7 research outputs found

    Between images and built form: Automating the recognition of standardised building components using deep learning

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    Building on the richness of recent contributions in the field, this paper presents a state-of-the-art CNN analysis method for automatingthe recognition of standardised building components in modern heritage buildings. At the turn of the twentieth century manufacturedbuilding components became widely advertised for specification by architects. Consequently, a form of standardisation across varioustypologies began to take place. During this era of rapid economic and industrialised growth, many forms of public building wereerected. This paper seeks to demonstrate a method for informing the recognition of such elements using deep learning to recognise'families' of elements across a range of buildings in order to retrieve and recognise their technical specifications from the contemporarytrade literature. The method is illustrated through the case of Carnegie Public Libraries in the UK, which provides a unique butubiquitous platform from which to explore the potential for the automated recognition of manufactured standard architecturalcomponents. The aim of enhancing this knowledge base is to use the degree to which these were standardised originally as a means toinform and so support their ongoing care but also that of many other contemporary buildings. Although these libraries are numerous,they are maintained at a local level and as such, their shared challenges for maintenance remain unknown to one another. Additionally,this paper presents a methodology to indirectly retrieve useful indicators and semantics, relating to emerging HBIM families, byapplying deep learning to a varied range of architectural imagery

    Flow control of weakly non-parallel flows: Application to trailing vortices

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    A general formulation is proposed to control the integral amplification factor of harmonic disturbances in weakly non-parallel amplifier flows. The sensitivity of the local spatial stability spectrum to a base-flow modification is first determined, generalizing the results of Bottaro et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 476, 2003, pp. 293-302). This result is then used to evaluate the sensitivity of the overall spatial growth to a modification of the inlet flow condition. This formalism is applied to a non-parallel Batchelor vortex, which is a well-known model for trailing vortices generated by a lifting wing. The resulting sensitivity map indicates the optimal modification of the inlet flow condition enabling the stabilization of the helical modes. It is shown that the control, formulated using a single linearization of the flow dynamics carried out on the uncontrolled configuration, successfully reduces the total spatial amplification of all convectively unstable disturbances

    Mettere in scena gli archivi (Dialoghi della Public History 1 ; 20 settembre 2021)

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    La digitalizzazione delle fonti consente un processo di narrativizzazione della fonte stessa, rendendola parte intellegibile del discorso storico. In una chiave costruzionista, osservare la fonte come un’unità narrativa rende possibile immaginare nuove forme di messa in scena della fonte, liberandola de facto dall’archivio stesso e consegnandola allo spazio di lavoro dello storico. Non solo, l’accessibilità e l’interoperabilità delle fonti digitali consente un nuovo livello di fruizione dell’archivio che diventa accessibile e comprensibile anche per i non addetti ai lavori. La messa in scena delle storie individuali e collettive, la narrazione a tutti i pubblici possibili permette di operare un “rammendo” culturale e identitario, restituendo al pubblico la spontanea inclusività e il sedime democratico degli archivi

    Indicators of guideline-concordant care in lung cancer defined with a modified Delphi method and piloted in a cohort of over 5,800 cases

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    Background: To identify indicators of guideline-concordant care in lung cancer, to implement such indicators with cancer registry data linked to health databases, and to pilot them in a cohort of patients from the cancer registry of the Milan Province. Methods: Thirty-four indicators were selected by revision of main guidelines by cancer epidemiologists, and then evaluated by a multidisciplinary panel of clinicians involved in lung cancer care and working on the pathway of lung cancer diagnosis and treatment in the Lombardy region, Italy. With a modified Delphi method, they assessed for each indicator the content validity as a quality measure of the care pathway, the degree of modifiability from the health professional, and the relevance to the health professional. Feasibility was assessed using the cancer registry and the routine health records of the Lombardy region. Feasible indicators were then calculated in the cohort of lung cancer patients diagnosed in 2007–2012 derived from the cancer registry of the Milan Province. Criterion validity was assessed reviewing clinical records of a random sample of 114 patients (threshold for acceptable discordance ≤20%). Finally, reliability was evaluated at the provider level. Results: Initially, 34 indicators were proposed for evaluation in the first Delphi round. Of the finally 22 selected indicators, 3 were not feasible because the required information was actually not available. The remaining 19 were calculated on the pilot cohort. After assessment of criterion validity (3 eliminated), 16 indicators were retained in the final set and evaluated for reliability. Conclusion: The developed and piloted set of indicators is now available to implement and monitor, over time, quality initiatives for lung cancer care in the studied health system