered systems

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    We propose a general scheme in which disordered systems are allowed to sacrifice energy equi-partitioning and separate into a hierarchy of ergodic sub-systems (clusters) with different characteristic time-scales and temperatures. The details of the break-up follow from the requirement of stationarity of the entropy of the slower cluster, at every level in the hierarchy. We apply our ideas to the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, and show how the Parisi solution can be {\it derived} quantitatively from plausible physical principles. Our approach gives new insight into the physics behind Parisi's solution and its relations with other theories, numerical experiments, and short range models.Comment: 7 pages 5 figure

    Temperature Chaos, Rejuvenation and Memory in Migdal-Kadanoff Spin Glasses

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    We use simulations within the Migdal-Kadanoff real space renormalization approach to probe the scales relevant for rejuvenation and memory in spin glasses. One of the central questions concerns the role of temperature chaos. First we investigate scaling laws of equilibrium temperature chaos, finding super-exponential decay of correlations but no chaos for the total free energy. Then we perform out of equilibrium simulations that follow experimental protocols. We find that: (1) rejuvenation arises at a length scale smaller than the ``overlap length'' l(T,T'); (2) memory survives even if equilibration goes out to length scales much larger than l(T,T').Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, added references, slightly changed content, modified Fig.

    Blind ocean acoustic tomography: experimental results on the INTIFANTE'00 data set

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    Blind Ocean Acoustic Tomography (BOAT) is an ocean remote exploration concept similar to acoustic tomography but where both the emitted signal waveform and the source osition are unknown. BOAT consists of a minimal environmental model of the area, a broadband matched- eld processor and a genetic algorithm search procedure. This paper presents the results obtained with BOAT on part of the data set acquired during the INTIFANTE'00 sea trial, where an acoustic source was towed along both range independent and range dependent paths, with source-receiver ranges varying from 500 m up to 5.5 km and water depths varying from 70 to 120 m. The results obtained on several hours of data, show that source range and depth can be used as focalizing parameters, together with the Bartlett power to indicate model tness. Using this three parameters it becomes clear when the environment is \in focus" and when it is \out of focus" leading to realiable estimates of the geometric and environmental parameters under estimation.This work was supported by programe PRAXIS XXI of FCT, Portugal, under projects INTIMATE and ATOMS and under project TOMPACO, CNR, Italy. The authors are also in debt of SACLANTCEN for equipment loan and to the crew of NRP D.Carlos I of IH, that made the sea trial successful

    Genetic programs driving oncogenic transformation: Lessons from in vitro models

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    Cancer complexity relies on the intracellular pleiotropy of oncogenes/tumor suppressors and in the strong interplay between tumors and micro- and macro-environments. Here we followed a reductionist approach, by analyzing the transcriptional adaptations induced by three oncogenes (RAS, MYC, and HDAC4) in an isogenic transformation process. Common pathways, in place of common genes became dysregulated. From our analysis it emerges that, during the process of transformation, tumor cells cultured in vitro prime some signaling pathways suitable for coping with the blood supply restriction, metabolic adaptations, infiltration of immune cells, and for acquiring the morphological plasticity needed during the metastatic phase. Finally, we identified two signatures of genes commonly regulated by the three oncogenes that successfully predict the outcome of patients affected by different cancer types. These results emphasize that, in spite of the heterogeneous mutational burden among different cancers and even within the same tumor, some common hubs do exist. Their location, at the intersection of the various signaling pathways, makes a therapeutic approach exploitable

    Non-compact local excitations in spin glasses

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    We study numerically the local low-energy excitations in the 3-d Edwards-Anderson model for spin glasses. Given the ground state, we determine the lowest-lying connected cluster of flipped spins with a fixed volume containing one given spin. These excitations are not compact, having a fractal dimension close to two, suggesting an analogy with lattice animals. Also, their energy does not grow with their size; the associated exponent is slightly negative whereas the one for compact clusters is positive. These findings call for a modification of the basic hypotheses underlying the droplet model.Comment: 7 pages, LaTex, discussion on stability clarifie

    Critical interfaces of the Ashkin-Teller model at the parafermionic point

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    We present an extensive study of interfaces defined in the Z_4 spin lattice representation of the Ashkin-Teller (AT) model. In particular, we numerically compute the fractal dimensions of boundary and bulk interfaces at the Fateev-Zamolodchikov point. This point is a special point on the self-dual critical line of the AT model and it is described in the continuum limit by the Z_4 parafermionic theory. Extending on previous analytical and numerical studies [10,12], we point out the existence of three different values of fractal dimensions which characterize different kind of interfaces. We argue that this result may be related to the classification of primary operators of the parafermionic algebra. The scenario emerging from the studies presented here is expected to unveil general aspects of geometrical objects of critical AT model, and thus of c=1 critical theories in general.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure