12 research outputs found

    Thiolutin is a zinc chelator that inhibits the Rpn11 and other JAMM metalloproteases

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    Thiolutin is a disulfide-containing antibiotic and anti-angiogenic compound produced by Streptomyces. Its biological targets are not known. We show that reduced thiolutin is a zinc chelator that inhibits the JAB1/MPN/Mov34 (JAMM) domain–containing metalloprotease Rpn11, a deubiquitinating enzyme of the 19S proteasome. Thiolutin also inhibits the JAMM metalloproteases Csn5, the deneddylase of the COP9 signalosome; AMSH, which regulates ubiquitin-dependent sorting of cell-surface receptors; and BRCC36, a K63-specific deubiquitinase of the BRCC36-containing isopeptidase complex and the BRCA1–BRCA2-containing complex. We provide evidence that other dithiolopyrrolones also function as inhibitors of JAMM metalloproteases

    Role for a Filamentous Nuclear Assembly of IFI16, DNA, and Host Factors in Restriction of Herpesviral Infection

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    Mammalian cells exhibit numerous strategies to recognize and contain viral infections. The best-characterized antiviral responses are those that are induced within the cytosol by receptors that activate interferon responses or shut down translation. Antiviral responses also occur in the nucleus, yet these intranuclear innate immune responses are poorly defined at the receptor-proximal level. In this study, we explored the ability of cells to restrict infection by assembling viral DNA into transcriptionally silent heterochromatin within the nucleus. We found that the IFI16 restriction factor forms filaments on DNA within infected cells. These filaments recruit antiviral restriction factors to prevent viral replication in various cell types. Mechanistically, IFI16 filaments inhibit the recruitment of RNA polymerase II to viral genes. We propose that IFI16 filaments with associated restriction factors constitute a “restrictosome” structure that can signal to other parts of the nucleus where foreign DNA is located that it should be silenced.Several host cell nuclear factors are known to restrict herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) replication, but their mechanisms of action remain to be defined. Interferon-inducible protein 16 (IFI16) and the nuclear domain 10-associated proteins, such as promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein, localize to input viral genomes, but they are also capable of restricting progeny viral transcription. In this study, we used structured illumination microscopy to show that after HSV DNA replication, IFI16 forms nuclear filamentous structures on DNA within a subset of nuclear replication compartments in HSV-1 ICP0-null mutant virus-infected human cells. The ability to form filaments in different cell types correlates with the efficiency of restriction, and the kinetics of filament formation and epigenetic changes are similar. Thus, both are consistent with the filamentous structures being involved in epigenetic silencing of viral progeny DNA. IFI16 filaments recruit other restriction factors, including PML, Sp100, and ATRX, to aid in the restriction. Although the filaments are only in a subset of the replication compartments, IFI16 reduces the levels of elongation-competent RNA polymerase II (Pol II) in all replication compartments. Therefore, we propose that IFI16 filaments with associated restriction factors that form in replication compartments constitute a “restrictosome” structure that signals in cis and trans to silence the progeny viral DNA throughout the infected cell nucleus. The IFI16 filamentous structure may constitute the first known nuclear supramolecular organizing center for signaling in the cell nucleus

    RNA polymerase I (Pol I) passage through nucleosomes depends on Pol I subunits binding its lobe structure

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    RNA polymerase I (Pol I) is a highly efficient enzyme specialized in synthesizing most ribosomal RNAs. After nucleosome deposition at each round of rDNA replication, the Pol I transcription machinery has to deal with nucleosomal barriers. It has been suggested that Pol I?associated factors facilitate chromatin transcription, but it is unknown whether Pol I has an intrinsic capacity to transcribe through nucleosomes. Here, we used in vitro transcription assays to study purified WT and mutant Pol I variants from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and compare their abilities to pass a nucleosomal barrier with those of yeast Pol II and Pol III. Under identical conditions, purified Pol I and Pol III, but not Pol II, could transcribe nucleosomal templates. Pol I mutants lacking either the heterodimeric subunit Rpa34.5/Rpa49 or the C-terminal part of the specific subunit Rpa12.2 showed a lower processivity on naked DNA templates, which was even more reduced in the presence of a nucleosome. Our findings suggest that the lobe-binding subunits Rpa34.5/Rpa49 and Rpa12.2 facilitate passage through nucleosomes, suggesting possible cooperation among these subunits. We discuss the contribution of Pol I?specific subunit domains to efficient Pol I passage through nucleosomes in the context of transcription rate and processivity

    Tripartite Motif 22 (TRIM22) protein restricts herpes simplex virus 1 by epigenetic silencing of viral immediate-early genes.

