23 research outputs found

    Metabolic engineering of Bacillus subtilis toward the efficient and stable production of C30-carotenoids

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    Commercial carotenoid production is dominated by chemical synthesis and plant extraction, both of which are unsustainable and can be detrimental to the environment. A promising alternative for the mass production of carotenoids from both an ecological and commercial perspective is microbial synthesis. To date, C30 carotenoid production in Bacillus subtilis has been achieved using plasmid systems for the overexpression of biosynthetic enzymes. In the present study, we employed a clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat-Cas9 (CRISPR-Cas9) system to develop an efficient, safe, and stable C30 carotenoid-producing B. subtilis strain, devoid of plasmids and antibiotic selection markers. To this end, the expression levels of crtM (dehydrosqualene synthase) and crtN (dehydrosqualene desaturase) genes from Staphylococcus aureus were upregulated by the insertion of three gene copies into the chromosome of B. subtilis. Subsequently, the supply of the C30 carotenoid precursor farnesyl diphosphate (FPP), which is the substrate for CrtMN enzymes, was enhanced by expressing chromosomally integrated Bacillus megaterium-derived farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPPS), a key enzyme in the FPP pathway, and abolishing the expression of farnesyl diphosphate phosphatase (YisP), an enzyme responsible for the undesired conversion of FPP to farnesol. The consecutive combination of these features resulted in a stepwise increased production of C30 carotenoids. For the first time, a B. subtilis strain that can endogenously produce C30 carotenoids has been constructed, which we anticipate will serve as a chassis for further metabolic engineering and fermentation optimization aimed at developing a commercial scale bioproduction process

    Transcriptional analysis of the lichenase-like gene cel12A of the filamentous fungus Stachybotrys atra BP-A and its relevance for lignocellulose depolymerization

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    To rationally optimize the production of industrial enzymes by molecular means requires previous knowledge of the regulatory circuits controlling the expression of the corresponding genes. The genus Stachybotrys is an outstanding producer of cellulose-degrading enzymes. Previous studies isolated and characterized the lichenase-like/non-typical cellulase Cel12A of S. atra (AKA S. chartarum) belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 12 (GH12). In this study, we used RT-qPCR to determine the pattern of expression of cel12A under different carbon sources and initial ambient pH. Among the carbon sources examined, rice straw triggered a greater increase in the expression of cel12A than 1% lactose or 0.1% glucose, indicating specific induction by rice straw. In contrast, cel12A was repressed in the presence of glucose even when combined with this inducer. The proximity of 2 adjacent 5′-CTGGGGTCTGGGG-3′ CreA consensus target sites to the translational start site of cel12A strongly suggests that the carbon catabolite repression observed is directly mediated by CreA. Ambient pH did not have a significant effect on cel12A expression. These findings present new knowledge on transcriptional regulatory networks in Stachybotrys associated with cellulose/hemicellulose depolymerization. Rational engineering of CreA to remove CCR could constitute a novel strategy for improving the production of Cel12A

    Exploring glutathione lyases as biocatalysts: paving the way for enzymatic lignin depolymerization and future stereoselective Applications

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    Glutathione-dependent β-etherases and glutathione lyases are key-enzymes for the biocatalytic depolymerization of lignin. In the first step, the nucleophilic attack of glutathione to the common β-O-4-aryl-ether motif in lignin is catalyzed by β-etherases and afterwards the glutathione is removed again by the action of glutathione lyases. Given their potential impact for lignin valorization, in this paper novel glutathione lyases are reported and biocatalytically characterized based on lignin model compounds. As a result, an enzyme exhibiting increased thermostability and lowered enantioselectivity - key features for implementation of glutathione lyases in enzymatic lignin depolymerization processes - was identified. Furthermore, first mutational studies of these enzymes revealed the possibility to further alter the activity as well as enantioselectivity of glutathione lyases by means of protein engineering. From a practical perspective, one-pot multi-step processes combining β-etherases and glutathione lyases are successfully set-up, giving hints on the potential that the implementation of these biocatalysts may bring for biorefinery purposes

    Identification of defensin-encoding genes of Picea glauca: characterization of PgD5, a conserved spruce defensin with strong antifungal activity

