1,346 research outputs found

    An automatic gore panel mapping system

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    The Automatic Gore Mapping System is being developed to reduce the time and labor costs associated with manufacturing the External Tank. The present chem-milling processes and procedures are discussed. The down loading of the simulation of the system has to be performed to verify that the simulation package will translate the simulation code into robot code. Also a simulation of this system has to be programmed for a gantry robot instead of the articulating robot that is presently in the system. It was discovered using the simulation package that the articulation robot cannot reach all the point on some of the panels, therefore when the system is ready for production, a gantry robot will be used. Also a hydrosensor system is being developed to replace the point-to-point contact probe. The hydrosensor will allow the robot to perform a non-contact continuous scan of the panel. It will also provide a faster scan of the panel because it will eliminate the in-and-out movement required for the present end effector. The system software is currently being modified so that the hydrosensor will work with the system. The hydrosensor consists of a Krautkramer-Branson transducer encased in a plexiglass nozzle. The water stream pumped through the nozzle is the couplant for the probe. Also, software is being written so that the robot will have the ability to draw the contour lines on the panel displaying the out-of-tolerance regions. Presently the contour lines can only be displayed on the computer screens. Research is also being performed on improving and automating the method of scribing the panels. Presently the panels are manually scribed with a sharp knife. The use of a low power laser or water jet is being studied as a method of scribing the panels. The contour drawing pen will be replaced with scribing tool and the robot will then move along the contour lines. With these developments the Automatic Gore Mapping Systems will provide a reduction in time and labor costs associated with manufacturing the External Task. The system also has the potential of inspecting other manufactured parts

    PTSD – an update for general practitioners

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    Provides up-to-date guidance for general practitioners (GPs) in the recognition of PTSD and the current best practice recommendations for pharmacological and psychological treatment. Background Australians are commonly exposed to traumatic events, which can lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several recent developments in the trauma field have led to significant changes in how PTSD is diagnosed and treated. Objective This article provides up-to-date guidance for general practitioners (GPs) in the recognition of PTSD and the current best practice recommendations for pharmacological and psychological treatment. Discussion Often the first port-of-call, GPs are well placed to help patients who have recently experienced a potentially traumatic event and are at risk of developing PTSD. The role of the GP can include initial support, assessment, treatment and, where indicated, appropriate spe-cialist referral. There are recent clinical practice guidelines that GPs can use to assess and determine appropriate treatment for their patients with PTSD. &nbsp

    Knowledge-Based Task Structure Planning for an Information Gathering Agent

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    An effective solution to model and apply planning domain knowledge for deliberation and action in probabilistic, agent-oriented control is presented. Specifically, the addition of a task structure planning component and supporting components to an agent-oriented architecture and agent implementation is described. For agent control in risky or uncertain environments, an approach and method of goal reduction to task plan sets and schedules of action is presented. Additionally, some issues related to component-wise, situation-dependent control of a task planning agent that schedules its tasks separately from planning them are motivated and discussed

    Description of the US Army small-scale 2-meter rotor test system

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    A small-scale powered rotor model was designed for use as a research tool in the exploratory testing of rotors and helicopter models. The model, which consists of a 29 hp rotor drive system, a four-blade fully articulated rotor, and a fuselage, was designed to be simple to operate and maintain in wind tunnels of moderate size and complexity. Two six-component strain-gauge balances are used to provide independent measurement of the rotor and fuselage aerodynamic loads. Commercially available standardized hardware and equipment were used to the maximum extent possible, and specialized parts were designed so that they could be fabricated by normal methods without using highly specialized tooling. The model was used in a hover test of three rotors having different planforms and in a forward flight investigation of a 21-percent-scale model of a U.S. Army scout helicopter equipped with a mast-mounted sight

    Letters of Lieutenant John W. Phelps, U.S.A., 1837-1838

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    Lieut. John Walcott Phelps (Brig.-Gen., Vols. 1861) of Vermont, served in the Seminole War during 1837, 1838 and 1839. Following these, a score of letters will be published here written by Samuel Forry, Surgeon, U. S. A., to Lieut. Phelps from various forts in Florida during the campaigns of 1837 and 1838. The originals of both series are in the possession of John W. Phelps, of Northfield, Massachusetts, a son of General Phelps; who, through Mrs. Roy V. Ott, of Ocala, has given The Florida Historical Society copies and permission to publish them. A biographical sketch of Lieut. Phelps will appear in an early number of the Quarterly

    Health Care Leaders\u27 Strategies to Reduce Nursing Turnover

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    Health care leaders who lack effective nurse turnover strategies can negatively affect patient quality of care, productivity, and profitability. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies health care leaders used to reduce nursing turnover in a health care organization. The conceptual framework for this study was Herzberg\u27s 2-factor theory. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with 4 health care leaders in the West Texas region who had a history of reducing nurse turnover for a minimum of 5 years from the date of hire, and from review of organizational documents related to the strategies to reduce nurse turnover, including policy handbooks and annual reports. Data were analyzed using word frequency and coding to distinguish patterns. Three key themes emerged: leadership support, job satisfaction, and compensation. The results of this study might contribute to social change through an increased understanding of nurse turnover strategies that would improve productivity and the overall quality of patient care to yield organizational success, decreased mortality rates, and improved community health

    Estimating Demand for Dynamic Pricing in Electronic Markets

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    Economic theory suggests sellers can increase revenue throughdynamic pricing; selling identical goods or servicesat different prices. However, such discrimination requiresknowledge of the maximum price that each consumer is willingto pay; information that is often unavailable. Fortunately,electronic markets offer a solution; generating vastquantities of transaction data that, if used intelligently, enableconsumer behaviour to be modelled and predicted.Using eBay as an exemplar market, we introduce a model fordynamic pricing that uses a statistical method for derivingthe structure of demand from temporal bidding data. Thiswork is a tentative first step of a wider research programto discover a practical methodology for automatically generatingdynamic pricing models for the provision of cloudcomputing services; a pertinent problem with widespreadcommercial and theoretical interest

    Growth-Quality Evaluation of Black Walnut Wood. Part III-An Anatomical Study of Color Characteristics of Black Walnut Veneer

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    Because wood color is an important quality characteristic in black walnut (Juglans nigra L.), a study was devised to examine some cellular features of heartwood coloration using microspectrophotometric techniques. Five commercially prepared veneer samples exhibiting low macro-luminance (darker) and five exhibiting high macro-luminance (lighter) were chosen for microscopic color analysis. Statistically significant differences were found between the high and low macro-luminance sample groups in the micro-luminance color value in some cellular features (axial parenchyma walls, ray parenchyma walls, fiber walls, and ray parenchyma inclusions). Also observed were large differences in the dominant wavelength of ray parenchyma inclusions between the sample groups. These results suggest that quality of these coloration pigments (phenolics) is more important than quantity for overall color variations

    Making the Case for Disciplinarity in Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies: The Visibility Project

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    In the Visibility Project, professional organizations have worked to gain recognition for the disciplinarity of writing and rhetoric studies through representation of the field in the information codes and databases of higher education. We report success in two important cases: recognition as an emerging field in the National Research Council\u27s taxonomy of research disciplines; and the assignment of a code series to rhetoric and composition/writing studies in the federal Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). We analyze the rhetorical strategies and implications of each case and call for continuing efforts to develop and implement a digital strategy for handling data about the field and its representation in information networks
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