18 research outputs found

    Atmospheric continuous-variable quantum communication

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    We present a quantum communication experiment conducted over a point-to-point free-space link of 1.6 km in urban conditions. We study atmospheric influences on the capability of the link to act as a continuous-variable (CV) quantum channel. Continuous polarization states (that contain the signal encoding as well as a local oscillator in the same spatial mode) are prepared and sent over the link in a polarization multiplexed setting. Both signal and local oscillator undergo the same atmospheric fluctuations. These are intrinsically auto-compensated which removes detrimental influences on the interferometric visibility. At the receiver, we measure the Q-function and interpret the data using the framework of effective entanglement. We compare different state amplitudes and alphabets (two-state and four-state) and determine their optimal working points with respect to the distributed effective entanglement. Based on the high entanglement transmission rates achieved, our system indicates the high potential of atmospheric links in the field of CV QKD.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Free-space propagation of high dimensional structured optical fields in an urban environment

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    Spatially structured optical fields have been used to enhance the functionality of a wide variety of systems that use light for sensing or information transfer. As higher-dimensional modes become a solution of choice in optical systems, it is important to develop channel models that suitably predict the effect of atmospheric turbulence on these modes. We investigate the propagation of a set of orthogonal spatial modes across a free-space channel between two buildings separated by 1.6 km. Given the circular geometry of a common optical lens, the orthogonal mode set we choose to implement is that described by the Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) field equations. Our study focuses on the preservation of phase purity, which is vital for spatial multiplexing and any system requiring full quantumstate tomography. We present experimental data for the modal degradation in a real urban environment and draw a comparison to recognized theoretical predictions of the link. Our findings indicate that adaptations to channel models are required to simulate the effects of atmospheric turbulence placed on high-dimensional structured modes that propagate over a long distance. Our study indicates that with mitigation of vortex splitting, potentially through precorrection techniques, one could overcome the challenges in a real point-to-point free-space channel in an urban environment

    Distributing Entanglement with Separable States

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    Like a silver thread, quantum entanglement [1] runs through the foundations and breakthrough applications of quantum information theory. It cannot arise from local operations and classical communication (LOCC) and therefore represents a more intimate relationship among physical systems than we may encounter in the classical world. The `nonlocal' character of entanglement manifests itself through a number of counterintuitive phenomena encompassing Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox [2,3], steering [4], Bell nonlocality [5] or negativity of entropy [6,7]. Furthermore, it extends our abilities to process information. Here, entanglement is used as a resource which needs to be shared between several parties, eventually placed at remote locations. However entanglement is not the only manifestation of quantum correlations. Notably, also separable quantum states can be used as a shared resource for quantum communication. The experiment presented in this paper highlights the quantumness of correlations in separable mixed states and the role of classical information in quantum communication by demonstrating entanglement distribution using merely a separable ancilla mode.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Evading Vacuum Noise: Wigner Projections or Husimi Samples?

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    The accuracy in determining the quantum state of a system depends on the type of measurement performed. Homodyne and heterodyne detection are the two main schemes in continuous-variable quantum information. The former leads to a direct reconstruction of the Wigner function of the state, whereas the latter samples its Husimi Q function. We experimentally demonstrate that heterodyne detection outperforms homodyne detection for almost all Gaussian states, the details of which depend on the squeezing strength and thermal noise

    Free-Space Quantum Signatures Using Heterodyne Measurements

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    Digital signatures guarantee the authorship of electronic communications. Currently used "classical" signature schemes rely on unproven computational assumptions for security, while quantum signatures rely only on the laws of quantum mechanics. Previous quantum signature schemes have used unambiguous quantum measurements. Such measurements, however, sometimes give no result, reducing the efficiency of the protocol. Here, we instead use heterodyne detection, which always gives a result, although there is always some uncertainty. We experimentally demonstrate feasibility in a real environment by distributing signature states through a noisy 1.6km free-space channel. Our results show that continuous-variable heterodyne detection improves the signature rate for this type of scheme and therefore represents an interesting direction in the search for practical quantum signature schemes

    Binary homodyne detection for observing quadrature squeezing in satellite links

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    Optical satellite links open up new prospects for realizing quantum physical experiments over unprecedented length scales. We analyze and affirm the feasibility of detecting quantum squeezing in an optical mode with homodyne detection of only one bit resolution, as is found in satellites already in orbit. We show experimentally that, in combination with a coherent displacement, a binary homodyne detector can still detect quantum squeezing efficiently even under high loss. The sample overhead in comparison to nondiscretized homodyne detection is merely a factor of 3.3

    Entangling the whole by beam splitting a part

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    A beam splitter is a basic linear optical element appearing in many optics experiments and is frequently used as a continuous-variable entangler transforming a pair of input modes from a separable Gaussian state into an entangled state. However, a beam splitter is a passive operation that can create entanglement from Gaussian states only under certain conditions. One such condition is that the input light is suitably squeezed. We demonstrate, experimentally, that a beam splitter can create entanglement even from modes which do not possess such a squeezing provided that they are correlated to, but not entangled with, a third mode. Specifically, we show that a beam splitter can create three-mode entanglement by acting on two modes of a three-mode fully separable Gaussian state without entangling the two modes themselves. This beam splitter property is a key mechanism behind the performance of the protocol for entanglement distribution by separable states. Moreover, the property also finds application in collaborative quantum dense coding in which decoding of transmitted information is assisted by interference with a mode of the collaborating party