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    Background: Plant defensins represent a major innate immune protein superfamily that displays strong inhibitory effects on filamentous fungi. The total number of plant defensins in a conifer species is unknown since there are no sequenced conifer genomes published, however the genomes of several angiosperm species provide an insight on the diversity of plant defensins. Here we report the identification of five new defensin-encoding genes from the Picea glauca genome and the characterization of two of their gene products, named PgD5 and endopiceasin. Results: Screening of a P. glauca EST database with sequences of known plant defensins identified four genes with homology to the known P. glauca defensin PgD1, which were designated PgD2-5. Whereas in the mature PgD2-4 only 7-9 amino acids differed from PgD1, PgD5 had only 64% sequence identity. PgD5 was amplified from P. glauca genomic DNA by PCR. It codes for a precursor of 77-amino acid that is fully conserved within the Picea genus and has similarity to plant defensins. Recombinant PgD5, produced in Escherichia coli, had a molecular mass of 5.721 kDa, as determined by mass spectrometry. The PgD5 peptide exhibited strong antifungal activity against several phytopathogens without any effect on the morphology of the treated fungal hyphae, but strongly inhibited hyphal elongation. A SYTOX uptake assay suggested that the inhibitory activity of PgD5 could be associated with altering the permeability of the fungal membranes. Another completely unrelated defensin gene was identified in the EST library and named endopiceasin. Its gene codes for a 6-cysteine peptide that shares high similarity with the fungal defensin plectasin. Conclusions: Screening of a P. glauca EST database resulted in the identification of five new defensin-encoding genes. PgD5 codes for a plant defensin that displays non-morphogenic antifungal activity against the phytopathogens tested, probably by altering membrane permeability. PgD5 has potential for application in the plant biotechnology sector. Endopiceasin appears to derive from an endo- or epiphytic fungal strain rather than from the plant itself. Keywords: Spruce defensins, Endophyte, Antifungal activity, Membrane permeabilizatio

    From gene to biorefinery: microbial ß-etherases as promising biocatalysts for lignin valorization

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    The set-up of biorefineries for the valorization of lignocellulosic biomass will be core in the future to reach sustainability targets. In this area, biomass-degrading enzymes are attracting significant research interest for their potential in the production of chemicals and biofuels from renewable feedstock. Glutathione-dependent ß-etherases are emerging enzymes for the biocatalytic depolymerization of lignin, a heterogeneous aromatic polymer abundant in nature. They selectively catalyze the reductive cleavage of ß-O-4 aryl-ether bonds which account for 45–60% of linkages present in lignin. Hence, application of ß-etherases in lignin depolymerization would enable a specific lignin breakdown, selectively yielding (valuable) low-molecular-mass aromatics. Albeit ß-etherases have been biochemically known for decades, only very recently novel ß-etherases have been identified and thoroughly characterized for lignin valorization, expanding the enzyme toolbox for efficient ß-O-4 aryl-ether bond cleavage. Given their emerging importance and potential, this mini-review discusses recent developments in the field of ß-etherase biocatalysis covering all aspects from enzyme identification to biocatalytic applications with real lignin samples

    Guia per a la prevenció i el control de les toxiinfeccions alimentàries

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    Toxiinfecció alimentària; Medicina preventiva; Seguretat dels alimentsFood poisoning; Preventive medicine; Food safetyToxiinfección alimentaria; Medicina preventiva; Seguridad de los alimentosEn aquesta segona edició de la Guia per a la prevenció i el control de les toxiinfeccions alimentàries es presenta l’etiologia, la patogènia, el tractament i, fonamentalment, la profilaxi de les toxiinfeccions alimentàries més importants i freqüents al nostre medi. Tracta de les normes de declaració, recollida de mostres i mesures de prevenció, i informa sobre les normes de conservació i les mesures de preparació dels aliments per tal d’evitar aquestes malalties

    Metabolic engineering of Bacillus subtilis toward the efficient and stable production of C30-carotenoids

