384 research outputs found

    Development of Simplified Models of Regional Groundwater and Surface Water Flow Processes based on Computational Experiments with Comprehensive Models

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    The development of complex decision support model systems for the analysis of regional water policies for regions with intense socio-economic development affecting and being affected by the water resources system is of increasing importance. One of the most illustrative examples are regions with open-pit lignite mining. Such model systems have to be based on appropriate submodels, e.g. for water quantity processes. The paper describes submodels for groundwater and surface water flow with special regard to open-pit lignite mining regions. Starting with a problem definition in Section 2 the methodological background is given. The state-of-the-art of comprehensive models of regional water flow processes based on groundwater flow models and of stochastic long-term management modeling are described in details. Section 3 gives the methodological approach for model reduction. The application of this approach is illustrated in Section 4 for the modeling of mine drainage and groundwater tables, for the modeling of remaining pit management and of groundwater-surface water interactions. In the appendix computer programs of some submodels are given being suitable for a more general application

    Water Policies: Regions with Open-Pit Lignite Mining (Introduction to the IIASA Study)

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    There is an apparent need for the analysis of long-term regional water policies to reconcile conflicting interests in regions with open-pit lignite mining. The most important. interest groups in such regions are mining, municipal and industrial water supply, agriculture as well as the "environment". A scientifically sound and practically simple policy-oriented system of methods and computerized procedures has to be developed. To develop such a system is part of the research work in the Regional Water Policies project carried out at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in collaboration with research institutes in the German Democratic Republic, Poland, and in other countries as well. A test area that includes typical water-related elements of mining regions and significant conflicts and interest groups has been chosen. The first stage in the analysis is oriented towards developing a scenario generating system as a tool to choose "good" policies from the regional point of view. Therefore a policy-oriented interactive decision support model system is under development, considering the dynamic, nonlinear and uncertain systems behaviour. It combines a model for multi-criteria analysis in planning periods with a simulation model for monthly systems behaviour. The paper outlines the methodological approach. describes the test region in the GDR, and the submodels for the test region

    Exploring the sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation to different surface temperature forcing using a statisticalā€“dynamical atmospheric model

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    Climate and weather conditions in the mid-latitudes are strongly driven by the large-scale atmosphere circulation. Observational data indicate that important components of the large-scale circulation have changed in recent decades, including the strength and the width of the Hadley cell, jets, storm tracks and planetary waves. Here, we use a new statisticalā€“dynamical atmosphere model (SDAM) to test the individual sensitivities of the large-scale atmospheric circulation to changes in the zonal temperature gradient, meridional temperature gradient and global-mean temperature. We analyze the Northern Hemisphere Hadley circulation, jet streams, storm tracks and planetary waves by systematically altering the zonal temperature asymmetry, the meridional temperature gradient and the global-mean temperature. Our results show that the strength of the Hadley cell, storm tracks and jet streams depend, in terms of relative changes, almost linearly on both the global-mean temperature and the meridional temperature gradient, whereas the zonal temperature asymmetry has little or no influence. The magnitude of planetary waves is affected by all three temperature components, as expected from theoretical dynamical considerations. The width of the Hadley cell behaves nonlinearly with respect to all three temperature components in the SDAM. Moreover, some of these observed large-scale atmospheric changes are expected from dynamical equations and are therefore an important part of model validation.</p

    Analysis of Lrrn1 expression and its relationship to neuromeric boundaries during chick neural development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>Drosophila </it>leucine-rich repeat proteins Tartan (TRN) and Capricious (CAPS) mediate cell affinity differences during compartition of the wing imaginal disc. This study aims to identify and characterize the expression of a chick orthologue of TRN/CAPS and examine its potential function in relation to compartment boundaries in the vertebrate central nervous system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified a complementary DNA clone encoding Leucine-rich repeat neuronal 1 (Lrrn1), a single-pass transmembrane protein with 12 extracellular leucine-rich repeats most closely related to TRN/CAPS. <it>Lrrn1 </it>is dynamically expressed during chick development, being initially localized to the neural plate and tube, where it is restricted to the ventricular layer. It becomes downregulated in boundaries following their formation. In the mid-diencephalon, <it>Lrrn1 </it>expression prefigures the position of the anterior boundary of the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI). It becomes progressively downregulated from the presumptive ZLI just before the onset of expression of the signalling molecule Sonic hedgehog (Shh) within the ZLI. In the hindbrain, downregulation at rhombomere boundaries correlates with the emergence of specialized boundary cell populations, in which it is subsequently reactivated. Immunocolocalization studies confirm that Lrrn1 protein is endocytosed from the plasma membrane and is a component of the endosomal system, being concentrated within the early endosomal compartment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Chick Lrrn1 is expressed in ventricular layer neuroepithelial cells and is downregulated at boundary regions, where neurogenesis is known to be delayed, or inhibited. The timing of <it>Lrrn1 </it>downregulation correlates closely with the activation of signaling molecule expression at these boundaries. This expression is consistent with the emergence of secondary organizer properties at boundaries and its endosomal localisation suggests that Lrrn1 may regulate the subcellular localisation of specific components of signalling or cell-cell recognition pathways in neuroepithelial cells.</p

