1,615 research outputs found

    Critical Theory, Democracy, and the Challenge of Neo-Liberalism

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    With a few exceptions, critical theorists have been late to provide a comprehensive diagnosis of neoliberalism comparable in scope to their extensive analyses of advanced welfare state capitalism. Instead, the main lines of critical theory have focused on questions of international justice which, while no doubt significant, restrict the scope of critical theory by deemphasizing linkages to larger political and economic conditions. Providing a critique of the Frankfurt School, Brian Caterino and Phillip Hansen move beyond its foundations, and call for a rethinking of the bases of critical theory as a practical, freedom-creating project. Outlining a resurgence of neoliberalism, the authors encourage a fresh, nuanced analysis that elucidates its political and economic structures and demonstrates the threats to freedom and democracy that neoliberalism poses. They propose the reformulation of a radical democratic alternative to neoliberalism, one that critically addresses its limitations while promoting an enhancement of communicative and social freedom

    Critical Theory, Democracy, and the Challenge of Neo-Liberalism

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    With a few exceptions, critical theorists have been late to provide a comprehensive diagnosis of neoliberalism comparable in scope to their extensive analyses of advanced welfare state capitalism. Instead, the main lines of critical theory have focused on questions of international justice which, while no doubt significant, restrict the scope of critical theory by deemphasizing linkages to larger political and economic conditions. Providing a critique of the Frankfurt School, Brian Caterino and Phillip Hansen move beyond its foundations, and call for a rethinking of the bases of critical theory as a practical, freedom-creating project. Outlining a resurgence of neoliberalism, the authors encourage a fresh, nuanced analysis that elucidates its political and economic structures and demonstrates the threats to freedom and democracy that neoliberalism poses. They propose the reformulation of a radical democratic alternative to neoliberalism, one that critically addresses its limitations while promoting an enhancement of communicative and social freedom

    Access to Effective Teaching for Disadvantaged Students

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    Recent federal initiatives in education, such as Race to the Top, the Teacher Incentive Fund, and the flexibility policy for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act are designed in part to ensure that disadvantaged students have equal access to effective teaching. The initiatives respond to the concern that disadvantaged students may be taught by less effective teachers and that this could contribute to the achievement gap between disadvantaged students and other students. To address the need for evidence on this issue, the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education initiated a study to examine access to effective teaching for disadvantaged students in 29 diverse school districts. Mathematica Policy Research and its partner, the American Institutes for Research, conducted the study, which focused on English/ language arts (ELA) and math teachers in grades 4 through 8 from the 2008 -- 2009 to the 2010 -- 2011 school year

    A stochastic model to study genetic and metabolic effects on N-linked protein glycosylation

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    Glycosylation is a vital processing step for a large number of cellular proteins as it critically affects protein stability and solubility as well as protein-protein interactions. As a consequence, glycosylation is a major quality attribute of recombinant proteins in biopharmaceutical applications. However, since glycosylation does not follow a template, but instead involves a complex interplay of various influencing factors in the Golgi, tailoring glycosylation towards certain desired attributes is challenging and usually requires trial-and-error experimentation. Computational modeling offers an intriguing option to understand and rationally engineer the complex reaction network underlying glycosylation. Here we present a computational model that describes N-linked protein glycosylation as a stochastic process. The model successfully recapitulates the biological complexity of glycosylation, but does not require the input of kinetic data. We show how the model can be used to predict the effect of glycosyltransferase knock-outs or overexpression on glycosylation in CHO. In addition, we demonstrate how the model can be linked to flux-balance models of CHO metabolism and use it to predict how cell culture conditions, such as extracellular nutrients, affect glycosylation. Thus, our modeling approach offers a promising tool for engineering glycosylation in both academic and industrial contexts

    Assessment of targeting accuracy of a low-energy stereotactic radiosurgery treatment for age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in the United States, is a neovascular disease that may be controlled with radiation therapy. Early patient outcomes of external beam radiotherapy, however, have been mixed. Recently, a novel multimodality treatment was developed, comprising external beam radiotherapy and concomitant treatment with a vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor. The radiotherapy arm is performed by stereotactic radiosurgery, delivering a 16 Gy dose in the macula (clinical target volume, CTV) using three external low-energy x-ray fields while adequately sparing normal tissues. The purpose of our study was to test the sensitivity of the delivery of the prescribed dose in the CTV using this technique and of the adequate sparing of normal tissues to all plausible variations in the position and gaze angle of the eye. Using Monte Carlo simulations of a 16 Gy treatment, we varied the gaze angle by ±5° in the polar and azimuthal directions, the linear displacement of the eye ±1mm in all orthogonal directions, and observed the union of the three fields on the posterior wall of spheres concentric with the eye that had diameters between 20 and 28 mm. In all cases, the dose in the CTV fluctuated \u3c6%, the maximum dose in the sclera was \u3c20 Gy, the dose in the optic disc, optic nerve, lens and cornea were \u3c0.7 Gy and the three-field junction was adequately preserved. The results of this study provide strong evidence that for plausible variations in the position of the eye during treatment, either by the setup error or intrafractionmotion, the prescribed dose will be delivered to the CTV and the dose in structures at risk will be kept far below tolerance doses. © 2010 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

    Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for photovoltaic system modeling.

