243 research outputs found

    Deep-core photoionization of krypton atoms below and above the 1s ionization threshold

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    Electronic relaxation of atomic Kr below and above the 1s ionization threshold is investigated experimentally using hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The experimental results are interpreted with the aid of relativistic Dirac-Fock calculations. The 1s orbital core-hole lifetime is extracted and the satellite's structures accompanying the photoelectron main line are assigned. Auger spectra recorded below and above the K edge are also investigated. In particular, the Auger cascade originating from vacancies of different origin in the L shell is analyzed in great detail. Competition between radiative KL versus nonradiative KLL Auger emission is emphasized

    Detailed analysis of shake structures in the KLL Auger spectrum of H2S

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    Shake processes of different origin are identified in the KLL Auger spectrum of H2S with unprecedented detail. The KLL Auger spectrum is presented together with the S 1s−1 photoelectron spectrum including the S 1s−1V−1nλ and S 1s−12p−1nλ shake-up satellites with V−1 and nλ indicating a hole in the valence shell and an unoccupied molecular orbital, respectively. By using different photon energies between 2476 and 4150 eV to record the KLL Auger spectra two different shake-up processes responsible for the satellite lines are identified. The first process is a shake-up during the Auger decay of the S 1s−1 core hole and can be described by S 1s−1→2p−2V−1nλ. The second process is the Auger decay of the shake-up satellite in the ionization process leading to S 1s−1V−1nλ→2p−2V−1nλ transitions. By combining the results of photoelectron and Auger spectra the involved V−1nλ levels are assigned

    Simulation of Auger decay dynamics in the hard X-ray regime: HCl as a showcase

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    Auger decay after photoexcitation or photoemission of an electron from a deep inner shell in the hard X-ray regime can be rather complex, implying a multitude of phenomena such as multiple-step cascades, post-collision interaction (PCI), and electronic state-lifetime interference. Furthermore, in a molecule nuclear motion can also be triggered. Here we discuss a comprehensive theoretical method which allows us to analyze in great detail Auger spectra measured around an inner-shell ionization threshold. HCl photoexcited or photoionized around the deep Cl 1s threshold is chosen as a showcase. Our method allows calculating Auger cross sections considering the nature of the ground, intermediate and final states (bound or dissociative), and the evolution of the relaxation process, including both electron and nuclear dynamics. In particular, we show that we can understand and reproduce a so-called experimental 2D-map, consisting of a series of resonant Auger spectra measured at different photon energies, therefore obtaining a detailed picture of all above-mentioned dynamical phenomena at once

    Postcollision interaction effects in KLL Auger spectra following argon 1s photoionization

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    Postcollision interaction effects on the Auger decay of a deep core hole are studied both experimentally and theoretically. KL2,3L2,3 decay spectra of the Ar 1s vacancy are measured with high-energy resolution with excess photon energies ranging from 0 to 200 eV above the ionization threshold. Interaction of the Auger electron with the photoelectron and the ion field manifests itself in the Auger spectra as a distortion of the energy distribution of the Auger electron close to threshold. Moreover, recapture of the photoelectron due to energy exchange is dominating in the low-photon-energy range above threshold. The experimental results are compared with calculations based on the semiclassical approach to the postcollision interaction. The energies of the discrete levels and individual recapture cross sections are computed in the Hartree-Fock approximation. Good agreement is found between the calculated and experimental spectra, validating the model used

    Experimental Verification of the Chemical Sensitivity of Two-Site Double Core-Hole States Formed by an X-ray FEL

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    We have performed X-ray two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy (XTPPS) using the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) in order to study double core-hole (DCH) states of CO2, N2O and N2. The experiment verifies the theory behind the chemical sensitivity of two-site (ts) DCH states by comparing a set of small molecules with respect to the energy shift of the tsDCH state and by extracting the relevant parameters from this shift.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Subfemtosecond Control of Molecular Fragmentation by Hard X-Ray Photons

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    Tuning hard x-ray excitation energy along Cl 1s→σ∗ resonance in gaseous HCl allows manipulating molecular fragmentation in the course of the induced multistep ultrafast dissociation. The observations are supported by theoretical modeling, which shows a strong interplay between the topology of the potential energy curves, involved in the Auger cascades, and the so-called core-hole clock, which determines the time spent by the system in the very first step. The asymmetric profile of the fragmentation ratios reflects different dynamics of nuclear wave packets dependent on the photon energy

    Two-to-one Auger decay of a double L vacancy in argon

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    We have observed L223−M3 Auger decay in argon where a double vacancy is filled by two valence electrons and a single electron is ejected from the atom. A well-resolved spectrum of these two-to-one electron transitions is compared to the result of the second-order perturbation theory and its decay branching ratio is determined

    Ultrafast nuclear dynamics in the doubly-core-ionized water molecule observed via Auger spectroscopy

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    We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the Auger-emission spectrum following double core ionization and excitation of gas-phase water molecules with hard-x-ray synchrotron radiation above the O K−2 threshold. We observe an indication of ultrafast proton motion occurring within the 1.5 fs lifetime of the double-core-hole (DCH) states in water. Furthermore, we have identified symmetric and antisymmetric dissociation modes characteristic for particular DCH states. Our results serve as a fundamental reference for state-of-the-art studies of DCH dynamic processes in liquid water both at synchrotron and free-electron-laser facilities
