153 research outputs found

    Zooplankton from Can Giuoc River in Southern Vietnam

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    In this study, the variables of zooplankton and water quality were investigated in the Can Giuoc River, Southern Vietnam. Zooplankton was monitored in April and September 2015 at 5 sampling sites in the river. Some basic water quality parameters were also tested, including pH, total suspended solid (TSS), dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), inorganic nitrogen (NH4+), dissolved phosphorus (PO43-), and coliform. The zooplankton biodiversity indices were applied for the water quality assessment. The results showed that pH ranged from 6.7 to 7.6 during the monitoring. The TSSs were between 34–117 mg/L. The DO and BOD5 were from 0.6 to 3.8 mg/L and from 6.3 to 13.2 mg/L, respectively. The NH4+ and PO43- concentrations ranged from 0.44 to 3.23 and from 0.08 to 1.85 mg/L, respectively. The coliform number was between 9.3x103–9.3x104 MPN/100 mL. The zooplankton analyses showed that there were 31 species of coelenterates, rotatoria, oligochaetes, cladocerans, copepods, ostracods, mysidacea, and 8 larval types. Thereof, the species of copepods were dominant in the species number. The zooplankton density ranged from 9 500 to 23 600 individuals/m3 with the main dominant species of Moina dubia (Cladocera), Thermocyclops hyalinus, Acartia clausi, Oithona similis (Copepoda), and nauplius copepods. The biodiversity index values during the monitoring were from 1.47 to 1.79 characteristic of mesotrophic conditions of the aquatic environment. Besides, the species richness positively correlated with pH, TSS, DO, BOD5, NH4+, PO43-, and coliform, while the zooplankton densities got a positive correlation with DO, BOD5, NH4+, PO43-, and coliform. The results confirmed the advantage of using zooplankton and its indices for water quality assessment


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    Quantile regression is a very powerful tool for financial research and risk analysis when a market encounters shocks. In this paper, we use the quantile regression method to assess the parameters of the Carhart model for four factors: market return, equity size, value size, and momentum and test the validity of this model for shares in the financial, banking and insurance businesses when shocking news appears in the financial market. The results show that when the financial market is unstable, the firm capitalization (size), the book-to-market ratio, and the momentum affect the stock returns.Hồi quy phân vị là một công cụ hiệu quả trong nghiên cứu tài chính và phân tích rủi ro khi thị trường có các cú sốc. Nghiên cứu này đánh giá tác động của các nhân tố thị trường, quy mô, giá trị và xu hướng sinh lợi trong quá khứ (momentum) đến lợi suất của các cổ phiếu thuộc nhóm ngành tài chính, bảo hiểm và ngân hàng niêm yết trên sàn giao dịch chứng khoán Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (HOSE) khi thị trường có các cú sốc bằng phương pháp hồi quy phân vị. Kết quả cho thấy khi thị trường tài chính bất ổn  chỉ có các nhân tố như chỉ số quy mô công ty, chỉ số giá trị của công ty và xu hướng sinh lợi trong quá khứ tác động tới lợi suất cổ phiếu

    EFL Agreeing and Disagreeing Discourses in Facebook

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    Agreeing and disagreeing are two common speech acts that occur in social conversations. Driven by the fact that there are direct and indirect way for expressing agreement and disagreement, and there are also mitigating strategies to protect interlocutors from face-threatening in disagreeing discourses, this study examined EFL students’ use of discourse strategies in their Facebook interaction. Thirty-four pre-intermediate EFL students at a university in Vietnam took part in this study. Data analysis shows that direct discourses is linguistically limited while indirect ones exhibit wider language use. Students also demonstrate two different directions of using mitigating strategies for their disagreeing discourses. Some pedagogical implications are also suggested in this study. Keywords: agreeing, disagreeing, direct, indirect, strategies DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/86-03 Publication date: February 28th 202

    Application of Google Docs in English for Specific Purposes Collaborative Writing

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    English language learners today have considerable opportunities to practice their writing skill via their peer interaction in Web 2.0 platforms, such as Blogs, Wikis, and Google Docs. Different studies have investigated the influence of these platforms on student writing collaboration and interaction, but few studies had explored factors that may affect English for Specific Purposes (ESP) student collaborative writing in Vietnamese settings. This study, therefore, attempts to explore the impact of four factors, namely gender, student attitudes towards learning English, student economic status, and availability of English at home on Google Docs-based interaction and collaborative writing outcome at a southern university in Vietnam. Fifty participants took part in this study and they worked collaboratively in small groups in Google Docs to finish two writing tasks and complete a survey afterwards. Analysis of their survey, interaction, and writing outcome suggests that gender, student attitudes towards learning English, and the number of books available at their homes have an impact on their writing outcome whereas their economic status did not seemingly affect their writing quality. Some pertinent pedagogical implications are also discussed in this paper. Keywords: Google Docs, collaborative writing, English for Specific Purposes DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/78-02 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Ho Chi Minh's Thoughts On Control Of The State's Power And Lessons For Vietnam

