69 research outputs found

    Eficacia de la infusión de la hoja de Neem Azadirachta indica administrado por vía oral para el control de Oxyuris equi en caballos

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    Se emplearon 30 equinos de condición física similar de raza criolla. Se preparó una infusión de hojas de neem en una proporción de 15 gramos/litro y se dejó en reposo hasta su enfriamiento, obteniendo la infusión que fue administrada por vía oral. Se realizó un muestreo inicial determinando así la presencia de Oxyuris equi. Se establecieron 6 grupos de 5 caballos cada uno y se realizó la investigación en búsqueda de la eficacia de la infusión con 5 diferentes volúmenes de administración (20, 40, 60, 80 y 100 ml de la infusión) y un grupo control con 60 ml de agua. Se colectaron muestras directamente del recto a los 8 días después de la aplicación de los tratamientos. Los resultados de este estudio indicaron que en el volumen de 20 ml de la infusión se obtuvo un 60%, y en el volumen de 40 ml un 20% de carga parasitaria. En los volúmenes de 60 ml y 80 ml de la infusión de hojas de neem, se presentó una eficacia del 100%. Mientras que en el volumen de 100 ml de la infusión, hubo un equino positivo a Oxyuris equi, atribuyéndolo a una mala administración de la infusión. La presencia de los parásitos se estableció mediante la técnica de Graham modificado. Empleando el programa Infostat (2009) Grupo Infostat, FCA, Universidad de Córdoba, Argentina, se realizó la prueba de x² estableciendo una efectividad de la infusión de la hoja de neem a partir de administrar vía oral un volumen de 60 ml

    The Archaeology of Hassanamesit Woods: The Sarah Burnee/Sarah Boston Farmstead

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    Between 2003 and 2013 the Fiske Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Massachusetts Boston conducted an intensive investigation of the Sarah Burnee/Sarah Boston Farmstead on Keith Hill in Grafton, Massachusetts. The project employed a collaborative method that involved working closely with the Town of Grafton, through the Hassanmesit Woods Management Committee, and the Nipmuc Nation, the state recognized government of the Nipmuc people. Yearly excavation and research plans were decided through consultation with both the Nipmuc Tribal Council, their designated representative, Dr. D. Rae Gould, and the Hassanamesit Woods Management Committee. Dr. Gould also played a continuous and active role in reviewing and collaborating on research activities including scholarly presentations at national and international academic meetings and public presentations at the community level. Large scale excavation between 2006 and 2013 focused on the Sarah Burnee/Sarah Boston farmstead that was occupied intensively between 1750 and 1840. Sarah Burnee and Sarah Boston were two of four Nipmuc women to own and possibly reside on the 206 acre parcel that today comprises Hassanamesit Woods. The other two, Sarah Robins and Sarah Muckamaug, were Sarah Burnee’s grandmother and mother respectively. Excavation, archaeogeophysical survey, soil chemistry, and micromorphological and macrobotanical analysis were combined with the analysis of material culture and faunal material to generate a detailed picture of Nipmuc life during the 18th and 19th centuries. Excavation also found evidence of earlier indigenous occupations spanning some 6,000 years. The most intensive period of occupation covered the period 1750 to 1840, but with a significant spike the period 1790 to 1830. This appears to coincide with the coming of age of Sarah Boston who continues to live in the household with her mother Sarah Burnee Philips. Based on a combination of the documentary, architectural and archaeological data, it seems that an addition was made the structure between 1799 and 1802. A rich material assemblage of more than 120,000 artifacts was recovered from the site that provides detailed information on cultural practices including foodways, exchange networks, agricultural activities and other work-related activities such as basket making. A wealth of foodways related artifacts as well as faunal and floral remains provide ample evidence of daily meals and feasting. The latter conclusion is particularly important because of the implications is has for demonstrating that the Hassanamisco Nipmuc were regularly engaged in political activities. We believe the findings of the project provide empirical evidence that counters arguments made by the Bureau of Indian Affairs that the Hassanamisco Nipmuc did not persist as a politically and culturally continuous community

    Importancia de la aplicación on-line cerebrex y las implicaciones en el aprendizaje numérico en alumnos de sexto grado de la Escuela Felipe López R. en Patzún, Chimaltenango.

