19 research outputs found


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    Розглянуто та висвітлено сучасні методи літературознавчого та поетико-когнітивного аналізу, які можуть бути застосовані задля інтерпретації художнього образу твору, в нашому випадку це художній образ героїні-«авантюристки», та розуміння його естетичної цінності й національно-культурної специфіки, що стає можливим лише за умови знання задуму автора, його оцінної позиції, моральних,політичних, естетичних та етичних настанов, фактів біографії автора, його переживань під час написання твору, а також емоційних, оцінних, етичних та естетичних настанов реципієнта, які він (реципієнт) використовує з метою інтерпретації тексту. Такий тип аналізу використовується при моделюванні художніх концептів, а з точки зору нашого наукового інтересу – це художній концепт АВАНТЮРИСТКА,який було безпосередньо зображено в романах сучасного американського письменника Сідні Шелдона. Оскільки будь-яке лінгвістичне дослідження потребує застосування низки методик, прийомів і методів для проведення успішного та результативного практичного аналізу, нами було відібрано найбільш популярні методи літературознавчого та поетико-когнітивного аналізу серед дослідників з цих галузей. Насамперед, варто враховувати те, що в сучасній лінгвостилістиці, літературознавстві та когнітивній лінгвістиці прийоми та процедури, які направлені на аналіз художніх текстів, а виходячи з цього – концептів різних типів, розроблені найбільш повно. Все це уможливлює розуміння позиції письменника щодо засобів художнього втілення певного художнього образу та концепту в його творах, а також саме індивідуального авторського світобачення.This article deals with a detailed and sequential analysis of modern poetic and cognitive analysis methods that can be applied to literary concept modeling and in the aspect of our scientific interest – it is a literary concept ADVENTURESS that was especially depicted in the novels of a modern American author Sidney Sheldon. Since each linguistic research requires a number of techniques and methods for its successful and effective practical analysis, we have selected the most popular poetic and cognitive analysis methods of research among scholars in the field of cognitive poetics, in order to model a detailed literary concept ADVENTURESS in our further research works. First of all, we should take into account that all the modern linguo-stylistics and cognitive linguistics techniques and procedures, which are used for the analysis of literary texts and based on the concepts of various types, are developed in detail. The study of such material, as an artistic text, requires an appeal to the completeness of the human experience of being, reflected in the text. Starting from the first half of the nineteenth century, the history of literary criticism – is a history of scientific directions, which is accompanied by the study and reflection of relevant scientific ideas and methods. According to modern scholars, it is necessary to turn to the consideration of the methodological state of literary studies itself, because the very fact of the periodic appearance of new methods of analysis in this area not only proves the possibility of the emergence of literary critics to the problems of methodology and the theoretical foundations of their own scientific activities, but also objectifies those ideological tendencies, the coexistence and collision of which really functions in the modern literary consciousness. All these mentioned above will enable the understanding of the author’s position as for the means of literary embodiment of a certain concept in his works as well as the author's personal world view.Рассмотрены и освещены современные метододы литературоведческого и поэтико-когнитивного анализа, которые могут быть применены для интерпретации художественного образа произведения, в нашем случае это художественный образ героини-«авантюристки», и понимание его эстетической ценности и национально-культурной специфики, что становится возможным только при условии знания замысла автора, его оценочной позиции, нравственных, политических, эстетических и этических установок, фактов биографии автора, его переживаний во время написания произведения, а также эмоциональных, оценочных, этических иэстетических установок реципиента, которые он (реципиент) использует с целью интерпретации текста. Такой тип анализа используется при моделировании художественных концептов, а с точки зрения нашего научного интереса – это художественный концепт АВАНТЮРИСТКА, который был непосредственно изображен в романах современного американского писателя Сидни Шелдона. Поскольку любое лингвистическое исследование требует применения ряда методик, приемов и методов для проведения успешного и результативного практического анализа, нами были отобраны наиболее популярные методы литературоведческого и поэтико-когнитивного анализа среди исследователей этих отраслей. Прежде всего, следует учитывать то, что в современной лингвостилистике, литературоведении и когнитивной лингвистике приемы и процедуры, направленные на анализ художественных текстов, а исходя из этого – концептов различных типов, разработаны наиболее полно. Все это дает понимание четкой позиции писателя по средствам художественного воплощения определенного художественного образа и концепта в его произведениях, а также именно индивидуального авторского мировоззрения

