801 research outputs found

    Noise Kernel and Stress Energy Bi-Tensor of Quantum Fields in Hot Flat Space and Gaussian Approximation in the Optical Schwarzschild Metric

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    Continuing our investigation of the regularization of the noise kernel in curved spacetimes [N. G. Phillips and B. L. Hu, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 63}, 104001 (2001)] we adopt the modified point separation scheme for the class of optical spacetimes using the Gaussian approximation for the Green functions a la Bekenstein-Parker-Page. In the first example we derive the regularized noise kernel for a thermal field in flat space. It is useful for black hole nucleation considerations. In the second example of an optical Schwarzschild spacetime we obtain a finite expression for the noise kernel at the horizon and recover the hot flat space result at infinity. Knowledge of the noise kernel is essential for studying issues related to black hole horizon fluctuations and Hawking radiation backreaction. We show that the Gaussian approximated Green function which works surprisingly well for the stress tensor at the Schwarzschild horizon produces significant error in the noise kernel there. We identify the failure as occurring at the fourth covariant derivative order.Comment: 21 pages, RevTeX

    Deconstruction of the Trap Model for the New Conducting State in 2D

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    A key prediction of the trap model for the new conducting state in 2D is that the resistivity turns upwards below some characteristic temperature, TminT_{\rm min}. Altshuler, Maslov, and Pudalov have argued that the reason why no upturn has been observed for the low density conducting samples is that the temperature was not low enough in the experiments. We show here that TminT_{\rm min} within the Altshuler, Maslov, and Pudalov trap model actually increases with decreasing density, contrary to their claim. Consequently, the trap model is not consistent with the experimental trends.Comment: Published version of Deconstructio

    Fluctuations of an evaporating black hole from back reaction of its Hawking radiation: Questioning a premise in earlier work

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    This paper delineates the first steps in a systematic quantitative study of the spacetime fluctuations induced by quantum fields in an evaporating black hole. We explain how the stochastic gravity formalism can be a useful tool for that purpose within a low-energy effective field theory approach to quantum gravity. As an explicit example we apply it to the study of the spherically-symmetric sector of metric perturbations around an evaporating black hole background geometry. For macroscopic black holes we find that those fluctuations grow and eventually become important when considering sufficiently long periods of time (of the order of the evaporation time), but well before the Planckian regime is reached. In addition, the assumption of a simple correlation between the fluctuations of the energy flux crossing the horizon and far from it, which was made in earlier work on spherically-symmetric induced fluctuations, is carefully analyzed and found to be invalid. Our analysis suggests the existence of an infinite amplitude for the fluctuations of the horizon as a three-dimensional hypersurface. We emphasize the need for understanding and designing operational ways of probing quantum metric fluctuations near the horizon and extracting physically meaningful information.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX; minor changes, a few references added and a brief discussion of their relevance included. To appear in the proceedings of the 10th Peyresq meeting. Dedicated to Rafael Sorkin on the occasion of his 60th birthda

    Formation of three-particle clusters in hetero-junctions and MOSFET structures

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    A novel interaction mechanism in MOSFET structures and GaAs/AlGaAsGaAs/AlGaAs hetero-junctions between the zone electrons of the two-dimensional (2D) gas and the charged traps on the insulator side is considered. By applying a canonical transformation, off-diagonal terms in the Hamiltonian due to the trapped level subsystem are excluded. This yields an effective three-particle attractive interaction as well as a pairing interaction inside the 2D electronic band. A type of Bethe- Goldstone equation for three particles is studied to clarify the character of the binding and the energy of the three-particle bound states. The results are used to offer a possible explanation of the Metal-Insulator transition recently observed in MOSFET and hetero-junctions.Comment: 4 page

    The effect of different dietary grains on the expression of ATP citrate lyase in the adipose tissue of sheep

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    This study examined the effects of feeding six grains on the biosynthesis of fat from glucose as assessed by the activity of ATP citrate lyase (ACL, EC in subcutaneous adipose tissue of sheep

    From large-scale loops to the sites of dense flaring loops: Preferential conditions for long-period pulsations in solar flares

