931 research outputs found

    Combed 3-Manifolds with Concave Boundary, Framed Links, and Pseudo-Legendrian Links

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    We provide combinatorial realizations, according to the usual objects/moves scheme, of the following three topological categories: (1) pairs (M,v) where M is a 3-manifold (up to diffeomorphism) and v is a (non-singular vector) field, up to homotopy; here possibly the boundary of M is non-empty and v may be tangent to the boundary, but only in a concave fashion, and homotopy should preserve tangency type; (2) framed links L in M, up to framed isotopy; (3) triples (M,v,L), with (M,v) as above and L transversal to v, up to pseudo-Legendrian isotopy (transversality-preserving simultaneous homotopy of v and isotopy of L). All realizations are based on the notion of branched standard spine, and build on results previously obtained. Links are encoded by means of diagrams on branched spines, where the diagram is smooth with respect to the branching. Several motivations for being interested in combinatorial realizations of the topological categories considered in this paper are given in the introduction. The encoding of links is suitable for the comparison of the framed and the pseudo-Legendrian categories, and some applications are given in connection with contact structures, torsion and finite-order invariants. An estension of Trace's notion of winding number of a knot diagram is introduced and discussed.Comment: 38 pages, 33 figure

    Efficacy and microbiota modulation induced by limpial 2.5%, a new medical device for the inverse psoriasis treatment

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    (1) Inverse psoriasis (IP), also known as intertriginous, typically affects the groin, armpits, navel, intergluteal fissure, and external genitalia. Skin lesions are erythematous plaques of inflammatory nature, smooth, well-delimited, non-scaly, and non-infiltrated. Lesions may be accompanied by itching, pain, or burning sensation. The aim of this study is both to investigate the modulation of the skin microbiota induced by IP and, on the other hand, to test the effectiveness of the new biotechnological product LimpiAL 2.5%. (2) Patients affected by IP were recruited in a private practice and treated for 4 weeks with LimpiAL 2.5% exclusively. The clinical effects on the lesion skin were evaluated, and the skin microbiotas before and after treatment were compared. (3) The clinical outcomes reveled a significant beneficial effect of the tested product. At the same time, LimpiAL increased the biological diversity of the skin microbiota and exerted a significant decrease of some Corynebacterium species, and the increase of some Staphylococcus species. (4) Together, the clinical outcomes and the microbiota analysis suggest that LimpiAL treatment improves the skin condition of affected patients, basically restoring the eubiosis conditions of the affected sites and modulating the bacterial composition of the resident microbiota

    Ultrastructure and SSU rDNA Phylogeny of Paraphysomonas vestita (Stokes) De Saedeleer Isolated from Laguna de Bay, Philippines

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    Paraphysomonas vestita is a unicellular, colorless, silica-scaled chrysophyte that plays an important ecological role in freshwater microbial communities as a consumer of prokaryotic and eukaryotic prey. There is little biogeographical information for this minute protist despite its significant role in aquatic food webs. In addition, the phylogenetic relationship of P. vestita to other taxa is unclear as P. vestita may be polyphyletic or a cryptic species complex. In this study, a clonal isolate from a freshwater sample of Laguna de Bay, Philippines was subjected to morphological study by electron microscopy and its small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene was sequenced. Morphological studies showed that the isolate possesses two unequal flagella emerging from the anterior part of the cell. Negative staining revealed the structure of the scales which consist of a baseplate with slightly thickened rim. The narrowing spine arises from the center of the baseplate. These results agree with previously studied isolates of P. vestita. The 18S rRNA gene sequence of the isolate had a very high similarity (99%) to P. vestita strain PV10. Phylogenetic analysis also showed that the isolate clustered with other Paraphysomonas sequences with high bootstrap support. Phylogenetic studies confirmed that P. vestita may be polyphyletic. No studies on the ultrastructure and phylogeny of a silica-scaled chrysophyte isolated in the Philippines have been reported so far. Results from this study may contribute to further ultrastructural and phylogenetic studies on aquatic flagellates and specifically to a revision of this potentially polyphyletic species

