12 research outputs found

    Sialosis Parot铆dea Alcoh贸lica: estudio Estructural y Ultraestructural

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    Objetivos: El prop贸sito del presente trabajo fue establecer posibles diferencias histopatol贸gicas entre los estad铆os iniciales y terminales de la sialosis alcoh贸lica, patolog铆a que generalmente involucra hipertrofia parot铆dea y afecta estructuralmente en diverso grado a las dem谩s gl谩ndulas salivales. Dise帽o del estudio: se analizaron y compararon las modificaciones estructurales y ultraestructurales de gl谩ndulas par贸tidas provenientes de: A) biopsias de alcoh贸licos cr贸nicos con diagn贸stico cl铆nico de cirrosis hep谩tica, de las que una fracci贸n fue procesada para microscop铆a 贸ptica (MO) y otra fracci贸n fue fijada en glutaraldeh铆do y procesada para microscop铆a electr贸nica de trasmisi贸n (MET) Jeol JEM 1010 B) autopsias de individuos fallecidos por cirrosis hep谩tica alcoh贸lica, procesadas para MO y re-procesadas posteriormente para MET. Una porci贸n de gl谩ndula normal obtenida de material quir煤rgico fue usada como control. Resultados: Las alteraciones encontradas en las biopsias son considerablemente comparables a las modificaciones encontradas en las autopsias de alcoh贸licos, especialmente debido a la acumulaci贸n de gr谩nulos secretorios de diferente tama帽o, forma y electrodensidad, generalmente ocupando todo el citoplasma de las c茅lulas acinares. En ambos tipos de muestras los ductos excretores se encontraban dilatados y el epitelio de los conductos estriados presentaba c茅lulas claras y oscuras, con n煤cleos de aspecto y disposici贸n irregular. Se observ贸 asimismo moderada infiltraci贸n grasa en el estroma y leve edema periacinar. En las biopsias se observaron al MO y MET inclusiones lip铆dicas en las c茅lulas acinares y ductales del par茅nquima glandular. Conclusiones: Los resultados estructurales y ultraestructurales encontrados en biopsias y autopsias de par贸tidas, ponen de manifiesto que las alteraciones ya est谩n presentes en las gl谩ndulas salivales de alcoh贸licos cr贸nicos antes de la etapa terminal de la cirrosis hep谩tica. La dilataci贸n de los l煤menes del sistema ductal podr铆a ser la principal responsable de la hipertrofia glandular.Objectives: The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the histopathological differences between the initial and advanced stages of Alcoholic Sialosis, a pathology that generally involves parotid hypertrophy and structurally affects, to diverse degrees, the other salivary glands. Study design: An analysis and comparison was carried out of the structural and ultrastructural modifications of the parotid glands from the hepatic biopsies of chronic alcoholics with clinical diagnosis of cirrhosis and from autopsies on individuals who had died from alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis. Various samples of normal gland obtained from surgical material were used as a control. Results: The alterations found in the biopsies corresponded to the modifications discovered in the autopsies of alcoholics. Notable in both cases was the massive accumulation of secretory granules of different size, shape and electrodensity, which occupied the cytoplasm of the acinar cells. In both sample types the excretory ducts were enlarged and the epithelium of the striate ducts presented cells with nuclei and cytoplasm of irregular appearance and arrangement. A moderate adipose infiltration in the stroma and slight periacinal edema was also observed. The biopsies revealed, both at optical and electron microscopical levels, lipid inclusions in the acinar cells and the glandular parenchymal ducts. Conclusions: The structural and ultrastructural findings of the parotid biopsies and autopsies, clearly show that alterations are already present in the salivary glands of chronic alcoholics before the terminal phase of hepatic cirrhosis. The enlargement of the ductal system lumens could be the principal cause of glandular hypertrophy

