69 research outputs found

    Acerca de las diferentes caracterizaciones del deporte

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    Sport, a characteristic and prominent phenomenon of today's mass societies, hides behind its apparent simplicity an enormous social and cultural complexity. Its apparent simplicity arises from the fact that sports language and symbolism, based on the human body in motion in search of remarkable results, are accessible to all people regardless of their social and cultural level, which justifies their universality. The objective of this work is to approach sport in its relationship with various social, anthropological and cultural issues to reach the conclusion that sport is a construction of a polysemic concept, which is indisputably influenced by the environment in which it surrounds itself. and that is mutating over time, acquiring new characteristics that make it up as a broad concept.El deporte, fenómeno característico y destacado de las actuales sociedades de masas, esconde detrás de su aparente simplicidad una enorme complejidad social y cultural. Su aparente simplicidad surge del hecho de que el lenguaje y el simbolismo deportivo, basados en el cuerpo humano en movimiento a la búsqueda de resultados destacables, son asequibles a todas las personas con independencia de su nivel social y cultural, lo que justifica su universalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es abordar al deporte en su relación con diversas cuestiones sociales, antropológicas, culturales para llegar a la conclusión de que el deporte es una construcción de un concepto polisémico, el cuál es indiscutiblemente influenciado por el entorno en que este se rodea y que va mutando con el tiempo, adquiriendo nuevas características que lo conforman como un concepto amplio

    Las Montañas de Bariloche

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    Reseña realizada por Cristian David Rodríguez Piñero La presente reseña hace referencia a los siete capítulos que componen esta guía en la cual el autor elabora una recopilación de información de relevancia para quienes deseen realizar prácticas de senderismo, trekking y escalada en la región montañosa de Bariloche. El mismo desarrolla la historia de los refugios y de personalidades que fueron parte de los mismos. La guía es una invitación a subir las montañas de Bariloche, a ir mas allá de los refugios, siendo estos creados originalmente para ser una base para continuar la ascensión el día siguiente hacía las altas cumbres. “ver figura 1 (foto de tapa del libro)” El autor Toncek Arko, cuenta con una larga trayectoria en el periodismo y la publicación de libros en relación al senderismo, trekking y escalada en la Patagonia, enfocados especialmente en la región de Bariloche y zonas aledañas. En esta ocasión, publica un libro que cuenta con varias ediciones, siendo la de la presente reseña la doceava, la cual registra actualizaciones en cuanto a cuestiones tecnológicas, técnicas y en relación a estos últimos tiempos con el COVID – 19. En esta edición, a exactamente 40 años de la primera en el año 1981, podemos ver en el primer capítulo recomendaciones a la hora de salir a la montaña, desde la planificación de la salida, equipo a llevar y distribución del mismo en la mochila, qué hacer y qué no durante una caminata para que esta sea una experiencia grata de convivencia con la naturaleza. Asimismo, se detallan sugerencias para utilizar recursos tecnológicos para la orientación en montañas y senderos. El segundo capítulo está destinado a los albergues y refugios de montaña de la región de Bariloche, destacándose la postura del autor, quien alienta a las personas a subir a las montañas ya que considera que desde hace unos años hay una tendencia a ascender a los refugios de montaña como destino final y no utilizarlos con el verdadero espíritu para el que fueron desarrollados por el Club Andino de Bariloche, ser base para continuar al día siguiente hacia las cumbres. Este capítulo es el más extenso de la obra y profundiza también en destacar la vida y obra de quienes fueron los artífices de los refugios y dieron vida durante años a los mismos a través de la inclusión de varios registros fotográficos. El tercer capítulo está destinado a las travesías de alta montaña haciendo mención especial a una en la que se visitan cuatro refugios, uno por cada noche, partiendo desde la base del Cerro Catedral hacía el Refugio Frey en el primer día. El cuarto capítulo, desarrolla siete ascensiones de trekking. Las montañas elegidas por el autor se ubican en inmediaciones de albergues o refugios. Ello permite pernoctar y al día siguiente emprender el ascenso a sus cumbres. El quinto capítulo propone siete ascensiones con escalada y desarrolla las siete ascensiones clásicas con escalada en la región montañosa de Bariloche que coronan las cumbres más altas y las más interesantes desde el punto de vista paisajístico y deportivo. El sexto capítulo está destinado a Huella Andina, considerado el primer sendero de largo recorrido de la Argentina ubicado en la región Patagonia Norte. Huella Andina es un sendero mayormente con un bajo de nivel de dificultad en el que se recorren largas distancias en diversas etapas, siendo el objetivo principal la puesta en valor de los recursos naturales y culturales de la región fomentando, por medio del senderismo, el desarrollo de las comunidades locales mediante la aplicación de principios del turismo sustentable. El séptimo y último capítulo refiere a las excursiones en la región de Puerto Blest. Se destacan las travesías que se pueden realizar en esta hermosa y natural región, así como también hace mención a que aquí se conformó el primer parque nacional argentino, destacando la figura del perito Francisco Pascasio Moreno y su importancia en la creación del mismo

