722 research outputs found

    Awareness and Use of Library Resources and Services among the Social Science Researchers: A Case Study

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    Libraries play a vital role in the promotion of education, training, research and other development programmes by providing wider and deeper access to information for social science researchers. Social science researchers are the end users of information, and hence, various resources have been devised to facilitate social science research outputs. The present study focuses on the level of awareness regarding library resources and facilities, frequency of use, the purpose of using the library services and facilities among the social science researchers of ISEC library, Bangalore. The study reveals that, the majority of the respondents are aware of library collections, such as Books (100%), National Journals (95.97%) and international journals (86.22%) etc., and with regard to library services, 89.12% of the respondents are aware of photocopy services provided by the library 85.55% of the respondents are aware of different reference services available in the library, while opining that these services are important for their research. The regression results show that in respect of researcher category, accessing index journals and thesis/dissertations is statistically significant. The findings of the study also show that the major purpose of using the library services and facilities on the part of researchers is to search for the most relevant information required for their research

    Oncolog, Volume 37, Issue 02, April-June 1992

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    The primacy of patient welfare Potential doubling time of tumors may be the key to accurate prognosis, appropriate treatment Cognitive deficits in survivors of childhood cancershttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Pokok-pokok Pikiran "Integrasi" SDKI, SKRT dan SUSENAS dalam Mendukung Kebutuhan Lnformasi Program Pembangunan

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    SKRT dan SDKI merupakan community based survey yang sifatnya nasional, direncanakan akan dilakukan secara berkala 3 tahunan. Selang pelaksanaan SDKI dan SKRT tidak sampai satu tahun (sebagai misal pengumpulan data SDKI 1994 direncanakan pertengahan 1994 dan SKRT 1995 pada awal 1995). Karena substansi kesehatan di SDKI merupakan pula bagian dari substansi yang ada di SKRT, maka dinilai kurang efisien untuk mengumpulkan data yang sama dalam selang waktu yang hampir bersamaan. Di samping itu sumber daya yang terbatas di Depkes (Badan Litbangkes) dinilai pula tidak efisien untuk melibatkan diri dalam SDKI yang terpisah dengan penanganan SKRT. Upaya "integrasi" merupakan solusi untuk secara efisien memanfaatkan sumber daya yang terbatas tersebut. Dukungan yang baik kepada perencanaan dan penilaian program memerlukan tersedia­nya data yang berkualitas tinggi. Upaya memilih cara mengumpulkan data dengan basil kualitas tinggi perlu ditingkatkan. Di samping itu penilaian kualitas data seyogyanya merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari upaya mengumpulkan data. Hal-hal tersebut dapat diakomodasi dalam "integrasi" SDKI/SKRT/Susenas


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    In an era of constant change, the management of conflict becomes a common practice. Managers of public organizations are often confronted with conflicts, which forces them to adapt their arsenal of tools, methods and techniques used to solve disputes. The article presents the results of the research undertaken in a public institution about the perception of employees with respect to how managers act when conflicts arise. There are also displayed some recommendations to improve the way conflicts are approached.conflict; conflict management; public sector; change

    A novel method to evaluate gamma camera rotational uniformity and sensitivity variation

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    Kappadath, S.C., Erwin, W.D. and Wendt, R.E., III (2009), A novel method to evaluate gamma camera rotational uniformity and sensitivity variation. Med. Phys., 36: 1947-1955. https://doi.org/10.1118/1.3125642https://openworks.mdanderson.org/mdacc_imgphys_pubs/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Observed intercamera variability in clinically relevantperformance characteristics for Siemens Symbia gammacameras

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Kappadath SC, Erwin WD, Wendt RE 3rd. Observed inter-camera variability of clinically relevant performance characteristics for Siemens Symbia gamma cameras. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2006;7(4):74-80. Published 2006 Nov 28., which has been published in final form at doi:10.1120/jacmp.v7i4.2376. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.https://openworks.mdanderson.org/mdacc_imgphys_pubs/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Estimating Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity using High- Throughput Screening by NMR

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    Many of today’s drug discovery programs utilize high-throughput screening methods that rely on quick evaluations of protein activity to rank potential chemical leads. By monitoring biologically relevant protein-ligand interactions, NMR can provide a means to validate these discovery leads and to optimize the drug discovery process. NMR-based screens typically use a change in chemical shift or linewidth to detect a protein-ligand interaction. However, the relatively low throughput of current NMR screens and their high demand on sample requirements generally makes it impractical to collect complete binding curves to measure the affinity for each compound in a large and diverse chemical library. As a result, NMR ligand screens are typically limited to identifying candidates that bind to a protein and do not give any estimate of the binding affinity. To address this issue, a methodology has been developed to rank binding affinities for ligands based on NMR-based screens that use 1D 1H NMR line-broadening experiments. This method was demonstrated by using it to estimate the dissociation equilibrium constants for twelve ligands with the protein human serum albumin (HSA). The results were found to give good agreement with previous affinities that have been reported for these same ligands with HSA

    Estimating Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity using High- Throughput Screening by NMR

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    Many of today’s drug discovery programs utilize high-throughput screening methods that rely on quick evaluations of protein activity to rank potential chemical leads. By monitoring biologically relevant protein-ligand interactions, NMR can provide a means to validate these discovery leads and to optimize the drug discovery process. NMR-based screens typically use a change in chemical shift or linewidth to detect a protein-ligand interaction. However, the relatively low throughput of current NMR screens and their high demand on sample requirements generally makes it impractical to collect complete binding curves to measure the affinity for each compound in a large and diverse chemical library. As a result, NMR ligand screens are typically limited to identifying candidates that bind to a protein and do not give any estimate of the binding affinity. To address this issue, a methodology has been developed to rank binding affinities for ligands based on NMR-based screens that use 1D 1H NMR line-broadening experiments. This method was demonstrated by using it to estimate the dissociation equilibrium constants for twelve ligands with the protein human serum albumin (HSA). The results were found to give good agreement with previous affinities that have been reported for these same ligands with HSA
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