12 research outputs found

    Multivarijantna analiza sastava masnih kiselina mesa Ŕarana u toku poluintenzivnog gajenja

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    Poređenje masnokiselinskog sastava mesa Å”arana pomoću multivarijantnih metoda, kao Å”to su analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA) i linearna diskriminaciona analiza (LDA), omogućava razdvajanje riba prema načinu ishrane i bolje razumevanje promena u sastavu masnih kiselina tokom uzgoja. U periodu od aprila do oktobra, sa Å”aranskog ribnjaka u kojem je riba bila prihranjivana ekstrudiranom hranom, ispitano je dvadeset osam Å”arana. Mase riba su se značajno povećale između juna i septembra (P 0,6; P < 0,0001). Zbog veće dostupnosti prirodne hrane, u aprilu i junu, doÅ”lo je do povećanja sadržaja n-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina u mesu Å”arana, Å”to je doprinelo boljem kvalitetu ribe. Prihrana Å”arana sa ekstrudiranom hranom uticala je na povećanje sadržaja n-6 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, koje su u septembru bile značajno veće u odnosu na juni (P < 0,01), ali i na smanjenje nutritivno važnih n-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (P < 0,01). Odnos n-3/n-6 je bio najveći u junu (0,30), a najmanji u oktobru (0,16). LDA analizom postignuto je razdvajanje Å”arana prema periodu uzorkovanja, Å”to je u korelaciji sa vrstom unete hrane u ovim periodima. Najveća sličnost u masnokiselinskom sastavu ustanovljena je između Å”arana u septembru i oktobru, kao posledica smanjenja količine dostupne prirodne hrane i većeg unosa ekstrudirane hrane. PCA i LDA su pokazale da je doÅ”lo do značajnih promena u sastavu masnih kiselina Å”arana tokom uzgoja ribe. Rezultati koji su dobijeni u ovom radu o uticaju ishrane na sastav masnih kiselina i sadržaj lipida u mesu Å”arana doprineće poboljÅ”anju načina ishrane i konsekventno kvalitetu mesa gajenog Å”arana

    Effects of Different Gas Compositions on the Color Estimations of MAP Packaged Pork Chops

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    AbstractThis study was conducted to observe effects of different gas compositions on color of pork chops packaged in modified atmospheres. Gaseous compositions used were: MAP1 (75% O2:25% CO2); MAP2 (70% O2:30%CO2) and MAP3 (80% O2:20% CO2). Sensory evaluations of meat color and chemical properties (acid number, peroxide value, aw, pH, TVB-N and TBARs), were carried on the 1st, 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th day of storage. The sensory evaluations of chop color in different MAP compositions are analyzed in relation to storage period, measured chemical properties and instrumental determination of meat color using linear and multivariate linear regression analysis

    Promene sastava masnih kiselina i sadržaja lipida u mesu Ŕarana (cyprinus carpio l.) U zavisnosti od dodatne hrane

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    U ovom radu razmatrane su promene grupa masnih kiselina (zasićenih, mononezasićenih, polinezasićenih n-3 i n-6, kao i njihovog odnosa n-3/n-6) u zavisnosti od sadržaja lipida u mesu Å”arana sa dve vrste prihranjivanja (ekstrudirane hrane i kukuruza). Vrsta koriŔćene hrane značajno je uticala na sadržaj lipida deponovanih u tkivu ribe. Korelacija lipida sa sastavom masnih kiselina pokazala je, da se sa povećanjem sadržaja lipida u mesu Å”arana, masnokiselinski sastav značajno menjao: povećavale su se mononezasićene masne kiseline, sa dominantnom oleinskom kiselinom (18:1n-9), a istovremeno smanjivale n-3 i n-6 polinezasićene masne kiseline. Istraživanja koja su prikazana u ovom radu su ukazala na opravdanost prihranjivanja Å”arana ekstrudiranom hranom u cilju poboljÅ”anja kvaliteta mesa ribe

    Comparison of two Analytical Methods (ELISA and LC-MS/MS) for Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Corn and Aflatoxin M1 in Milk

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to assess the closeness of agreement between results of ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods for determination of aflatoxin B1 in corn and aflatoxin M1 in milk. Samples of corn (n=100) and milk (n=250) were simultaneously analyzed using ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods, after the severe drought that affected Serbia in summer 2012 resulting in occurrence of aflatoxin B1 in corn and aflatoxin M1 in milk. Regression analysis showed higher level of agreement between aflatoxin B1 samples (R2=0.994), compared to aflatoxin M1 samples (R2=0.920). However, both techniques were satisfactory in meeting the requirements for official control purposes

