720 research outputs found

    On the Heterotic Effective Action at One-Loop, Gauge Couplings and the Gravitational Sector

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    We present in detail the procedure for calculating the heterotic one-loop effective action. We focus on gravitational and gauge couplings. We show that the two-derivative couplings of the gravitational sector are not renormalized at one loop when the ground state is supersymmetric. Arguments are presented that this non-renormalization theorem persists to all orders in perturbation theory. We also derive the full one-loop correction to the gauge coupling. For a class of N=2N=2 ground states, namely those that are obtained by toroidal compactification to four dimensions of generic six-dimensional N=1N=1 models, we give an explicit formula for the gauge-group independent thresholds, and show that these are equal within the whole family.Comment: LateX, 17pp. A minor correction mad

    The role of electromagnetic trapped modes in extraordinary transmission in nanostructured materials

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    We assert that the physics underlying the extraordinary light transmission (reflection) in nanostructured materials can be understood from rather general principles based on the formal scattering theory developed in quantum mechanics. The Maxwell equations in passive (dispersive and absorptive) linear media are written in the form of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation to which the quantum mechanical resonant scattering theory (the Lippmann-Schwinger formalism) is applied. It is demonstrated that the existence of long-lived quasistationary eigenstates of the effective Hamiltonian for the Maxwell theory naturally explains the extraordinary transmission properties observed in various nanostructured materials. Such states correspond to quasistationary electromagnetic modes trapped in the scattering structure. Our general approach is also illustrated with an example of the zero-order transmission of the TE-polarized light through a metal-dielectric grating structure. Here a direct on-the-grid solution of the time-dependent Maxwell equations demonstrates the significance of resonances (or trapped modes) for extraordinary light transmissioComment: 14 pages, 6 figures; Discussion in Section 4 expanded; typos corrected; a reference added; Figure 4 revise

    Fluxes, Gaugings and Gaugino Condensates

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    Based on the correspondence between the N = 1 superstring compactifications with fluxes and the N = 4 gauged supergravities, we study effective N = 1 four-dimensional supergravity potentials arising from fluxes and gaugino condensates in the framework of orbifold limits of (generalized) Calabi-Yau compactifications. We give examples in heterotic and type II orientifolds in which combined fluxes and condensates lead to vacua with small supersymmetry breaking scale. We clarify the respective roles of fluxes and condensates in supersymmetry breaking, and analyze the scaling properties of the gravitino mass.Comment: 17 pages, C

    Boundary States for D-branes in AdS3AdS_3

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    We construct boundary states representing D-strings in AdS3AdS_3. These wrap twisted conjugacy classes of SL(2,R), and the boundary states are therefore based on continuous representations only. We check Cardy's condition and find a consistent open string spectrum. The open string spectrum on all the D-branes is the same.Comment: 23 pages, late

    Mixmaster universe in Horava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We consider spatially homogeneous (but generally non-isotropic) cosmologies in the recently proposed Horava-Lifshitz gravity and compare them to those of general relativity using Hamiltonian methods. In all cases, the problem is described by an effective point particle moving in a potential well with exponentially steep walls. Focusing on the closed-space cosmological model (Bianchi type IX), the mixmaster dynamics is now completely dominated by the quadratic Cotton tensor potential term for very small volume of the universe. Unlike general relativity, where the evolution towards the initial singularity always exhibits chaotic behavior with alternating Kasner epochs, the anisotropic universe in Horava-Lifshitz gravity (with parameter lambda > 1/3) is described by a particle moving in a frozen potential well with fixed (but arbitrary) energy E. Alternating Kasner epochs still provide a good description of the early universe for very large E, but the evolution appears to be non-ergodic. For very small E there are harmonic oscillations around the fully isotropic model. The question of chaos remains open for intermediate energy levels.Comment: 1+35 pages, 4 figure

    Quenched Random Graphs

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    Spin models on quenched random graphs are related to many important optimization problems. We give a new derivation of their mean-field equations that elucidates the role of the natural order parameter in these models.Comment: 9 pages, report CPTH-A264.109

    Solving the Decompactification Problem in String Theory

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    We investigate heterotic ground states in four dimensions in which N=4 supersymmetry is spontaneously broken to N=2. N=4 supersymmetry is restored at a decompactification limit corresponding to m3/20m_{3/2}\to 0. We calculate the full moduli dependent threshold corrections and confirm that they are supressed in the decompactification limit m3/20m_{3/2}\to 0 as expected from the restoration of N=4 supersymmetry. This should be contrasted with the behavior of the standard N=2 groundstates where the coupling blow up linearly with the volume of the decompactifying manifold. This mechanism provides a solution to the decompactification problem for the gauge coupling constants. We also discuss how the mechanism can be implemented in ground states with lower supersymmetry.Comment: 14pp, LaTeX some typos correcte

    D1-brane with Overcritical Electric Field in AdS3 and S-brane

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    We study aspects of Dirichlet S-branes, which are defined as Dirichlet boundary condition on a time like embedding of open strings, in general backgrounds. By applying T-duality along an isometry of the unphysical dS2-branes in NS-NS supported AdS3-background, we find S0-brane. We also study the time dependent tachyon condensation on the unstable Dp-brane and interpret the singular solutions as lower dimensional S(p-1)-brane that couples to real Ramond-Ramond fields while to imaginary NS-NS modes.Comment: 23 pages, JHEP style, V2: minor changes, typos fixe

    Silicon photonic Mach Zehnder modulators for next-generation short-reach optical communication networks

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    Communication traffic grows relentlessly in today’s networks, and with ever more machines connected to the network, this trend is set to continue for the foreseeable future. It is widely accepted that increasingly faster communications are required at the point of the end users, and consequently optical transmission plays a progressively greater role even in short- and medium-reach networks. Silicon photonic technologies are becoming increasingly attractive for such networks, due to their potential for low cost, energetically efficient, high-speed optical components. A representative example is the silicon-based optical modulator, which has been actively studied. Researchers have demonstrated silicon modulators in different types of structures, such as ring resonators or slow light based devices. These approaches have shown remarkably good performance in terms of modulation efficiency, however their operation could be severely affected by temperature drifts or fabrication errors. Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZM), on the other hand, show good performance and resilience to different environmental conditions. In this paper we present a CMOS-compatible compact silicon MZM. We study the application of the modulator to short-reach interconnects by realizing data modulation using some relevant advanced modulation formats, such as 4-level Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM-4) and Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) modulation and compare the performance of the different systems in transmission

    Linear sigma model and chiral symmetry at finite temperature

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    The chiral phase transition is investigated within the framework of the linear sigma model at finite temperature. We concentrate on the meson sector of the model and calculate the finite temperature effective potential in the Hartree approximation by using the Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis formalism of composite operators. The effective potential is calculated for N=4 involving the usual sigma and three pions and in the large N approximation involving N-1 pion fields. In the N=4 case we have examined the theory both in the chiral limit and with the presence of a symmetry breaking term which generates the pion masses. In both cases we have solved the system of the resulting gap equations for the thermal effective masses of the particles numerically and we have investigated the evolution of the effective potential. In the N=4 case there is indication of a first order phase transition and the Goldstone theorem is not satisfied. The situation is different in the general case using the large NN approximation, the Goldstone theorem is satisfied and the phase transition is of the second order. For this analysis we have ignored quantum effects and we used the imaginary time formalism for calculations.Comment: 14 pages, 5 eps figures, RevTex, axodraw.st