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    We report an uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for modeling DC energy from photovoltaic systems. We consider two systems, each comprised of a single module using either crystalline silicon or CdTe cells, and located either at Albuquerque, NM, or Golden, CO. Output from a PV system is predicted by a sequence of models. Uncertainty in the output of each model is quantified by empirical distributions of each model's residuals. We sample these distributions to propagate uncertainty through the sequence of models to obtain an empirical distribution for each PV system's output. We considered models that: (1) translate measured global horizontal, direct and global diffuse irradiance to plane-of-array irradiance; (2) estimate effective irradiance from plane-of-array irradiance; (3) predict cell temperature; and (4) estimate DC voltage, current and power. We found that the uncertainty in PV system output to be relatively small, on the order of 1% for daily energy. Four alternative models were considered for the POA irradiance modeling step; we did not find the choice of one of these models to be of great significance. However, we observed that the POA irradiance model introduced a bias of upwards of 5% of daily energy which translates directly to a systematic difference in predicted energy. Sensitivity analyses relate uncertainty in the PV system output to uncertainty arising from each model. We found that the residuals arising from the POA irradiance and the effective irradiance models to be the dominant contributors to residuals for daily energy, for either technology or location considered. This analysis indicates that efforts to reduce the uncertainty in PV system output should focus on improvements to the POA and effective irradiance models

    Comparison of the capacity between public and private health facilities to manage under-five children with febrile illnesses in Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Public health facilities are usually the first to receive interventions compared to private facilities, yet majority of health seeking care is first done with the latter. This study compared the capacity to manage acute febrile illnesses in children below 5 years in private vs public health facilities in order to design interventions to improve quality of care. METHODS: A survey was conducted within 57 geographical areas (parishes), from August to October 2014 in Mukono district, central Uganda. The survey comprised both facility and health worker assessment. Data were collected on drug stocks, availability of treatment guidelines, diagnostic equipment, and knowledge in management of malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea, using a structured questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 53 public and 241 private health facilities participated in the study. While similar proportions of private and public health facilities stocked Coartem, the first-line anti-malarial drug, (98 vs 95%, p = 0.22), significantly more private than public health facilities stocked quinine (85 vs 53%, p < 0.01). Stocks of obsolete anti-malarial drugs, such as chloroquine, were reported in few public and private facilities (3.7 vs 12.5%, p = 0.06). Stocks of antibiotics-amoxycillin and gentamycin were similar in both sectors (≥90% for amoxicillin; ≥50 for gentamycin). Training in malaria was reported by 65% of public health facilities vs 56% in the private sector, p = 0.25), while, only 21% in the public facility and 12% in the private facilities, p = 0.11, reported receiving training in pneumonia. Only 55% of public facilities had microscopes. Malaria treatment guidelines were significantly lacking in the private sector, p = 0.01. Knowledge about first-line management of uncomplicated malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea was significantly better in the public facilities compared to the private ones, though still sub-optimal. CONCLUSION: Deficiencies of equipment, supplies and training exist even in public health facilities. In order to significantly improve the capacity to handle acute febrile illness among children under five, training in proper case management, availability of supplies and diagnostics need to be addressed in both sectors

    Hvordan kan offentlig sektor implementere metoder og teorier fra kreative bedrifter, for å fremme motivasjon og innovasjon?

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    Dagens samfunn endres kontinuerlig. Hverdagen vår blir stadig lettere, bedre og tryggere. Gjennom flere tiår har det offentlige og private jobbet sammen om en bedre hverdag. Deler av offentlig sektor kan oppleves som tregt, traust og for byråkratisk av mange. I denne oppgaven tar vi for oss forskjellene i sektorene når det kommer til organisasjonskultur og organisasjonsstruktur, og hvordan disse strukturelle og kulturelle aspektene preger motivasjonen til de ansatte. Gjennom en rekke dybdeintervjuer har vi oppdaget mangler og smerter i offentlig sektor, og sett videre etter muligheter for å implementere metoder fra det private næringslivet i offentlig sektor på tross av strukturelle, kulturelle og individuelle barrierer. Funnene våre avslører mangler og smerter i offentlig sektor som mangel på motivasjon, for mye byråkrati, for stor avstand mellom arbeider og leder, for lite effektivitet og for lite kunnskap rundt det å fremme motivasjon og innovasjon hos de ansatte i offentlige instanser. Analysen vår tar for seg de største smertene i offentlig sektor tilknyttet modernisering og endring, samt brukes som grunnlag for å se på hvordan man unngår disse i det private ved å bruke teorien presentert tidligere i oppgaven. Til slutt vil vi konkludere med å peke på de viktigste funnene og hvordan denne studien kan brukes til videre forskning
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