    Sastav masnih kiselina Ŕaranskih vrsta riba iz dva sistema gajenja

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    Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitivanje masnokiselinskog profila miÅ”ićnog tkiva Å”aranskih vrsta riba gajenih u polikulturi u dva ribnjaka sa poluintenzivnim uzgojem. Poređen je profil masnih kiselina miÅ”ićnog tkiva Å”arana, tolstolobika i amura u vidu ukupnih zasićenih (ZMK), mononezasićenih (MNMK) i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PNMK), kao i odnosi P/S i n-3/n-6. Odnos P/S u lipidima miÅ”ićnog tkiva Å”arana kretao se od 0,26 (amur) do 0,80 (Å”aran). Veći sadržaj n-3 PNMK uočen je u miÅ”ićnom tkivu amura. Odnos n-3/n-6 iznosio je kod amura 2.15, dok je kod tolstolobika i Å”arana bio 0.07. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je glavna razlika između Å”aranskih vrsta bila u sadržaju ukupnih PNMK, posebno u sadržaju n-6 masnih kiselina. Sastav masnih kiselina amura iz dva ribnjaka nije se statistički značajno razlikovao. Å arani sa dva ribnjaka su se značajno razlikovali u ukupnom sadržaju MNMK i PNMK. Da bi se procenio kvalitet slatkovodne ribe sa domaćeg tržiÅ”ta, dobijeni rezultati su, takođe, poređeni sa gajenim vijetnamskim somom (Pangasius hypophthalmus) koji je uzet sa naÅ”eg tržiÅ”ta. S obzirom na masnokiselinski sastav, Pangasius se ne može smatrati nutritivno vrednom namirnicom. Dalja ispitivanja su neophodna da se oceni kvalitet slatkovodne ribe sa naÅ”eg tržiÅ”ta


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    Climate change may have an impact on the occurrence of food safety hazards along the entire agri-food chain, from farm to fork. The interactions between environmental factors and food contamination, food safety and foodborne diseases are very complex, dynamic and difficult to predict. Extreme weather conditions such as floods and droughts which have not occurred previously in Serbia, may be supporting factors to contamination of crops by various species of toxigenic fungi and related mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are a group of naturally occurring toxic chemical substances, produced mainly by microscopic filamentous fungal species that commonly grow on a number of crops and that cause adverse health effects when consumed by humans and animals. Recent drought and then flooding confirmed that Serbia is one of the few European countries with very high risk exposure to natural hazards, as well as that mycotoxins are one of the foodborne hazards most susceptible to climate change.Climate change may have an impact on the occurrence of food safety hazards along the entire agri-food chain, from farm to fork. The interactions between environmental factors and food contamination, food safety and foodborne diseases are very complex, dynamic and difficult to predict. Extreme weather conditions such as floods and droughts which have not occurred previously in Serbia, may be supporting factors to contamination of crops by various species of toxigenic fungi and related mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are a group of naturally occurring toxic chemical substances, produced mainly by microscopic filamentous fungal species that commonly grow on a number of crops and that cause adverse health effects when consumed by humans and animals. Recent drought and then flooding confirmed that Serbia is one of the few European countries with very high risk exposure to natural hazards, as well as that mycotoxins are one of the foodborne hazards most susceptible to climate change

    Sastav masnih kiselina i sadržaj holesterola u predkonzumnoj pastrmci (oncorhynchus mykiss) i Å”aranskoj mlađi (cyprinus carpio)

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    Fatty acid profile and cholesterol content were investigated in rainbow trout and common carp, farmed in intensive and semi-intensive pounds respectively. Fatty acid contents of the relevant fish feeds were investigated, too. Fatty acid methyl esters were determined by GC/FID. Cholesterol was analyzed by HPLC/PDA at 210nm. Palmitic acid was major component of the saturated fatty acids in trout (19.04%), as well as in carp (16.40%). The total content of n-3 fatty acids in trout was 13.27%, with 22:6 n-3, as the most abundant one (6.04%). The Ī£n-3/Ī£n-6 ratio in trout was 0.90Ā±0.05. Higher content of linoleic acid (18:2 n-6) in carp (29.14%) increases the contribution of n-6 fatty acids to the total fatty acid content. The Ī£n-3/Ī£n-6 ratio in carp was 0.09Ā±0.01. Fat content (2.01Ā±0.63%) and cholesterol (41.74Ā±2.08 mg/100g) determined in trout were lower than their content in carp (4.57Ā±0.73% and 48.45Ā±4.44 mg/100g)

    Development and validation of high-performance thin-layer chromatographic method for determination of amygdalin

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    A new method for the extraction and quantitative determination of amygdalin has been proposed. Accelerated solvent extraction was applied for the extraction, and reversed-phase high-performance thin-layer chromatography method was developed, validated, and applied for the determination of amygdalin in the extracts of apricot, plum, almond, and peach kernels. The chromatographic system used was RP-18 silica, as stationary phase and acetonitrile/water (50: 50, v/v), as mobile phase. Densitometric scanning was performed at 210 nm. The method was validated with respect to specificity, linearity, precision, and accuracy. The results showed that the peak area responses were linear within the concentration range of 2.5-50.0 mu g/spot (R-2 = 0.9984). The limit of quantification was 4.28 mu g/spot, and the detection limit 1.28 mu g/spot. The intra-day and inter-day reproducibility, in terms of %RSD, were in the range of 0.81-1.15 and 1.32-1.89, respectively. The accuracy data were in the range from 99.98 to 100.56%. The method is linear, quantitative and reproducible, and could be used as an efficient and economical green chromatographic procedure for the determination of amygdalin in the fruit kernel. [GRAPHICS]


