618 research outputs found

    Détresse psychologique et liens parentaux à l'adolescence : analyse des trajectoires développementales et des modÚles de liaison

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    ThÚse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Are you friendly or just polite? - analysis of smiles in spontaneous face-to-face interactions

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    This work is part of a research effort to understand and characterize the morphological and dynamic features of polite and amused smiles. We analyzed a dataset consisting of young adults (n=61), interested in learning about banking services, who met with a professional banker face-to-face in a conference room while both participants’ faces were unobtrusively recorded. We analyzed 258 instances of amused and polite smiles from this dataset, noting also if they were shared, which we defined as if the rise of one starts before the decay of another. Our analysis confirms previous findings showing longer durations of amused smiles while also suggesting new findings about symmetry of the smile dynamics. We found more symmetry in the velocities of the rise and decay of the amused smiles, and less symmetry in the polite smiles. We also found fastest decay velocity for polite but shared smiles.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF IIS Award HCC-0705647)MIT Media Lab Consortiu

    DĂ©terminants structuraux et molĂ©culaires de la sĂ©lectivitĂ© fonctionnelle du rĂ©cepteur ÎČ2-adrĂ©nergique

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    Les rĂ©cepteurs couplĂ©s aux protĂ©ines G (RCPGs) forment la plus grande famille de rĂ©cepteurs membranaires. En raison de leur grande variĂ©tĂ© de ligands ainsi que leur capacitĂ© Ă  activer plusieurs voies de signalisation, ils sont impliquĂ©s dans une grande variĂ©tĂ© de processus biologiques et sont par consĂ©quent des cibles thĂ©rapeutiques de choix pour plusieurs conditions pathologiques. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que le mĂȘme RCPG peut activer plusieurs voies de signalisation et que diffĂ©rents ligands, du mĂȘme RCPG, peuvent diffĂ©rentiellement activer ces derniĂšres; concept connu sous le nom de signalisation biaisĂ©e du ligand. Ces dĂ©couvertes ouvrent la possibilitĂ© de dĂ©velopper des mĂ©dicaments qui activent de façon spĂ©cifique les voies de signalisation thĂ©rapeutiques tout en Ă©vitant celles menant aux effets secondaires. Cependant, les mĂ©canismes qui gouvernent la signalisation biaisĂ©e du ligand demeurent mal connus. Le premier objectif de ma thĂšse fut de dĂ©velopper un capteur de conformation pour le rĂ©cepteur ÎČ2-adrĂ©nergique (ÎČ2AR), un RCPG prototypique, ainsi que de caractĂ©riser les changements conformationnels induits par diffĂ©rents ligands et effecteurs. Les rĂ©sultats ont dĂ©montrĂ© la stabilisation de diffĂ©rents ensembles de conformations pour les ligands non biaisĂ©s et les ligands biaisĂ©s contre la ÎČ-arrestine. Le deuxiĂšme objectif de ma thĂšse fut d’identifier les points de contact entre le rĂ©cepteur et son ligand responsable de la sĂ©lectivitĂ© fonctionnelle. Pour ce faire, nous avons comparĂ© les interactions entre le rĂ©cepteur et le ligand complet Ă©pinĂ©phrine et ceux entre le rĂ©cepteur et le ligand partiel et biaisĂ© salmĂ©tĂ©rol dans les structures cristallines du ÎČ2AR. À partir de cette analyse, nous avons identifiĂ© un rĂ©seau d’interactions polaires diffĂ©rent entre les deux ligands et confirmĂ© le rĂŽle de ce rĂ©seau dans la signalisation biaisĂ©e du ligand via une Ă©tude de mutagenĂšse. Le dernier objectif de ma thĂšse fut d’étudier le rĂŽle de rĂ©sidus connectant des motifs structuraux importants pour l’activation des RCPGs, connus sous le nom de « microswitchs », dans la signalisation biaisĂ©e. Plus spĂ©cifiquement, l’étude s’est