1,972 research outputs found

    Inferring late-Holocene climate in the Ecuadorian Andes using a chironomid-based temperature inference model

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    Presented here is the first chironomid calibration data set for tropical South America. Surface sediments were collected from 59 lakes across Bolivia (15 lakes), Peru (32 lakes), and Ecuador (12 lakes) between 2004 and 2013 over an altitudinal gradient from 150 m above sea level (a.s.l) to 4655 m a.s.l, between 0–17◦ S and 64–78◦ W. The study sites cover a mean annual temperature (MAT) gradient of 25 ◦ C. In total, 55 chironomid taxa were identified in the 59 calibration data set lakes. When used as a single explanatory variable, MAT explains 12.9% of the variance (λ1/λ2 =1.431). Two inference models were developed using weighted averaging (WA) and Bayesian methods. The best performing model using conventional statistical methods was a WA (inverse) model (R2jack= 0.890; RMSEPjack= 2.404 ◦C, RMSEP – root mean jack squared error of prediction; mean biasjack = −0.017 ◦C; max biasjack = 4.665 ◦C). The Bayesian method produced a model with R2jack = 0.909, RMSEPjack = 2.373 ◦C, mean jack biasjack = 0.598 ◦C, and max biasjack = 3.158 ◦C. Both models were used to infer past temperatures from a ca. 3000-year record from the tropical Andes of Ecuador, Laguna Pindo. Inferred temperatures fluctuated around modern-day conditions but showed significant departures at certain intervals (ca. 1600 cal yr BP; ca. 3000–2500 cal yr BP). Both methods (WA and Bayesian) showed similar patterns of temperature variability; however, the magnitude of fluctuations differed. In general the WA method was more variable and often underestimated Holocene temperatures (by ca. −7 ± 2.5 ◦C relative to the modern period). The Bayesian method provided temperature anomaly estimates for cool periods that lay within the expected range of the Holocene (ca. −3 ± 3.4 ◦C). The error associated with both reconstructions is consistent with a constant temperature of 20 ◦C for the past 3000 years. We would caution, however, against an over-interpretation at this stage. The reconstruction can only currently be deemed qualitative and requires more research before quantitative estimates can be generated with confidence. Increasing the number, and spread, of lakes in the calibration data set would enable the detection of smaller climate signals

    Six year follow-up of students who participated in a school-based physical activity intervention: a longitudinal cohort study

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    Background: The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the long-term impact of a childhood motor skill intervention on adolescent motor skills and physical activity. Methods: In 2006, we undertook a follow-up of motor skill proficiency (catch, kick, throw, vertical jump, side gallop) and physical activity in adolescents who had participated in a one year primary school intervention Move It Groove It (MIGI) in 2000. Logistic regression models were analysed for each skill to determine whether the probability of children in the intervention group achieving mastery or near mastery was either maintained or had increased in subsequent years, relative to controls. In these models the main predictor variable was intervention status, with adjustment for gender, grade, and skill level in 2000. A general linear model, controlling for gender and grade, examined whether former intervention students spent more time in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at follow-up than control students. Results: Half (52%, n = 481) of the 928 MIGI participants were located in 28 schools, with 276 (57%) assessed. 52% were female, 58% in Grade 10, 40% in Grade 11 and 54% were former intervention students. At follow-up, intervention students had improved their catch ability relative to controls and were five times more likely to be able to catch: OR catch = 5.51, CI (1.95 - 15.55), but had lost their advantage in the throw and kick: OR throw = .43, CI (.23 - .82), OR kick = .39, CI (.20 - .78). For the other skills, intervention students appeared to maintain their advantage: OR jump = 1.14, CI (.56 - 2.34), OR gallop = 1.24, CI (.55 - 2.79). Intervention students were no more active at follow-up. Conclusion: Six years after the 12-month MIGI intervention, whilst intervention students had increased their advantage relative to controls in one skill, and appeared to maintain their advantage in two, they lost their advantage in two skills and were no more active than controls at follow up. More longitudinal research is needed to explore whether gains in motor skill proficiency in children can be sustained and to determine the intervention characteristics that translate to subsequent physical activity

    Review of Evidence For Environmental Causes of Uveal Coloboma

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    Uveal coloboma is a condition defined by missing ocular tissues and is a significant cause of childhood blindness. It occurs from a failure of the optic fissure to close during embryonic development and may lead to missing parts of the iris, ciliary body, retina, choroid, and optic nerve. Because there is no treatment for coloboma, efforts have focused on prevention. While several genetic causes of coloboma have been identified, little definitive research exists regarding the environmental causes of this condition. We review the current literature on environmental factors associated with coloboma in an effort to guide future research and preventative counseling related to this condition

    Defining childhood severe falciparum malaria for intervention studies.

