747 research outputs found

    Effective conductivity in association with model structure and spatial inhomogeneity of polymer/carbon black composites

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    The relationship between effective conductivity and cell structure of polyethylene/carbon composites as well as between effective conductivity and spatial distribution of carbon black are discussed. Following Yoshida's model both structures can, in a way, be said to be intermediate between the well known Maxwell-Garnett (MG) and Bruggeman (BR) limiting structures. Using TEM photographs on composites with various carbon blacks we have observed that the larger is Garncarek's inhomogeneity measure H of two-dimensional (2D) representative distribution of the carbon black, the smaller is the effective conductivity of the composite.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Cyclosporin A and doxorubicin-ifosfamide in resistant solid tumours: a phase I and an immunological study.

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    In order to test whether circumvention of clinical resistance can be obtained in common solid tumours by targeting different drug resistance mechanisms, a phase I clinical and immunological study was designed. The purpose of the study was to determine the dose of cyclosporin A (CsA), in combination with doxorubicin (DOX) and ifosfamide (IFX), needed to achieve steady-state whole-blood levels of 2000 ng ml-1 and the associated toxicity of this combination. Treatment consisted of CsA 5 mg kg-1 as a 2 h loading infusion, followed by a CsA 3 day continuous infusion (c.i.) (days 1-3) at doses that were escalated from 10 to 18 mg kg-1 day-1. Chemotherapy consisted of DOX 55 mg m-2 by i.v. 24 h c.i. (day 2) and IFX 2 g m-2 i.v. over 1 h on days 1 and 3. Treatments were repeated every 4 weeks. Eighteen patients with previously treated resistant solid tumours received 39 cycles. Mean steady-state CsA levels > or = 2000 ng ml-1 were reached at 5 mg kg-1 loading dose followed by a 3 day c.i. of 16 mg kg-1 day-1 or greater. Haematological toxicity was greater than expected for the same chemotherapy alone. One patient died of intracranial haemorrhage due to severe thrombopenia. Other observed toxicities were: asymptomatic hyperbilirubinaemia (46% cycles), mild nephrotoxicity (20% cycles), hypomagnesaemia (72% cycles), mild increase in body weight (100% cycles), hypertension (15% cycles) and headache (15% cycles). Overall the toxicity was acceptable and manageable. No alterations in absolute lymphocyte number, the lymphocyte subsets studied (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19) or CD4/CD8 ratio were observed in patients receiving more than one treatment cycle, although there were significant and non-uniform variations in the values of the different lymphocyte subsets studied when pre- and post-treatment values were compared. There was also a significant increase in the CD4/CD8 ratio. Tumour regressions were observed in two patients (epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix and Ewing's sarcoma). The CsA dose recommended for phase II trials is a 5 mg kg-1 loading dose followed by a 3-day c.i. of 16 mg kg-1 day-1 simultaneously with DOX and IFX at the doses administered in this study

    A length-dynamic Tonks gas theory of histone isotherms

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    We find exact solutions to a new one-dimensional (1D) interacting particle theory and apply the results to the adsorption and wrapping of polymers (such as DNA) around protein particles (such as histones). Each adsorbed protein is represented by a Tonks gas particle. The length of each particle is a degree of freedom that represents the degree of DNA wrapping around each histone. Thermodynamic quantities are computed as functions of wrapping energy, adsorbed histone density, and bulk histone concentration (or chemical potential); their experimental signatures are also discussed. Histone density is found to undergo a two-stage adsorption process as a function of chemical potential, while the mean coverage by high affinity proteins exhibits a maximum as a function of the chemical potential. However, {\it fluctuations} in the coverage are concurrently maximal. Histone-histone correlation functions are also computed and exhibit rich two length scale behavior.Comment: 5 pp, 3 fig

    Physics Analysis Expert PAX: First Applications

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    PAX (Physics Analysis Expert) is a novel, C++ based toolkit designed to assist teams in particle physics data analysis issues. The core of PAX are event interpretation containers, holding relevant information about and possible interpretations of a physics event. Providing this new level of abstraction beyond the results of the detector reconstruction programs, PAX facilitates the buildup and use of modern analysis factories. Class structure and user command syntax of PAX are set up to support expert teams as well as newcomers in preparing for the challenges expected to arise in the data analysis at future hadron colliders.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 7 pages, LaTeX, 10 eps figures. PSN THLT00

    Avaliação das cultivares BRS Estância RR, BRS Tordilha RR e duas linhagens de soja em Sistema Tardio de Semeadura (STS).

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    On the Second Law of thermodynamics and the piston problem

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    The piston problem is investigated in the case where the length of the cylinder is infinite (on both sides) and the ratio m/Mm/M is a very small parameter, where mm is the mass of one particle of the gaz and MM is the mass of the piston. Introducing initial conditions such that the stochastic motion of the piston remains in the average at the origin (no drift), it is shown that the time evolution of the fluids, analytically derived from Liouville equation, agrees with the Second Law of thermodynamics. We thus have a non equilibrium microscopical model whose evolution can be explicitly shown to obey the two laws of thermodynamics.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures submitted to Journal of Statistical Physics (2003

    Angiotensin signalling in pulmonary fibrosis

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    A large body of evidence demonstrates that angiotensin II and angiotensin receptors are required for the pathogenesis of experimental lung fibrosis. Angiotensin has a number of profibrotic effects on lung parenchymal cells that include the induction of growth factors for mesenchymal cells, extracellular matrix molecules, cytokines and increased motility of lung fibroblasts. Angiotensin is also proapoptotic for lung epithelial cells, and is synthesized by a local system (i.e., entirely within the lung tissue) after lung injury by a variety of agents of both xenobiotic and endogenous origins. Recent evidence shows that the counter-regulatory molecule angiotensin 1-7, the product of the enzyme ACE-2, inhibits epithelial cell apoptosis and thus acts as an antifibrotic epithelial survival factor. This manuscript reviews the evidence supporting a role for angiotensin in lung fibrogenesis and discusses the signalling mechanisms underlying its action on lung parenchymal cells important in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Gene expression related to oxidative stress induced by herbicides in rice.

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    Herbicides are stressors that can have negative effects on plants. In Oryza sativa (L.), differential gene expression may be evalu-ated through real-time reverse transcription quantitative poly-merase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of candidate reference genes and to quan-tify the relative expression of oxidative stress genes at different times (12, 24, 48, and 96 hours after treatment [HAT]) with penoxsulam, cyhalofop-butyl, and bentazon herbicides. Norm-Finder, BestKeeper, and GeNorm software and the compara-tive ∆Ct method were used to assess expression stability and to determine the RT-qPCR threshold values of the candidate reference genes. The UBQ5 gene was the most stable among the reference genes analyzed. The gene expression results showed upregulation of OsCAT and OsMnSOD1 genes at all times after herbicide application. The OsA PX 2 and OsGST3 genes showed increased gene expression at 12 and 96 HAT for all herbicides. The OsHO -1 gene had the most significant expression changes, with maximum expression levels at 24 HAT with bentazon and at 96 HAT with penoxsulam and cyhalofop-butyl. Overall, antioxidant system gene expression increased after the applica-tion of bentazon, penoxsulam, and cyhalofop-butyl in ric