699 research outputs found

    Ages and metallicities of star clusters: new calibrations and diagnostic diagrams from visible integrated spectra

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    We present homogeneous scales of ages and metallicities for star clusters from very young objects, through intermediate-age ones up to the oldest known clusters. All the selected clusters have integrated spectra in the visible range, as well as reliable determinations of their ages and metallicities. From these spectra equivalent widths (EWs) of KCaII, Gband(CH) and MgI metallic, and Hdelta, Hgamma and Hbeta Balmer lines have been measured homogeneously. The analysis of these EWs shows that the EW sums of the metallic and Balmer H lines, separately, are good indicators of cluster age for objects younger than 10 Gyr, and that the former is also sensitive to cluster metallicity for ages greater than 10 Gyr. We propose an iterative procedure for estimating cluster ages by employing two new diagnostic diagrams and age calibrations based on the above EW sums. For clusters older than 10 Gyr, we also provide a calibration to derive their overall metal contents.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A&

    On a possible origin for the lack of old star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We model the dynamical interaction between the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds and their corresponding stellar cluster populations. Our goal is to explore whether the lack of old clusters (≳7\gtrsim 7 Gyr) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) can be the result of the capture of clusters by the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), as well as their ejection due to the tidal interaction between the two galaxies. For this purpose we perform a suite of numerical simulations probing a wide range of parameters for the orbit of the SMC about the LMC. We find that, for orbital eccentricities e≥0.4e \geq 0.4, approximately 15 per cent of the SMC clusters are captured by the LMC. In addition, another 20 to 50 per cent of its clusters are ejected into the intergalactic medium. In general, the clusters lost by the SMC are the less tightly bound cluster population. The final LMC cluster distribution shows a spatial segregation between clusters that originally belonged to the LMC and those that were captured from the SMC. Clusters that originally belonged to the SMC are more likely to be found in the outskirts of the LMC. Within this scenario it is possible to interpret the difference observed between the star field and cluster SMC Age-Metallicity Relationships for ages ≳7\gtrsim 7 Gyr.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    BS196: an old star cluster far from the SMC main body

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    We present B and V photometry of the outlying SMC star cluster BS196 with the 4.1-m SOAR telescope. The photometry is deep (to V~25) showing ~3 mag below the cluster turnoff point (TO) at Mv=2.5 (1.03 Msun). The cluster is located at the SMC distance. The CMD and isochrone fittings provide a cluster age of 5.0+-0.5 Gyr, indicating that this is one of the 12 oldest clusters so far detected in the SMC. The estimated metallicity is [Fe/H]=-1.68+-0.10. The structural analysis gives by means of King profile fittings a core radius Rc=8.7+-1.1 arcsec (2.66+-0.14 pc) and a tidal radius Rt=69.4+-1.7 arcsec (21.2+-1.2 pc). BS196 is rather loose with a concentration parameter c=0.90. With Mv=-1.89+-0.39, BS196 belongs to the class of intrinsically fainter SMC clusters, as compared to the well-known populous ones, which starts to be explored.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures; accepted by MNRA

    Mass distribution and structural parameters of Small Magellanic Cloud star clusters

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    In this work we estimate, for the first time, the total masses and mass function slopes of a sample of 29 young and intermediate-age SMC clusters from CCD Washington photometry. We also derive age, interstellar reddening and structural parameters for most of the studied clusters by employing a statistical method to remove the unavoidable field star contamination. Only these 29 clusters out of 68 originally analysed cluster candidates present stellar overdensities and coherent distribution in their colour-magnitude diagrams compatible with the existence of a genuine star cluster. We employed simple stellar population models to derive general equations for estimating the cluster mass based only on its age and integrated light in the B, V, I, C and T1 filter. These equations were tested against mass values computed from luminosity functions, showing an excellent agreement. The sample contains clusters with ages between 60 Myr and 3 Gyr and masses between 300 and 3000 Mo distributed between ~0.5 deg. and ~2 deg. from the SMC optical centre. We determined mass function slopes for 24 clusters, of which 19 have slopes compatible with that of Kroupa IMF (2.3 +/- 0.7), considering the uncertainties. The remaining clusters - H86-188, H86-190, K47, K63 and NGC242 - showed flatter MFs. Additionally, only clusters with masses lower than ~1000 Mo and flatter MF were found within ~0.6 deg. from the SMC rotational centre.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures. Includes another 29 full-page figures of supplementary material. Accepted for publication in the MNRA