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    Copyright © 2010 American Astronomical Society / IOP PublishingLong-period quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) of solar flares are a class apart from shorter period events. By involving an external resonator, the mechanism they call upon differs from traditional QPP models, but has wider applications. We present a multi-wavelength analysis of spatially resolved QPPs, with periods around 10 minutes, observed in the X-ray spectrum primarily at energies between 3 and 25 keV. Complementary observations obtained in Hα and radio emission in the kHz to GHz frequency range, together with an analysis of the X-ray plasma properties provide a comprehensive picture that is consistent with a dense flaring loop subject to periodic energization and thermalization. The QPPs obtained in Hα and type III radio bursts, with similar periods as the QPPs in soft X-rays, have the longest periods ever reported for those types of data sets. We also report 1-2 GHz radio emission, concurrent with but unrestricted to the QPP time intervals, which is multi-structured at regularly separated narrowband frequencies and modulated with ~18 minute periods. This radio emission can be attributed to the presence of multiple "quiet" large-scale loops in the background corona. Large scale but shorter inner loops below may act as preferential resonators for the QPPs. The observations support interpretations consistent with both inner and outer loops subject to fast kink magnetohydrodynamic waves. Finally, X-ray imaging indicates the presence of double coronal sources in the flaring sites, which could be the particular signatures of the magnetically linked inner loops. We discuss the preferential conditions and the driving mechanisms causing the repeated flaring

    Is weak temperature dependence of electron dephasing possible?

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    The first-principle theory of electron dephasing by disorder-induced two state fluctuators is developed. There exist two mechanisms of dephasing. First, dephasing occurs due to direct transitions between the defect levels caused by inelastic electron-defect scattering. The second mechanism is due to violation of the time reversal symmetry caused by time-dependent fluctuations of the scattering potential. These fluctuations originate from an interaction between the dynamic defects and conduction electrons forming a thermal bath. The first contribution to the dephasing rate saturates as temperature decreases. The second contribution does not saturate, although its temperature dependence is rather weak, T1/3\propto T^{1/3}. The quantitative estimates based on the experimental data show that these mechanisms considered can explain the weak temperature dependence of the dephasing rate in some temperature interval. However, below some temperature dependent on the model of dynamic defects the dephasing rate tends rapidly to zero. The relation to earlier studies of the dephasing caused by the dynamical defects is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    Noise induced transitions in semiclassical cosmology

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    A semiclassical cosmological model is considered which consists of a closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker in the presence of a cosmological constant, which mimics the effect of an inflaton field, and a massless, non-conformally coupled quantum scalar field. We show that the back-reaction of the quantum field, which consists basically of a non local term due to gravitational particle creation and a noise term induced by the quantum fluctuations of the field, are able to drive the cosmological scale factor over the barrier of the classical potential so that if the universe starts near zero scale factor (initial singularity) it can make the transition to an exponentially expanding de Sitter phase. We compute the probability of this transition and it turns out to be comparable with the probability that the universe tunnels from "nothing" into an inflationary stage in quantum cosmology. This suggests that in the presence of matter fields the back-reaction on the spacetime should not be neglected in quantum cosmology.Comment: LaTex, 33.tex pages, no figure

    Moving Atom-Field Interaction: Correction to Casimir-Polder Effect from Coherent Back-action

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    The Casimir-Polder force is an attractive force between a polarizable atom and a conducting or dielectric boundary. Its original computation was in terms of the Lamb shift of the atomic ground state in an electromagnetic field (EMF) modified by boundary conditions along the wall and assuming a stationary atom. We calculate the corrections to this force due to a moving atom, demanding maximal preservation of entanglement generated by the moving atom-conducting wall system. We do this by using non-perturbative path integral techniques which allow for coherent back-action and thus can treat non-Markovian processes. We recompute the atom-wall force for a conducting boundary by allowing the bare atom-EMF ground state to evolve (or self-dress) into the interacting ground state. We find a clear distinction between the cases of stationary and adiabatic motions. Our result for the retardation correction for adiabatic motion is up to twice as much as that computed for stationary atoms. We give physical interpretations of both the stationary and adiabatic atom-wall forces in terms of alteration of the virtual photon cloud surrounding the atom by the wall and the Doppler effect.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, clarified discussions; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Two-Dimensional Wigner Crystal in Anisotropic Semiconductor

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    We investigate the effect of mass anisotropy on the Wigner crystallization transition in a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas. The static and dynamical properties of a 2D Wigner crystal have been calculated for arbitrary 2D Bravais lattices in the presence of anisotropic mass, as may be obtainable in Si MOSFETs with (110) surface. By studying the stability of all possible lattices, we find significant change in the crystal structure and melting density of the electron lattice with the lowest ground state energy.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 4 figure