    A new invariant on hyperbolic Dehn surgery space

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    In this paper we define a new invariant of the incomplete hyperbolic structures on a 1-cusped finite volume hyperbolic 3-manifold M, called the ortholength invariant. We show that away from a (possibly empty) subvariety of excluded values this invariant both locally parameterises equivalence classes of hyperbolic structures and is a complete invariant of the Dehn fillings of M which admit a hyperbolic structure. We also give an explicit formula for the ortholength invariant in terms of the traces of the holonomies of certain loops in M. Conjecturally this new invariant is intimately related to the boundary of the hyperbolic Dehn surgery space of M.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol2/agt-2-23.abs.htm

    Complexity of links in 3-manifolds

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    We introduce a natural-valued complexity c(X) for pairs X=(M,L), where M is a closed orientable 3-manifold and L is a link contained in M. The definition employs simple spines, but for well-behaved X's we show that c(X) equals the minimal number of tetrahedra in a triangulation of M containing L in its 1-skeleton. Slightly adapting Matveev's recent theory of roots for graphs, we carefully analyze the behaviour of c under connected sum away from and along the link. We show in particular that c is almost always additive, describing in detail the circumstances under which it is not. To do so we introduce a certain (0,2)-root for a pair X, we show that it is well-defined, and we prove that X has the same complexity as its (0,2)-root. We then consider, for links in the 3-sphere, the relations of c with the crossing number and with the hyperbolic volume of the exterior, establishing various upper and lower bounds. We also specialize our analysis to certain infinite families of links, providing rather accurate asymptotic estimates.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Pequeños vertebrados del relleno kárstico del Pleistoceno Superior de Avetrana (Apulia, Sur de Italia)

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    The fossiliferous deposit (karst cavity) in La Grave, a locality near the small town of Avetrana (Taranto, south­ern Italy), has yielded numerous fossils of vertebrates. The remains of large mammals have been the subject of several studies. This paper examines the remains of small vertebrates and identifies four taxa of amphibians (Bufo bufo, Bufotes gr. B. viridis, Hyla gr. H. Arborea and Rana (s.l.) sp.), four taxa of reptiles (Testudo hermanni, Podarcis sp., Zamenis gr. Z. longissimus, Natrix natrix), and nine taxa of small mammals (Erinaceus europaeus, Crocidura suaveolens, Arvicola italicus, Microtus (Terricola) savii, Microtus (Microtus) arvalis, Apodemus gr. A. sylvaticus - A. flavicollis, Hystrix (Acanthion) vinogradovi, Oryctolagus cuniculus and Lepus corsicanus). From a biochronological point of view, the data on small and large vertebrates indicate an age between the beginning of the Late Pleistocene (MIS 5e) and the central part of MIS 3. The most recent fossiliferous layer (bed 8) is likely to have been deposited during a cooler period when compared to the previous layers.The data from small fossil vertebrates combined with those emerging from the large mammals and birds evidence the presence, near the karstic cavity, of open spaces (prairies) with pools of water, bordered by wooded areas and, not far, the presence of a rocky coastline.El depósito (cavidad kárstica) de La Grave, localidad cercana a la pequeña ciudad de Avetrana (Tarento, Italia meridional), ha dado lugar a numerosos fósiles de vertebrados. Los restos de grandes mamíferos han sido objeto de varios estudios. En este trabajo se examinan los restos de pequeños vertebrados y se identifican cuatro taxones de anfibios (Bufo bufo, Bufotes gr. B. viridis, Hyla gr. H. Arborea and Rana (s.l.) sp.), cuatro de reptiles (Testudo hermanni, Podarcis sp., Zamenis gr. Z. longissimus, Natrix natrix), y nueve de pequeños mamíferos (Erinaceus europaeus, Crocidura suaveolens, Arvicola italicus, Microtus (Terricola) savii, Microtus (Microtus) arva­lis, Apodemus gr. A. sylvaticus - A. flavicollis, Hystrix (Acanthion) vinogradovi, Oryctolagus cuniculus and Lepus corsicanus). Desde un punto de vista biocronológico, los datos sobre los vertebrados pequeños y grandes indican una edad entre el comienzo del Pleistoceno tardío (MIS 5e) y la parte central del MIS 3. Es probable que el estrato fosilífero más reciente (nivel 8) se haya depositado durante un período más frío en comparación con las capas anteriores. Los datos de pequeños vertebrados fósiles combinados con los que proceden de los grandes mamífe­ros y aves evidencian la presencia, cerca de la cavidad kárstica, de espacios abiertos (praderas) con charcos de agua, bordeados por zonas boscosas y, no muy lejos, la presencia de una costa rocosa