portĂ©e sur le rĂ©sidu L1243.43 du ÎČ2AR qui forme des interactions avec le motif PIF et le motif NPxxY. Les rĂ©sultats ont dĂ©montrĂ© qu’une perte des interactions entre cette position et les deux motifs se traduit par un gain d’activitĂ© constitutive pour Gs et une perte de recrutement de la ÎČ-arrestine ainsi qu’une perte de changement de conformation induit par les ligands. Par contre, le gain d’interactions entre la position 124 et les motifs PIF et NPxxY se traduit par un gain de recrutement de la ÎČ-arrestine et de changements conformationnels induits par les ligands biaisĂ©s. Ces donnĂ©es suggĂšrent que le lien entre le PIF et NPxxY est important pour la sĂ©lection des voies de signalisation engagĂ©es par le ligand. L’ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats ont permis d’identifier des changements conformationnels diffĂ©rents entre les ligands non biaisĂ©s et biaisĂ©s ainsi que d’identifier deux rĂ©gions importantes pour l’activation spĂ©cifique de voies de signalisation menant Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes rĂ©gulant la signalisation biaisĂ©e.G proteins-coupled receptors (GPCRs) form the largest family of membrane receptor. Due to their variety of ligands and their capacity to activate several signaling pathways, they are involved in various biological processes and are a target of choice for the development of drugs in many clinical indications. It has been shown that a given GPCR can activate several pathways and that different ligands of the same GPCR can differentially activate these pathways, a concept known as ligand biased signaling. These discoveries open the possibility to generate drugs that selectively activate the therapeutically relevant pathways while avoiding the one leading to side effects. However, the mechanisms leading to bias signaling remains unclear. The first objective of my thesis was to develop a conformational sensor of the ÎČ2-adrenergic receptor (ÎČ2AR), a prototypical GPCR and to characterize the conformational changes induced by different ligands and effectors. The results have shown the stabilization of different conformation ensembles for unbiased ligands and ligands biased against ÎČ-arrestin. The second objective of my thesis was to identify the interactions between the receptor and the ligand leading to functional selectivity. To achieve that objective, we did a structural comparison between the epinephrine and salmeterol bound crystal structures. The analysis has revealed a network of polar interactions that might help stabilize the binding pocket contraction. The role of these residues has been confirmed by a mutagenesis study. The last objective of my thesis was to study the role of residues connecting structural motifs important for GPCR activation, known as “microswitches”, for ligand biased signaling. More specifically, the study was on the residue L1243.43 of the ÎČ2AR that forms interactions with the v PIF and NPxxY motifs. The results have shown that a loss of interaction between the position 124 and the two motifs lead to a gain of constitutive activation of Gs and a loss of ÎČ-arrestin recruitment and observed conformational changes upon ligand stimulation. In contrast the gain of interaction between the two motifs and the position 124 lead to increased ÎČ-arrestin recruitment and observed conformational changes induced by bias ligands. These data suggest that the link between the PIF and NPxxY motifs is important for the selection of which pathways are activated by the receptor. The results of the three projects have allowed the identification of different conformational changes between unbiased and biased ligands and the identification of two regions playing an important role for specific activation of ÎČ-arrestin leading to a better understanding of mechanisms governing ligand bias signaling

