2,988 research outputs found


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    In finite-dimensional Euclidean space, we analyze the problem of pursuit of a single evader by a group of pursuers, which is described by a system of differential equations with Caputo fractional derivatives of order alpha.alpha. The goal of the group of pursuers is the capture of the evader by at least mm different pursuers (the instants of capture may or may not coincide). As a mathematical basis, we use matrix resolving functions that are generalizations of scalar resolving functions. We obtain sufficient conditions for multiple capture of a single evader in the class of quasi-strategies. We give examples illustrating the results obtained

    Variety of Aspects of Researches of Graphic Activity as Pedagogical Problem

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    The paper concerns the works of the educational specialists on the problem of teaching art to children and youth. It analyses the works of A.S. Akhmanov, F.I. Schmidt, A.B. Bakushinsky and others. The article gives the retrospective review of the pedagogical works concerning teaching art to children. It was studied in detail by a great number of educators and methodologists, each of whom revealed one side of it. As a result, the artistic activity has been thoroughly studied and characterized since the 1920s. Almost all of its many aspects were touched and studied. The researchers developed different methods which dealt with space coordination, the peculiarities of the perception of various kinds of art and other aspects of art activity. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n1s2p9

    Small-angle neutron scattering and magnetically heterogeneous state in Sr2FeMoO6–δ

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    Single-phase strontium ferromolybdate (Sr2FeMoO6–δ) samples with different degrees of the superstructural ordering of the Fe/Mo cations were obtained from partially reduced SrFeO3–х, SrMoO4 precursors by the solid-state technology. The study of the temperature dependences of the magnetization measured in the field-cooling and zero-field-cooling regimes indicated an inhomogeneous magnetic state of the samples. The presence of magnetic regions of different nature has also been revealed by the small-angle neutron scattering. For the Sr2FeMoO6–δ samples with different superstructural ordering of the Fe/Mo cations and for all values of the magnetic field induction in the range up to 1.5 T and of the scattering vector in the interval 0.1 >q >0.005 Å–1, the analytical dependence I ~ q–α obeys the Porod law (α ≈ 4), which corresponds to an object with a smooth and well-marked surface and polydisperse grain size. Deviations from the Porod law in the q > 0.1 Å–1 region and a weakening of the neutron scattering in applied magnetic fields may be ascribed to magnetic inhomogeneities with diameters D <6 nm, which are partially destroyed /oriented by magnetic fields В ≥1.5 T.publishe