32 research outputs found

    Le français langue étrangÚre et seconde. Des paysages didactiques

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    Le texte coordonnĂ© par VĂ©ronique Castellotti et Hocine Chalabi, constitue la suite du colloque qui a eu lieu en 2003 Ă  l’UniversitĂ© François Rabelais de Tours Ă  l’occasion des 90€ans de vie de l’Institut de Touraine et comprend le texte de toutes les contributions. Le long ouvrage a Ă©tĂ© organisĂ© autour de cinq axes thĂ©matiques, ce qui aide le lecteur Ă  se repĂ©rer Ă  travers les vingt-sept articles proposĂ©s. Les cinq parties correspondant aux diffĂ©rentes axes sont prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es – en plus de la prĂ©s..

    Évolution Ă©pistĂ©mologique de la didactique des langues : la face cachĂ©e des Ă©motions

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    La recherche dans le domaine de l’apprentissage des langues s’est complexifiĂ©e au cours des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. Elle s’articule de plus en plus autour de trois composantes : communication, cognition et socialisation, qui sont parfois prĂ©sentĂ©es sĂ©parĂ©ment au lieu d’ĂȘtre vues comme interdĂ©pendantes. De plus, dans l’analyse de ces composantes et de leur interaction complexe, un facteur clĂ© est normalement passĂ© sous silence : la dimension Ă©motionnelle. Au contraire, cette dimension, ancrĂ©e Ă  un niveau profond de l’individu, nous semble pouvoir fĂ©dĂ©rer les trois composantes mentionnĂ©es. Une notion Ă©mergente en didactique des langues, le savoir-ĂȘtre, semble en mesure de valoriser cette complexitĂ© et de donner un nouvel espace Ă  la dimension Ă©motionnelle. Cette contribution Ă©tudie les apports de diffĂ©rents courants de recherche Ă  la didactique des langues pour s’interroger sur la place de la dimension Ă©motionnelle. En partant de diffĂ©rentes thĂ©ories, l’article questionne la nature de cette dimension et ses liens avec l’apprentissage des langues. Il s’interroge ensuite sur le potentiel du savoir-ĂȘtre en didactique des langues. La conclusion porte sur les perspectives que l’étude des Ă©motions offre pour l’avancement de la recherche, en particulier en lien avec le plurilinguisme.Research in the domain of second/foreign language acquisition has become more complex these last decades. It increasingly structures itself around three components, communication, cognition and socialisation, which are sometimes taken in isolation instead of being considered as interdependent. Furthermore, in the analysis of these components and of their complex interactions, a key factor is usually not given appropriate space: the emotional dimension. It is precisely this dimension, deeply rooted in the individual self, which seems able to federate the three components we mentioned above. An emergent notion in second/foreign language acquisition research, the “savoir-ĂȘtre” or existential competence, seems able to value such complexity and to provide a new space for the emotional dimension. This article studies the contributions of different research streams to language pedagogy with the aim of investigating the role of the emotional dimension. Moving from different theories, this contribution questions the nature of this dimension and its links with second/foreign language acquisition. The potential of “savoir-ĂȘtre” in language pedagogy is also considered. The conclusion presents perspectives that the study of emotions offers to research in languages, particularly in connection with plurilingualism

    Eynar Leupold, Französisch unterrichten. Grundlagen·Methoden·Anregungen

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    Le texte Französisch unterrichten constitue un ouvrage de rĂ©fĂ©rence exhaustif et original, un instrument utile pour tous ceux qui, Ă  diffĂ©rents titres, s’occupent de didactique du FLE. Comme l’indique le sous-titre – Grundlagen Methoden Anregungen, Ă  savoir fondements thĂ©oriques, mĂ©thodologies, propositions – le livre couvre aussi bien la dimension thĂ©orique que pratique, constituant ainsi un outil d’information sur les nouvelles orientations didactiques et une source d’idĂ©es pour appliquer l..


