28 research outputs found

    Beyond ras and braf: Her2, a new actionable oncotarget in advanced colorectal cancer

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    The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is a well-established oncogenic driver and a successful therapeutic target in several malignancies, such as breast and gastric cancers. HER2 alterations, including amplification and somatic mutations, have also been detected in a small but not negligible subset of patients affected by advanced colorectal cancer (aCRC). However, to date, there are no available oncotargets in this malignancy beyond RAS and BRAF that are available. Here we present an overview on the present predictive and prognostic role of HER2 expression in aCRC, as well as on its consequent potential therapeutic implications from preclinical investigations towards ongoing trials testing anti-HER2 agents in aCRC. While HER2′ s role as a molecular predictive biomarker for anti-EGFR therapies in CRC is recognized, HER2 prognostic value remains controversial. Moreover, thanks to the impressive and growing body of clinical evidence, HER2 is strongly emerging as a new potential actionable oncotarget in aCRC. In conclusion, in the foreseeable future, HER2-targeted therapeutic strategies may integrate the algorithm of aCRC treatment towards an increasingly tailored therapeutic approach to this disease

    A Glimpse in the Future of Malignant Mesothelioma Treatment

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    Malignant mesothelioma (MMe) is a rare neoplasm with few therapeutic options available. The landscape of effective therapy for this disease remained unchanged in the last two decades. Recently, however, the introduction of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors (ICIs) led to small, but nevertheless, promising improvements. However, many efforts are still needed to radically improve the prognosis of MMe. In this review, we analyze all those therapeutic strategies for MMe that are still in a preclinical or early clinical phase of development. In particular, we focus on novel antiangiogenic drugs and their possible combination with immunotherapy. Furthermore, we describe also more complex strategies such as microRNA-loaded vectors, oncolytic viruses, and engineered lymphocytes

    Inhibition of sialidase activity and cellular invasion by the bacterial vaginosis pathogen Gardnerella vaginalis

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    Bacterial vaginosis is a genital tract infection, thought to be caused by transformation of a lactobacillus-rich flora to a dysbiotic microbiota enriched in mixed anaerobes. The most prominent of these is Gardnerella vaginalis (GV), an anaerobic pathogen that produces sialidase enzyme to cleave terminal sialic acid residues from human glycans. Notably, high sialidase activity is associated with preterm birth and low birthweight. We explored the potential of the sialidase inhibitor Zanamavir against GV whole cell sialidase activity using methyl-umbelliferyl neuraminic acid (MU-NANA) cleavage assays, with Zanamavir causing a 30% reduction in whole cell GV sialidase activity (p < 0.05). Furthermore, cellular invasion assays using HeLa cervical epithelial cells, infected with GV, demonstrated that Zanamivir elicited a 50% reduction in cell association and invasion (p < 0.05). Our data thus highlight that pharmacological sialidase inhibitors are able to modify BV-associated sialidase activity and influence host-pathogen interactions and may represent novel therapeutic adjuncts

    Chemical Synthesis and Immunological Evaluation of Fragments of the Multiantennary Group-Specific Polysaccharide of Group B Streptococcus.

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    Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a Gram-positive bacterium and the most common cause of neonatal blood and brain infections. At least 10 different serotypes exist, that are characterized by their different capsular polysaccharides. The Group B carbohydrate (GBC) is shared by all serotypes and therefore attractive be used in a glycoconjugate vaccine. The GBC is a highly complex multiantennary structure, composed of rhamnose rich oligosaccharides interspaced with glucitol phosphates. We here report the development of a convergent approach to assemble a pentamer, octamer, and tridecamer fragment of the termini of the antennae. Phosphoramidite chemistry was used to fuse the pentamer and octamer fragments to deliver the 13-mer GBC oligosaccharide. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the generated fragments confirmed the structures of the naturally occurring polysaccharide. The fragments were used to generate model glycoconjugate vaccine by coupling with CRM197. Immunization of mice delivered sera that was shown to be capable of recognizing different GBS strains. The antibodies raised using the 13-mer conjugate were shown to recognize the bacteria best and the serum raised against this GBC fragment-mediated opsonophagocytic killing best, but in a capsule dependent manner. Overall, the GBC 13-mer was identified to be a highly promising antigen for incorporation into future (multicomponent) anti-GBS vaccines.Bio-organic Synthesi

    Functional Characterization of a Newly Identified Group B Streptococcus Pullulanase Eliciting Antibodies Able to Prevent Alpha-Glucans Degradation

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    Streptococcal pullulanases have been recently proposed as key components of the metabolic machinery involved in bacterial adaptation to host niches. By sequence analysis of the Group B Streptococcus (GBS) genome we found a novel putative surface exposed protein with pullulanase activity. We named such a protein SAP. The sap gene is highly conserved among GBS strains and homologous genes, such as PulA and SpuA, have been described in other pathogenic streptococci. The SAP protein contains two N-terminal carbohydrate-binding motifs, followed by a catalytic domain and a C-terminal LPXTG cell wall-anchoring domain. In vitro analysis revealed that the recombinant form of SAP is able to degrade α-glucan polysaccharides, such as pullulan, glycogen and starch. Moreover, NMR analysis showed that SAP acts as a type I pullulanase. Studies performed on whole bacteria indicated that the presence of α-glucan polysaccharides in culture medium up-regulated the expression of SAP on bacterial surface as confirmed by FACS analysis and confocal imaging. Deletion of the sap gene resulted in a reduced capacity of bacteria to grow in medium containing pullulan or glycogen, but not glucose or maltose, confirming the pivotal role of SAP in GBS metabolism of α-glucans. As reported for other streptococcal pullulanases, we found specific anti-SAP antibodies in human sera from healthy volunteers. Investigation of the functional role of anti-SAP antibodies revealed that incubation of GBS in the presence of sera from animals immunized with SAP reduced the capacity of the bacterium to degrade pullulan. Of interest, anti-SAP sera, although to a lower extent, also inhibited Group A Streptococcus pullulanase activity. These data open new perspectives on the possibility to use SAP as a potential vaccine component inducing functional cross-reacting antibodies interfering with streptococcal infections