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    In Vietnam, the State’s power is unified, agencies shall assign, coordinate and control each other in the exercises of the legislative, executive, and judicial powers. This is necessary to prevent abuse of power and ensure the state’s power. The Constitution 1946 was written by Ho Chi Minh (1890 -1969) and created a mechanism and foundation to control the state’s power in Vietnam. Nearly, in the Constitution 2013, the issue of controlling state power is recorded. The assignment and control are reflected in the assignment of the scope of power to each state agency. From the approach of philosophical, social philosophy, and political philosophy, through research and analysis documents in Ho Chi Minh Complete Collection; of previous researchers and policies, legal of Vietnam’s Government on control of the state's power and lessons for Vietnam today. The result shows that Ho Chi Minh’s thought on controlling power has shown the basic contents related to asserting that the power owner belongs to the people and focusing on supervision; use the Constitution to limit state power. The article also gives experiences when studying Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on state power control over Vietnam today


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    Line balancing is always a big problem appearing in industrial production. Manual balancing of industrial sewing products takes a long time to give results, which depends on the experience of the sewing line manager, moreover, the efficiency is not necessarily optimal. Digital conversion will help find a solution to balance the sewing line more quickly, accurately, and optimally. This study presents the statements of the problem of balancing knitted garment lines in the industry with the line balancing process according to the method of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) and BSL-HUST-1 software, which is the software designed and built by our research group. For the balancing calculation, three groups of input data were defined for the comparison of balancing efficiency among the HUST method, the software method, and the method used traditionally by the companies. The line's capacity is determined as the total production amount in a shift, and the shift time is figured accordingly following each factory's rules. The total number of workers is an essential factor. Also, the cycle time is one of the important factors for balancing the sewing line

    Factors Affecting Successful Quality Assurance Implementation in Vietnamese Higher Education: A Qualitative Study

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    Quality assurance and accreditation was officially introduced into the higher education system in Vietnam over ten years ago. It is evident that quality assurance has resulted in positive impacts on university management, teaching, learning and research activities. This paper aims to explore factors that aid the successful implementation of higher education quality assurance and accreditation in Vietnam. Through semi-structured interviews with 32 participants, this study identified a number of factors that contributed to quality assurance processes, including awareness of the importance of quality assurance, better institutional manager leadership, support of university lecturers, staff, and students, and the vital responsibility of internal quality assurance staff. These confirm that internal stakeholders play an important role in undertaking quality assurance programmes and activities

    Understanding maternal sepsis risk factors and bacterial etiology: A case control study protocol

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    Introduction: Maternal disorders are the third leading cause of sepsis globally, accounting for 5.7 million (12%) cases in 2017. There are increasing concerns about the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria commonly causing maternal sepsis. Our aim is to describe the protocol for a clinical and microbiology laboratory study to understand risk factors for and the bacterial etiology of maternal sepsis in a tertiary Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital. Methods: This case-control study aims to recruit 100 cases and 200 controls at Tu Du Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, which had approximately 55,000 births in 2022. Women aged ≥ 18 years and ≥ 28 weeks gestation having a singleton birth will be eligible for inclusion as cases or controls, unless they have an uncomplicated localised or chronic infection, or an infection with SARS-CoV-2. Cases will include pregnant or recently pregnant women with sepsis recognised between the onset of labour and/or time of delivery/cessation of pregnancy for up to 42 days post-partum. Sepsis will be defined as suspected or confirmed infection with an obstetrically modified Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score of ≥ 2, treatment with intravenous antimicrobials and requested cultures of any bodily fluid. Controls will be matched by age, location, parity, mode of delivery and gestational age. Primary and secondary outcomes are risk factors associated with the development of maternal sepsis, the frequency of adverse outcomes due to maternal sepsis, bacterial etiology and AMR profiles of cases and controls. Discussion: This study will improve understanding of the epidemiology and clinical implications of maternal sepsis management including the presence of AMR in women giving birth in Vietnam. It will help us to determine whether women in this setting are receiving optimal care and to identify opportunities for improvement

    Community engagement in the prevention and control of COVID-19: Insights from Vietnam.

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    INTRODUCTION: Community engagement (CE) is an effective public health strategy for improving health outcomes. There is limited published knowledge about effective approaches to CE in ensuring effective responses to COVID-19 throughout lockdowns, travel restrictions and social distancing. In this paper, we contribute to bridging this gap by highlighting experience of CE in Vietnam, specifically focusing on migrant workers in Vietnam. METHODS: A cross-sectional qualitative study design was used with qualitative data collection was carried out during August-October 2020. Two districts were purposefully selected from two large industrial zones. Data was collected using in-depth interviews (n = 36) with individuals and households, migrants and owners of dormitories, industrial zone factory representatives, community representatives and health authorities. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis approach. The study received ethics approval from the Hanoi University Institutional Review Board. RESULTS: The government's response to COVID-19 was spearheaded by the multi-sectoral National Steering Committee for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19, chaired by the Vice Prime Minister and comprised different members from 23 ministries. This structure was replicated throughout the province and local levels and all public and private organizations. Different activities were carried out by local communities, following four key principles of infection control: early detection, isolation, quarantine and hospitalization. We found three key determinants of engagement of migrant workers with COVID-19 prevention and control: availability of resources, appropriate capacity strengthening, transparent and continuous communication and a sense of trust in government legitimacy. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Our results support the current literature on CE in infection control which highlights the importance of context and suggests that future CE should consider five key components: multi-sectoral collaboration with a whole-of-community approach to strengthen governance structures with context-specific partnerships; mobilization of resources and decentralization of decision making to encourage self-reliance and building of local capacity; capacity building through training and supervision to local institutions; transparent and clear communication of health risks and sensitization of local communities to improve compliance and foster trust in the government measures; and understanding the urgent needs ensuring of social security and engaging all parts of the community, specifically the vulnerable groups