169 research outputs found

    Triggering an aurora

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    Ambient ionospheric electron density studied as triggering mechanism of aurora

    Experiments with Magnetohydrodynamically Supported Shock Layers

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    Shock tube experiments to determine interaction of hypersonic flow with magnetic fiel

    Van Allen belt plasma physics

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    Plasma turbulence in Van Allen bel

    A limit on stably trapped particle fluxes

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    Limits of stably trapped particle fluxes - behavior of Whistler and ion cyclotron noise mode

    The production of BeV potential wells

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    Production of billion electron volt potential wells by cloud of electrons suspended in magnetic fiel

    Collisionless shocks in plasmas

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    Collisionless shocks in plasmas, dissipation and dispersion in determining shock structur

    On storm weakening during substorm expansion phase

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    Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection via Alfven Eigenmodes

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    We propose an analytic approach to the problem of collisionless magnetic reconnection formulated as a process of Alfven eigenmodes' generation and dissipation. Alfven eigenmodes are confined by the current sheet in the same way that quantum mechanical waves are confined by the tanh^2 potential. The dynamical time scale of reconnection is the system scale divided by the eigenvalue propagation velocity of the n=1 mode. The prediction of the n=1 mode shows good agreement with the in situ measurement of the reconnection-associated Hall fields

    Self-Regulation of Solar Coronal Heating Process via Collisionless Reconnection Condition

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    I propose a new paradigm for solar coronal heating viewed as a self-regulating process keeping the plasma marginally collisionless. The mechanism is based on the coupling between two effects. First, coronal density controls the plasma collisionality and hence the transition between the slow collisional Sweet-Parker and the fast collisionless reconnection regimes. In turn, coronal energy release leads to chromospheric evaporation, increasing the density and thus inhibiting subsequent reconnection of the newly-reconnected loops. As a result, statistically, the density fluctuates around some critical level, comparable to that observed in the corona. In the long run, coronal heating can be represented by repeating cycles of fast reconnection events (nano-flares), evaporation episodes, and long periods of slow magnetic stress build-up and radiative cooling of the coronal plasma.Comment: 4 pages; Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres