627 research outputs found

    Contact-dependent Stimulation and Inhibition of Dendritic Cells by Natural Killer Cells

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    Natural killer (NK) cells and dendritic cells (DCs) are two distinct cell types of innate immunity. It is known that the in vitro interaction of human NK cells with autologous DCs results in DC lysis. Here we show that contact-dependent interactions between activated human NK cells and immature DCs (iDCs) provides a “control switch” for the immune system. At low NK/DC ratios, this interaction dramatically amplifies DC responses, whereas at high ratios it completely turns off their responses. Specifically, culture of activated human NK cells with iDCs, at low NK/DC ratios (1:5), led to exponential increases in DC cytokine production, which were completely dependent on cell-to-cell contact. DC maturation was also driven by cognate interactions with NK cells and maturation was dependent on endogenously produced TNF-α in the culture. At slightly higher NK/DC ratios (5:1), inhibition of DC functions was the dominant feature due to potent killing by the autologous NK cells. Resting NK cells also stimulated autologous DC maturation in a TNF-α/contact-dependent manner, however, increasing the NK/DC ratio only led to an enhancement of this effect

    Variations of some blood parameters in rabbit reared under different environmental conditions

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    High environmental temperature induces physiological stress in rabbits leading to production losses, also because of their quite poor thermoregulation ability. Some consequences of heat stress affect digestive system functions, with impaired appetite, growth and feed conversion, but also with increased disease incidence. These effects can also reflect on the levels of some blood metabolites. Relatively few experimental works are available on the effects of high environmental temperature on the rabbit metabolic profile reared in commercial farms. The aim of this study was to study, in separate experiments, the effects of "fresh" spring and of "hot" summer temperatures on rabbits performance with particular attention to the behaviour of some metabolic parameters and of some aspects of the functionality of the digestive system

    Exercise training in patients with chronic heart failure: A new challenge for Cardiac Rehabilitation Community

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    Exercise training (ET) is strongly recommended in patients with chronic stable heart failure (HF). Moderate-intensity aerobic continuous ET is the best established training modality in HF patients. In the last decade, however, high-intensity interval exercise training (HIIT) has aroused considerable interest in cardiac rehabilitation community. In HF patients, HIIT exerts larger improvements in exercise capacity compared to moderate-continuous ET. Since better functional capacity translates into symptoms relief and improvement in quality of life in patients with HF, this training modality is collecting growing interest and consensus, not revealing major safety issues. HIIT should not replace other training modalities in HF but should rather complement them. Inspiratory muscle training, another promising training modality in patients with HF, exerts beneficial effect on inspiratory muscle strength and inspiratory endurance, on exercise capacity and quality of life. In conclusion, taking into consideration the complecity of HF syndrome, combining and tailoring different ET modalities according to each patient's baseline clinical characteristics (i.e. exercise capacity, comorbidity, frailty status, personal needs, preferences and goals) seem the most wily approach for exercise prescription

    Pirfenidone and Nintedanib in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Real-life experience in an Italian referral centre

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    Background: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has a median survival time after diagnosis of 2–5 years. The main goal of treating IPF is to stabilize or reduce the rate of disease progression. Nintedanib and Pirfenidone have been a breakthrough in the management of IPF. Here we evaluated the effectiveness of Pirfenidone and Nintedanib in a population of IPF patients diagnosed in the last 12 months at Florence ILD Referral Centre. Methods: In the last 12 months, 82 IPF patients (66 male, mean age 78.3 ± 23.8 years) were diagnosed and started antifibrotic therapy with Pirfenidone or Nintedanib. Their clinical and functional details were analyzed retrospectively at time 0 and after 6 and 12 months of therapy. Results: The median age of the patients treated with Nintedanib was higher than that of the Pirfenidone group (p 0.05). After 1 year, lung function test parameters of patients treated with Pirfenidone had remained stable from baseline. Discussion: This study emphasizes that both antifibrotic drugs appeared to be a good therapeutic choice in terms of functional stabilization, also in older patients