    A Herpetological Survey of the James Bay Area of Québec and Ontario

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    In May-June 2002, as part of a survey of a variety of taxa in the James Bay region of Ontario and QuĂ©bec, we surveyed the poorly documented herpetofauna of this region. In Ontario we visited sites near Moosonee that FWS had previously surveyed in 1971-1972, and continued ongoing herpetological monitoring around Cochrane. In QuĂ©bec we surveyed the inland James Bay Road, and roads to four settlements along the coast. American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus), Spring Peeper (Pseudacris crucifer), and Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) were widespread and abundant throughout. Blue-spotted Salamander (Ambystoma laterale) and Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) were widespread and common in QuĂ©bec and at the study site near Cochrane. We obtained the first taped calls and voucher specimen of the Boreal Chorus Frog (Pseudacris maculata) from QuĂ©bec, and failed to find it at the settlement and airport of Moosonee where it had been present in 1972. A significant range extension was for the Two-lined Salamander (Eurycea bislineata), which we found 200 km north of its previously known range in northwestern QuĂ©bec. Despite extensive searches, the species was not found north of 52°05'N. The Mink Frog (Lithobates septentrionalis) was widespread and relatively common in QuĂ©bec, but was sought but not found in Ontario. The Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens) was only found at two QuĂ©bec sites, including one where it was reported in 1974, but it has not been found at any of the Ontario sites where it was found in the 1970's. We present some suggestions for the further study of the herpetofauna of the area, and review evidence for contacts between eastern and western lineages of widespread species.En mai et juin 2002, dans le cadre d'un inventaire faunique dans la rĂ©gion de la baie James, en Ontario et au QuĂ©bec, nous avons inventoriĂ© la faune herpĂ©tologique, laquelle est trĂšs peu documentĂ©e dans cette rĂ©gion. En Ontario nous avons visitĂ© des sites prĂšs de Moosonee, que l'un de nous (FWS) avait inventoriĂ© en 1971-1972, puis nous sommes allĂ©s aux environs de Cochrane. Au QuĂ©bec l'inventaire s'est majoritairement fait le long de la route de la baie James et des routes d'accĂšs aux villages. Le Crapaud d'AmĂ©rique (Anaxyrus americanus), la Rainette crucifĂšre (Pseudacris crucifer) et la Grenouille des bois (Lithobates sylvaticus) sont rĂ©pandus et communs sur toute l'aire d'Ă©tude. La Salamandre Ă  points bleus (Ambystoma laterale) et la Couleuvre rayĂ©e (Thamnophis sirtalis) sont rĂ©pandues et communes au QuĂ©bec et prĂšs de Cochrane. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© les premiers enregistrements de chants et collectĂ© le premier spĂ©cimen de Rainette faux-grillon borĂ©ale (Pseudacris maculata) pour le QuĂ©bec, et n'avons pu la retrouver Ă  Moosonee et Ă  son aĂ©roport, oĂč l'espĂšce avait Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©e en 1972. La seule extension d'aire significative a Ă©tĂ© faite pour la Salamandre Ă  deux lignes (Eurycea bislineata), trouvĂ©e Ă  200 km au nord de son aire de rĂ©partition connue dans le nord-ouest du QuĂ©bec. MalgrĂ© des recherches intensives, elle n'a pas Ă©tĂ© vue plus au nord que 52°05'N. La Grenouille du Nord (Lithobates septentrionalis), est rĂ©pandue et relativement commune au QuĂ©bec mais n'a pu ĂȘtre trouvĂ©e en Ontario. La Grenouille lĂ©opard (Lithobates pipiens) a seulement Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©e Ă  deux endroits au QuĂ©bec, incluant un site oĂč l'espĂšce avait Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©e en 1974, mais n'a pu ĂȘtre trouvĂ©e en Ontario dans les sites oĂč on la retrouvait dans les annĂ©es '70. Nous prĂ©sentons quelques suggestions de futures Ă©tudes sur l'herpĂ©tofaune de cette rĂ©gion, et discutons des liens entre les formes de l'ouest et celles de l'est pour les espĂšces rĂ©pandues

    ConsĂ©quences des inondations de juillet 1996 sur la santĂ© biopsychosociale des sinistrĂ©s vivant en milieu rural : rĂ©sultats d’une Ă©tude qualitative

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    Facteurs liĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©sence de sĂ©quelles psychologiques chez des sinistrĂ©s d’inondations vivant en milieu rural

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    Prion protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of healthy and naturally scrapie-affected sheep

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) prion protein (PrP) of healthy and naturally scrapie-affected sheep. The soluble form of CSF PrPC immunoblotted with an anti-octarepeat and an anti-C terminus mAb showed two isoforms of approximately 33 and 26 kDa, corresponding to the biglycosylated and unglycosylated isoforms of brain PrPC. Neither the mean concentration nor the electrophoretic profile of CSF PrP differed between healthy and scrapieaffected sheep, whereas a slightly increased resistance of CSF PrP to mild proteolysis by proteinase K was evident in the CSF of scrapie-affected sheep. No difference in susceptibility to proteolysis was observed between the two ARR and VRQ genetic variants of the purified prokaryote recombinant PrP. It was concluded that the physicochemical properties of PrPC in the CSF could be altered during scrapie and that these changes might reflect the physiopathological process of prion disease
