273 research outputs found

    Frechet derivatives of coupled seismograms with respect to an anelastic rotating earth

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    International audienceA theory, based on higher-order perturbations, is given and used to express the partial derivatives of the seismic waveform with respect t o perturbations of density, anelasticity and anisotropy. Frechet derivatives are expressed with respect to a general aspherical model by using modulation functions, which are already used for the computation of aspherical seismograms. A direct solution method (DSM) that optimizes other previously proposed DSMs is proposed for the computation of the modulation functions. Numerical tests point out significant differences between the general FrCchet derivatives and those used for more classical approaches (great-circle average or frozen-path approximation), as well as important focusing/defocusing effects. This theory will enable future imaging inversions of the small-scale heterogeneities of the Earth

    Diffraction of long period Rayleigh waves effects of mode coupling by a slab: effects of mode coupling

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    International audienceWe compute seismograms of the fundamental Rayleigh waves propagating through a slab structure , with either a lateral variation in seismic velocities , or in attenuation. At periods of 100 sec, we show that the phase delay is strongly reduced by the surface waves Fresnel zone, and that coupling must be considered far along the dispersion branch, up to at least oe-‱ 25. Limiting the coupling to fewer modes produces a signal associated to a ghost structure at the antipode of the slab. We also show that the amplitude perturbations produced by the diffraction and the attenuation of the slab are comparable in size. Future waveform studies, especially those associated to global waveform inversions, must then carefully consider these effects

    Normal modes and long period seismograms in a 3D anelastic elliptical rotating Earth

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    International audienceWe present results of a direct method to compute realistic long period (>200 s in this example) synthetic seismograms using higher order perturbation theory (up to the 3rd order). Normal modes are computed for the Earth, taking into account rotation, ellipticity, 3D elastic lateral heterogeneities (SAW12D) for the whole mantle, and anelastic lateral variations in the upper mantle (QR19). Coupling between different modes and branches is included in the computation. We study the sensitivity of the waveform to 3D anelasticity and the biases between 3D elastic and 3D anelastic variations. The resulting seismograms can be computed to higher frequency and may then be used to perform whole mantle joint inversions for elastic and anelastic structure

    Seismometer Detection of Dust Devil Vortices by Ground Tilt

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    We report seismic signals on a desert playa caused by convective vortices and dust devils. The long-period (10-100s) signatures, with tilts of ~10−7^{-7} radians, are correlated with the presence of vortices, detected with nearby sensors as sharp temporary pressure drops (0.2-1 mbar) and solar obscuration by dust. We show that the shape and amplitude of the signals, manifesting primarily as horizontal accelerations, can be modeled approximately with a simple quasi-static point-load model of the negative pressure field associated with the vortices acting on the ground as an elastic half space. We suggest the load imposed by a dust devil of diameter D and core pressure {\Delta}Po is ~({\pi}/2){\Delta}PoD2^2, or for a typical terrestrial devil of 5 m diameter and 2 mbar, about the weight of a small car. The tilt depends on the inverse square of distance, and on the elastic properties of the ground, and the large signals we observe are in part due to the relatively soft playa sediment and the shallow installation of the instrument. Ground tilt may be a particularly sensitive means of detecting dust devils. The simple point-load model fails for large dust devils at short ranges, but more elaborate models incorporating the work of Sorrells (1971) may explain some of the more complex features in such cases, taking the vortex winds and ground velocity into account. We discuss some implications for the InSight mission to Mars.Comment: Contributed Article for Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Accepted 29th August 201

    Three-dimensional waveform modeling of ionospheric signature induced by the 2004 Sumatra tsunami

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    International audienceThe Sumatra, December 26th, 2004, tsunami produced internal gravity waves in the neutral atmosphere and large disturbances in the overlying ionospheric plasma. To corroborate the tsunamigenic hypothesis of these perturbations, we reproduce, with a 3D numerical modeling of the ocean-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling, the tsunami signature in the Total Electron Content (TEC) data measured by the Jason-1 and Topex/Poseidon satellite altimeters. The agreement between the observed and synthetic TEC shows that ionospheric remote sensing can provide new tools for offshore tsunami detection and monitorin

    Ionospheric detection of gravity waves induced by tsunamis

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    Tsunami waves propagating across long distances in the open-ocean can induce atmospheric gravity waves by dynamic coupling at the surface. In the period range 10 to 20 minutes, both have very similar horizontal velocities, while the gravity wave propagates obliquely upward with a vertical velocity of the order of 50 m s^(−1), and reaches the ionosphere after a few hours. We use ionospheric sounding technique from Global Positioning System to image a perturbation possibly associated with a tsunami-gravity wave. The tsunami was produced after the M_w= 8.2 earthquake in Peru on 2001 June 23, and it reached the coast of Japan some 22 hours later. We used data from the GEONET network in Japan to image small-scale perturbations of the Total Electron Content above Japan and up to 400 km off shore. We observed a short-scale ionospheric perturbation that presents the expected characteristics of a coupled tsunami-gravity wave. This first detection of the gravity wave induced by a tsunami opens new opportunities for the application of ionospheric imaging to offshore detection of tsunamis

    Estimations of the Seismic Pressure Noise on Mars Determined from Large Eddy Simulations and Demonstration of Pressure Decorrelation Techniques for the Insight Mission

