6 research outputs found

    Determination of Cassava Leaf Area for Breeding Programs

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    The evaluation of leaf area provides valuable information for decision-making for the cassava yield trail. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the relationship between the leaf area and yield of the segregating populations and (2) to investigate the suitable mathematical model for calculating cassava leaf area. The single-row trial for 60 segregating progenies of Kasetsart 50 × CMR38–125–77 was conducted from 2021 to 2022. The trial for eighteen progenies and the Kasetsart 50 and CMR38–125–77 was carried out in 2022. The sampled leaves for each genotype were collected to measure the leaf area. The length (L) and width of the central lobe (W), number of lobes (N), the product of the length and width (L × W; K), and the product of the length and number of lobes (L × N; J) were recorded for developing the mathematical models. The result showed that there were statistically significant correlations between the maximum individual leaf area and the total crop fresh weight and storage root fresh weight. The mathematical model LA = −3.39L + 2.04K + 1.01J − 15.10 is appropriate to estimate the maximum individual leaf area and leaf area index (LAI). This mathematical model also provided the estimated individual maximum leaf area that had the highest correlation with actual biomass at the final harvest as compared to the other three functions. The results showed statistical significance for the estimated LAI and biomass correlation

    Growth rates and yields of cassava at different planting dates in a tropical savanna climate

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    Details on growth and yield for cassava planted on different dates are useful for determining suitable genotypes for particular growing seasons. Our aim was to study growth and yield of cassava planted on different dates. Four cassava genotypes (Kasetsart 50, Rayong 9, Rayong 11 and CMR38-125-77) were evaluated using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications in six growing periods (20 Apr, 25 May, 30 June, 5 Oct, 10 Nov and 15 Dec 2015-2016) at Khon Kaen, Thailand. Soil properties were determined prior to planting, and crop traits and weather data were recorded. The six planting dates had a statistically significant effect on all crop traits. Low temperatures and solar radiation related to low biomass accumulation rates and short periods of linear phases for total crop and storage root dry weights with the 30 June planting date. CMR38-125-77 is likely to be a good genotype with respect to total crop and storage root dry weights at final harvest for almost all growing dates, except for the 20 Apr. Leaf area index (LAI) at 120, 240 and 300 days after planting (DAP), specific leaf area (SLA) at 120 DAP, storage root growth rate (SRGR) during 300-360 DAP and leaf growth rate (LGR) during 60-120 and 300-360 DAP were the components for the physiological determinants of total crop and storage root dry weight. The relationship between these physiological traits and storage root could be useful for cassava breeding

    The Impact of Seasonal Environments in a Tropical Savanna Climate on Forking, Leaf Area Index, and Biomass of Cassava Genotypes

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    Information on the forking, leaf area index, and biomass of cassava for different growing seasons could help design appropriate management to improve yield. The objective was to evaluate the forking date, leaf growth, and storage root yield of different cassava genotypes grown at different planting dates. Four cassava genotypes (Kasetsart 50, Rayong 9, Rayong 11, and CMR38–125–77) were evaluated using a randomized complete block design with four replications. The cassava genotypes were planted on 20 April, 25 May, 30 June, 5 October, 10 November, and 15 December 2015, and 19 May and 3 November 2016. The soil properties prior to the planting, forking date, leaf area index (LAI), dry weights, harvest index (HI), starch content, and weather data were recorded. The forking date patterns for all of the growing seasons varied depending on the cassava genotypes. The weather caused occurring in the first forking for the Rayong 11 and CMR38–125–77 and the second forking for Rayong 11, but not for Kasetsart 50. The forking CMR38–125–77 had a higher LAI, leaf dry weight, biomass, and storage root dry weight than the non-forking Rayong 9. The higher storage root yields in Rayong 9 compared with Rayong 11 were due to an increased partitioning of the storage roots

    Growth rates and yields of cassava at different planting dates in a tropical savanna climate

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    ABSTRACT: Details on growth and yield for cassava planted on different dates are useful for determining suitable genotypes for particular growing seasons. Our aim was to study growth and yield of cassava planted on different dates. Four cassava genotypes (Kasetsart 50, Rayong 9, Rayong 11 and CMR38-125-77) were evaluated using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications in six growing periods (20 Apr, 25 May, 30 June, 5 Oct, 10 Nov and 15 Dec 2015-2016) at Khon Kaen, Thailand. Soil properties were determined prior to planting, and crop traits and weather data were recorded. The six planting dates had a statistically significant effect on all crop traits. Low temperatures and solar radiation related to low biomass accumulation rates and short periods of linear phases for total crop and storage root dry weights with the 30 June planting date. CMR38-125-77 is likely to be a good genotype with respect to total crop and storage root dry weights at final harvest for almost all growing dates, except for the 20 Apr. Leaf area index (LAI) at 120, 240 and 300 days after planting (DAP), specific leaf area (SLA) at 120 DAP, storage root growth rate (SRGR) during 300-360 DAP and leaf growth rate (LGR) during 60-120 and 300-360 DAP were the components for the physiological determinants of total crop and storage root dry weight. The relationship between these physiological traits and storage root could be useful for cassava breeding

    Booting heat stress alters leaf photosynthesis, growth rate, phenology and yield in rice

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    Background: The phenomenon of global warming results in a significant rise in temperature which adversely affects the growth, physiology, and yield of rice. In order to gain insight into the impacts of booting heat stress (at 42 °C, 3 h for 7 days), we investigated its effect in three rice genotypes, namely, N22, KDML105 and IR64. Results: Booting heat stress caused an extended phenology and a lower photosynthesis and plant growth rate but an increase in chalkiness. Although, the prolonged phenology from dough to physiological maturity resulted in a longer duration of grain filling, the adverse effects of this were a significantly lower yield component, yield and harvest index across all varieties of rice. Among cultivars, N22 demonstrated an adapted ability to maintain leaf gas exchange and compensated for the vegetative part by an increase in tiller numbers resulting in a less affected growth rate. It caused extended grain filling by prolonging the phenology. Consequence, N22 had the lowest reduction in number of seed panicle−1, number of filled seeds hill−1, yield, harvest index, and percentage chalkiness. KDML105 was adapted to booting heat stress by maintaining leaf gas exchange, increasing specific leaf area and prolonging phenology. The longest extended phenology and high photosynthesis during dough grain were associated with moderate yield reduction and chalkiness. Nonetheless, IR64 demonstrated significant reductions in photosynthesis, growth rate, and yield but the highest percentage of grain chalkiness. Conclusion: Therefore, the response of N22, KDML105 and IR64 to booting heat stress could be indicated as being heat tolerant, moderately heat sensitive, and heat sensitive, respectively. This approach can be applied to crop modeling and rice heat tolerance in breeding programs