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    Il Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue (QCER) (Consiglio d’Europa, 2001) si Ăš dimostrato uno strumento in grado di favorire l’innovazione metodologica e di contribuire alla riflessione epistemologica nell’ambito dell’educazione linguistica a livello mondiale. Questo contributo presenta alcuni concetti chiave del QCER, in particolare quelli che hanno alimentato la riflessione metodologica e didattica negli ultimi vent’anni, e discute come questi stessi concetti siano stati dei semi importanti che hanno dato impulso ai progressi nell’insegnamento e nell’apprendimento delle lingue a tutti i livelli. Dopo una breve presentazione dei concetti chiave del nuovo CEFR Companion Volume (CEFRCV), che si basa su questi concetti e sul modo in cui questo recente strumento comprenda e vada oltre il QCER, l’articolo si concentra sull’articolazione tra mediazione, plurilinguismo e approccio orientato all’azione per discutere la nuova visione dell’uso e dell’apprendimento della lingua che caratterizza le nostre societĂ  complesse. La parte finale dell’articolo discute le implicazioni che il cambiamento di paradigma rappresentato dal QCER ha generato nell’ambito dell’educazione linguistica e il ruolo che i diversi repertori linguistici svolgono a livello individuale e collettivo nei contesti sociali ed educativi.   Mediation at the heart of language learning for didactics 3.0 The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (Council of Europe, 2001) has proved to be a tool able to foster methodological innovation and contribute to the epistemological reflection in language education worldwide. This paper presents some key concepts of the CEFR, in particular those which have nourished the methodological and pedagogical reflection over the last two decades, and discusses how these same concepts represented important seeds that would boost advances in the teaching and learning of languages at all levels.  After a brief presentation of the key characteristics of the new CEFR Companion Volume (CEFRCV), which builds on these concepts, and the way this recent tool encompasses and goes beyond the CEFR, the paper focuses on the articulation between mediation, plurilingualism and the action-oriented approach to discuss the new vision of language use and learning which characterizes our complex societies. The final part of the paper discusses the implications of the paradigm shift represented by the CEFRCV in language education and the role that diverse linguistic repertoires play at the individual and collective level in social and educational contexts.&nbsp

    Innovation and Reform in Course Planning, Teaching, and Assessment: The CEFR in Canada and Switzerland, A Comparative Study

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    Abstract Change and innovation in education require carefully thought-through procedures as well as time, and benefit both from exchanges of expertise between contexts and from quality assurance (QA) processes. A key document that stimulates change in planning, teaching, and assessment is the Council of Europe’s (2001) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). However, its innovation potential in language education has been affected by a lack of impact studies and QA procedures. This article reports on the QualiCEFR study, which aims to encourage a culture of QA in relation to planning, teaching, and assessment and to identify promising practices in those processes. The study compared CEFR implementation in Switzerland and Canada employing a mixed-methods design and a QA approach, thematically analyzing data from over 40 interviews. Results have helped to inform the development of an online tool produced in a sister project of the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML). RĂ©sumĂ©Le changement et l’innovation en Ă©ducation nĂ©cessitent Ă  la fois du temps et des procĂ©dures soigneusement rĂ©flĂ©chies. Tous deux bĂ©nĂ©ficient aussi d’échanges d’expertise entre diffĂ©rents contextes ainsi que de processus d’assurance de la qualitĂ© (AQ). Le Cadre europĂ©en commun de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour les langues (CECR) est un document clĂ© qui est en mesure de stimuler le changement au niveau de la planification, de l’enseignement et de l’évaluation (Conseil de l’Europe, 2001). NĂ©anmoins, son potentiel d’innovation dans l’enseignement des langues a souffert du manque d’études sur les incidences du CECR et de procĂ©dures d’AQ. Cet article rend compte de l’étude QualiCEFR, dont le but Ă©tait d’encourager une culture d’AQ dans les processus de planification, d’enseignement et d’évaluation ainsi que d’identifier de bonnes pratiques dans ces mĂȘmes processus. En utilisant un modĂšle multimĂ©thodes et une approche d’AQ, l’étude a comparĂ© la mise en Ɠuvre du CECR en Suisse et au Canada Ă  travers une analyse thĂ©matique de donnĂ©es provenant de plus de 40 entrevues. Les rĂ©sultats ont fourni une base de dĂ©part pour le dĂ©veloppement d’un outil en ligne produit au cours d’un projet parallĂšle du Centre europĂ©en des langues vivantes (CELV).

    Supporting language rights: plurilingual pedagogies as an impetus for linguistic and cultural inclusion

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    This paper explores how the concept of plurilingualism is positioned to act as an impetus for linguistic and cultural inclusion in human-rights-based language education. Drawing on frameworks foregrounding descriptors for plurilingualism and democratic citizenship, the paper employs discourse analysis and sorting techniques to identify and align strategies of linguistic and cultural inclusion found in multimodal plurilingual task artefacts collected from a multi-year, multi-site research partnership between a Canadian university and the Italian Ministry of Education. The findings reveal that the implementation of plurilingual tasks aligns with key elements of democratic, rights-based language education, including critical understanding of communication, openness to cultural otherness, cooperation skills, and the valuing of cultural diversity. The findings of this paper contribute to further understanding of the concept of plurilingualism and to empirically informed perspectives on pedagogies that support language rights as human rights in education

    Plurilinguisme, cultures et identitĂ©s : la construction du savoir-ĂȘtre chez l’enseignant

