74 research outputs found

    Analytic Lyapunov exponents in a classical nonlinear field equation

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    It is shown that the nonlinear wave equation ∂t2ϕ−∂x2ϕ−μ0∂x(∂xϕ)3=0\partial_t^2\phi - \partial^2_x \phi -\mu_0\partial_x(\partial_x\phi)^3 =0, which is the continuum limit of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) beta model, has a positive Lyapunov exponent lambda_1, whose analytic energy dependence is given. The result (a first example for field equations) is achieved by evaluating the lattice-spacing dependence of lambda_1 for the FPU model within the framework of a Riemannian description of Hamiltonian chaos. We also discuss a difficulty of the statistical mechanical treatment of this classical field system, which is absent in the dynamical description.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    On the origin of Phase Transitions in the absence of Symmetry-Breaking

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    In this paper we investigate the Hamiltonian dynamics of a lattice gauge model in three spatial dimension. Our model Hamiltonian is defined on the basis of a continuum version of a duality transformation of a three dimensional Ising model. The system so obtained undergoes a thermodynamic phase transition in the absence of symmetry-breaking. Besides the well known use of quantities like the Wilson loop we show how else the phase transition in such a kind of models can be detected. It is found that the first order phase transition undergone by this model is characterised according to an Ehrenfest-like classification of phase transitions applied to the configurational entropy. On the basis of the topological theory of phase transitions, it is discussed why the seemingly divergent behaviour of the third derivative of configurational entropy can be considered as the "shadow" of some suitable topological transition of certain submanifolds of configuration space.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    On the apparent failure of the topological theory of phase transitions

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    The topological theory of phase transitions has its strong point in two theorems proving that, for a wide class of physical systems, phase transitions necessarily stem from topological changes of some submanifolds of configuration space. It has been recently argued that the 2D2D lattice ϕ4\phi^4-model provides a counterexample that falsifies this theory. It is here shown that this is not the case: the phase transition of this model stems from an asymptotic (N→∞N\to\infty) change of topology of the energy level sets, in spite of the absence of critical points of the potential in correspondence of the transition energy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Topology and Phase Transitions: towards a proper mathematical definition of finite N transitions

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    A new point of view about the deep origin of thermodynamic phase transitions is sketched. The main idea is to link the appearance of phase transitions to some major topology change of suitable submanifolds of phase space instead of linking them to non-analyticity, as is usual in the Yang-Lee and in the Dobrushin-Ruelle-Sinai theories. In the new framework a new possibility appears to properly define a mathematical counterpart of phase transitions also at finite number of degrees of freedom. This is of prospective interest to the study of those systems that challenge the conventional approaches, as is the case of phase transitions in nuclear clusters.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Lyapunov exponents from geodesic spread in configuration space

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    The exact form of the Jacobi -- Levi-Civita (JLC) equation for geodesic spread is here explicitly worked out at arbitrary dimension for the configuration space manifold M_E = {q in R^N | V(q) < E} of a standard Hamiltonian system, equipped with the Jacobi (or kinetic energy) metric g_J. As the Hamiltonian flow corresponds to a geodesic flow on (M_E,g_J), the JLC equation can be used to study the degree of instability of the Hamiltonian flow. It is found that the solutions of the JLC equation are closely resembling the solutions of the standard tangent dynamics equation which is used to compute Lyapunov exponents. Therefore the instability exponents obtained through the JLC equation are in perfect quantitative agreement with usual Lyapunov exponents. This work completes a previous investigation that was limited only to two-degrees of freedom systems.Comment: REVTEX file, 10 pages, 2 figure

    Riemannian-geometric entropy for measuring network complexity

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    A central issue of the science of complex systems is the quantitative characterization of complexity. In the present work we address this issue by resorting to information geometry. Actually we propose a constructive way to associate to a - in principle any - network a differentiable object (a Riemannian manifold) whose volume is used to define an entropy. The effectiveness of the latter to measure networks complexity is successfully proved through its capability of detecting a classical phase transition occurring in both random graphs and scale--free networks, as well as of characterizing small Exponential random graphs, Configuration Models and real networks.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    A geometric entropy detecting the Erd\"os-R\'enyi phase transition

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    We propose a method to associate a differentiable Riemannian manifold to a generic many degrees of freedom discrete system which is not described by a Hamiltonian function. Then, in analogy with classical Statistical Mechanics, we introduce an entropy as the logarithm of the volume of the manifold. The geometric entropy so defined is able to detect a paradigmatic phase transition occurring in random graphs theory: the appearance of the `giant component' according to the Erd\"os-R\'enyi theorem.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1410.545

    Geometrical aspects in the analysis of microcanonical phase-transitions

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    In the present work, we discuss how the functional form of thermodynamic observables can be deduced from the geometric properties of subsets of phase space. The geometric quantities taken into account are mainly extrinsic curvatures of the energy level sets of the Hamiltonian of a system under investigation. In particular, it turns out that peculiar behaviours of thermodynamic observables at a phase transition point are rooted in more fundamental changes of the geometry of the energy level sets in phase space. More specifically, we discuss how microcanonical and geometrical descriptions of phase-transitions are shaped in the special case of Ï•4\phi^4 models with either nearest-neighbours and mean-field interactions

    Persistent Homology analysis of Phase Transitions

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    Persistent homology analysis, a recently developed computational method in algebraic topology, is applied to the study of the phase transitions undergone by the so-called XY-mean field model and by the phi^4 lattice model, respectively. For both models the relationship between phase transitions and the topological properties of certain submanifolds of configuration space are exactly known. It turns out that these a-priori known facts are clearly retrieved by persistent homology analysis of dynamically sampled submanifolds of configuration space.Comment: 10 pages; 10 figure
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