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    Identificó el impacto de la aplicación on-line Cerebrex en el aprendizaje numérico de los alumnos que cursan sexto grado del nivel primario de la escuela Felipe López R., en el municipio de Patzún del departamento de Chimaltenango. La técnica de muestreo utilizada fue aleatorio simple, por medio de la cual se seleccionó a 53 alumno(a)s de 103 inscritos en sexto grado primaria de las secciones “A” y” D” 22 niños y 31 niñas, así como 4 docentes. Entre las técnicas e instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de datos fueron: la observación, entrevista, Test de Evaluación Factorial de las Aptitudes Intelectuales EFAI 2. Se concluyó que la aplicación del videojuego Cerebrex en el aprendizaje y el rendimiento en los alumnos tuvo impacto y generó destrezas en la realización de operaciones matemáticas en los alumnos y alumnas de sexto grado primaria. Ya que les favoreció el poder trabajar en equipo, pues, los alumnos tenían el derecho de ayudarse si alguien no entendía la información y a la vez creó competencia sana en el desarrollo de la práctica del videojuego y agilizó la memoria instantánea y la oportunidad de ser evaluados por primera vez, por un test de aptitudes intelectuales y el impacto del videojuego por estar ambientado en temática maya, lo cual favoreció a los alumnos al poderse identificarse con su idioma y ambiente

    Continuity of Lithic Practice from the Eighteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries at the Nipmuc Homestead of Sarah Boston, Grafton, Massachusetts

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    Stone tools have been found at all Nipmuc-related house sites in central Massachusetts dating from the 17th through 20th centuries. This article explores in detail the lithic assemblage recovered from the kitchen midden of the late 18th and early 19th century Sarah Burnee/Sarah Boston farmstead in Grafton, Massachusetts. Quartz and quartzite lithics were found in similar concentrations as historic ceramics within the midden suggesting that these tools were in active use within the household. Ground-stone tools of ancient origin indicate curation and reuse of older materials, and knapped glass and re-worked gunflints suggest knowledge of flintknapping. This article argues that despite colonial rules forbidding traditional Native practices, this and other Nipmuc families continued to practice the production and use of lithics for at least 300 years after the arrival of Europeans

    Between the South Sea and the mountainous ridges: biopolitical assemblages in the Spanish colonial Americas

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    Although the historical archaeology of the Spanish colonial world is currently witnessing an explosion of research in the Americas, the accompanying political economic framework has tended to remain little interrogated. This paper argues that Spanish colonial contexts bring into particular relief the entanglements between ‘core’ capitalist processes like ‘antimarkets’, dispossession and the disciplining of labour with the specific biopolitical ecologies assembled through co-option, coercion and accumulation. This perspective is explored through two archaeological case studies from Peru and Guatemala, where competing concerns about altitude, climate, disease, violence and populations of differentiated labouring bodies (both human and non-human) came to the fore in unexpected ways. The resulting discussion challenges the reliance on abstract analytical totalities like ‘capitalism’ and ‘colonialism’, and shifts attention towards the diverse assemblages of actors that shaped and continue to shape the processes central to political economic analyses.Archaeology of the America

    Biblioteca teológica y zona recreativa del módulo habitacional Instituto tecnológico Salesiano, Zona 11 Ciudad de Guatemala.

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    El Instituto Tecnológico Salesiano es nombrado a su vez, en el año 2018, Centro de Especialización Teológica Oficial en la región Centroamericana, por la Universidad Pontificia Salesiana de Roma, al cual acuden seminaristas, y otras personas no religiosas a estudiar filosofía, y teología. Sus instalaciones en la actualidad son insuficientes para atender las demandas de los usuarios, y brindarles un servicio confortable, y de calidad. Esto origina la planificación, y la reorganización del espacio, y el diseño de un complejo destinado a la biblioteca, para crear espacios de estudio, y de formación, en los ambientes semi privados y las áreas de entretenimiento, de esparcimiento, y de ocio a los ambientes privados. El uso de los diferentes materiales constructivos darán la seguridad, el carácter, el simbolismo, y la volumetría al proyecto

    Impact of Insulin Therapies on Cancer Incidence in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Reggio Emilia, Italy

