8 research outputs found

    Application of Micro-Computed Tomography for the Estimation of the Post-Mortem Interval of Human Skeletal Remains

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    It is challenging to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI) of skeletal remains within a forensic context. As a result of their interactions with the environment, bones undergo several chemical and physical changes after death. So far, multiple methods have been used to follow up on post-mortem changes. There is, however, no definitive way to estimate the PMI of skeletal remains. This research aimed to propose a methodology capable of estimating the PMI using micro-computed tomography measurements of 104 human skeletal remains with PMIs between one day and 2000 years. The present study indicates that micro-computed tomography could be considered an objective and precise method of PMI evaluation in forensic medicine. The measured parameters show a significant difference regarding the PMI for Cort Porosity p < 0.001, BV/TV p > 0.001, Mean1 p > 0.001 and Mean2 p > 0.005. Using a machine learning approach, the neural network showed an accuracy of 99% for distinguishing between samples with a PMI of less than 100 years and archaeological samples

    Improving Spatial Hearing when Wearing Ski Helmets in Order to Increase Safety on Ski Slopes

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    This study investigated the effect of a new type of ear pads for ski helmets on the hearing performance of 13 young adults (mean age: 22 years). Free-field hearing thresholds and sound localization performance of the subjects were assessed in three conditions: without helmet, with a conventional helmet and with the modified helmet. Results showed that the modified helmet was superior to the conventional helmet in all respects, but did not allow for a performance level observed without a helmet. Considering the importance of precise hearing and sound localization during alpine skiing, acoustically improved ear pads of ski helmets, as demonstrated in this study, can essentially contribute to enhancing the safety on ski slopes

    Handheld hyperspectral imaging as a tool for the post-mortem interval estimation of human skeletal remains

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    In forensic medicine, estimating human skeletal remains' post-mortem interval (PMI) can be challenging. Following death, bones undergo a series of chemical and physical transformations due to their interactions with the surrounding environment. Post-mortem changes have been assessed using various methods, but estimating the PMI of skeletal remains could still be improved. We propose a new methodology with handheld hyperspectral imaging (HSI) system based on the first results from 104 human skeletal remains with PMIs ranging between 1 day and 2000 years. To differentiate between forensic and archaeological bone material, the Convolutional Neural Network analyzed 65.000 distinct diagnostic spectra: the classification accuracy was 0.58, 0.62, 0.73, 0.81, and 0.98 for PMIs of 0 week–2 weeks, 2 weeks–6 months, 6 months–1 year, 1 year–10 years, and >100 years, respectively. In conclusion, HSI can be used in forensic medicine to distinguish bone materials >100 years old from those <10 years old with an accuracy of 98%. The model has adequate predictive performance, and handheld HSI could serve as a novel approach to objectively and accurately determine the PMI of human skeletal remains

    Post-Mortem Interval of Human Skeletal Remains Estimated with Handheld NIR Spectrometry

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    Estimating the post-mortem interval (PMI) of human skeletal remains is a critical issue of forensic analysis, with important limitations such as sample preparation and practicability. In this work, NIR spectroscopy (NIRONE&reg; Sensor X; Spectral Engines, 61449, Germany) was applied to estimate the PMI of 104 human bone samples between 1 day and 2000 years. Reflectance data were repeatedly collected from eight independent spectrometers between 1950 and 1550 nm with a spectral resolution of 14 nm and a step size of 2 nm, each from the external and internal bone. An Artificial Neural Network was used to analyze the 66,560 distinct diagnostic spectra, and clearly distinguished between forensic and archaeological bone material: the classification accuracies for PMIs of 0&ndash;2 weeks, 2 weeks&ndash;6 months, 6 months&ndash;1 year, 1 year&ndash;10 years, and &gt;100 years were 0.90, 0.94, 0.94, 0.93, and 1.00, respectively. PMI of archaeological bones could be determined with an accuracy of 100%, demonstrating the adequate predictive performance of the model. Applying a handheld NIR spectrometer to estimate the PMI of human skeletal remains is rapid and extends the repertoire of forensic analyses as a distinct, novel approach

    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Provide Motion Grading for High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography of the Scaphoid