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    Intrinsic resistance is a crucial line of defense against virus infections, and members of the Tripartite Ring Interaction Motif (TRIM) family of proteins are major players in this system, such as cytoplasmic TRIM5α or nuclear promyelocytic leukemia (PML/TRIM19) protein. Previous reports on the antiviral function of another TRIM protein, TRIM22, emphasized its innate immune role as a Type I and Type II interferon-stimulated gene against RNA viruses. This study shows that TRIM22 has an additional intrinsic role against DNA viruses. Here, we report that TRIM22 is a novel restriction factor of HSV-1 and limits ICP0-null virus replication by increasing histone occupancy and heterochromatin, thereby reducing immediate-early viral gene expression. The corresponding wild-type equivalent of the virus evades the TRIM22-specific restriction by a mechanism independent of ICP0-mediated degradation. We also demonstrate that TRIM22 inhibits other DNA viruses, including representative members of the β- and γ- herpesviruses. Allelic variants in TRIM22 showed different degrees of anti-herpesviral activity; thus, TRIM22 genetic variability may contribute to the varying susceptibility to HSV-1 infection in humans. Collectively, these results argue that TRIM22 is a novel restriction factor and expand the list of restriction factors functioning in the infected cell nucleus to counter DNA virus infection

    Leptin gene polymorphisms are associated with weight gain during lithium augmentation in patients with major depression.

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    Weight gain is a common adverse effect of lithium augmentation. Previous studies indicate an impact of genetic variants at the leptin gene on weight gain as a consequence of psychopharmacological treatment. The primary aim of our study was to identify variants at the leptin locus that might predict lithium-induced weight gain. The secondary aim was to investigate if these variants modulate leptin levels. In 180 patients with acute major depressive disorder, body mass index was measured before and after 4 weeks of lithium augmentation, in a subsample also after 4 and/or 7 months. In a subsample of 89 patients, leptin serum concentrations were measured before and during lithium augmentation. We used linear mixed model analyzes to investigate the effects of 2 polymorphisms at the leptin locus (rs4731426 and rs7799039, employing the respective proxy SNPs rs2278815 and rs10487506) on changes in body mass index and leptin levels. For both polymorphisms, which are in high linkage disequilibrium, body mass index was significantly lower in homozygous A-allele carriers than in carriers of other genotypes at baseline. Over the follow-up period, body mass index increased less in homozygous A-allele carriers of rs4731426 than in carriers of other genotypes. This was not the case for rs7799039. Neither polymorphism modulated leptin protein expression. Our study strongly supports the hypothesis that genetic variability at the leptin locus is involved in lithium augmentation-associated weight gain in major depressive disorder. Furthermore, Genotype-Tissue Expression data provide strong evidence that rs4731426 influences the expression of leptin messenger ribonucleic acid in fibroblasts

    Opportunities for agent-based modelling in human dimensions of fisheries

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    Models of human dimensions of fisheries are important to understanding and predicting how fishing industries respond to changes in marine ecosystems and management institutions. Advances in computation have made it possible to construct agent-based models (ABMs)—which explicitly describe the behaviour of individual people, firms or vessels in order to understand and predict their aggregate behaviours. ABMs are widely used for both academic and applied purposes in many settings including finance, urban planning and the military, but are not yet mainstream in fisheries science and management, despite a growing literature. ABMs are well suited to understanding emergent consequences of fisher interactions, heterogeneity and bounded rationality, especially in complex ecological, social and institutional contexts. For these reasons, we argue that ABMs of human behaviour can contribute significantly to human dimensions of fisheries in three areas: (a) understanding interactions between multiple management institutions; (b) incorporating cognitive and behavioural sciences into fisheries science and practice; and (c) understanding and projecting the social consequences of management institutions. We provide simple examples illustrating the potential for ABMs in each of these areas, using conceptual (“toy”) versions of the POSEIDON model. We argue that salient strategic advances in these areas could pave the way for increased tactical use of ABMs in fishery management settings. We review common ABM development and application challenges, with the aim of providing guidance to beginning ABM developers and users studying human dimensions of fisheries

    Opportunities for agent-based modeling in human dimensions of fisheries

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    Models of human dimensions of fisheries are important to understanding and predicting how fishing industries respond to changes in marine ecosystems and management institutions. Advances in computation have made it possible to construct agent-based models (ABMs)—which explicitly describe the behaviour of individual people, firms, or vessels in order to understand and predict their aggregate behaviours. ABMs are widely used for both academic and applied purposes in many settings including finance, urban planning, and the military, but are not yet mainstream in fisheries science and management, despite a growing literature. ABMs are well suited to understanding emergent consequences of fisher interactions, heterogeneity, and bounded rationality, especially in complex ecological, social, and institutional contexts. For these reasons, we argue that ABMs of human behaviour can contribute significantly to human dimensions of fisheries in three areas: 1) understanding interactions between multiple management institutions; 2) incorporating cognitive and behavioural sciences into fisheries science and practice; and 3) understanding and projecting the social consequences of management institutions. We provide simple examples illustrating the potential for ABMs in each of these areas, using conceptual (‘toy’) versions of the POSEIDON model. We argue that salient strategic advances in these areas could pave the way for increased tactical use of ABMs in fishery management settings. We review common ABM development and application challenges, with the aim of providing guidance to beginning ABM developers and users studying human dimensions of fisheries