25 research outputs found


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    The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a well-known tool for measuring normal, healthy weight. Nowadays, we can also use it as a prognostic factor for various diseases. Purpose: Our study aims to confirm or decline the correlation between body mass index and the onset of different diseases. Methods: The study was conducted among a random sample of 550 people (324 women and 226 men) from the district of Stara Zagora, Republic of Bulgaria. The participants in the study were aged between 18 and 65. The connection between BMI and the occurrence of diseases of different systems has been researched. A statistically significant relationship was found at p<0.05. The statistically significant influence of BMI on the occurrence of diseases is proved by the results of the ANOVA procedure. Results: The results give us reason to believe that not only obesity but also overweight is a risk of cardiovascular disease. This is evidenced by our study, according to which people with the highest average BMI (BMI = 28.72 kg/m2) have diseases of the cardiovascular system. People with a BMI around and above 25.87 kg / m2 often suffer from diseases of the endocrine system, and those with a BMI around 25.60 kg / m2 are at risk for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Conclusions: BMI would find its daily implementation in the activities of every physician working in every field of medicine. BMI can be used as a tool to predict the onset of disease and a regulator of prevention


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    The study presents the results of the effect of different fertilization types on the biochemical composition of fresh and dried plum fruit of 'Tegera' cultivar. The scientific experiment was carried out in 2016 at Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture - Troyan. Three fertilization types were applied in the experiment: biological, conventional and granulated chicken manure. Higher values for sugars, anthocyanins, tanning substances and pectin were reported as a result of fertilization in comparison with the control. The highest content of total polyphenols in fresh 210.00 mgGAE/100 and dried 390.00 mgGAE/100 fruit was found in the conventional fertilization. The greatest level of antioxidant activity of fresh fruit was found in the variant of chicken manure - 926.67 μmolTE /100 g and the conventional fertilization - 597.78 μmolTE/100 g, while it was 220.00 μmolTE / 100 g in dried fruit variant with the biological fertilization

    Mathematical Model for Forecasting the Influence of Atmospheric Pollution on Population Morbidity in Stara Zagora Municipality (Bulgaria)

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    AIM: This paper aims to create a mathematical model for forecasting the morbidity of the population in the Republic of Bulgaria and the Stara Zagora Municipality in particular as a consequence of the atmospheric pollution.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This model is based on a formula which determines the correlation between the average annual concentrations of atmospheric pollutants SO2, PM10, Pb aerosols, NO2 and H2S) and the morbidity of the population based on the number of people who visited their GPs in a relation with a chronic health problem or emergency condition and the number of hospitalisations in two age groups (newborn to 17 years olds and 18 and older) as well as for the entire population in the period 2009-2013, making it possible to predict morbidity levels.RESULTS: The expected morbidity level predictions based on the number of people who visited their GPs in Municipality are lower, while hospitalisation level predictions are higher. This model has been created and tested and is applicable in all residential areas.CONCLUSIONS: A new, very sensitive, mathematical model has been created and tested (average margin of error from 0.61% to 2.59%) and is applicable in all residential areas

    Plant remains preserved in products of metal corrosion : source of evidence on ancient plant materials and environment from burial contexts

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    By-products of metal corrosion, when coming into contact with organic matter, have the capacity to preserve it from decay. A pilot study was conducted aiming to explore the potential and limitations of plant remains preserved in by-products of metal corrosion for archaeobotanical research. The organic remains considered come from the surface/immediate proximity of the metal funerary artefacts of two ancient cemeteries—Varna and Messambria, Eastern Bulgaria. Metal corrosion by-products were observed and sampled, under a low magnification stereo microscope. Subsequently, the plant macrofossils recognised were analysed under reflected light and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Additionally, pollen was extracted from the metal corrosion by-products, using standard acetolysis. The analyses from the graves of both cemeteries allowed identification of textiles and plant fibres, as well as wood (Cornus sp., Pinus sp., Viburnum sp.). At Varna cemetery epidermis fragments of Juncus sp. were recognized, while at Messambria necropolis fruits of almond were found. The pollen analysis from Varna points to use of flowers in the ritual (Daphne tetrads were recorded) and shows a notably open landscape with 77% non-arboreal pollen (NAP). The palynological analysis from the Messambria necropolis revealed the use of flowers in the burial ritual indicated by clusters of Vitis, Cistus and Rosaceae pollen. The surrounding vegetation was dominated by open oak woodland and open habitats (43% NAP) with a strong presence of anthropogenic indicators. The outcome of the study proved to be promising for reconstructing details of the burial rituals including associated plant materials, as well as the surrounding plant habitats during the functioning of the cemeteries