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    Background Clinical trials of interventions designed to prevent severe falciparum malaria in children require a clear endpoint. The internationally accepted definition of severe malaria is sensitive, and appropriate for clinical purposes. However, this definition includes individuals with severe nonmalarial disease and coincident parasitaemia, so may lack specificity in vaccine trials. Although there is no “gold standard” individual test for severe malaria, malaria-attributable fractions (MAFs) can be estimated among groups of children using a logistic model, which we use to test the suitability of various case definitions as trial endpoints. Methods and Findings A total of 4,583 blood samples were taken from well children in cross-sectional surveys and from 1,361 children admitted to a Kenyan District hospital with severe disease. Among children under 2 y old with severe disease and over 2,500 parasites per microliter of blood, the MAFs were above 85% in moderate- and low-transmission areas, but only 61% in a high-transmission area. HIV and malnutrition were not associated with reduced MAFs, but gastroenteritis with severe dehydration (defined by reduced skin turgor), lower respiratory tract infection (clinician's final diagnosis), meningitis (on cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] examination), and bacteraemia were associated with reduced MAFs. The overall MAF was 85% (95% confidence interval [CI] 83.8%–86.1%) without excluding these conditions, 89% (95% CI 88.4%–90.2%) after exclusions, and 95% (95% CI 94.0%–95.5%) when a threshold of 2,500 parasites/μl was also applied. Applying a threshold and exclusion criteria reduced sensitivity to 80% (95% CI 77%–83%). Conclusions The specificity of a case definition for severe malaria is improved by applying a parasite density threshold and by excluding children with meningitis, lower respiratory tract infection (clinician's diagnosis), bacteraemia, and gastroenteritis with severe dehydration, but not by excluding children with HIV or malnutrition

    New OH Zeeman measurements of magnetic field strengths in molecular clouds

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    We present the results of a new survey of 23 molecular clouds for the Zeeman effect in OH undertaken with the ATNF Parkes 64-m radio telescope and the NRAO Green Bank 43-m radio telescope. The Zeeman effect was clearly detected in the cloud associated with the HII region RCW 38, with a field strength of 38+/-3 micro-Gauss, and possibly detected in a cloud associated with the HII region RCW 57, with a field strength of -203+/-24 micro-Gauss. The remaining 21 measurements give formal upper limits to the magnetic field strength, with typical 1-sigma sensitivities <20 micro-Gauss. For 22 of the molecular clouds we are also able to determine thecolumn density of the gas in which we have made a sensitive search for the Zeeman effect. We combine these results with previous Zeeman studies of 29 molecular clouds, most of which were compiled by Crutcher (1999), for a comparsion of theoretical models with the data. This comparison implies that if the clouds can be modeled as initially spherical with uniform magnetic fields and densities that evolve to their final equilibrium state assuming flux-freezing then the typical cloud is magnetically supercritical, as was found by Crutcher (1999). If the clouds can be modeled as highly flattened sheets threaded by uniform perpendicular fields, then the typical cloud is approximately magnetically critical, in agreement with Shu et al. (1999), but only if the true values of the field for the non-detections are close to the 3-sigma upper limits. If instead these values are significantly lower (for example, similar to the 1-sigma limits), then the typical cloud is generally magnetically supercritical.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    BUMPER v1.0: a Bayesian user-friendly model for palaeo-environmental reconstruction

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    We describe the Bayesian user-friendly model for palaeo-environmental reconstruction (BUMPER), a Bayesian transfer function for inferring past climate and other environmental variables from microfossil assemblages. BUMPER is fully self-calibrating, straightforward to apply, and computationally fast, requiring ~2 s to build a 100-taxon model from a 100-site training set on a standard personal computer. We apply the model’s probabilistic framework to generate thousands of artificial training sets under ideal assumptions.We then use these to demonstrate the sensitivity of reconstructions to the characteristics of the training set, considering assemblage richness, taxon tolerances, and the number of training sites. We find that a useful guideline for the size of a training set is to provide, on average, at least 10 samples of each taxon. We demonstrate general applicability to real data, considering three different organism types (chironomids, diatoms, pollen) and different reconstructed variables. An identically configured model is used in each application, the only change being the input files that provide the training-set environment and taxon-count data. The performance of BUMPER is shown to be comparable with weighted average partial least squares (WAPLS) in each case. Additional artificial datasets are constructed with similar characteristics to the real data, and these are used to explore the reasons for the differing performances of the different training sets

    Perspectives and Forecasts

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    As the twenty-first century approaches it is accompanied by dramatic changes for the South. Southerners have been inundated with demographic, technological, and social developments which have exercised and will continue to effect dramatic changes in the traditional southern life-style. Once sleeping villages have become busy cities complete with shopping malls and burgeoning industry. All white public schools, businesses, and even churches have yielded to pressures for social equality and racial integration. An equable climate and multitudinous recreational and retirement opportunities have magnetized millions of Americans from the Northeast and Midwest, luring them to the Southland. All of these developments will, or at least should have far-reaching implications for southern archives and professional archivists for years to come