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    Abstract Commercial carotenoid production is dominated by chemical synthesis and plant extraction, both of which are unsustainable and can be detrimental to the environment. A promising alternative for the mass production of carotenoids from both an ecological and commercial perspective is microbial synthesis. To date, C30 carotenoid production in Bacillus subtilis has been achieved using plasmid systems for the overexpression of biosynthetic enzymes. In the present study, we employed a clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat-Cas9 (CRISPR-Cas9) system to develop an efficient, safe, and stable C30 carotenoid-producing B. subtilis strain, devoid of plasmids and antibiotic selection markers. To this end, the expression levels of crtM (dehydrosqualene synthase) and crtN (dehydrosqualene desaturase) genes from Staphylococcus aureus were upregulated by the insertion of three gene copies into the chromosome of B. subtilis. Subsequently, the supply of the C30 carotenoid precursor farnesyl diphosphate (FPP), which is the substrate for CrtMN enzymes, was enhanced by expressing chromosomally integrated Bacillus megaterium-derived farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPPS), a key enzyme in the FPP pathway, and abolishing the expression of farnesyl diphosphate phosphatase (YisP), an enzyme responsible for the undesired conversion of FPP to farnesol. The consecutive combination of these features resulted in a stepwise increased production of C30 carotenoids. For the first time, a B. subtilis strain that can endogenously produce C30 carotenoids has been constructed, which we anticipate will serve as a chassis for further metabolic engineering and fermentation optimization aimed at developing a commercial scale bioproduction process

    Barriers to simultaneous multilocus integration in Bacillus subtilis tumble down: development of a straightforward screening method for the colorimetric detection of one-step multiple gene insertion using the CRISPR-Cas9 system

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    Background Despite recent advances in genetic engineering tools for effectively regulating and manipulating genes, efficient simultaneous multigene insertion methods have not been established in Bacillus subtilis. To date, multilocus integration systems in B. subtilis, which is one of the main industrial enzyme producers and a GRAS (generally regarded as safe) microbial host, rely on iterative rounds of plasmid construction for sequential insertions of genes into the B. subtilis chromosome, which is tedious and time consuming. Results In this study, we present development and proof-of-concept of a novel CRISPR-Cas9-based genome-editing strategy for the colorimetric detection of one-step multiple gene insertion in B. subtilis. First, up to three copies of the crtMN operon from Staphylococcus aureus, encoding a yellow pigment, were incorporated at three ectopic sites within the B. subtilis chromosome, rendering engineered strains able to form yellow colonies. Second, a single CRISPR-Cas9-based plasmid carrying a highly specific single guide RNA (sgRNA) targeting crtMN operon and a changeable editing template was constructed to facilitate simultaneous insertion of multiple gene-copies through homology-directed repair (HDR). Upon transformation of engineered strains with engineered plasmids, strains harboring up to three gene copies integrated into the chromosome formed white colonies because of the removal of the crtMN operon, clearly distinguishable from yellow colonies harboring undesired genetic modifications. As a result, construction of a plasmid-less, marker-free, high-expression stable producer B. subtilis strain can be completed in only seven days, demonstrating the potential that the implementation of this technology may bring for biotechnology purposes. Conclusions The novel technology expands the genome-editing toolset for B. subtilis and means a substantial improvement over current methodology, offering new application possibilities that we envision should significantly boost the development of B. subtilis as a chassis in the field of synthetic biology

    Exploring glutathione lyases as biocatalysts: paving the way for enzymatic lignin depolymerization and future stereoselective applications

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    Glutathione-dependent β-etherases and glutathione lyases are key-enzymes for the biocatalytic depolymerization of lignin. In the first step, the nucleophilic attack of glutathione to the common β-O-4-arylether motif in lignin is catalyzed by β-etherases and afterwards the glutathione is removed again by the action of glutathione lyases. Given their potential impact for lignin valorization, in this paper novel glutathione lyases are reported and biocatalytically characterized based on lignin model compounds. As a result, an enzyme exhibiting increased thermostability and lowered enantioselectivity – key features for implementation of glutathione lyases in enzymatic lignin depolymerization processes – was identified. Furthermore, first mutational studies of these enzymes revealed the possibility to further alter the activity as well as enantioselectivity of glutathione lyases by means of protein engineering. From a practical perspective, onepot multi-step processes combining β-etherases and glutathione lyases are successfully set-up, giving hints on the potential that the implementation of these biocatalysts may bring for biorefinery purposes