    Dynamics of bacterial community in the gut of Cornu aspersum

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    The dynamics of the bacterial community in the intestinal tract of Cornu aspersum was investigated during different states of its life cycle. Two approaches were applied – culture and non-culture. The non-culture approach was performed by ARDRA of 16S rDNA using two of the six tested endonucleases. Data were analyzed by hierarchical cluster analysis. The restriction of 16S rDNA samples from the snail of different physiological states with endonucleases HinfI and Csp6I resulted in generation of different profiles depending on the snail states. By the culture approach we found that the total number of cultivable bacteria, representatives of Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria, amylolitic and cellulolytic bacteria were the most abundant in active state of the snails. Cellulolytic bacteria were not detected in juveniles of C. aspersum. Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens as well as bacteria from the genus Salmonella, Shigella and Pseudomonas were not detected. Bacteria of the genus Aeromonas were found in juveniles of C. aspersum, after that their number decrease and were not found in hibernating snails. On the base of the two applied approaches this study shows that the bacterial flora in the intestinal tract of C. aspersum is affected by the seasonal and environmental variations and undergoes quantitative and qualitative changes during the different states of the life cycle. The snails harbor in their gut intestinal bacteria, which possess biochemical potentiality to degrade the plant components

    Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Newly Isolated <i>Xanthomonas euvesicatoria</i>-Specific Bacteriophages and Evaluation of Their Biocontrol Potential

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    Bacteriophages have greatly engaged the attention of scientists worldwide due to the continuously increasing resistance of phytopathogenic bacteria to commercially used chemical pesticides. However, the knowledge regarding phages is still very insufficient and must be continuously expanded. This paper presents the results of the isolation, characterization, and evaluation of the potential of 11 phage isolates as natural predators of a severe phytopathogenic bacterium—Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. Phages were isolated from the rhizosphere of tomato plants with symptoms of bacterial spot. The plaque morphology of all isolates was determined on a X. euvesicatoria lawn via a plaque assay. Three of the isolates were attributed to the family Myoviridae based on TEM micrographs. All phages showed good long-term viability when stored at 4 °C and −20 °C. Three of the phage isolates possessed high stability at very low pH values. Fifty-five-day persistence in a soil sample without the presence of the specific host and a lack of lytic activity on beneficial rhizosphere bacteria were found for the phage isolate BsXeu269p/3. The complete genome of the same isolate was sequenced and analyzed, and, for the first time in this paper, we report a circular representation of a linear but circularly permuted phage genome among known X. euvesicatoria phage genomes

    Evaluation of metallo-beta-lactamase production in multiple antibiotic-resistant Pseudomonas spp. and Acinetobacter baumannii strains

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    This study aimed to evaluate the metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL) production in Pseudomonas spp. and Acinetobacter baumannii using phenotypic and genotypic methods and to determine the most appropriate phenotypic method. The study included 55 Pseudomonas spp. (53 Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 1 P. fluorescens and 1 P. putida) and 33 A. baumannii isolates which were resistant to imipenem (IMP) and/or meropenem (MEM). Six phenotypic and one genotypic (real-time polymerase chain reaction [RT-PCR]) methods were used. According to the phenotypic tests, the rates of MBL-positive Pseudomonas spp. and A. baumannii were, respectively: 25.5% and 39.4% by the gradient test; 21.8% and 21.2% by the Rosco rapid CARB screen test; 9.1% and 21.2% by the modified Hodge test (MHT); 32.7% and 66.7% by the combined EDTA disk diffusion test; 56.4% and 100% by IMP + EDTA and 49.0% and 72.7% by MEM + EDTA and 9.1% and 3.0% by IMP + dipicolinic acid (DPA) for the Rosco MBL confirm test; 36.4% and 6.1% by IMP + DPA and 54.5% and 6.1% MEM + DPA for the double disk synergy test. MBL genes were detected only in three Pseudomonas spp. (blaIMP in two P. aeruginosa isolates and blaVIM in a P. fluorescens isolate). For Pseudomonas spp., the MBL positivity rate did not significantly differ between the RT-PCR and MHT and between the RT-PCR and Rosco MBL confirm test (with IMP + DPA) (p > 0.10). In conclusion, the Rosco MBL confirm test (with IMP + DPA) phenotypically predicted the MBL positivity most closely to the RT-PCR method for both Pseudomonas spp. and A. baumannii isolates


