1,556 research outputs found

    Theoretical and experimental study of high-pressure synthesized B20-type compounds Mn1x_{1-x}(Co,Rh)x_xGe

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    The search and exploration of new materials not found in nature is one of modern trends in pure and applied chemistry. In the present work, we report on experimental and \textit{ab initio} density-functional study of the high-pressure-synthesized series of compounds Mn1x_{1-x}(Co,Rh)x_xGe. These high-pressure phases remain metastable at normal conditions, therewith they preserve their inherent noncentrosymmetric B20-type structure and chiral magnetism. Of particular interest in these two isovalent systems is the comparative analysis of the effect of 3d3d (Co) and 4d4d (Rh) substitution for Mn, since the 3d3d orbitals are characterized by higher localization and electron interaction than the 4d4d orbitals. The behavior of Mn1x_{1-x}(Co,Rh)x_xGe systems is traced as the concentration changes in the range 0x10 \leq x \leq 1. We applied a sensitive experimental and theoretical technique which allowed to refine the shape of the temperature dependencies of magnetic susceptibility χ(T)\chi(T) and thereby provide a new and detailed magnetic phase diagram of Mn1x_{1-x}Cox_xGe. It is shown that both systems exhibit a helical magnetic ordering that very strongly depends on the composition xx. However, the phase diagram of Mn1x_{1-x}Cox_xGe differs from that of Mn1x_{1-x}Rhx_xGe in that it is characterized by coexistence of two helices in particular regions of concentrations and temperatures.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Linguistic Means of Expressing Emotions in English Language

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    The features of expressing emotions in the English language on a material of texts of fiction are discussed. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the problem of learning and expressing emotions is interdisciplinary problem (emotions are studied by representatives of various branches of science, linguists, psychologists, philosophers, culturologists). It is noted that researches in the field of expressing emotions and their ways pave the way for further identification of ethno-cultural specificity of expression of emotions in different languages and cultures and contribute to the development of emotiology that is an important interdisciplinary area of modern linguistics, linguistic ecology and ecolinguistics. Based on Turansky’s scale of the intensity and Lakoff’s theory of containers the examples of expressions of physical, mental and psycho-physical condition of the individual in the English language in different ways - graphic, morphemic, syntactic - are revealed in literary texts. It is emphasized that language has a whole arsenal of tools to reflect the emotional state of the individual, first of all predicates, expressing psycho-physical condition of the person. It is concluded that the application of Turansky’s scale of intensity and Lakoff’s theory of containers when describing expressions of emotions in language provides a great opportunity to analyze the whole arsenal of linguistic means of expression of emotions, what is the prospect for further research

    Penetration of the Earth's free oscillations at 54 minute period into the atmosphere

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    The purpose of the article: The article clarifies and justifies the mission of a modern regional university, which focuses on the activities of a university on the development of human capital in the region.Materials and methods: Based on the data of scientific literature, strategic documents of the state, materials of regional statistics, surveys of respondents, the strategic direction of the formation of a regional university is justified - orientation of its mission, research and educational activities on the development of human capital. A range of directions for improving the functioning of a regional university has been proposed and justified in order to bring the content of its activities in line with the regional focus and the new mission.Results of the research: Regional universities are presented in the article as high-tech educational organizations of higher education, the vector of strategic development of which should be focused on maximum integration into the economy and social sphere of the regions. Structural components of human capital are proposed - education capital, health capital, labor, cultural and moral capital, intellectual capital, entrepreneurial capital, social capital, cyclically interacting with each other in the process of personal and professional development of a teacher. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of The mission of the regional university and its focus on the development of human capital in the region is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    The comparative categorial analysis of "rhetoric", "sophistry", "neorhetoric", "general rhetoric", "black rhetoric"

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    Софистика возникла как ложное направление в красноречии. Риторика приобрела статус науки. Развитие риторики протекало сложно. В конце XX в. риторику стали называть то неориторика, то «общая». Название «риторика» закономерно. Современная «черная» риторика — это всего лишь ее антипод и адепт.Sophistry arose as a false direction in eloquence. The rhetoric has acquired the status of a science. The development of rhetoric has been a challenge. At the end of the twentieth century, the rhetoric became known as the neo-rhetoric, then "General". The name "rhetoric" is logical. Modern "black" rhetoric is just its antipode and adept

    Electrical discharges in the atmosphere of Venus

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    Data received from Venera 11 and 12 experiments involving the electrical activity of the atmosphere of Venus show that the electrical discharges occur in the cloud layer. Their energy is roughly the same as in terrestrial lightning, but with a pulse repetition frequency of the discharges which is much greater

    Optimising the management of vaginal discharge syndrome in Bulgaria: cost effectiveness of four clinical algorithms with risk assessment

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance and cost effectiveness of the WHO recommendations of incorporating risk-assessment scores and population prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) into vaginal discharge syndrome (VDS) algorithms. METHODS: Non-pregnant women presenting with VDS were recruited at a non-governmental sexual health clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria. NG and CT were diagnosed by PCR and vaginal infections by microscopy. Risk factors for NG/CT were identified in multivariable analysis. Four algorithms based on different combinations of behavioural factors, clinical findings and vaginal microscopy were developed. Performance of each algorithm was evaluated for detecting vaginal and cervical infections separately. Cost effectiveness was based on cost per patient treated and cost per case correctly treated. Sensitivity analysis explored the influence of NG/CT prevalence on cost effectiveness. RESULTS: 60% (252/420) of women had genital infections, with 9.5% (40/423) having NG/CT. Factors associated with NG/CT included new and multiple sexual partners in the past 3 months, symptomatic partner, childlessness and >or=10 polymorphonuclear cells per field on vaginal microscopy. For NG/CT detection, the algorithm that relied solely on behavioural risk factors was less sensitive but more specific than those that included speculum examination or microscopy but had higher correct-treatment rate and lower over-treatment rates. The cost per true case treated using a combination of risk factors, speculum examination and microscopy was euro 24.08. A halving and tripling of NG/CT prevalence would have approximately the inverse impact on the cost-effectiveness estimates. CONCLUSIONS: Management of NG/CT in Bulgaria was improved by the use of a syndromic approach that included risk scores. Approaches that did not rely on microscopy lost sensitivity but were more cost effective

    Elastic properties of FeSi

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    Measurements of the sound velocities in a single crystal of FeSi were performed in the temperature range 4-300 K. Elastic constants C12C_{12} and C44C_{44} deviate from a quasiharmonic behavior at high temperature; whereas, C12C_{12} increases anomalously in the entire range of temperature, indicating a change in the electron structure of this materia