48,685 research outputs found

    Synthesis report with pro-poor trade research findings and policy recommandations

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    The purpose of the project was to investigate international trade in fisheries products and its relationship to poverty alleviation and livelihoods of poor aquatic resource users in developing countries in Asia, and to identify options to improve the effectiveness of poverty reduction through international seafood trade. The project directly addressed the EC-PREP priority area of trade and development, and indirectly provided valuable insight to two other priority areas: food security and sustainable rural development; and institutional capacity building. [PDF contains 60 pages.

    Universality Conjecture for all Airy, Sine and Bessel Kernels in the Complex Plane

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    We address the question of how the celebrated universality of local correlations for the real eigenvalues of Hermitian random matrices of size NxN can be extended to complex eigenvalues in the case of random matrices without symmetry. Depending on the location in the spectrum, particular large-N limits (the so-called weakly non-Hermitian limits) lead to one-parameter deformations of the Airy, sine and Bessel kernels into the complex plane. This makes their universality highly suggestive for all symmetry classes. We compare all the known limiting real kernels and their deformations into the complex plane for all three Dyson indices beta=1,2,4, corresponding to real, complex and quaternion real matrix elements. This includes new results for Airy kernels in the complex plane for beta=1,4. For the Gaussian ensembles of elliptic Ginibre and non-Hermitian Wishart matrices we give all kernels for finite N, built from orthogonal and skew-orthogonal polynomials in the complex plane. Finally we comment on how much is known to date regarding the universality of these kernels in the complex plane, and discuss some open problems.Comment: 16 pages, based on invited talk at MSRI Berkeley, September 201

    Characteristic polynomials in real Ginibre ensembles

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    We calculate the average of two characteristic polynomials for the real Ginibre ensemble of asymmetric random matrices, and its chiral counterpart. Considered as quadratic forms they determine a skew-symmetric kernel from which all complex eigenvalue correlations can be derived. Our results are obtained in a very simple fashion without going to an eigenvalue representation, and are completely new in the chiral case. They hold for Gaussian ensembles which are partly symmetric, with kernels given in terms of Hermite and Laguerre polynomials respectively, depending on an asymmetry parameter. This allows us to interpolate between the maximally asymmetric real Ginibre and the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, as well as their chiral counterparts

    Low-noise 1 THz niobium superconducting tunnel junction mixer with a normal metal tuning circuit

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    We describe a 1 THz quasioptical SIS mixer which uses a twin-slot antenna, an antireflection-coated silicon hyperhemispherical lens, Nb/Al-oxide/Nb tunnel junctions, and an aluminum normal-metal tuning circuit in a two-junction configuration. Since the mixer operates substantially above the gap frequency of niobium (nu >~ 2 Delta/h ~ 700 GHz), a normal metal is used in the tuning circuit in place of niobium to reduce the Ohmic loss. The frequency response of the device was measured using a Fourier transform spectrometer and agrees reasonably well with the theoretical prediction. At 1042 GHz, the uncorrected double-sideband receiver noise temperature is 840 K when the physical temperature of the mixer is 2.5 K. This is the first SIS mixer which outperforms GaAs Schottky diode mixers by a large margin at 1 THz

    Random matrix theory of unquenched two-colour QCD with nonzero chemical potential

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    We solve a random two-matrix model with two real asymmetric matrices whose primary purpose is to describe certain aspects of quantum chromodynamics with two colours and dynamical fermions at nonzero quark chemical potential mu. In this symmetry class the determinant of the Dirac operator is real but not necessarily positive. Despite this sign problem the unquenched matrix model remains completely solvable and provides detailed predictions for the Dirac operator spectrum in two different physical scenarios/limits: (i) the epsilon-regime of chiral perturbation theory at small mu, where mu^2 multiplied by the volume remains fixed in the infinite-volume limit and (ii) the high-density regime where a BCS gap is formed and mu is unscaled. We give explicit examples for the complex, real, and imaginary eigenvalue densities including Nf=2 non-degenerate flavours. Whilst the limit of two degenerate masses has no sign problem and can be tested with standard lattice techniques, we analyse the severity of the sign problem for non-degenerate masses as a function of the mass split and of mu. On the mathematical side our new results include an analytical formula for the spectral density of real Wishart eigenvalues in the limit (i) of weak non-Hermiticity, thus completing the previous solution of the corresponding quenched model of two real asymmetric Wishart matrices.Comment: 45 pages, 31 figures; references added, as published in JHE

    Sandblasting nozzle

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    A nozzle for use with abrasive and/or corrosive materials is formed of sintered ceramic compositions having high temperature oxidation resistance, high hardness and high abrasion and corrosion resistance. The ceramic may be a binary solid solution of a ceramic oxide and silicon nitride, and preferably a ternary solid solution of a ceramic oxide, silicon nitride and aluminum nitride. The ceramic oxide is selected from a group consisting of Al2O3, Y2O3 and Cr2O3, or mixtures of those compounds. Titanium carbide particles are dispersed in the ceramic mixture before sintering. The nozzles are encased for protection from external forces while in use by a metal or plastic casing

    Background paper on the international seafood trade and poverty

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    (121 p.

    What is the problem to which interactive multimedia is the solution?

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    This is something of an unusual paper. It serves as both the reason for and the result of a small number of leading academics in the field, coming together to focus on the question that serves as the title to this paper: What is the problem to which interactive multimedia is the solution? Each of the authors addresses this question from their own viewpoint, offering informed insights into the development, implementation and evaluation of multimedia. The result of their collective work was also the focus of a Western Australian Institute of Educational Research seminar, convened at Edith Cowan University on 18 October, 1994. The question posed is deliberately rhetorical - it is asked to allow those represented here to consider what they think are the significant issues in the fast-growing field of multimedia. More directly, the question is also asked here because nobody else has considered it worth asking: for many multimedia is done because it is technically possible, not because it offers anything that is of value or provides the solution to a particular problem. The question, then, is answered in various ways by each of the authors involved and each, in their own way, consider a range of fundamental issues concerning the nature, place and use of multimedia - both in education and in society generally. By way of an introduction, the following provides a unifying context for the various contributions made here

    Quasi-optical SIS mixers with normal metal tuning structures

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    We recently reported (1996) a quasi-optical SIS mixer which used Nb/Al-oxide/Nb tunnel junctions and a normal-metal (Al) tuning circuit to achieve an uncorrected receiver noise temperature of 840 K (DSB) at 1042 GHz. Here we present results on several different device designs, which together cover the 300-1200 GHz frequency range. The mixers utilize an antireflection-coated silicon hyper-hemispherical lens, a twin-slot antenna, and a two-junction tuning circuit. The broad-band frequency response was measured using Fourier transform spectrometry (FTS), and is in good agreement with model calculations. Heterodyne tests were carried out from 400 GHz up to 1040 GHz, and these measurements agree well with the FTS results and with calculations based on Tucker's theory (1985)
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