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    In vivo high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) studies on bone characteristics are limited, partly due to the lack of standardized and objective techniques to describe motion artifacts responsible for lower-quality images. This study investigates the ability of such deep-learning techniques to assess image quality in HR-pQCT datasets of human scaphoids. In total, 1451 stacks of 482 scaphoid images from 53 patients, each with up to six follow-ups within one year, and each with one non-displaced fractured and one contralateral intact scaphoid, were independently graded by three observers using a visual grading scale for motion artifacts. A 3D-CNN was used to assess image quality. The accuracy of the 3D-CNN to assess the image quality compared to the mean results of three skilled operators was between 92% and 96%. The 3D-CNN classifier reached an ROC-AUC score of 0.94. The average assessment time for one scaphoid was 2.5 s. This study demonstrates that a deep-learning approach for rating radiological image quality provides objective assessments of motion grading for the scaphoid with a high accuracy and a short assessment time. In the future, such a 3D-CNN approach can be used as a resource-saving and cost-effective tool to classify the image quality of HR-pQCT datasets in a reliable, reproducible and objective way

    Radiomic Assessment of Radiation-Induced Alterations of Skeletal Muscle Composition in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma within the Currently Clinically Defined Optimal Time Window for Salvage Surgery—A Pilot Study

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    Patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) frequently require primary radiochemotherapy (RCT). Despite intensity modulation, the desired radiation-induced effects observed in HNSCC may also be observed as side effects in healthy tissue, e.g., the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). These side effects (e.g., tissue fibrosis) depend on the interval between the completion of RCT and restaging CT. For salvage surgery, the optimal time window for surgery is currently clinically postulated at between 6 and 12 weeks after completion of RCT. Thus, no extensive tissue fibrosis is to be expected. This interval is based on clinical studies exploring surgical complications. Studies directly exploring radiation-induced changes of the SCM in HNSCC patients are sparse. The present study quantified tissue alterations in the SCM and paravertebral musculature (PVM) after RCT, applying radiomics to determine the optimal time window for salvage surgery. Three radiomic key parameters, (1) volume, (2) mean positivity of pixels (MPP), and (3) uniformity, were extracted with mint LesionTM in the staging CTs and restaging CTs of 98 HNSCC patients. Of these, 25 were female, the mean age was 62 (±9.6) years, and 80.9% were UICC Stage IV. The mean restaging interval was 55 (±28; range 29–229) days. Only the mean volume significantly decreased after RCT, from 9.0 to 8.4 and 96.5 to 91.9 mL for the SCM and PVM, respectively (both p = 0.007, both Cohen’s d = 0.28). In addition, the mean body mass index (BMI) decreased from 23.9 (±4.2) to 21.0 (±3.6) kg/m² (p p = 0.007) and PVM (r = 0.41; p t-test p-values were adjusted for the BMI decrease, no significant change in volumes for the SCM and PVM was observed (both p > 0.05). The present data support the clinically postulated optimal interval for salvage surgery of 6 to 12 weeks

    Hyperspectral Imaging as a Tool for Viability Assessment During Normothermic Machine Perfusion of Human Livers: A Proof of Concept Pilot Study

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    Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) allows for ex vivo viability and functional assessment prior to liver transplantation (LT). Hyperspectral imaging represents a suitable, non-invasive method to evaluate tissue morphology and organ perfusion during NMP. Liver allografts were subjected to NMP prior to LT. Serial image acquisition of oxygen saturation levels (StO2), organ hemoglobin (THI), near-infrared perfusion (NIR) and tissue water indices (TWI) through hyperspectral imaging was performed during static cold storage, at 1h, 6h, 12h and at the end of NMP. The readouts were correlated with perfusate parameters at equivalent time points. Twentyone deceased donor livers were included in the study. Seven (33.0%) were discarded due to poor organ function during NMP. StO2 (p < 0.001), THI (p < 0.001) and NIR (p = 0.002) significantly augmented, from static cold storage (pre-NMP) to NMP end, while TWI dropped (p = 0.005) during the observational period. At 12–24h, a significantly higher hemoglobin concentration (THI) in the superficial tissue layers was seen in discarded, compared to transplanted livers (p = 0.036). Lactate values at 12h NMP correlated negatively with NIR perfusion index between 12 and 24h NMP and with the delta NIR perfusion index between 1 and 24h (rs = −0.883, p = 0.008 for both). Furthermore, NIR and TWI correlated with lactate clearance and pH. This study provides first evidence of feasibility of hyperspectral imaging as a potentially helpful contact-free organ viability assessment tool during liver NMP