    The Streptococcus pneumoniae Pilus-1 Displays a Biphasic Expression Pattern

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    The Streptococcus pneumoniae pilus-1 is encoded by pilus islet 1 (PI-1), which has three clonal variants (clade I, II and III) and is present in about 30% of clinical pneumococcal isolates. In vitro and in vivo assays have demonstrated that pilus-1 is involved in attachment to epithelial cells and virulence, as well as protection in mouse models of infection. Several reports suggest that pilus-1 expression is tightly regulated and involves the interplay of numerous genetic regulators, including the PI-1 positive regulator RlrA. In this report we provide evidence that pilus expression, when analyzed at the single-cell level in PI-1 positive strains, is biphasic. In fact, the strains present two phenotypically different sub-populations of bacteria, one that expresses the pilus, while the other does not. The proportions of these two phenotypes are variable among the strains tested and are not influenced by genotype, serotype, growth conditions, colony morphology or by the presence of antibodies directed toward the pilus components. Two sub-populations, enriched in pilus expressing or not expressing bacteria were obtained by means of colony selection and immuno-detection methods for five strains. PI-1 sequencing in the two sub-populations revealed the absence of mutations, thus indicating that the biphasic expression observed is not due to a genetic modification within PI-1. Microarray expression profile and western blot analyses on whole bacterial lysates performed comparing the two enriched sub-populations, revealed that pilus expression is regulated at the transcriptional level (on/off regulation), and that there are no other genes, in addition to those encoded by PI-1, concurrently regulated across the strains tested. Finally, we provide evidence that the over-expression of the RrlA positive regulator is sufficient to induce pilus expression in pilus-1 negative bacteria. Overall, the data presented here suggest that the observed biphasic pilus expression phenotype could be an example of bistability in pneumococcus

    Playing the devil’s advocate: Should we give a second chance to mTOR inhibition in renal clear cell carcinoma? – ie strategies to revert resistance to mtor inhibitors

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    In the last decade, the inhibition of the mechanistic target of Rapamycin (mTOR) in renal clear cell carcinoma (RCC) has disappointed the clinician’s expectations. Many clinical trials highlighted the low efficacy and unmanageable safety profile of first-generation mTOR inhibitors (Rapalogs), thus limiting their use in the clinical practice only to those patients who already failed several therapy lines. In this review, we analyze the major resistance mechanisms that undermine the efficacy of this class of drugs. Moreover, we describe some of the possible strategies to overcome the mechanisms of resistance and their clinical experimentation, with particular focus on novel mTOR inhibitors and the combina-tions of mTOR inhibitors and other anti-cancer drugs

    Large extracellular vesicles—a new frontier of liquid biopsy in oncology

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    Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) are emerging as pivotal elements in cancer. Many studies have focused on the role of Small-(S)-EVs but in recent years Large-(L)-EVs have progressively gained increasing interest due to their peculiar content and functions. Tumor-derived L-EVs carry a lot of oncogenic proteins, nucleic acids and lipids to recipient cells and are involved in the reshaping of the tumor microenvironment as well as in the metabolic rewiring and the promotion of the pro-metastatic attitude of cancer cells. Several techniques have been developed for the isolation of L-EVs and commercial kits are also available for efficient and easy recovery of these vesicles. Also, the improvement in DNA sequencing and “omics sciences” profoundly changed the way to analyze and explore the molecular content of L-EVs, thus providing novel and potentially useful cancer biomarkers. Herein, we review the most recent findings concerning the role of L-EVs in cancer and discuss their possible use in oncology as “liquid biopsy” tools as compared to the other classes of EVs

    Uterine carcinosarcoma: An overview

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    Uterine carcinosarcoma (UCS), also known as malignant mixed Müllerian tumor, is a rare gynecological malignancy characterized by poor prognosis. This “biphasic” neoplasm presents an admixture of epithelial and mesenchymal/sarcomatoid tumor cells which partially share their molecular signature and exhibit a typical epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition gene expression profile. Due to the rarity of this cancer, at present there is a scarcity of specific treatment guidelines. Surgical resection remains the best curative option for localized disease, whereas the addition of peri-operative radiotherapy, chemotherapy and chemoradiation has been shown to further improve disease outcomes. In the metastatic setting, palliative chemotherapy is currently the treatment of choice, although no consensus exists about the best regimen to be delivered. Besides standard treatment options for the advanced disease, mechanistic insights into UCS pathogenesis and identification of its histopathological and molecular features boosted the development of novel, and potentially more effective, therapeutic agents, that will be here discussed