    Alteraciones salivares en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2

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    La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es el desorden metab贸lico m谩s frecuente, siendo adem谩s causante de una importante morbi-mortalidad. En estos pacientes se han descrito alteraciones estructurales de la parotida (sialosis) que podr铆an comportar modificaciones en la composici贸n salivar, as铆 como un incremento de patolog铆a dental y periodontal. Objetivos: establecer las alteraciones bioqu铆micas de la saliva y su posible correlaci贸n con los hallazgos morfol贸gicos. Dise帽o del estudio: se realizo un estudio cl铆nico de 33 pacientes, 17 de ellos con diabetes tipo 2. Se recogieron muestras de saliva para an谩lisis bioqu铆mico y suero para control metab贸lico. Resultados: en la saliva de los pacientes diab茅ticos encontramos un incremento de la urea y las prote铆nas totales, as铆 como una reducci贸n de la microalbumina. La glucosa salivar estaba solo aumentada en los diab茅ticos con mal control metab贸lico. Los s铆ntomas de xerostom铆a se detectaron en el 76,4% de los casos y las lesiones dentales y periodontales en el 100% de los pacientes. Conclusi贸n: estos desordenes bioqu铆micos en la saliva de los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 se pueden correlacionar con las alteraciones estructurales descritas previamente.Diabetes mellitus type 2 is the most common metabolic disorder and it causes an important morbimortality. The structural modifications in the parotid gland (sialosis) had already been described in these patients and could result in variations in the salivary composition, as well as an increase in periodontal and dental pathology. Objectives: to compare the biochemical findings in the saliva and to correlate these biochemical disturbances with the morphologic findings previously described. Patients and methods: clinical information were gathered about 33 patients, 17 had type 2 diabetes. Samples of whole saliva were obtained for biochemical analysis and serum samples to determine metabolic control. Results: in the diabetics saliva we found urea and total proteins increased and reduced levels of microalbumina. Salivary glucose was only augmented in patients with poor metabolic control. Clinical symptoms of xerostomia were present in 76,4% and dental and periodontal disease in 100%. The parotid gland was characterised by the presence of small acini, lipid intracytoplasmic droplets, as well as adipose stroma infiltration. The acinar cytoqueratins驴 expression was heterogeneous and very positive in the hyperplasic ducts. Conclusions: these biochemical disorders in the saliva of the type 2 diabetic patients would be related with the structural changes previously observed in parotid glands

    Structural and functional salivary disorders in type 2 diabetic patients

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    Diabetes mellitus type 2 is the most common metabolic disorder and it causes an important morbimortality. The structural modifications in the parotid gland (sialosis) had already been described in these patients and could result in variations in the salivary composition, as well as an increase in periodontal and dental pathology. Objectives: to compare the biochemical findings in the saliva and to correlate these biochemical disturbances with the morphologic findings previously described. Patients and methods: clinical information were gathered about 33 patients, 17 had type 2 diabetes. Samples of whole saliva were obtained for biochemical analysis and serum samples to determine metabolic control. Results: in the diabetics saliva we found urea and total proteins increased and reduced levels of microalbumina. Salivary glucose was only augmented in patients with poor metabolic control. Clinical symptoms of xerostomia were present in 76,4% and dental and periodontal disease in 100%. The parotid gland was characterised by the presence of small acini, lipid intracytoplasmic droplets, as well as adipose stroma infiltration. The acinar cytoqueratins? expression was heterogeneous and very positive in the hyperplasic ducts. Conclusions: these biochemical disorders in the saliva of the type 2 diabetic patients would be related with the structural changes previously observed in parotid glands

    Diferencias estructurales entre las sialosis parotidea de etiolog铆a diab茅tica y alcoh贸lica.

