296 research outputs found

    A survey on real-time 3D scene reconstruction with SLAM methods in embedded systems

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    The 3D reconstruction of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is an important topic in the field for transport systems such as drones, service robots and mobile AR/VR devices. Compared to a point cloud representation, the 3D reconstruction based on meshes and voxels is particularly useful for high-level functions, like obstacle avoidance or interaction with the physical environment. This article reviews the implementation of a visual-based 3D scene reconstruction pipeline on resource-constrained hardware platforms. Real-time performances, memory management and low power consumption are critical for embedded systems. A conventional SLAM pipeline from sensors to 3D reconstruction is described, including the potential use of deep learning. The implementation of advanced functions with limited resources is detailed. Recent systems propose the embedded implementation of 3D reconstruction methods with different granularities. The trade-off between required accuracy and resource consumption for real-time localization and reconstruction is one of the open research questions identified and discussed in this paper

    The protective role of transferrin in MĂŒller glial cells after iron-induced toxicity

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    PURPOSE: Transferrin (Tf) expression is enhanced by aging and inflammation in humans. We investigated the role of transferrin in glial protection. METHODS: We generated transgenic mice (Tg) carrying the complete human transferrin gene on a C57Bl/6J genetic background. We studied human (hTf) and mouse (mTf) transferrin localization in Tg and wild-type (WT) C57Bl/6J mice using immunochemistry with specific antibodies. MĂŒller glial (MG) cells were cultured from explants and characterized using cellular retinaldehyde binding protein (CRALBP) and vimentin antibodies. They were further subcultured for study. We incubated cells with FeCl(3)-nitrilotriacetate to test for the iron-induced stress response; viability was determined by direct counting and measurement of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Tf expression was determined by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR with human- or mouse-specific probes. hTf and mTf in the medium were assayed by ELISA or radioimmunoassay (RIA), respectively. RESULTS: mTf was mainly localized in retinal pigment epithelium and ganglion cell layers in retina sections of both mouse lines. hTf was abundant in MG cells. The distribution of mTf and hTf mRNA was consistent with these findings. mTf and hTf were secreted into the medium of MG cell primary cultures. Cells from Tg mice secreted hTf at a particularly high level. However, both WT and Tg cell cultures lose their ability to secrete Tf after a few passages. Tg MG cells secreting hTf were more resistant to iron-induced stress toxicity than those no longer secreted hTf. Similarly, exogenous human apo-Tf, but not human holo-Tf, conferred resistance to iron-induced stress on MG cells from WT mice. CONCLUSIONS: hTf localization in MG cells from Tg mice was reminiscent of that reported for aged human retina and age-related macular degeneration, both conditions associated with iron deposition. The role of hTf in protection against toxicity in Tg MG cells probably involves an adaptive mechanism developed in neural retina to control iron-induced stress

    Overexpressed or intraperitoneally injected human transferrin prevents photoreceptor degeneration in rd10 mice

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    PURPOSE: Retinal degeneration has been associated with iron accumulation in age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and in several rodent models that had one or several iron regulating protein impairments. We investigated the iron concentration and the protective role of human transferrin (hTf) in rd10 mice, a model of retinal degeneration. METHODS: The proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) method was used to quantify iron in rd10 mice 2, 3, and 4 weeks after birth. We generated mice with the ÎČ-phosphodiesterase mutation and hTf expression by crossbreeding rd10 mice with TghTf mice (rd10/hTf mice). The photoreceptor loss and apoptosis were evaluated by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling in 3-week-old rd10/hTf mice and compared with 3-week-old rd10 mice. The neuroprotective effect of hTf was analyzed in 5-day-old rd10 mice treated by intraperitoneal administration with hTf for up to 25 days. The retinal hTf concentrations and the thickness of the outer nuclear layer were quantified in all treated mice at 25 days postnatally. RESULTS: PIXE analysis demonstrated an age-dependent iron accumulation in the photoreceptors of rd10 mice. The rd10/hTf mice had the rd10 mutation, expressed high levels of hTf, and showed a significant decrease in photoreceptor death. In addition, rd10 mice intraperitoneally treated with hTf resulted in the retinal presence of hTf and a dose-dependent reduction in photoreceptor degeneration. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that iron accumulation in the retinas of rd10 mutant mice is associated with photoreceptor degeneration. For the first time, the enhanced survival of cones and rods in the retina of this model has been demonstrated through overexpression or systemic administration of hTf. This study highlights the therapeutic potential of Tf to inhibit iron-induced photoreceptor cell death observed in degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration

    Snow accumulation and ablation measurements in a midlatitude mountain coniferous forest (Col de Porte, France, 1325 m altitude): the Snow Under Forest (SnoUF) field campaign data set