    Gemini/GMOS photometry of intermediate-age star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We present Gemini South GMOS g,i photometry of 14 intermediate-age Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) star clusters, namely: NGC 2155, 2161, 2162, 2173, 2203, 2209, 2213, 2231, 2249, Hodge 6, SL 244, 505, 674, and 769, as part of a continuing project to investigate the extended Main Sequence Turnoff (EMSTO) phenomenon. Extensive artificial star tests were made over the observed field of view. These tests reveal the observed behaviour of photometric errors with magnitude and crowding. The cluster stellar density radial profiles were traced from star counts over the extent of the observed field. We adopt clus- ter radii and build colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) with cluster features clearly identified. We used the cluster (g,g-i) CMDs to estimate ages from the matching of theoretical isochrones. The studied LMC clusters are confirmed to be intermediate-age clusters, which range in age 9.10 < log(t) < 9.60. NGC 2162 and NGC 2249 look like new EMSTO candidates, in addition to NGC 2209, on the basis of having dual red clumps.Comment: MNRAS, accepte

    Spectral evolution of star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud: I. Blue concentrated clusters in the age range 40-300 Myr

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    Integrated spectroscopy of a sample of 17 blue concentrated Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) clusters is presented and its spectral evolution studied. The spectra span the range ~3600-6800A with a resolution of ~14A FWHM, being used to determine cluster ages and, in connection with their spatial distribution, to explore the LMC structure and cluster formation history. Cluster reddening values were estimated by interpolation, using the available extinction maps. We used two methods to derive cluster ages: (i) template matching, in which line strengths and continuum distribution of the cluster spectra were compared and matched to those of template clusters with known astrophysical properties, and (ii) equivalent width (EW) method, in which new age/metallicity calibrations were used together with diagnostic diagrams involving the sum of EWs of selected spectral lines (KCaII, G band (CH), MgI, Hdelta, Hgamma and Hbeta). The derived cluster ages range from 40Myr (NGC2130 and SL237) to 300Myr (NGC1932 and SL709), a good agreement between the results of the two methods being obtained. Combining the present sample with additional ones indicates that cluster deprojected distances from the LMC center are related to age in the sense that inner clusters tend to be younger. Spectral libraries of star clusters are useful datasets for spectral classifications and extraction of parameter information for target star clusters and galaxies. The present cluster sample complements previous ones, in an effort to gather a spectral library with several clusters per age bin.Comment: 13 pages, 22 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Analysis of the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk via dynamical simulations of the open cluster system

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    For several decades now, open clusters have been used to study the structure and chemical evolution of the disk of our Galaxy. Due to the fact that their ages and metallicities can be determined with relatively good precision, and since they can be observed even at great distances, they are excellent tracers of the variations in the abundance of heavy chemical elements with age and position in the Galactic disk. In the present work we analyze the star formation history and the chemical evolution of the disk of the Galaxy using numerical simulations of the dynamical evolution of the system of open clusters in the Milky Way. Starting from hypotheses on the history of cluster formation and the chemical enrichment of the disk, we model the present properties of the Galactic open cluster system. The comparison of these models with the observations allows us to examine the validity of the assumed hypotheses and to improve our knowledge about the initial conditions of the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk

    Proximity Eliashberg theory of electrostatic field-effect-doping in superconducting films

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    We calculate the effect of a static electric field on the critical temperature of a s-wave one band superconductor in the framework of proximity effect Eliashberg theory. In the weak electrostatic field limit the theory has no free parameters while, in general, the only free parameter is the thickness of the surface layer where the electric field acts. We conclude that the best situation for increasing the critical temperature is to have a very thin film of a superconducting material with a strong increase of electron-phonon (boson) constant upon charging.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Age Determination of Fifteen Old to Intermediate-Age Small Magellanic Cloud Star Clusters

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    We present CMDs in the V and I bands for fifteen star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) based on data taken with the Very Large Telescope (VLT, Chile). We selected these clusters from our previous work, wherein we derived cluster radial velocities and metallicities from Calcium II infrared triplet (CaT) spectra also taken with the VLT. We discovered that the ages of six of our clusters have been appreciably underestimated by previous studies, which used comparatively small telescopes, graphically illustrating the need for large apertures to obtain reliable ages of old and intermediate-age SMC star clusters. In particular, three of these clusters, L4, L6 and L110, turn out to be amongst the oldest SMC clusters known, with ages of 7.9 +- 1.1, 8.7 +- 1.2 and 7.6 +- 1.0 Gyr, respectively, helping to fill a possible "SMC cluster age gap" (Glatt et al. 2008). Using the present ages and metallicities from Parisi et al. (2009), we analyze the age distribution, age gradient and age metallicity relation (AMR) of a sample of SMC clusters measured homogeneously. There is a suggestion of bimodality in the age distribution but it does not show a constant slope for the first 4 Gyr (Piatti 2011), and we find no evidence for an age gradient. Due to the improved ages of our cluster sample, we find that our AMR is now better represented in the intermediate/old period than that we derived in Parisi et al. (2009), where we simply took ages available in the literature. Additionally, clusters younger than aprox. 4 Gyr now show better agreement with the bursting model, but we confirm that this model is not a good representation of the AMR during the intermediate-age/old period. A more complicated model is needed to explain the SMC chemical evolution in that period.Comment: 76 pages, 32 figures. Accepted for publication in A
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