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr

    Effect of CrossFit exercises on the level of physical fitness of high school-age pupils

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    Purpose: to determine the degree of change in the level of physical fitness of the 10th–11th grade pupils under the influence of CrossFit exercises. Material and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific-methodological literature; pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, and methods of mathematical statistics. The tests were used to determine the level of physical fitness of the 10th–11th grade pupils: raising straight legs in a hanging (number of times); running in place with the intensity of 70% from maximum to pronounced fatigue (s); “shuttle” run 4–9 m (s); run 60 m (s) and cross split (cm). The studied results were compared to norms and evaluated with a certain number of points. Statistical analysis: the study materials were processed using the licensed program Excel. The research involved 113 pupils of the 10th–11th grades. Results: at the beginning of the school year, the stating research was carried out, according to which the “average” level (3 points) of physical fitness among 16–17-year-old pupils was established. According to the results of the primary research, pupils were divided into main and control groups for conducting the formative experiment. Pupils of the control groups were engaged by the generally accepted state program on physical education for 10–11 grades of general secondary education institutions, and the educational process on physical education of pupils of the main groups was supplemented by the variable module “CrossFit”. According to researches obtained after the pedagogical experiment, it was established that the level of physical fitness increased to “above the average” (4 points) in pupils of the main groups, and changes weren’t found on the assessment scale in the researched control groups. In the age aspect, there is mainly the improvement in results with age, both in main and control groups (p>0,05). The reliable prevarication of the data of boys, over the indicators of girls, was revealed, mainly, in the article (p<0,05–0,001). Conclusions: the positive impact of CrossFit exercises on the level of physical fitness of the 10th–11th grade pupils of main groups was revealed

    Photodegradation of methylene green in the presence of polypropylene microfiber material

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    Degradation of toxicants in photocatalytic reactor is studied. To an array of data on the photochemical properties of Methylene Green (MG) when exposed to UV radiation in photoreactors was obtained. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, conclusions can be drawn about the relationship between the structure of pollutants, their initial concentration, oxidizer concentration, etc., with the efficiency of utilization, and schemes for photochemical processes was constructed. The role of polypropylene microfiber materials (PMM) in the degradation of MG under UV irradiation was studied

    Kinesitherapeutic behaviour in conservative treatment of coxarthrosis – case report

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    Hip arthrosis is the main cause of disability of all degenerative joint diseases and therefore it is considered to be of social significance. The presented clinical case aims to confirm the efficacy of the applied kinesitherapeutic program in conservative treatment of 62-year-old patient with right-sided coxarthrosis. The kinesitherapeutic methods included right lower limb massage, suspension therapy, tractions and manual movements of the right hip joint, positional treatment, active exercisesinan openkinetic chain, postisometric relaxation and stretching for shortened muscles. The pain symptoms were reduced, the volume of movement in the right hip increased, the strength of the right hip joint stabilizer muscles partially improved

    Assessment of the Possibilities for Removal of Ni (II) from Contaminated Water by Activated Carbon foam Derived from Treatment Products of RDF