    La Europa de los 25: políticas estratégicas de recursos humanos

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    A partir del 1 de mayo de 2004 diez países se han incorporado a la Unión Europea, hecho que ha supuesto uno de los retos más relevantes de los últimos años para la Unión. Polonia, Hungría, República Checa, Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Malta, Chipre, Eslovaquia y Eslovenia han aproximado sus políticas nacionales e internacionales hacia un reto que exige tanto un compromiso, como un esfuerzo importantes en el ámbito de los recursos humanos. El presente estudio de investigación presenta la situación actual de las políticas de recursos humanos desarrolladas en estos países de nueva integración, así como una comparativa con las políticas desarrolladas por la Unión. Resultando evidente que para la incorporación de los mismos, se parte de un respeto por el acervo comunitario, nos centramos en la adecuación de sus políticas hacia temas de indudable interés en materia de recursos humanos, como movilidad laboral, igualdad, flexibilidad y comunicación, buscando unos mínimos de calidad y seguridad laboral. Diferenciamos, para su estudio, tres modelos geográficos diferentes, en base a sus particularidades históricas y geográficas, que nos han permitido poner de manifiesto posicionamientos claramente diferenciados, en cuanto a la implantación de políticas de recursos humanos se refiere. Por lo tanto, las conclusiones a las que hemos llegado son difíciles de homogeneizar, debido a las particularidades intrínsecas de la evolución política, económica y social de cada Estado. En cualquier caso, los diez nuevos miembros han realizado importantes esfuerzos para adecuarse a la normativa vigente de la Unión en materia de recursos humanos, comenzando a esbozar las líneas maestras que les permitirán desarrollar procedimientos competitivos, respetando los derechos básicos del trabajador. Adentrarse en el desarrollo de políticas de recursos humanos de estos países de nueva incorporación, en sus conclusiones y en una comparativa exhaustiva con las tendencias europeas, es un ejercicio que bien merece dedicar unos minutos a su lectura

    Direct and residual impacts of olive-mill waste application to rice soil on greenhouse gas emission and global warming potential under Mediterranean conditions

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    The olive oil industry produces high amounts of waste, which need to be valorized in a more sustainable way as an alternative to its traditional use as an energy source, with high associated CO2 emissions. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important crops for global food security; however, the traditional cropping systems under flooding lead to an important decrease of soil quality, as well as relevant emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). The aim of this study was to assess the GHG emission from rice fields amended with composted two-phase olive mill waste (C-TPOW), in Mediterranean conditions. A field experiment was carried in rice cultivated by the traditional system, either unamended (Control) or amended with C-TPOW (Compost). GHG emissions were measured over three years following a single C-TPOW application (80 Mg ha−1 only in the first year of study), so that the results found in the first and third years correspond to its direct and residual effects, respectively. Compost decreased CO2 emissions relative to Control by 13% and 20% in the first and third year after C-TPOW application, respectively. However, in the case of CH4 and N2O, increases in the total cumulative emission were recorded in Compost relative to Control throughout the study, in agreement with the highest β-glucosidase and urease activity observed in the amended soil. The values of global warming potential (GWP) and yield-scaled GWP increased by 14% and 11%, respectively, in Compost relative to Control in the first year, but no significant differences between treatments were observed three years after application for GWP and yield-scaled GWP. Therefore, the use of C-TPOW as soil amendment in rice fields could be a good option since its impact on GHGinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the End-to-End Latency of Cellular-Connected UAV Communications

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    Measuring the weak mixing angle with the P2 experiment at MESA

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    The P2 experiment in Mainz aims to measure the weak mixing angle in electron- proton scattering to a precision of 0.13 %. In order to suppress uncertainties due to proton structure and contributions from box graphs, both a low average momentum transfer Q2Q^2 of 4.51034.5\cdot 10^{-3} GeV2/c2^2/c^2 and a low beam energy of 155 MeV are chosen. In order to collect the enormous statistics required for this measurement, the new Mainz Energy Recovery Superconducting Accelerator (MESA) is being constructed. These proceedings describe the motivation for the measurement, the experimental and accelerator challenges and how we plan to tackle them.Comment: Proceedings of the PhiPsi15, Sep. 23-26, 2015, Hefei, Chin

    Effects of combined use of olive mill waste compost and sprinkler Irrigation on GHG emissions and net ecosystem carbon budget under different tillage systems