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    Развитието на процесите по формиране и функциониране на български клъстери е в първоначалната си фаза. Силно подкрепяни от държавата тези стопански формирования бързо увеличиха броя си. същевременно излизат на преден план такива въпроси като: “Колко би трябвало да са реално работещите клъстери в икономиката ни?”, “В кои сектори следва да се упражнява въздействие в посока подкрепа на клъстерите?”, “Наистина ли гроздовете от предприятия са удачния модел за конкурентоспособна икономика?” и т.н. Отговорите на тези и други свързани с клъстерите въпроси тепърва предстои да се получават. Факт е, че в световната практика такива образувания са реализирали, реализират и вероятно ще дават много добри икономически и социални резултати, водещи включените в тях предприятия и районите, в които оперират, към стопански просперитет. Настоящото проектно проучване е продължение на няколко предходни изследвания, касаещи клъстерите от една страна и туризма от друга. Той идва да посрещне научната “точка на пресичане” на два изследователски екипа – от катедра “Индустриален бизнес и предприемачество” и от “Търговски бизнес”. Натрупаните в резултат от реализацията на проекта данни индикират множество разно- посочни процеси в сферата на клъстерирането в най-атрактивния икономически сектор на България – туризма. Те обещават “интересни времена” както за лицата в клъстерите, така и за изготвящите политики спрямо тях. Developments in the formation and functioning of the Bulgarian clusters are in its initial phase. Strongly supported by the state these business units increased rapidly in number. However, such issues arise as: “How clusters should be actually working in our economy?”, “In which sectors should be exercised influence in the direction of support clusters?” “Really bunches of companies are suitable model a competitive economy?” etc. The answers to these and other issues related to cluster will be received in the future. The fact is that in world practice, such entities are carried out, realized and will likely give very good economic and social outcomes, leading included enterprises and regions in which they operate, to economic prosperity. This project is a continuation of several previous studies concerning clusters on one side and tourism on the other. It comes to meet the scientific “intersection” of two research teams – those from the Departments of Industrial Business and Entrepreneurship and Commercial Business. Data collected by the project indicate many diverse processes in the field of clustering in the most attractive economic sectors in Bulgaria - tourism. They promise “interesting times” for those in clusters and for the policy-makers

    Cross-Over Pathogenic Bacteria Detected in Infected Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) in Bulgaria

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    The ability of certain human pathogens to adapt to plants without losing their virulence toward people is a major concern today. Thus, the aim of the present work was the investigation of the presence of cross-over pathogenic bacteria in infected tomato and pepper plants. The objects of the study were 21 samples from seven different parts of the plants and three from tomato rhizosphere. In total, 26 strains were isolated, identified by MALDI-TOF, and phenotypically characterized. The PCR amplification of the rpoB gene was applied as an approach for the rapid detection of cross-over pathogens in plant samples. A great bacterial diversity was revealed from tomato samples as nine species were identified (Leclercia adecarboxylata, Pseudesherichia vulneris, Enterobacter cancerogenus, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter bugandensis, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Pantoea agglomerans, Pantoea ananatis, and Pectobacterium carotovorum). Polymicrobial contaminations were observed in samples T2 (tomato flower) and T10 (tomato fruit). Five species were identified from pepper samples (P. agglomerans, L. adecarboxylata, Pseudomonas sp., Pseudomonas putida, and Enterococcus sp.). Antibiotic resistance patterns were assigned in accordance with EFSA recommendations. All isolates showed varying resistance to the tested antibiotics. The genetic basis for the phenotypic antibiotic resistance was not revealed. No genes for the virulence factors were found among the population. To our knowledge, this is the first overall investigation of tomato and pepper cross-over pathogenic bacterial populations in Bulgaria

    An Overview of Biofilm-Associated Infections and the Role of Phytochemicals and Nanomaterials in Their Control and Prevention

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    Biofilm formation is considered one of the primary virulence mechanisms in Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogenic species, particularly those responsible for chronic infections and promoting bacterial survival within the host. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in discovering new compounds capable of inhibiting biofilm formation. This is considered a promising antivirulence strategy that could potentially overcome antibiotic resistance issues. Effective antibiofilm agents should possess distinctive properties. They should be structurally unique, enable easy entry into cells, influence quorum sensing signaling, and synergize with other antibacterial agents. Many of these properties are found in both natural systems that are isolated from plants and in synthetic systems like nanoparticles and nanocomposites. In this review, we discuss the clinical nature of biofilm-associated infections and some of the mechanisms associated with their antibiotic tolerance. We focus on the advantages and efficacy of various natural and synthetic compounds as a new therapeutic approach to control bacterial biofilms and address multidrug resistance in bacteria