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    Simple Summary The aim of this population-based study was to assess the impact of insulin treatment on cancer incidence in subjects with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in Italy. We found that insulin use was associated with a 20% excess for all sites cancer incidence among people with type 2 diabetes, while people with type 1 diabetes did not show any excess. Liver, pancreatic, bladder, and neuroendocrine cancers seem to be the sites with strongest association. Objective: To assess the effect of insulin on cancer incidence in type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Methods: The cohort included all 401,172 resident population aged 20-84 in December 2009 and still alive on December 2011, classified for DM status. Drug exposure was assessed for 2009-2011 and follow up was conducted from 2012 to 2016 through the cancer registry. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) were computed for all sites and for the most frequent cancer sites. Results: among residents, 21,190 people had diabetes, 2282 of whom were taking insulin; 1689 cancers occurred, 180 among insulin users. The risk for all site was slightly higher in people with T2DM compared to people without DM (IRR 1.21, 95% CI 1.14-1.27), with no excess for T1DM (IRR 0.73, 95% CI 0.45-1.19). The excess in T2DM remained when comparing with diet-only treatment. In T2DM, excess incidence was observed for liver and pancreas and for NETs: 1.76 (95% CI 1.44-2.17) and 1.37 (95% CI 0.99-1.73), respectively. For bladder, there was an excess both in T1DM (IRR 3.00, 95% CI 1.12, 8.02) and in T2DM (IRR1.27, 95% CI 1.07-1.50). Conclusions: Insulin was associated with a 20% increase in cancer incidence. The risk was higher for liver, pancreatic, bladder and neuroendocrine tumours

    Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Infectious Disease Reporting in Migrants: A Scoping Review

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    We conducted a scoping review of literature to improve our understanding of the accuracy of infectious disease monitoring in migrants in the Europe. We searched PubMed for papers relevant to the topic including: case reports, observational and experimental studies, reviews, guidelines or policy documents; published after 1994. We identified 532 papers, 27 of which were included in the review. Legislation and right to access health care influence both the accuracy of rates and risk measures under estimating the at risk population, i.e., the denominator. Furthermore, the number of reported cases, i.e., the numerator, may also include cases not accounted for in the denominator. Both biases lead to an overestimated disease occurrence. Restriction to healthcare access and low responsiveness may cause under-detection of cases, however a quantification of this phenomenon has not been produced. On the contrary, screening for asymptomatic diseases increases ascertainment leading to increased detection of cases. Incompleteness of denominator data underestimates the at-risk population. In conclusion, most studies show a lower probability of under-reporting infectious diseases in migrants compared with native populations

    Prevalencia de Helicobacter pylori en un grupo de pacientes pediátricos infectados por el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana

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    Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo transversal y no experimental sobre la prevalencia de Helicobacter pylori en pacientes pediátricos infectados por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), internados en el Hospicio San José, Santa Lucí­a Milpas Altas, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala, durante los meses de noviembre 2012 a enero 2013. La población completa fue conformada por 40 pacientes pediátricos de ambos sexos, entre los 3 y 12 años de edad, que padecen infección por VIH. Para el diagnóstico de infección por H. pylori se utilizó la detección de antí­geno en heces por inmunocromatografí­a. Se encontró un resultado positivo en el 35%, con una mayor incidencia en varones, correspondiendo al 71.4% de los casos. En cuanto a la distribución por edades, el rango de edad con más casos positivos fue el comprendido entre los 7 y 8 años, con un 66.7% de los casos. La prevalencia de H. pylori en la población pediátrica VIH positiva estudiada fue mayor que la reportada en poblaciones similares, pero menor a la reportada en la población pediátrica VIH negativo. Se recomienda realizar un estudio multicéntrico para confirmar la prevalencia de H. pylori en la población pediátrica guatemalteca VIH positivo

    Cervical cancer screening in women vaccinated against human papillomavirus infection: Recommendations from a consensus conference

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    In Italy, the cohorts of women who were offered Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in 2007/08 will reach the age (25 years) for cervical cancer (CC) screening from 2017. The simultaneous shift from cytology-based screening to HPV test-based screening gives the opportunity for unprecedented reorganisation of CC prevention. The ONS (National Screening Monitoring Centre) Directive and the GISCi (Italian Group for Cervical Screening) identified the consensus conference as the most suitable method for addressing this topic. A summary of consensus recommendations is reported here. The main objective was to define the best screening methods in girls vaccinated against HPV and the knowledge required for defining evidence-based screening strategies. A Jury made recommendations about questions and proposals formulated by a panel of experts representative of Italian scientific societies involved in CC prevention and based on systematic reviews of literature and evidence. The Jury considered changing the screening protocols for girls vaccinated in their twelfth year as appropriate. Tailored screening protocols based on vaccination status could be replaced by \u201cone size fits all\u201d protocols only when a herd immunity effect has been reached. Vaccinated women should start screening at age 30, instead of 25, with HPV test. Furthermore, there is a strong rationale for applying longer intervals for re-screening HPV negative women than the currently recommended 5 years, but research is needed to determine the optimal screening time points. For non-vaccinated women and for women vaccinated in their fifteenth year or later, the current protocol should be kept