55 research outputs found

    Multilevel network meta-regression: methods and implementation:<i>in workshop </i>Time to implement multilevel network meta-regression rather than matching adjusted indirect comparisons

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    PURPOSE: Multi-level network meta-regression (ML-NMR) extends the standard network meta-analysis framework to leverage individual patient data and aggregate data when comparing multiple treatments while adjusting for differences in populations between trials. Unlike previous population adjustment approaches, ML-NMR is applicable in networks of any size, avoids aggregation bias and issues with non-collapsible effect measures, and crucially for decision-making produces estimates in any target population.DESCRIPTION: Workshop attendees will obtain a working knowledge of the ML-NMR method, its advantages, and considerations for implementation. Dr. Jansen will chair the session and introduce ML-NMR in the context of the challenges with existing methods (10 min.). Dr. Phillippo will explain the statistical methods for ML-NMR, highlight advantages relative to existing methods, and provide an overview of how to implement the method using the multinma R package in terms of the syntax and features (15 min.). Ms. Cope will illustrate how these methods can be applied in a case study regarding the comparative efficacy of alternative interventions for triple-class exposed relapsed refractory multiple myeloma. This will include audience participation regarding selection of covariates, alternative time-to-event models, conditional vs. marginal estimates, and target populations for prediction (15 min). Mr. Klijn will describe lessons learned and recommendations for implementation of ML-NMR (15 min). Questions from the audience will be addressed (5 min) and this interactive workshop will be valuable to researchers and industry analysts interested in comparative efficacy research for health technology assessments

    Workshop:An introduction to network meta-analysis for decision making

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    A técnica de hemodiálise é o "padrão ouro" para tratamento de doenças renais crônicas. No mercado, existem diversos modelos de equipamentos e acessos vasculares com suas peculiaridades, sendo o cateter venoso central (CVC) um dos mais utilizados. Estes ainda se apresentam com grande variabilidade de modelos disponíveis para a aplicação, fazendo-se necessária a identificação das particularidades de cada modelo e dos procedimentos empregados para a terapia. Uma maneira de avaliar tais diferenças é a simulação numérica, ferramenta capaz de realizar uma análise virtual, não-invasiva, dos processos fisiológicos e mecânicos. Neste trabalho, foram realizadas simulações numéricas tridimensionais do escoamento sanguíneo, via software ANSYS Fluent, tratando o sangue como um fluido não-newtoniano. Através das simulações, foram avaliados os perfis de velocidade e de tensão de cisalhamento gerados por três diferentes tipos de CVCs com o intuito de prever potenciais geometrias geradoras de lise celular e ativação plaquetária, principais consequências de injúrias mecânicas no sangue.Hemodialysis is the main technique used for the treatment of chronic renal diseases. In the market, there are several models of equipment and vascular accesses with their peculiarities, being the central venous catheter (CVC) one of the most used. These are presented with great variability of models available for the application, making it necessary to identify the particularities of each model and the procedures used. One way to evaluate such differences is numerical simulation, a tool capable of performing a virtual analysis, non-invasive, of the physiological and mechanical processes. In this study, 3D numerical simulations of blood flow were run with the software ANSYS Fluent, using the blood as a non-Newtonian fluid. Through the simulations, the velocity and shear stress profiles were generated for three different types of CVCs with the intention of predicting potential geometries generators of cell lysis and platelet activation, the main consequences of mechanical injuries in the blood

    School Choice, Youth Voice: How Diverse Student Policy Actors Experience High School Choice Policy

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    School choice research is abundant, but rarely incorporates students’ experiences or perspectives. This study investigates a diverse group of students’ school choice experiences as they applied to, gained admission to and enrolled in high school in Chicago Public Schools, which offers over 130 options. Adapting Ball and colleagues’ (2012) concept of policy actor positionality, we analyzed the role of students’ developmental and social statuses in students’ school choice experiences. Students’ policy encounters were developmentally consistent, but their admissions results and subsequent academic trajectories diverged by their socioeconomic status. We discuss these findings’ developmental and equity implications for school choice policy

    Assessing the robustness of recommendations made in a guideline on specialist neonatal respiratory care in babies born preterm with threshold analysis

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    View from Obiri (Ubirr) Rock, Kakadu National Park, shows rocky ourcrops in distance and plains in mid distance.Crawford, Pauline
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