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    Entre los agentes etiol贸gicos de la sialosis se citan el alcoholismo cr贸nico y la diabetes. Ambas entidades nosol贸gicas se describen con un cuadro histopatol贸gico similar. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar y comparar las modificaciones estructurales de la sialosis diab茅tica con las de etiolog铆a alcoh贸lica. Dise帽o del estudio: Se analizaron 7 biopsias de gl谩ndula par贸tida de individuos diab茅ticos y 4 de pacientes no diab茅ticos (controles), con patolog铆a oncol贸gica en regiones vecinas. El estudio comparativo se efectu贸 con muestras de archivo que comprendieron 12 biopsias parot铆deas de pacientes con diagn贸stico cl铆nico de cirrosis hep谩tica alcoh贸lica y 6 autopsias de individuos que fallecieron por cirrosis hep谩tica alcoh贸lica. El material fijado en formol e inclu铆do en parafina, se colore贸 con t茅cnicas de rutina y se marc贸 con anticuerpos para citoqueratinas EA/1 y EA/3. Resultados: En los diab茅ticos, la par贸tida se caracteriz贸 por presentar acinos de tama帽o m谩s reducido, mayor cantidad de inclusiones lip铆dicas intracitoplasm谩ticas en las c茅lulas acinares y ductales e infiltraci贸n grasa abundante en el estroma, comparado con los alcoh贸licos. Se observ贸 que la expresi贸n de citoqueratinas fue heterog茅nea a nivel de los acinos e intensamente positiva en los ductos hiperpl谩sicos, comparada con los grupos alcoh贸lico y control. Conclusion: Estas valoraciones cualitativas indican diferencias en el cuadro histopatol贸gico entre estas sialosis de distinto origen.Between the sialosis' etiologic agents, we can find the chronic alcoholism and diabetes. Both nosologic entities are descirbed using a similar histopathologic pattern. Objectives: The purpose of this work has been analyzing and comparing the histopathological differences between the diabetic and alcoholic sialosis.Study design: We studied 7 parotid glands samples of diabetic patients and 4 samples of normal glands obtained from surgical material were used as a control. For the comparative study, we used 12 parotid glands from chronic alcoholic patients with clinical diagnosis of cirrhosis and 6 autopsies on individuals who had died from alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis. This material was fixed in formaline, processed for embedding in paraffin, standart coloration techniques and immunotechnique for cytokeratin EA/1 y EA/3. Results: In the cases of diabetics, the parotid gland was characterised by the presence of small acini, a bigger number of lipid intracytoplasmic droplets in the acinar and ductal cells, as well as an abundant adipose infiltration in the stroma when compared to the alcoholics. We observed that the cytoqueratins' expression was heterogeneous at the acinar level, and very positive in the hyperplasic ducts, compared to the alcoholic and control groups. Conclusions: These qualitative valorations indicate the differences between the histopathologic pattern of sialosis with different origins

    Expression profiles of angiogenesis in two high grade chondrosarcomas: A xenotransplant experience in nude mice

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    Background. Chondrosarcomas (Chs) are malignant cartilage-forming tumors that represent the third most common malignant solid tumor of bone in adults. Angiogenesis is a major factor for tumor growth and metastasis. Our aim was to make a histological, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural and molecular characterization of the neovascularization established between xenotransplanted Chs and the host during the initial phases of growth in nude transfer, in order to find potential markers for distinguishing between high grades II and III Chs. Methods. two xenotransplanted high grade human Chs were evaluated. Tumor pieces were implanted subcutaneously on the backs of 14 athymic Balb-c nude mice. The animals were sacrificed 24, 48, and 96 hours; and 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after implantation. Two grade I Chs were also transferred in nude but did not grow. Results. Morphological differences were apparent between these two Chs during the early stages of neoplastic growth. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated overexpression of pro-angiogenic factors 24h-48h after tumor implantation. Additionally, neoplastic cells co-expressed chemokines (CXCL9, CXCL10 and GRO) and their receptors. Molecular studies showed two expression profiles, revealing an early and a late phase in the angiogenic process. Conclusion. High grade Chs demonstrated two different stages of induced angiogenesis, with an intimate association between structural and molecular events that might explain the different aggressive biological behavior of grade II and III Chs. The present model may be useful for testing the effect of anti-angiogenic drugs