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    Carbon foam is a sophisticated porous material with wide applications that depend on its structure, low density, thermal conductivity and electrical characteristics. This study deals with the preparation of carbon foam by the thermo-oxidative modification with HNO3 of mixtures containing different organic materials with appropriate chemical characteristics&mdash;furfural and tar pitch derived from RDF. Carbon foam is characterized by thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, elemental analysis, Raman spectroscopy, N2 sorption, infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron spectroscopy. The investigation of adsorption activity of carbon foam towards nickel (II) in water solution is carried out. Experimental results fit very well with the Langmuir adsorption model. The carbon foam, obtained from tar pitch derived from RDF and furfural, shows a high adsorption capacity towards nickel ions (203.67 mg/g). The high adsorption capacity could be explained by the properties of the adsorbent&mdash;moderately high surface area, micro-mesoporous texture and presence of oxygen-containing surface groups

    Investigation of the Adsorption Process of Triclosan from an Aqueous Solution, Using Nanoporous Carbon Adsorbents, Obtained after Treatment of Organic Household and Vegetable Waste

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    The absorption of triclosan on the surface of four different carbon adsorbents, obtained on the base of plant and household waste (RDF), provided by Sofia Waste Plant, was investigated. The obtained results indicate that the most important parameters, which determine the process of triclosan adsorption by adsorbent surface are pore texture, the size of the accessible surface for the molecules of triclosan, and the chemical nature of the adsorbent surface. It was found that the obtained adsorbents can be successfully applied for the extraction of triclosan from waste and drinking water. The possibilities for solid products, obtained by thermal treatment of household and vegetable waste, to be applied successfully in a water purification technique are discussed

    Investigation of mechanical and physicochemical properties of clinically retrieved titanium-niobium orthodontic archwires

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    Most of the orthodontic archwires used in the clinical practice nowadays contain nickel (Ni), however, many patients, especially kids, are allergic to Ni. One possible Ni-free alternative is the Titanium-Niobium (Ti-Nb) archwire. Unfortunately, there is not enough information about its mechanical properties in the literature, especially after clinical usage. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate and compare the mechanical properties, chemical composition, structure and morphology of as received and used in clinical practice Ti-Nb orthodontic archwires. Materials and methods: We investigated and compared as received and clinically retrieved after 4 and 6 weeks respectively Ti-Nb archwires with dimensions 0.43 × 0.64 mm (0.017 in. × 0.025 in.). The following methods were used: instrumented indentation testing (nanoindentation), X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Results: The nanoindentation investigations of as received and used Ti-Nb archwires revealed a decreasing in their indentation hardness with increased periods of use in the patient’s mouth. Moreover, an increasing of the concentration of Ti in the content of the TiNb alloy was associated with an increased period of use in the oral cavity. The SEM analysis showed changes in surface morphology with increasing the period of use of the archwires. Conclusions: The results showed that there are slight changes in the mechanical and physicochemical properties of the investigated wires after their use in the patient’s mouth. That is why we do not recommend them for recycling

    Central Nervous System Involvement in Henoch-Schonlein Purpura in Children and Adolescents

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    Central nervous system (CNS) involvement in Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) is rare but poses diagnostic difficulties. The aim of the study was to establish the frequency of CNS involvement in HSP, to analyze its clinical characteristics and do a literature review. Medical files of patients with HSP admitted at the Department of Pediatrics, Plovdiv, were studied retrospectively for a five-year period (2009–2013). Diagnosis was based on the American College of Rheumatology criteria. Out of 112 children with HSP 1 case (0.9%) had CNS involvement presenting as Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES), which may be a result of CNS vasculitis or arterial hypertension. It was an 8-year-old girl with atypical HSP which started with abdominal pain requiring surgery. On the third day after the operation a transient macular rash and arterial hypertension appeared, followed by visual disturbances, hemiconvulsive epileptic seizures, postictal hemiparesis, and confusion. Head CT showed occipital hypodense lesions and MRT-T2 hyperintense lesion in the left occipital lobe. The patient experienced a second similar episode after 2 weeks when palpable purpura had also appeared. Neurological symptoms and MRI resolved completely. HSP can be an etiological factor for PRES in childhood. Although PRES is a rare complication of HSP, clinicians must be aware of it and avoid diagnostic and therapeutic delays