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    Forests strongly modify the accumulation, metamorphism and melting of snow in midlatitude and high-latitude regions. Recently, snow routines in hydrological and land surface models were improved to incorporate more accurate representations of forest snow processes, but model intercomparison projects have identified deficiencies, partly due to incomplete knowledge of the processes controlling snow cover in forests. The Snow Under Forest (SnoUF) project was initiated to enhance knowledge of the complex interactions between snow and vegetation. Two field campaigns, during the winters 2016–2017 and 2017–2018, were conducted in a coniferous forest bordering the snow study at Col de Porte (1325 m a.s.l., French Alps) to document the snow accumulation and ablation processes. This paper presents the field site, the instrumentation and the collection and postprocessing methods. The observations include distributed forest characteristics (tree inventory, lidar measurements of forest structure, subcanopy hemispherical photographs), meteorology (automatic weather station and an array of radiometers), snow cover and depth (snow pole transect and laser scan) and snow interception by the canopy during precipitation events. The weather station installed under dense canopy during the first campaign has been maintained since then and has provided continuous measurements throughout the year since 2018. Data are publicly available from the repository of the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Grenoble (OSUG) data center at https://doi.org/10.17178/SNOUF.2022 (Sicart et al., 2022).</p

    Anti-MĂŒllerian Hormone and Its Clinical Use in Pediatrics with Special Emphasis on Disorders of Sex Development

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    Using measurements of circulating anti-MĂŒllerian hormone (AMH) in diagnosing and managing reproductive disorders in pediatric patients requires thorough knowledge on normative values according to age and gender. We provide age- and sex-specific reference ranges for the Immunotech assay and conversion factors for the DSL and Generation II assays. With this tool in hand, the pediatrician can use serum concentrations of AMH when determining the presence of testicular tissue in patients with bilaterally absent testes or more severe Disorders of Sex Development (DSD). Furthermore, AMH can be used as a marker of premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) in both Turner Syndrome patients and in girls with cancer after treatment with alkylating gonadotoxic agents. Lastly, its usefulness has been proposed in the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and ovarian granulosa cell tumors and in the evaluation of patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

    Dr. Ahmed Ouali, 1948–2020

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    International audienceAhmed Ouali was born on October 4, 1948 in Tigzirt, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria. In 1952, he moved with his parents to Montluçon, France. In 1974, he was trained and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Biochemistry at the University of Lyon. He then, in 1976, earned a joint Ph.D. in Animal Science at the University of Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand) where he studied at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA, Theix). The title of his doctorate thesis was “The role of muscle proteases on meat tenderization”. Subsequently, he was employed in a private laboratory for medical analysis from 1976 to 1978 and thereafter at the Meat Research Laboratory group at INRA, Theix as a permanent researcher. In 1990, he was appointed as a research director and led the “Biochemistry and Functions of Muscle Proteins” unit for 8 years. The Meat Research Station focused their research on many topics including colour and protein oxidation; enzymology and tenderness; and muscle protein functionalities. During his entire scientific career at INRA, but before his retirement on October 2013, Ahmed was living in Clermont-Ferrand, the city of the famous volcanic chain of the Puy-de-DĂŽme, with his wife Anne-Marie with whom he had two lovely children: Armelle (41 years) and GĂ€el (38 years). In 2019, they moved to their new house in Montpellier in the South of France

    Dominance and rarity in tree communities across the globe: Patterns, predictors and threats

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    Aim: Ecological and anthropogenic factors shift the abundances of dominant and rare tree species within local forest communities, thus affecting species composition and ecosystem functioning. To inform forest and conservation management it is important to understand the drivers of dominance and rarity in local tree communities. We answer the following research questions: (1) What are the patterns of dominance and rarity in tree communities? (2) Which ecological and anthropogenic factors predict these patterns? And (3) what is the extinction risk of locally dominant and rare tree species? Location: Global. Time period: 1990–2017. Major taxa studied: Trees. Methods: We used 1.2 million forest plots and quantified local tree dominance as the relative plot basal area of the single most dominant species and local rarity as the percentage of species that contribute together to the least 10% of plot basal area. We mapped global community dominance and rarity using machine learning models and evaluated the ecological and anthropogenic predictors with linear models. Extinction risk, for example threatened status, of geographically widespread dominant and rare species was evaluated. Results: Community dominance and rarity show contrasting latitudinal trends, with boreal forests having high levels of dominance and tropical forests having high levels of rarity. Increasing annual precipitation reduces community dominance, probably because precipitation is related to an increase in tree density and richness. Additionally, stand age is positively related to community dominance, due to stem diameter increase of the most dominant species. Surprisingly, we find that locally dominant and rare species, which are geographically widespread in our data, have an equally high rate of elevated extinction due to declining populations through large‐scale land degradation. Main conclusions: By linking patterns and predictors of community dominance and rarity to extinction risk, our results suggest that also widespread species should be considered in large‐scale management and conservation practices