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    Traditional rice (Oryza sativa L.) production by flooding is a source of greenhouse gases (GHG), especially methane. The high consumption of water, as well as the chemical and physical degradation caused by these traditional practices in rice soils, is promoting a decrease in rice production in the Mediterranean area. The aim of this study was to monitor GHG emissions and the net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) from rice produced with sprinkler irrigation techniques and also assess the impact of olive mill waste compost (C-OW) application and tillage on GHG emissions and the NECB. A field experiment for irrigated rice production was implemented by considering four different treatments: (1) tillage (T); (2) no tillage—direct seeding techniques (DS); (3) application of C-OW followed by tillage (TC); and (4) application of C-OW followed by direct seeding (DSC). The C-OW was only applied in the first year at a dose of 80 Mg ha−1 . GHG emissions were monitored over three years in these four treatments in order to estimate the direct (first year) and residual (third year) effects of such practices. The application of C-OW caused an increase of 1.85 times the emission of CO2 -C in the TC-DSC compared to the T-DS in the first year. It is noteworthy that the TC treatment was the only one that maintained an emission of CO2 -C that was 42% higher than T in the third year. Regardless of the treatments and year of the study, negative values for the cumulative CH4 were found, suggesting that under sprinkler irrigation, CH4 oxidation was the dominant process. A decrease in N2O emissions was observed under direct seeding relative to the tillage treatments, although without significant differences. Tillage resulted in an increase in the global warming potential (GWP) of up to 31% with respect to direct seeding management in the third year, as a consequence of the greater carbon oxidation caused by intensive tillage. DS presented a positive NECB in the accumulation of C in the soil; therefore, it provided a greater ecological benefit to the environment. Thus, under Mediterranean conditions, rice production through a sprinkler irrigation system in combination with direct seeding techniques may be a sustainable alternative for rice crops, reducing their GWP and resulting in a lower carbon footprint. However, the use of C-OW as an organic amendment could increase the GHG emissions from rice fields irrigated by sprinklers, especially under tillage conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Current Incidence and risk factors of fecal incontinence after acute stroke affecting functionally independent people

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    Background: Previously published retrospective series show a high prevalence of fecal incontinence (FI) in stroke patients. We aimed to analyze in a prospective series the current incidence of FI in acute stroke in functionally independent patients and its evolution over time and the patient characteristics associated with the appearance of FI in acute stroke. Methods: We included consecutive patients with acute stroke admitted in our stroke unit who fulfilled the following inclusion criteria: a first episode of stroke, aged >18 years, with no previous functional dependency [modified Rankin Scale (mRS) = 2] and without previous known FI. FI was assessed by a multidisciplinary trained team using dedicated questionnaires at 72 ± 24 h (acute phase) and at 90 ± 15 days (chronic phase). Demographic, medical history, clinical and stroke features, mortality, and mRS at 7 days were collected. Results: Three hundred fifty-nine (48.3%) of 749 patients (mean age 65.9 ± 10, 64% male, 84.1% ischemic) fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were prospectively included during a 20-month period. FI was identified in 23 patients (6.4%) at 72 ± 24 h and in 7 (1.9%) at 90 days ± 15 days after stroke onset. FI was more frequent in hemorrhagic strokes (18 vs. 5%, p 0.007) and in more severe strokes [median National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) 18 (14–22) vs. 5 (3–13), p < 0.0001]. No differences were found regarding age, sex, vascular risk factors, or other comorbidities, or affected hemisphere. Patients with NIHSS =12 (AUC 0.81, 95% CI 0.71 to 0.89) had a 17-fold increase for the risk of FI (OR 16.9, IC 95% 4.7–60.1) adjusted for covariates.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Acute aquatic toxicity to zebrafish and bioaccumulation in marine mussels of antimony tin oxide nanoparticles

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    Antimony tin oxide (Sb2O5/SnO2) is effective in the absorption of infrared radiation for applications, such as skylights. As a nanoparticle (NP), it can be incorporated into films or sheets providing infrared radiation attenuation while allowing for a transparent final product. The acute toxicity exerted by commercial Sb2O5/SnO2 (ATO) NPs was studied in adults and embryos of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Our results suggest that these NPs do not induce an acute toxicity in zebrafish, either adults or embryos. However, some sub-lethal parameters were altered: heart rate and spontaneous movements. Finally, the possible bioaccumulation of these NPs in the aquacultured marine mussel Mytilus sp. was studied. A quantitative analysis was performed using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (sp-ICP-MS). The results indicated that, despite being scarce (2.31 × 106 ± 9.05 × 105 NPs/g), there is some accumulation of the ATO NPs in the mussel. In conclusion, commercial ATO NPs seem to be quite innocuous to aquatic organisms; however, the fact that some of the developmental parameters in zebrafish embryos are altered should be considered for further investigation. More in-depth analysis of these NPs transformations in the digestive tract of humans is needed to assess whether their accumulation in mussels presents an actual risk to humans.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia | Ref. 2020.04021.CEECIN

    EMIR, the GTC NIR multi-object imager-spectrograph

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    EMIR, currently entering into its fabrication and AIV phase, will be one of the first common user instruments for the GTC, the 10 meter telescope under construction by GRANTECAN at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain). EMIR is being built by a Consortium of Spanish and French institutes led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). EMIR is designed to realize one of the central goals of 10m class telescopes, allowing observers to obtain spectra for large numbers of faint sources in a time-efficient manner. EMIR is primarily designed to be operated as a MOS in the K band, but others a wide range of observing modes, including imaging and spectroscopy, both long slit and multi-object, in the wavelength range 0.9 to 2.5 um. It is equipped with two innovative subsystems: a robotic reconfigurable multi-slit mask and dispersive elements formed by the combination of high quality distraction grating and conventional prisms, both at the heart of the instrument. The present status of development, expected performances, schedule and plans for scientific exploitation are described and discussed. The development and fabrication of EMIR is funded by GRANTECAN and the Plan Nacional de Astronomía y Astrofísica (National Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Spain).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version