    Sul valore sistematico dell’assenza o della scarsa attività del veleno mucoso nelle Rane rosse (nota preliminare)

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    Il veleno mucoso della Rana graeca e della Rana dalmatina possiede scarsa attività tossica a paragone del veleno mucoso della Rana esculenta e a somiglianza dell’analogo veleno della Rana temporaria, dotato soltanto di un debole effetto irritativo locale. Anche per questo carattere fisiologico le Rane rosse o terrestri possono quindi distinguersi dalle Rane verdi. Il veleno mucoso della Rana dalmatina o della Rana graeca parrebbe inoltre dotato di un apprezzabile potere immunizzante nei confronti del veleno mucoso della R. esculenta, a differenza del veleno mucoso di Rana temporaria, sprovvista di tale azione secondo la Phisalix. Alla tossicità del muco cutaneo si accompagnano in tutte queste forme analoghi rapporti di tossicità del siero.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A portable X-ray fluorescence device for in situ analyses of mural paintings

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    Within the context of a research program for studying with nondestructive methods the preparation and realisation techniques of mural paintings used in the Roman age, a portable ED-XRF device for elemental analysis has been set up. Preliminary tests have been carried out on two Roman mural paintings belonging to the Baia Archaeological Complex (Naples). Datable to different periods, the two paintings show different manufacturing and conservation states, thus representing a good test for verifying the ED-XRF device capability. In situ and laboratory measurements, performed on materials of different origin and nature, have permitted the determination of the pigments and the recognition of pollution traces

    Sul valore sistematico dell’assenza o della scarsa attività del veleno mucoso nelle Rane rosse (nota preliminare)

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    Il veleno mucoso della Rana graeca e della Rana dalmatina possiede scarsa attività tossica a paragone del veleno mucoso della Rana esculenta e a somiglianza dell’analogo veleno della Rana temporaria, dotato soltanto di un debole effetto irritativo locale. Anche per questo carattere fisiologico le Rane rosse o terrestri possono quindi distinguersi dalle Rane verdi. Il veleno mucoso della Rana dalmatina o della Rana graeca parrebbe inoltre dotato di un apprezzabile potere immunizzante nei confronti del veleno mucoso della R. esculenta, a differenza del veleno mucoso di Rana temporaria, sprovvista di tale azione secondo la Phisalix. Alla tossicità del muco cutaneo si accompagnano in tutte queste forme analoghi rapporti di tossicità del siero.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A portable X-ray fluorescence device for in situ analyses of mural paintings

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    Within the context of a research program for studying with nondestructive methods the preparation and realisation techniques of mural paintings used in the Roman age, a portable ED-XRF device for elemental analysis has been set up. Preliminary tests have been carried out on two Roman mural paintings belonging to the Baia Archaeological Complex (Naples). Datable to different periods, the two paintings show different manufacturing and conservation states, thus representing a good test for verifying the ED-XRF device capability. In situ and laboratory measurements, performed on materials of different origin and nature, have permitted the determination of the pigments and the recognition of pollution traces

    Sul valore sistematico dell’assenza o della scarsa attività del veleno mucoso nelle Rane rosse (nota preliminare)

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    Il veleno mucoso della Rana graeca e della Rana dalmatina possiede scarsa attività tossica a paragone del veleno mucoso della Rana esculenta e a somiglianza dell’analogo veleno della Rana temporaria, dotato soltanto di un debole effetto irritativo locale. Anche per questo carattere fisiologico le Rane rosse o terrestri possono quindi distinguersi dalle Rane verdi. Il veleno mucoso della Rana dalmatina o della Rana graeca parrebbe inoltre dotato di un apprezzabile potere immunizzante nei confronti del veleno mucoso della R. esculenta, a differenza del veleno mucoso di Rana temporaria, sprovvista di tale azione secondo la Phisalix. Alla tossicità del muco cutaneo si accompagnano in tutte queste forme analoghi rapporti di tossicità del siero.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la colaboración del Dr. Jorge Williams (FCNM-UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse
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