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    Climate change may have an impact on the occurrence of food safety hazards along the entire agri-food chain, from farm to fork. The interactions between environmental factors and food contamination, food safety and foodborne diseases are very complex, dynamic and difficult to predict. Extreme weather conditions such as floods and droughts which have not occurred previously in Serbia, may be supporting factors to contamination of crops by various species of toxigenic fungi and related mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are a group of naturally occurring toxic chemical substances, produced mainly by microscopic filamentous fungal species that commonly grow on a number of crops and that cause adverse health effects when consumed by humans and animals. Recent drought and then flooding confirmed that Serbia is one of the few European countries with very high risk exposure to natural hazards, as well as that mycotoxins are one of the foodborne hazards most susceptible to climate change

    Chemometric approach in the development of the colorimetric method for the estimation of food colorants in meat products

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    The aim of this research was to develop a novel colorimetric method based on mathematical models, by multiple linear regression (MLR), from the CIE L*a*b* measurements and data of the HPLC determination of food colorants. Calibration set of 10 production batches of finely grinded cooked sausage with food colorants added was manufactured in industrial conditions as follows: one control batch and 9 products with various quantities of added food colorants: E120 (3.4, 7.5 and 12.5 mg/kg), E 124 (5.0, 15.0, 25.0 mg/kg) and E 129 (5.0, 15.0, 25.0 mg/kg). The estimation of the added food colorants was assessed by measuring L*, a*, b* parameters of cross-section. The quantification of food colorants was achieved by HPLC-PDA. Food colorants were extracted from meat products using Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE). Quantification of food colorants was achieved in the range from 1 to 100 mg / kg, and recovery values were from 76.15% to 107.04%, for E 120, from 97.61% to 101.03%, for E 124 and from 99.91% to 101.67%, for E 129. Correlation of the results obtained using HPLC and colorimetric measuring data was assessed by Multiple Linear Regression (MLR). The results from colorimetric and chromatographic determinations in four experimental batches (three batches with different quantities of food colorants and one control batch) were used for calibration. Coefficients of determination (R2) for linear models in experimental batches were 0.954, for E 124, 0.987, for E 120 and 0.993, for E 129. Correlation functions of food colorant quantities and corresponding L*a*b* values were established. The obtained mathematical models were tested for the estimation of the content of dyes in 21 samples of finely grinded cooked sausages purchased in retail stores. Food colorants were confirmed in 20 samples (95.24 %), and one sample (4.76 %) did not contain any of these compounds. Out of the positive samples, sixteen samples (80.00 %) contained E 120, while four samples (20.00 %) contained E 129. Food colorant E124 was not established in any of the analyzed samples. Colorimetric CIE L*a*b* method might be used during sensory evaluation of meat products for the assessment of the added food colorants.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se, merenjem vrednosti parametara boje preseka proizvoda od mesa u CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, Međunarodna komisija za osvetljenje) L*a*b* prostoru (L* ā€“ svetloća, a* ā€“ udeo crvene boje i b* ā€“ udeo žute boje) ispita mogućnost procene sadržaja dodate prehrambene boje u proizvodima od mesa. Količina prehrambene boje u uzorcima od mesa određena je metodom visokoefikasne tečne hromatografije sa detekcijom na fotodiodnom sloju (HPLC-PDA), a međusobna zavisnost dobijenih vrednosti i kolorimetrijskih parametara ispitana je viÅ”estrukom linearnom regresijom (MLR). Kalibracioni set od 10 proizvodnih partija fino usitnjene barene kobasice, sa tri dodate boje, izrađen je u industrijskim uslovima, i to: kontrolni proizvod bez boje i 9 proizvoda sa različitim količinama dodatih boja E 120 (3,4; 7,5 i 12,5 mg/kg), E 124 (5, 15 i 25 mg/kg) i E 129 (5, 15 i 25 mg/kg). Postavljene su jednačine funkcije zavisnosti količine boje od L*, a* i b* vrednosti. Dobijeni matematički modeli su provereni i primenjeni za procenjivanje sadržaja boje u 21 uzorku fino usitnjenih barenih kobasica sa tržiÅ”ta. Utvrđeno je da se kolorimetrijskom CIE L*a*b* metodom mogu, u toku senzorskog ocenjivanja boje proizvoda, proceniti količine dodatih boja u proizvodima od mesa i da se ova metoda može primeniti kao komplementarna HPLC-PDA