7,705 research outputs found

    Operating cycle representations for road vehicles

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    This thesis discusses different ways to represent road transport operations mathematically. The intention is to make more realistic predictions of longitudinal performance measures for road vehicles, such as the CO2 emissions. It is argued that a driver and vehicle independent description of relevant transport operations increase the chance that a predicted measure later coincides with the actual measure from the vehicle in its real-world application. This allows for fair comparisons between vehicle designs and, by extension, effective product development. Three different levels of representation are introduced, each with its own purpose and application. The first representation, called the bird\u27s eye view, is a broad, high-level description with few details. It can be used to give a rough picture of the collection of all transport operations that a vehicle executes during its lifetime. It is primarily useful as a classification system to compare different applications and assess their similarity. The second representation, called the stochastic operating cycle (sOC) format, is a statistical, mid-level description with a moderate amount of detail. It can be used to give a comprehensive statistical picture of transport operations, either individually or as a collection. It is primarily useful to measure and reproduce variation in operating conditions, as it describes the physical properties of the road as stochastic processes subject to a hierarchical structure.The third representation, called the deterministic operating cycle (dOC) format, is a physical, low-level description with a great amount of detail. It describes individual operations and contains information about the road, the weather, the traffic and the mission. It is primarily useful as input to dynamic simulations of longitudinal vehicle dynamics.Furthermore, it is discussed how to build a modular, dynamic simulation model that can use data from the dOC format to predict energy usage. At the top level, the complete model has individual modules for the operating cycle, the driver and the vehicle. These share information only through the same interfaces as in reality but have no components in common otherwise and can therefore be modelled separately. Implementations are briefly presented for each module, after which the complete model is showcased in a numerical example.The thesis ends with a discussion, some conclusions, and an outlook on possible ways to continue

    Characterization of Si/Si_(1-y)C_y superlattices grown by surfactant assisted molecular beam epitaxy

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    Si/Si_(0.97)C_(0.03) superlattices grown on Si(001) substrates by Sb surfactant assisted molecular beam epitaxy are characterized by in situ reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high resolution x‐ray diffraction. The RHEED shows that, in the absence of Sb, the growth front roughens during Si_(0.97)C_(0.03) growth and smooths during subsequent Si growth. In contrast, when Sb is present, the growth front remains smooth throughout the growth. This observation is confirmed by cross‐sectional TEM, which reveals that for samples grown without the use of Sb, the Si/Si_(0.97)C_(0.03) interfaces (Si_(0.97)C_(0.03) on Si) are much more abrupt than the Si_(0.97)C_(0.03)/Si interfaces. In the case of Sb assisted growth, there is no observable difference in abruptness between the two types of interfaces. Atomic force microscopy micrographs of the Si_(0.97)C_(0.03) surface reveal features that could be the source of the roughness observed by RHEED and TEM

    Sb-surfactant-mediated growth of Si/Si1–yCy superlattices by molecular-beam epitaxy

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    Si/Si0.97C0.03 superlattices were grown on Si(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) to study the use of Sb as a surfactant during Si1–yCy growth. In situ reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) shows that while carbon easily disrupts the two-dimensional growth of homoepitaxial Si, such disruption is suppressed for layers grown on Sb-terminated Si(001) surfaces. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals that for samples grown without the use of Sb, the Si/Si0.97C0.03 interfaces (Si0.97C0.03 on Si) were much more abrupt than Si0.97C0.03/Si interfaces. In the case of Sb-mediated growth, differences in abruptness between the two types of interfaces were not readily observable

    First ice core records of NO3− stable isotopes from Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard

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    Samples from two ice cores drilled at Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard, covering the period 1957–2009, and 1650–1995, respectively, were analyzed for NO3− concentrations, and NO3− stable isotopes (δ15N and δ18O). Post-1950 δ15N has an average of (−6.9 ± 1.9) ‰, which is lower than the isotopic signal known for Summit, Greenland, but agrees with values observed in recent Svalbard snow and aerosol. Pre-1900 δ15N has an average of (4.2 ± 1.6) ‰ suggesting that natural sources, enriched in the 15 N-isotope, dominated before industrialization. The post-1950 δ18O average of (75.1 ± 4.1) ‰ agrees with data from low and polar latitudes, suggesting similar atmospheric NOy (NOy = NO + NO2 + HNO3) processing pathways. The combination of anthropogenic source δ15N and transport isotope effect was estimated as −29.1 ‰ for the last 60 years. This value is below the usual range of NOx (NOx = NO + NO2) anthropogenic sources which is likely the result of a transport isotope effect of –32 ‰. We suggest that the δ15N recorded at Lomonosovfonna is influenced mainly by fossil fuel combustion, soil emissions and forest fires; the first and second being responsible for the marked decrease in δ15N observed in the post-1950s record with soil emissions being associated to the decreasing trend in δ15N observed up to present time, and the third being responsible for the sharp increase of δ15N around 2000

    Housing, Feeding and Management of Calves and Replacement Heifers in Swedish Dairy Herds

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    A questionnaire was sent to 1500 randomly selected dairy herds in Sweden, asking for general information about the herds, including routines from birth to first calving and also routines at breeding, calving and during the grazing period. Fifty-eight percent of the questionnaires were returned. The preweaned calves were kept in individual calf pens in 68% and in group housing systems in 28% of the herds. Pens with slatted floors were the main housing system for replacement heifers from weaning to breeding, and tie stalls from breeding to first calving. Whole milk was used in 44% and milk replacements in 42% of the herds. The calves received, as a median, 2.5 litres of milk per meal and 2 meals per day. The median age at weaning was 8 weeks. Age was the single most common criteria used for deciding both weaning and breeding time. The median age when the heifers were first turned out to pasture was 6 months. Prophylactic anthelmintic treatment was used by 65% of the herds. The most common diet for replacement heifers before calving was a combination of grain, hay and silage

    Kinetics of substrate oxidation and hydrogen peroxide production by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides Large Colony (LC) type and Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri

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    Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides Large Colony (LC) type is a pathogen of goats causing contagious agalactia and respiratory disease, found on all continents where small ruminants are kept. It shares close genetic characteristics with M. mycoides subsp. capri. Substrate oxidation by 22 strains of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides LC from nine countries was compared with that of eight strains of M. mycoides subsp. capri from five countries. There was considerable similarity in the substrates used, but substrate saturation coefficients (Ks) varied for different substrates. Substrate utilization patterns and Ks values did not (1) significantly differentiate the LC strains from each other, (2) show any correlation with geographical origin, or (3) distinguish the LC strains from the capri strains. These results support previous studies justifying the reclassification of these subspecies as a single species