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    Cette contribution s’inscrit dans la rĂ©flexion autour du dĂ©veloppement de compĂ©tences plurilingues et pluriculturelles chez les enseignants. Dans ce cadre-lĂ , nous nous sommes interrogĂ©es sur les reprĂ©sentations qu’ont les futurs enseignants (du primaire et du secondaire) Ă  propos du plurilinguisme. L’intĂ©rĂȘt est d’en dĂ©gager les pistes ouvertes pour l’élaboration de dispositifs de formation. Mais de quelles dimensions et ouverture internationales doter cette formation, en vue de la construction d’un profil interculturel ? En usant de la mĂ©taphore du dĂ©placement, nous sommes parties de la prĂ©misse selon laquelle la mobilitĂ© virtuelle est souvent surestimĂ©e au dĂ©triment de la mobilitĂ© gĂ©ographique alors que rien ne peut remplacer le vĂ©cu, les sensations, les expĂ©riences authentiques. Nous questionnons quelques apports qu’une expĂ©rience de « vraie » mobilitĂ© peut avoir dans la formation des enseignants, au niveau aussi bien de la construction de l’identitĂ© professionnelle que du dĂ©veloppement d’un savoir-ĂȘtre ouvert et rĂ©ceptif.This paper aims at contributing to the general reflection on the development of teachers’ multilingual and multicultural competences. Within this framework, the authors have questioned future primary and secondary school teachers’ representations of the concept of multilingualism with a view to exposing some possible threads for conceiving professional development devices and policies. What international dimension does such development need in order to effectively build up an intercultural profile for teachers? Having in mind the metaphor of movement the authors started from the idea that virtual mobility is often overestimated in comparison to actual geographical mobility, whereas nothing could replace feelings, life and authentic experiences. The authors question some possible contribution that a “real” experience of mobility may give to teacher development both at the level of building up a professional identity and developing an open existential competence, a sensitive “savoir-ĂȘtre”

    « Au commencement Ă©tait l’émotion » : Introduction

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    « Dans les Écritures, il est Ă©crit : “Au commencement Ă©tait le Verbe.”Non ! Au commencement Ă©tait l’émotion.Le Verbe est venu ensuite pour remplacer l’émotion. »Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line vous parle, 1957. Les rĂ©cents colloques ou workshops sur les Ă©motions dans l’apprentissage des langues affichent un intĂ©rĂȘt actuel pour ce concept transdisciplinaire. L’apprentissage n’est plus uniquement analysĂ© d’un point de vue cognitif, mais dans une perspective plus Ă©largie oĂč l’émotion a une influence non ..

    The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) in Canada: A Research Agenda

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    This article proposes a research agenda for future inquiry into the use of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) in the plurilingual Canadian context. Drawing on data collected from a research forum hosted by the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers in 2014, as well as a detailed analysis of Canadian empirical studies and practice-based projects to date, the authors examine three areas of emphasis related to CEFR use: (a) K-12 education, including uses with learners; (b) initial teacher education, where additional language teacher candidates are situated as both learners and future teachers; and (c) postsecondary language learning contexts. Future research directions are proposed in consideration of how policymaking, language teaching and language learning are articulated across each of these three contexts. To conclude, a call is made for ongoing conversations encouraging stakeholders to consider how they might take up pan-Canadian interests when introducing various aspects of the CEFR and its related tools

    Plurilingualism as a Catalyst for Creativity in Superdiverse Societies: A Systemic Analysis

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    Post-industrial societies are characterized by a high degree of mobility which manifests itself through waves of migration and affects all knowledge domains and all aspects of both individual and collective lives. This situation presents challenges under the pressure of a powerfully uniformizing globalization. However, the exponential increase of diversity linked to intensified mobility is also conducive to social transformations since, when the numerous languages and cultures of the migrants encounter the languages and cultures of the host countries, they act as catalyzers of change. This article considers such social transformation in the light of the concept of plurilingualism as distinct from multilingualism, explaining the advantages of the former over the latter in such contexts, and analyzes possible synergies between plurilingualism and creativity through the lens of complexity theories and the theory of affordances, with the related concepts of ‘affordance spaces’ and landscape of affordances. After a brief introduction of the main tenets of complexity theories and affordances, the article builds on three complementary models of creativity, using complexity theories as a framework and discusses the specific characteristics and potential of plurilingualism by explaining how it can transform diversity from an obstacle into an opportunity, a possibility for action. The triadic relationship between creativity, plurilingualism, and complexity is considered. As a result, the article suggests that plurilingualism can create conditions conducive to creativity thanks to its multiple and flexible nature that values all forms of cross-fertilization and the uniqueness of the resulting individual trajectories. Without claiming any causal relationship between plurilingualism and creativity, the paper explains the reasons why it is crucial to nurture and foster plurilingualism in order to provide favorable conditions for creativity and change. The article explains the characteristics and implications of plurilanguaging, and the potential for individuals to embrace a holistic, complex view of languages and cultures and to experience empowerment in the process of perceiving and exploring linguistic and cultural diversity, hybridity and interconnections, thus discovering and liberating their full creative repertoire