5 research outputs found

    The value chain of white leg shrimp exported to the U.S market in Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam

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    The research aimed to explore the value chain of frozen white leg shrimp exported to the U.S market from Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam. Three objectives were set up, that is, (1) to identify the activities conducted by different actors in the value chain and the corresponding costs and earnings of those activities, (2) to evaluate the distributions of revenue, cost and profit along the chain, and (3) to determine factors preventing shrimp farmers from dealing directly with processing firms. Research findings showed that before exported to the U.S market, white leg shrimp has to undergo farming, procurement, and processing. Shrimp farming basically comprises of such steps as pond cleaning, seed release, and caring. When shrimp attain harvestable size, middlemen come to perform the procurement which includes harvesting, preserving, and transporting. At the processing plants, shrimp are transformed into final products, packed, labeled preserved and stored waiting to be exported. During shrimp farming, farmers incur several costs like seed, feed, labor, and other miscellaneous expenses. At the procurement stage, addition to purchasing shrimp from farmers, middlemen have to add some other costs like transport, labor, ice, and other inputs to transfer shrimp to the next stage. At the processing stage, direct material, direct labor, overhead, and other costs are added in accordance with the accounting format. Farmers, middlemen and processors experience positive profit in the 2008-2010 period. Based on costs and earnings data, some calculations were made which revealed the distributions of revenue (export price), cost and profit of 1 kg frozen shrimp exported to the U.S market. Costs and profits distributions were in sync with expectations. The surveys revealed 3 reasons why farmers depend on middlemen to sell their harvest, that is, lack of facilities, delayed payment policy and risk aversion


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    This study focuses on systematic mapping and verification of benefit distribution among stakeholders in the value chain of white-leg shrimp in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. The question is, can reorganization of small farmer groups enhance participation and efficiency of the value chain? Convenient sampling and face-to-face interview method were employed in 2014 and 2015 to solicit information from 100 shrimp producers, 10 middlemen and 3 exporters. Males account for 98 percent of small independent producers. There is an involvement of middlemen (middlemen type #1 and middlemen type # 2) in the chain. The middlemen are the drivers in the chain and engage in risk shifting on producers. The distribution of shrimp materials by middlemen type #1 to the processing plant is based on shrimp size. An alternate design to assist collective bargaining by unified small farm *groups shows in order to attain a sustainable value chain for white-leg shrimp, one should improve vertical integration and coordination among the market participants; and seek government intervention to build the image of Vietnam seafood in international markets

    Food Safety and Vietnam EU Pangasius strategy

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    Using Hirschman’s theoretical framework we evaluated the competitive position of Vietnamese pangasius export industry and the strategies employed by the private sector to increase market share in the EU. The authors organized focus group discussions, and interviewed 50 pangasius processors and exporters, and five government officials. The results show that most enterprises exploit the compliant, reactive and defensive strategies to maintain market share. A few firms employ the proactive/offensive strategies. These command larger EU market share; have more years of experience in processing; and are more vertically integrated than those adopting an offensive/reactive or reactive/defensive stance