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    The atmospheric pressure fluctuations on Mars induce an elastic response in the ground that creates a ground tilt, detectable as a seismic signal on the InSight seismometer SEIS. The seismic pressure noise is modeled using Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of the wind and surface pressure at the InSight landing site and a Green’s function ground deformation approach that is subsequently validated via a detailed comparison with two other methods: a spectral approach, and an approach based on Sorrells’ theory (Sorrells,Geophys. J. Int. 26:71–82, 1971; Sorrells et al., Nat. Phys. Sci. 229:14–16, 1971). The horizontal accelerations as a result of the ground tilt due to the LES turbulence-induced pressure fluctuations are found to be typically ∌ 2–40 nm/s2 in amplitude, whereas the direct horizontal acceleration is two orders of magnitude smaller and is thus negligible in comparison. The vertical accelerations are found to be ∌ 0.1–6 nm/s2 in amplitude. These are expected to be worst-case estimates for the seismic noise as we use a half-space approximation; the presence at some (shallow) depth of a harder layer would significantly reduce quasi-static displacement and tilt effects. We show that under calm conditions, a single-pressure measurement is representative of the large-scale pressure field (to a distance of several kilometers), particularly in the prevailing wind direction. However, during windy conditions, small-scale turbulence results in a reduced correlation between the pressure signals, and the single-pressure measurement becomes less representative of the pressure field. The correlation between the seismic signal and the pressure signal is found to be higher for the windiest period because the seismic pressure noise reflects the atmospheric structure close to the seismometer. In the same way that we reduce the atmospheric seismic signal by making use of a pressure sensor that is part of the InSight Auxiliary Payload Sensor Suite, we also the use the synthetic noise data obtained from the LES pressure field to demonstrate a decorrelation strategy. We show that our decorrelation approach is efficient, resulting in a reduction by a factor of ∌ 5 in the observed horizontal tilt noise (in the wind direction) and the vertical noise. This technique can, therefore, be used to remove the pressure signal from the seismic data obtained on Mars during the InSight mission

    Evaluating the Wind-Induced Mechanical Noise on the InSight Seismometers

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    The SEIS (Seismic Experiment for Interior Structures) instrument onboard the InSight mission to Mars is the critical instrument for determining the interior structure of Mars, the current level of tectonic activity and the meteorite flux. Meeting the performance requirements of the SEIS instrument is vital to successfully achieve these mission objectives. Here we analyse in-situ wind measurements from previous Mars space missions to understand the wind environment that we are likely to encounter on Mars, and then we use an elastic ground deformation model to evaluate the mechanical noise contributions on the SEIS instrument due to the interaction between the Martian winds and the InSight lander. Lander mechanical noise maps that will be used to select the best deployment site for SEIS once the InSight lander arrives on Mars are also presented. We find the lander mechanical noise may be a detectable signal on the InSight seismometers. However, for the baseline SEIS deployment position, the noise is expected to be below the total noise requirement > 97 % of the time and is, therefore, not expected to endanger the InSight mission objectives

    Finite-Difference Modeling of Acoustic and Gravity Wave Propagation in Mars Atmosphere: Application to Infrasounds Emitted by Meteor Impacts

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    The propagation of acoustic and gravity waves in planetary atmospheres is strongly dependent on both wind conditions and attenuation properties. This study presents a finite-difference modeling tool tailored for acoustic-gravity wave applications that takes into account the effect of background winds, attenuation phenomena (including relaxation effects specific to carbon dioxide atmospheres) and wave amplification by exponential density decrease with height. The simulation tool is implemented in 2D Cartesian coordinates and first validated by comparison with analytical solutions for benchmark problems. It is then applied to surface explosions simulating meteor impacts on Mars in various Martian atmospheric conditions inferred from global climate models. The acoustic wave travel times are validated by comparison with 2D ray tracing in a windy atmosphere. Our simulations predict that acoustic waves generated by impacts can refract back to the surface on wind ducts at high altitude. In addition, due to the strong nighttime near-surface temperature gradient on Mars, the acoustic waves are trapped in a waveguide close to the surface, which allows a night-side detection of impacts at large distances in Mars plains. Such theoretical predictions are directly applicable to future measurements by the INSIGHT NASA Discovery mission

    A swarm of small shield volcanoes on Syria Planum, Mars

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    International audienceThis study focuses on the volcanism in Syria Planum, located at the center of the Tharsis bulge at an altitude of 6 to 8 km above Mars datum. Syria Planum was previously recognized as a center for the tectonic activity of Tharsis, but not as a major locus for volcanic activity, despite its centrality over the bulge. Using high-resolution images from the high resolution stereo camera on Mars Express combined with Mars Observer Laser Altimeter data, we have characterized a volcanic system that reveals a number of very interesting aspects of Mars volcanism. We identified a swarm of tens of coalesced shallow volcanic edifices, typically 10–30 km diameter, 0.1–0.2 km high, and with slopes around 0.5°. These characteristics are similar to those of small shield volcanoes found in Iceland. In addition, an intermediate-sized volcano, which is the source of lava flows that extend over >200 km, is observed west of this shield swarm. Our study characterizes a previously unrecognized volcanic assemblage on Mars which appears to be much more developed than was documented before, in terms of morphology, inferred origin, and periodicity of eruption. The estimated lava flux of the Syria Planum volcanoes is of the same order as the lava flux of Tharsis Montes. These characteristics suggest that Syria Planum experienced a very specific style of volcanism, which we dated to the Hesperian period