    A Review of Sensor-Based Sorting in Mineral Processing: The Potential Benefits of Sensor Fusion

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    Published: 27 October 2022Sensor-based sorting techniques offer the potential to improve ore grades and reduce the amount of waste material processed. Previous studies show that sensor-based sorting can reduce energy, water and reagent consumption and fine waste production by discarding waste prior to further processing. In this literature review, recent investigations of sensor-based sorting and the fundamental mechanisms of the main sorting techniques are evaluated to inform optimal sensor selection. Additionally, the fusing of data from multiple sensing techniques to improve characterization of the sensed material and hence sorting capability is investigated. It was found that the key to effective implementation of sensor-based sorting is the selection of a sensing technique which can sense a characteristic capable of separating ore from waste with a sampling distribution sufficient for the considered sorting method. Classes of potential sensor fusion sorting applications in mineral processing are proposed and illustrated with example cases. It was also determined that the main holdup for implementing sensor fusion is a lack of correlatable data on the response of multiple sensing techniques for the same ore sample. A combined approach of experimental testing supplemented by simulations is proposed to provide data to enable the evaluation and development of sensor fusion techniques.Dylan Peukert, Chaoshui Xu and Peter Dow

    A superconducting levitation transport model system for dynamical and didactical studies

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    Superconducting levitation transport systems might become very attractive in the near future due to various reasons. The realisation of contactless systems allows e.g. extended maintenance-free operation with high efficiency since such a system only needs energy for cooling and propulsion. We established a small superconducting levitation transport model system called "SupraTrans Mini" consisting of permanent magnetic rails and a levitated vehicle including four YBCO-bulk samples in a cryostat. The rail system consists of an oval shaped loop (2.90 m x 1.44 m), which was build up from individual linear and curved track modules. Inside the vehicle position variations of the superconductors are possible. By means of velocity, acceleration and temperature measurements different dynamical aspects of our complex levitation system can be investigated. We also show the broad applicability of the experimental setup for didactical studies in physics

    A numerical sensitivity study -The effectiveness of RFID-based ore tracking through a simulated coarse ore stockpile and the impacts of key process variables

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    Available online 24 August 2023The ability to understand ore characteristics in real-time during mining processes is vital for ensuring product quality control. However, it is challenging to continuously track ore flow from the mine to the mill due to the blending of ore batches, especially within stockpiles. This paper presents a numerical study of copper ore tracking through a coarse ore stockpile. A discrete element model of a 3D stockpile was created using the EDEM software to evaluate the effectiveness of using RFID tags for ore tracking. To identify the primary variables and their effect on ore transport and tracking through the stockpile, a sensitivity study was conducted to investigate a range of process variables, such as ore size distribution, ore size range, RFID tag size, wall friction, the trajectory of charging particles and stockpile charging methods. The results show that the stockpile model is not sensitive to variables such as the ore size distribution, ore size range and RFID tag size, while wall friction, stockpile feed belt speed, segregation in the ore flow region and contact model have a significant effect on ore blending within the stockpile. It was found that the overall performance of RFID-based ore tracking through the stockpile is poor. For cases with only one or a few tags per ore batch the order in which the tags are read did not provide a good representation of the ore distribution for most scenarios This sensitivity study provides insights into new tracking strategies given the poor performance of RFID tracking shown by the simulation study.Juan Chen, Tien-Fu Lu, Dylan Peukert, Peter Dow

    Image quality assessment of the right ventricle with three different delayed enhancement sequences in patients suspected of ARVC/D

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    Histopathologic findings in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia (ARVC/D) are replacement of the normal myocardium with fatty and fibrous elements with preferential involvement of the right ventricle. The right ventricular fibrosis can be visualised by post-gadolinium delayed enhancement inversion recovery imaging (DE imaging). We compared the image quality of three different gradient echo MRI sequences for short axis DE imaging of the right ventricle (RV). We retrospectively analysed MRI scans performed between February 2005 and December 2008 in 97 patients (mean age: 41.2Ā years, 67% men) suspected of ARVC/D. For DE imaging either a 2D Phase Sensitive (PSIR), a 2D (2D) or a 3D (3D) inversion recovery sequence was used in respectively 38, 32 and 27 MRI-examinations. The RV, divided in 10 segments, was assessed for image quality by two radiologists in random sequence. A consensus reading was performed if results differed between the two readings. Image quality was good in 24% of all segments in the 3D group, 66% in the 2D group and 79% in the PSIR group. Poor image quality was observed in 51% (3D), 10% (2D), and 2% (PSIR) of all segments. Exams were considered suitable for clinical use in 7% of exams in the 3D group, 75% of exams in the 2D group and 90% of exams of the PSIR group. Breathing-artifacts occurred in 22% (3D), 59% (2D) and 53% (PSIR). Motion-artifacts occurred in 56% (3D), 28% (2D) and 29% (PSIR). Post-gadolinium imaging using the PSIR sequence results in better and more consistent image quality of the RV compared to the 2D and 3D sequences
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