51 research outputs found

    Neutron activation analysis of zinc in forages used in intensive dairy cattle production systems.

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    When tropical forages are used in dairy cattle feeding, the diet should be commonly supplemented with zinc. Instrumental neutron activation analysis shows to be a very adequate method to determine zinc in forages, due its good accuracy, and its sensibity to dectect small variations in the concentrations of this element

    Análise de elementos tóxicos em duas variedades de guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp), cultivadas em solos tratados, por ativação com nêutrons.

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    Amostras de folhas inteiras, de 36 plantas pertencentes a duas cultivares de guandu( Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp), foram analisadas pelo método de análise por ativação com nêutrons instrumental (AANI). Cada Planta foi tratada individualmente, com dose simples ou fuplas de adubos minerais, a saber B, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, V, Zn, além de outros corretivos e fosfato. O objetivo deste trabalho e avaliar a contribuição destes tratamentos para o aumento da concentração de AS, Sb, Th e U, nas folhas, já que estes elementos podem ser tóxicos para plantas e animais

    “No Matter I’ll Be Selected; in the Next Challenge I Will Be Better!” – Understanding Non-Technical Skill Development in the Gig Economy

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    While prior research on gig work environments studied necessary technical skills for information systems development (ISD) professionals and how they can be developed, the improvement of non-technical skills (NTS) has been rarely explored. However, to successfully engage in the gig work economy, the need for strong NTS is increasing. Based on an experiential learning theory (ELT) perspective, we explore how ISD professionals engaging in the gig economy develop NTS by following grounded theory methodology. Our results are threefold: first, we identify crucial NTS for gig workers. Second, we uncover how these NTS are developed in different phases of adapting to working on gig economy platforms. Third, we reveal several strategies for thriving in the gig economy. Based on our findings we develop a process model of non-technical skill development and discuss this model in relation to implications for gig economy literature and practice

    "Jane sent me this article, so it must be true!" - How tie strength and emotional tone influence information behavior

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    Fake news are a threat of the information age, yet many factors that determine their spread, such as emotional tone and tie strength, remain under-researched. Responding to calls for research, we developed an experimental study that explains the impact of emotional tone and tie strength in the context of instant messaging. We hypothesize effects on the willingness to fact-check and intention to share, mediated by sender credibility and news believability. Our results will contribute to the academic literature on various levels: we consider the emotional and relational dimensions of fake news sharing. Furthermore, we provide a multidimensional understanding of the emotionality of strong-tie contacts sharing fake news in a seemingly private and safe environment. For policymakers, we provide insights that help detect fake news, and we provide individuals with persuasion knowledge to self-protect against fake news